Was Bernie always over-rated?

The biggest problem the Democrats have had was their morbid fear of the Bernie Bros and not offending them, lest you get a bunch of snake emojis in your Twitter feed.

But the reality is, Bernie was never that popular on his own. In 2016, he was the alternative to Hillary, a person who a lot of Democrats would have liked to have seen any alternative to.

This year, Bernie's performance has failed to match is 2016 performance, even in states he "Won".

Iowa He got 49% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 26%
New Hampshire He got 60% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 25%
Nevada He got 47% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 40%
Colorado He got 59% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 36%
California He got 46% of the vote in 2016. In 2020 he got 33%

Even Vermont, his HOME STATE, he got 50% of the vote, compared to the 86% he got in 2016.
Democratic Socialism is NEVER overrated.

It’s just as stupid and dangerous as every other pig you Leftards slap lipstick on.
The D's are doing a better job of rigging the Primary against Crazy Bernie this time.

What else can you say?

That Bernie brought this on himself. If you are going to take on an "Establishment", you need to narrow your focus.

For instance, when he advocated Medicare for All (which I think isn't a bad idea), he phrased it as "Taking on the Medical Industry". Not the insurance industry, but the whole medical industry- Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals, that little Candy Striper who brings you that flavorless Jello...

In short, he had a base, but he never built on it.
This is further proof the D Party is the party of the billionaires. Joe you have nothing in common with them. Why have you allowed them to dupe you again?

Naw, Bernie was never about Bernie.. it was about how some people would never bring themselves to vote for Hillary.
Trump crushes Biden. Why do you support Trump’s re-election!
I like Bernie, but I will never vote for him. He tells the people what they want to hear, and cannot or will not explain how to pay for Free College, Free Medicare and for all other pies in the sky. Same goes for Sen Warren.

VP Biden is safe, doesn't make promises he cannot fulfill, and has a record of working with both sides of the aisle; maybe, by simply winning the election, he can mitigate the divisive rhetoric and hate instilled in our population by trump.
Trump crushes Biden. Why do you support Trump’s re-election!

Trump isn't going to win after this week. I kind of doubt he lasts out the month before his own guys invoke Amendment 25.

I hope so. Trump is an Albatross on the neck of America. If the GOP keeps defending Trump, and he finally cracks up, it will take a heroic effort for the GOP to find someone to be their standard bearer. Pence would be in the running, but he too has looked weak since trump put him behind the 8-ball (trump always needs someone to blame, to avoid taking responsibility when things go wrong. And always takes credit when things look good - a rarity).
Nice to busybee01 is back and crazier than ever! :21:

Word is he obtained his first permanent full time job when he was forty, as mayor or some shit.

Crooked Hillary indicated Crazy Bernie was 41 and the election was very shady and decided by only a few votes! So the question is, who paid for Crazy Bernie's expense over the years. Who paid for his college for example? Soros? :confused-84: We know today that Crazy Bernie and his wife and what few friends she has make tons of cash with the fake ass president runs he makes. Something like 15% of every campaign dollar goes to Mrs. Crazy Bernie and her friends who hire ad agencies.

You and your fuehrer are the crazy ones.
The D's are doing a better job of rigging the Primary against Crazy Bernie this time.

What else can you say?

That Bernie brought this on himself. If you are going to take on an "Establishment", you need to narrow your focus.

For instance, when he advocated Medicare for All (which I think isn't a bad idea), he phrased it as "Taking on the Medical Industry". Not the insurance industry, but the whole medical industry- Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals, that little Candy Striper who brings you that flavorless Jello...

In short, he had a base, but he never built on it.

Sen. Sanders risky "Medicare for All" scheme is taking on the whole medical industry. He's being honest. If government determines what the payments are, and who will get them, they will have de facto control over the whole medical industry. The prices will determine which procedures, what services will be offered and which will be at too low of a price for any health care provider will do.
The D's are doing a better job of rigging the Primary against Crazy Bernie this time.

What else can you say?

That Bernie brought this on himself. If you are going to take on an "Establishment", you need to narrow your focus.

For instance, when he advocated Medicare for All (which I think isn't a bad idea), he phrased it as "Taking on the Medical Industry". Not the insurance industry, but the whole medical industry- Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals, that little Candy Striper who brings you that flavorless Jello...

In short, he had a base, but he never built on it.

Sen. Sanders risky "Medicare for All" scheme is taking on the whole medical industry. He's being honest. If government determines what the payments are, and who will get them, they will have de facto control over the whole medical industry. The prices will determine which procedures, what services will be offered and which will be at too low of a price for any health care provider will do.
Seems to work just fine in the entire first world. Do you the US is a third world nation?
The D's are doing a better job of rigging the Primary against Crazy Bernie this time.

