Was Comey Fired Because FBI Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster Business Ties?

Investigating campaign collusion is not exactly the FBI’s expertise, but organized crime is.

What is President Donald Trump trying to hide?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind since Trump fired FBI director James Comey on Tuesday. What’s been learned since that Watergate scandal-invoking bombshell dropped has only underlined the question.

Comey had been seeking more funds to go where the investigation was taking the FBI, media reported Wednesday. The Justice Department called this assertion “totally false,” affirming that whatever trail Comey’s FBI was following will likely go no further.

There are also several federal and state grand jury investigations underway, it was revealed Wednesday, first reported by two bloggers—Claude Taylor with ties to the Democratic Party and Louise Mensch with ties to right-wing sites. What these panels are specifically looking at is not known, although foreign surveillancesearch warrants reportedly have been issued. The presumption is they are tracing the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia to win the presidency.

As the details around all these developments swirl—including claims by Republicans there is nothing to all of this—a tantalizing observation is emerging from investigative reporters who have been following Trump’s organized crime ties for months. What if the FBI investigation was heading into Trump’s mobster-connected business empire, including his partnerships with Russian oligarchs, where the president has broken racketeering, money-laundering and organized crime laws? This is the FBI’s expertise, not the murkier and harder-to-prove charge of Russian campaign collusion.

Much More: Was Comey Fired Because the FBI’s Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster-Connected Business Ties?

This is yet another reason why we must see Trump's tax returns!
It's possible, but it's also likely the Russian state would also be paying him for his services somehow.

What is Russia getting out of it?

. Huge laughs is what they are getting.. They can't believe how dumb we are as a broken nation. The reason they got so involved in Syria, is because the joke we had as a President "Barack Obama" didn't know what the heck he was doing when it came to war or intervention into a war. He muddied the waters so bad, that no one could figure the crap out. If I was Trump, I would go all the way back to all the military officers that were disenfranchised or who felt they had to resign before losing their morals forever or compromising their morals to get along, and I would bring them before the house to tell their stories now. I would try to make it right for them now. I would want them to come forward, because I garantee you that they are out there wanting to tell their stories now.
Investigating campaign collusion is not exactly the FBI’s expertise, but organized crime is.

What is President Donald Trump trying to hide?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind since Trump fired FBI director James Comey on Tuesday. What’s been learned since that Watergate scandal-invoking bombshell dropped has only underlined the question.

Comey had been seeking more funds to go where the investigation was taking the FBI, media reported Wednesday. The Justice Department called this assertion “totally false,” affirming that whatever trail Comey’s FBI was following will likely go no further.

There are also several federal and state grand jury investigations underway, it was revealed Wednesday, first reported by two bloggers—Claude Taylor with ties to the Democratic Party and Louise Mensch with ties to right-wing sites. What these panels are specifically looking at is not known, although foreign surveillancesearch warrants reportedly have been issued. The presumption is they are tracing the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia to win the presidency.

As the details around all these developments swirl—including claims by Republicans there is nothing to all of this—a tantalizing observation is emerging from investigative reporters who have been following Trump’s organized crime ties for months. What if the FBI investigation was heading into Trump’s mobster-connected business empire, including his partnerships with Russian oligarchs, where the president has broken racketeering, money-laundering and organized crime laws? This is the FBI’s expertise, not the murkier and harder-to-prove charge of Russian campaign collusion.

Much More: Was Comey Fired Because the FBI’s Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster-Connected Business Ties?

This is yet another reason why we must see Trump's tax returns!
Comey was fired because he was America's Top Law Enforcement Officer and He Was a Lying Filthy Crook. Trump deserves a medal for firing him.

IT WAS AND HE WILL: If FBI was routinely cutting corners on FISA warrants, Comey will look even worse.

And I bet the warrants aren’t the worst of it.


Now that we know FBI agents deceived the court to get the warrants to spy on Trump campaign aide Carter Page, the big question is: Was this the exception, or the rule?

That is, has the bureau taken to regularly lying in its 1,500 requests a year for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act wiretaps — or did higher-ups opt to go rogue in this particular case?

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court’s presiding judge, Rosemary Collyer, last week issued a rare public order telling the FBI to submit a sworn statement by Jan. 10 laying out what it has done and what else it plans to do to ensure this outrageous malfeasance won’t repeat.

