Was Comey Fired Because FBI Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster Business Ties?

We need to see Trump's tax returns. He says he owns nothing in Russia - but he never says how much money Russians may have invested in his businesses or Russian loans to him. We need to know.
We need to see Trump's tax returns. He says he owns nothing in Russia - but he never says how much money Russians may have invested in his businesses or Russian loans to him. We need to know.
You're missing the big picture.

The folks that are pulling Trump's strings are worried that all of D.C will be implicated, not just Trump, but others as well.

All of our politicians are guilty of dealing with and profiting off of the ROC, it is just the state of the world today. It matters not if they have a D or an R after their name. It was the aftermath of destroying the Soviet System. It is why most of the Russian posters on this board are wistful for a return of law and order, even if it means that dreaded, "communism," should return. Though they hate communism, they hate organized crime more.


The Russian Mafia In North America - Rcmp Report | Mafia Power Play | FRONTLINE | PBS

Russian Organized Crime | Center for Strategic and International Studies

You will never know, because to know will bring knowledge about the corruption of those you hold in high regard. They are all corrupt.
FBI will no longer investigate crimes now that Comey is gone?

Is that the snowflake pretzel logic?
Comey was fired because he was fixing to release the super duper true fact of who killed Kennedy and that was Trumps dad who hated Kennedy because he blamed him for the disappearance of that fat fuck fuck Hoffa.
Cruz was informed of this, right?
We need to see Trump's tax returns.
While I agree that would be nice, it would also be nice if we had the full transcripts of Obama's academic career along with who paid for his schooling.

As it is, it ain't going to happen.

Folks that study the Deep State know why.

All your worst fears? Yeah, they are true.
Investigating campaign collusion is not exactly the FBI’s expertise, but organized crime is.

What is President Donald Trump trying to hide?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind since Trump fired FBI director James Comey on Tuesday. What’s been learned since that Watergate scandal-invoking bombshell dropped has only underlined the question.

Comey had been seeking more funds to go where the investigation was taking the FBI, media reported Wednesday. The Justice Department called this assertion “totally false,” affirming that whatever trail Comey’s FBI was following will likely go no further.

There are also several federal and state grand jury investigations underway, it was revealed Wednesday, first reported by two bloggers—Claude Taylor with ties to the Democratic Party and Louise Mensch with ties to right-wing sites. What these panels are specifically looking at is not known, although foreign surveillancesearch warrants reportedly have been issued. The presumption is they are tracing the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia to win the presidency.

As the details around all these developments swirl—including claims by Republicans there is nothing to all of this—a tantalizing observation is emerging from investigative reporters who have been following Trump’s organized crime ties for months. What if the FBI investigation was heading into Trump’s mobster-connected business empire, including his partnerships with Russian oligarchs, where the president has broken racketeering, money-laundering and organized crime laws? This is the FBI’s expertise, not the murkier and harder-to-prove charge of Russian campaign collusion.

Much More: Was Comey Fired Because the FBI’s Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster-Connected Business Ties?

This is yet another reason why we must see Trump's tax returns!
It's possible, but it's also likely the Russian state would also be paying him for his services somehow.
I think Comey's firing could be something as simple as Pres Trump being upset that that Comey said he was nauseous if what he did affected the election...he could have taken that comment personally, that Comey was nauseous that Trump was elected due to him...?

or as simple as Comey saying NO to the white house when they asked Comey to reveal to them before the March 20th hearing, what he was going to say...?
I think Comey's firing could be something as simple as Pres Trump being upset that that Comey said he was nauseous if what he did affected the election...he could have taken that comment personally, that Comey was nauseous that Trump was elected due to him...?

or as simple as Comey saying NO to the white house when they asked Comey to reveal to them before the March 20th hearing, what he was going to say...?
No, he wanted a clean slate before the Lavrov meeting.

At least in his mind.
Investigating campaign collusion is not exactly the FBI’s expertise, but organized crime is.

What is President Donald Trump trying to hide?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind since Trump fired FBI director James Comey on Tuesday. What’s been learned since that Watergate scandal-invoking bombshell dropped has only underlined the question.

Comey had been seeking more funds to go where the investigation was taking the FBI, media reported Wednesday. The Justice Department called this assertion “totally false,” affirming that whatever trail Comey’s FBI was following will likely go no further.

There are also several federal and state grand jury investigations underway, it was revealed Wednesday, first reported by two bloggers—Claude Taylor with ties to the Democratic Party and Louise Mensch with ties to right-wing sites. What these panels are specifically looking at is not known, although foreign surveillancesearch warrants reportedly have been issued. The presumption is they are tracing the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia to win the presidency.

As the details around all these developments swirl—including claims by Republicans there is nothing to all of this—a tantalizing observation is emerging from investigative reporters who have been following Trump’s organized crime ties for months. What if the FBI investigation was heading into Trump’s mobster-connected business empire, including his partnerships with Russian oligarchs, where the president has broken racketeering, money-laundering and organized crime laws? This is the FBI’s expertise, not the murkier and harder-to-prove charge of Russian campaign collusion.

Much More: Was Comey Fired Because the FBI’s Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster-Connected Business Ties?

This is yet another reason why we must see Trump's tax returns!
It's possible, but it's also likely the Russian state would also be paying him for his services somehow.

What is Russia getting out of it?


When did we first learn that Comey was investigating Trump?

March 20, 2017
- two full months after Trump became president. Therefore, after hearing this new information, why would Hillary supporters who were previously calling for Comey's head want to see him fired in the middle of his Trump-Russia investigation?

TIMING is everything!
I don't recall hearing any Democrats call for Comey to be fired after first learning from Comey on March 20, 2017 that Trump was also under FBI investigation since July 2016. Also, I challenge anyone to find any quotes where I called for Comey's firing after March 20, 2017.

When did we first learn that Comey was investigating Trump?

March 20, 2017
- two full months after Trump became president. Therefore, after hearing this new information, why would Hillary supporters who were previously calling for Comey's head want to see him fired in the middle of his Trump-Russia investigation?

TIMING is everything!
I don't recall hearing any Democrats call for Comey to be fired after first learning from Comey on March 20, 2017 that Trump was also under FBI investigation since July 2016. Also, I challenge anyone to find any quotes where I called for Comey's firing after March 20, 2017.

Still lying

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia

  • President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia after a meeting in October about Ukraine and Syria.
    OCTOBER 31, 2016

WASHINGTON — For much of the summer, the F.B.I. pursued a widening investigation into a Russian role in the American presidential campaign. Agents scrutinized advisers close to Donald J. Trump, looked for financial connections with Russian financial figures, searched for those involved in hacking the computers of Democrats, and even chased a lead — which they ultimately came to doubt — about a possible secret channel of email communication from the Trump Organization to a Russian bank.

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