What else can you say?

That Bernie brought this on himself. If you are going to take on an "Establishment", you need to narrow your focus.

For instance, when he advocated Medicare for All (which I think isn't a bad idea), he phrased it as "Taking on the Medical Industry". Not the insurance industry, but the whole medical industry- Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals, that little Candy Striper who brings you that flavorless Jello...

In short, he had a base, but he never built on it.

Sen. Sanders risky "Medicare for All" scheme is taking on the whole medical industry. He's being honest. If government determines what the payments are, and who will get them, they will have de facto control over the whole medical industry. The prices will determine which procedures, what services will be offered and which will be at too low of a price for any health care provider will do.
Seems to work just fine in the entire first world. Do you the US is a third world nation?

So you agree with my evaluation that the risky Sanders Medicare for All Scheme means a governmental takeover of the medical field?

And where we disagree is that I think it wouldn't work out that well, and you think it would be hunky-dory?

Crazy Bernie was just being honest in declaring his plan to be a war on the entire Medical Industry
The D's are doing a better job of rigging the Primary against Crazy Bernie this time.

What else can you say?

That Bernie brought this on himself. If you are going to take on an "Establishment", you need to narrow your focus.

For instance, when he advocated Medicare for All (which I think isn't a bad idea), he phrased it as "Taking on the Medical Industry". Not the insurance industry, but the whole medical industry- Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals, that little Candy Striper who brings you that flavorless Jello...

In short, he had a base, but he never built on it.

Sen. Sanders risky "Medicare for All" scheme is taking on the whole medical industry. He's being honest. If government determines what the payments are, and who will get them, they will have de facto control over the whole medical industry. The prices will determine which procedures, what services will be offered and which will be at too low of a price for any health care provider will do.
Seems to work just fine in the entire first world. Do you the US is a third world nation?

So you agree with my evaluation that the risky Sanders Medicare for All Scheme means a governmental takeover of the medical field?

And where we disagree is that I think it wouldn't work out that well, and you think it would be hunky-dory?

Crazy Bernie was just being honest in declaring his plan to be a war on the entire Medical Industry
I do not agree. We’re the richest nation in the world, yet we can’t possibly provide HC to all citizens. Crazy no? Secondly and more importantly Medicare for all is hardly risky (propaganda) and it would be cheaper than the outrageously expensive and corrupt for profit HC system we have today.
Sanders’ failure is further confirmation of the fact that actual, substantive political change must start at the very local level – not from the top down.

Had Sanders been elected president he would be confronted by a Congress unwilling and unable to implement any of his programs, policies, or changes.

And even if Sanders had been successful in advancing his policies in Congress, whatever measures he might have gotten passed would be struck down by a conservative Supreme Court hostile to Sanders’ agenda.
I don't think so. The country isn't in ruins, for the GOP to cede the presidency in March to a dim bulb like Sleepy Joe seems implausible.

Joe's going to win in November in any event. This week pretty much sealed Trump's fate.

The Clown show stopped being funny.

Although I wouldn't count President Trump out yet, I guess you might be right and your leader Sleepy Joe will be able to come in and cure the ecomony, and pay off the national debt, make everything free and have the billionaires pay for it.

But my point is that I can't see the President or the Republican Party ceding the election 8 months in advance and just giving up.
Damn Joe. That’s nutty.

Is it? The ONLY thing that kept Trump from getting rightfully impeached was that Republicans were afraid of losing their jobs.

You have to figure, these guys are all looking at the Covid19 cases and the crashing markets, and know that the voters are going to come looking for someone.
Hey Joe the election is in November. You know that right? The Rs are not going to vote to remove Trump right before an election silly boy. To think the Rs invoking the 25th this month on a president polling 40%, is crazy.

Did you get that bs from MSLSD?
I don't think so. The country isn't in ruins, for the GOP to cede the presidency in March to a dim bulb like Sleepy Joe seems implausible.

Joe's going to win in November in any event. This week pretty much sealed Trump's fate.

The Clown show stopped being funny.

Although I wouldn't count President Trump out yet, I guess you might be right and your leader Sleepy Joe will be able to come in and cure the ecomony, and pay off the national debt, make everything free and have the billionaires pay for it.

But my point is that I can't see the President or the Republican Party ceding the election 8 months in advance and just giving up.
Joe got that from his best girl Hillary.

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