Because FISA warrants are secret, no opposing counsel gets to contest the bureau’s claims — so agents are supposed to scrupulously level with the court about any weaknesses in their applications.

But in Page’s case (at least), they did the reverse — one lawyer even falsified info to conceal the fact that Page had a history of voluntarily reporting on Russians to the CIA. And, as Collyer noted, FBI lawyers and agents “falsely represented” that the infamous — and uncorroborated — Christopher Steele dossier “had been used in criminal proceedings.” All four applications relied on Steele’s “reporting” in claiming Paul Manafort used Page as an intermediary with Russia — but didn’t note that Page told people he’d never once spoken to Manafort.

Indeed, as Inspector General Michael Horowitz told the Senate last week, it’s a major mystery why the FBI even kept asking to renew the warrants, as “agents [were] talking to one another about why Page is even a subject anymore,” since they’d developed zero evidence that he was a foreign agent and plenty of info undercutting that claim, including evidence that Steele was profoundly unreliable.

The FISA law rightly allows for secret wiretaps to guard the nation’s security, with strict rules meant to prevent abuse. Yet here was massive abuse in a case of the utmost sensitivity, a presidential campaign allegedly colluding with a malign foreign power — and a case overseen by the very top ranks of the FBI and Justice Department.

Were they playing fast and loose because they were investigating a presidential candidate and then the sitting president? Or was rule breaking so routine that they didn’t even think about it?

To find out, Horowitz testified, he’s doing an emergency audit of other FISA applications for both counterintelligence and anti-terror warrants.

Disgraced former FBI chief Jim Comey insists his people had no anti-Trump bias, or at least didn’t act on it in this investigation. But the only alternative explanation — that the bureau on his watch took to routinely abusing its national-security powers — will make him look even worse.
Keep 'em coming!! These threads are great!!

We should have a repository for these LWNJ threads, so that as each lie is debunked the thread is then resurrected. Then the creator of the thread and its collaborators/cheerleaders can be shamed and ridiculed.

Wait! Oh shit........Of course, that will never work.....LWNJ's have no shame!

Talk about a full-time job! Probably plenty of OT too.
Investigating campaign collusion is not exactly the FBI’s expertise, but organized crime is.

What is President Donald Trump trying to hide?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind since Trump fired FBI director James Comey on Tuesday. What’s been learned since that Watergate scandal-invoking bombshell dropped has only underlined the question.

Comey had been seeking more funds to go where the investigation was taking the FBI, media reported Wednesday. The Justice Department called this assertion “totally false,” affirming that whatever trail Comey’s FBI was following will likely go no further.

There are also several federal and state grand jury investigations underway, it was revealed Wednesday, first reported by two bloggers—Claude Taylor with ties to the Democratic Party and Louise Mensch with ties to right-wing sites. What these panels are specifically looking at is not known, although foreign surveillancesearch warrants reportedly have been issued. The presumption is they are tracing the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia to win the presidency.

As the details around all these developments swirl—including claims by Republicans there is nothing to all of this—a tantalizing observation is emerging from investigative reporters who have been following Trump’s organized crime ties for months. What if the FBI investigation was heading into Trump’s mobster-connected business empire, including his partnerships with Russian oligarchs, where the president has broken racketeering, money-laundering and organized crime laws? This is the FBI’s expertise, not the murkier and harder-to-prove charge of Russian campaign collusion.

Much More: Was Comey Fired Because the FBI’s Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster-Connected Business Ties?

This is yet another reason why we must see Trump's tax returns!
Of all the matters Mueller farmed out to other prosecutor's offices because he felt they were beyond his mandate it's questions surrounding Don's money laundering schemes involving Russian oligarchs that are the most intriguing.

Mueller Report Doesn’t Cross ‘Red Line’ Into Trump’s Finances

Mueller referred 14 criminal cases for outside prosecution
Mueller referred 14 criminal cases for outside prosecution
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This thread is old news and was proven false and belongs in the flame zone or History or something.

This thread and this entire Premise was Proven to be nothing but lies, and was really nothing but a cover up to hide the fact that The Obama Administration, Clinton, and The DNC were colluding with Russia to not only rig the 2016 Election, but were using Russian Propaganda to launch a COUP.

The Democrats have voted 7 times since 2016 to impeach The President.


Let that sink in.
Investigating campaign collusion is not exactly the FBI’s expertise, but organized crime is.

What is President Donald Trump trying to hide?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind since Trump fired FBI director James Comey on Tuesday. What’s been learned since that Watergate scandal-invoking bombshell dropped has only underlined the question.

Comey had been seeking more funds to go where the investigation was taking the FBI, media reported Wednesday. The Justice Department called this assertion “totally false,” affirming that whatever trail Comey’s FBI was following will likely go no further.

There are also several federal and state grand jury investigations underway, it was revealed Wednesday, first reported by two bloggers—Claude Taylor with ties to the Democratic Party and Louise Mensch with ties to right-wing sites. What these panels are specifically looking at is not known, although foreign surveillancesearch warrants reportedly have been issued. The presumption is they are tracing the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia to win the presidency.

As the details around all these developments swirl—including claims by Republicans there is nothing to all of this—a tantalizing observation is emerging from investigative reporters who have been following Trump’s organized crime ties for months. What if the FBI investigation was heading into Trump’s mobster-connected business empire, including his partnerships with Russian oligarchs, where the president has broken racketeering, money-laundering and organized crime laws? This is the FBI’s expertise, not the murkier and harder-to-prove charge of Russian campaign collusion.

Much More: Was Comey Fired Because the FBI’s Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster-Connected Business Ties?

This is yet another reason why we must see Trump's tax returns!
Of all the matters Mueller farmed out to other prosecutor's offices because he felt they were beyond his mandate it's questions surrounding Don's money laundering schemes involving Russian oligarchs that are the most intriguing.

Mueller Report Doesn’t Cross ‘Red Line’ Into Trump’s Finances

Mueller referred 14 criminal cases for outside prosecution
Mueller referred 14 criminal cases for outside prosecution
The Holy Grail is obviously still where you haven't looked yet!
Investigating campaign collusion is not exactly the FBI’s expertise, but organized crime is.

What is President Donald Trump trying to hide?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind since Trump fired FBI director James Comey on Tuesday. What’s been learned since that Watergate scandal-invoking bombshell dropped has only underlined the question.

Comey had been seeking more funds to go where the investigation was taking the FBI, media reported Wednesday. The Justice Department called this assertion “totally false,” affirming that whatever trail Comey’s FBI was following will likely go no further.

There are also several federal and state grand jury investigations underway, it was revealed Wednesday, first reported by two bloggers—Claude Taylor with ties to the Democratic Party and Louise Mensch with ties to right-wing sites. What these panels are specifically looking at is not known, although foreign surveillancesearch warrants reportedly have been issued. The presumption is they are tracing the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia to win the presidency.

As the details around all these developments swirl—including claims by Republicans there is nothing to all of this—a tantalizing observation is emerging from investigative reporters who have been following Trump’s organized crime ties for months. What if the FBI investigation was heading into Trump’s mobster-connected business empire, including his partnerships with Russian oligarchs, where the president has broken racketeering, money-laundering and organized crime laws? This is the FBI’s expertise, not the murkier and harder-to-prove charge of Russian campaign collusion.

Much More: Was Comey Fired Because the FBI’s Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster-Connected Business Ties?

This is yet another reason why we must see Trump's tax returns!
You sure sucked down a lot of crazed anti-Trump theories! So, how do you feel about the folks that were feeding you all this crap?



Crook, Liar, Leaker, Abused the Power We Granted Him on White Washes and Witch Hunts​

Former FBI director James Comey suspected of leaking a classified Russian intelligence document to the media during the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails, according to The Fake News New York Times.

The investigation is centered around two 2017 articles from the Times and the Washington Post describing the Russian document, which played a key role in Comey’s unilateral decision to announce in July 2016, during the heat of the Presidential Race, that the FBI would not pursue charges against Clinton for using a private email server to conduct official business during her time as secretary of state.

The document is an analysis of an email exchange between Representative Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz (D., Fla.), who was then chairing the Democratic National Committee, and Leonard Bernardo, an official with the Soros non-profit Open Society Foundations. Blabbermouth Schultz assures Bernardo in the email that then–attorney general Loretta Lynch would make sure Clinton wasn’t charged in the email probe.

President Trump suggested that Comey could get jail time.

So now Comey’s admitting he was wrong. Wow, but he’s only doing so because he got caught red handed. He was actually caught a long time ago. So what are the consequences for his unlawful conduct. Could it be years in jail? Where are the apologies to me and others, Jim?​

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 15, 2019
Investigating campaign collusion is not exactly the FBI’s expertise, but organized crime is.

What is President Donald Trump trying to hide?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind since Trump fired FBI director James Comey on Tuesday. What’s been learned since that Watergate scandal-invoking bombshell dropped has only underlined the question.

Comey had been seeking more funds to go where the investigation was taking the FBI, media reported Wednesday. The Justice Department called this assertion “totally false,” affirming that whatever trail Comey’s FBI was following will likely go no further.

There are also several federal and state grand jury investigations underway, it was revealed Wednesday, first reported by two bloggers—Claude Taylor with ties to the Democratic Party and Louise Mensch with ties to right-wing sites. What these panels are specifically looking at is not known, although foreign surveillancesearch warrants reportedly have been issued. The presumption is they are tracing the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia to win the presidency.

As the details around all these developments swirl—including claims by Republicans there is nothing to all of this—a tantalizing observation is emerging from investigative reporters who have been following Trump’s organized crime ties for months. What if the FBI investigation was heading into Trump’s mobster-connected business empire, including his partnerships with Russian oligarchs, where the president has broken racketeering, money-laundering and organized crime laws? This is the FBI’s expertise, not the murkier and harder-to-prove charge of Russian campaign collusion.

Much More: Was Comey Fired Because the FBI’s Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster-Connected Business Ties?

This is yet another reason why we must see Trump's tax returns!
You sure sucked down a lot of crazed anti-Trump theories! So, how do you feel about the folks that were feeding you all this crap?



Crook, Liar, Leaker, Abused the Power We Granted Him on White Washes and Witch Hunts​

Former FBI director James Comey suspected of leaking a classified Russian intelligence document to the media during the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails, according to The Fake News New York Times.

The investigation is centered around two 2017 articles from the Times and the Washington Post describing the Russian document, which played a key role in Comey’s unilateral decision to announce in July 2016, during the heat of the Presidential Race, that the FBI would not pursue charges against Clinton for using a private email server to conduct official business during her time as secretary of state.

The document is an analysis of an email exchange between Representative Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz (D., Fla.), who was then chairing the Democratic National Committee, and Leonard Bernardo, an official with the Soros non-profit Open Society Foundations. Blabbermouth Schultz assures Bernardo in the email that then–attorney general Loretta Lynch would make sure Clinton wasn’t charged in the email probe.

President Trump suggested that Comey could get jail time.

So now Comey’s admitting he was wrong. Wow, but he’s only doing so because he got caught red handed. He was actually caught a long time ago. So what are the consequences for his unlawful conduct. Could it be years in jail? Where are the apologies to me and others, Jim?​

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 15, 2019
Comey is now under investigation for being a spy and a leaker of classified information.
Investigating campaign collusion is not exactly the FBI’s expertise, but organized crime is.

What is President Donald Trump trying to hide?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind since Trump fired FBI director James Comey on Tuesday. What’s been learned since that Watergate scandal-invoking bombshell dropped has only underlined the question.

Comey had been seeking more funds to go where the investigation was taking the FBI, media reported Wednesday. The Justice Department called this assertion “totally false,” affirming that whatever trail Comey’s FBI was following will likely go no further.

There are also several federal and state grand jury investigations underway, it was revealed Wednesday, first reported by two bloggers—Claude Taylor with ties to the Democratic Party and Louise Mensch with ties to right-wing sites. What these panels are specifically looking at is not known, although foreign surveillancesearch warrants reportedly have been issued. The presumption is they are tracing the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia to win the presidency.

As the details around all these developments swirl—including claims by Republicans there is nothing to all of this—a tantalizing observation is emerging from investigative reporters who have been following Trump’s organized crime ties for months. What if the FBI investigation was heading into Trump’s mobster-connected business empire, including his partnerships with Russian oligarchs, where the president has broken racketeering, money-laundering and organized crime laws? This is the FBI’s expertise, not the murkier and harder-to-prove charge of Russian campaign collusion.

Much More: Was Comey Fired Because the FBI’s Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster-Connected Business Ties?

This is yet another reason why we must see Trump's tax returns!

Comey is a political hack that was conspiring against his boss, the President of the United States. Of course he was fired.
"Comey is like Phoebe from Friends. he's always there in background. you dont want to see an episode about Phoebe. you want Ross and Joey" - Gutfeld
Investigating campaign collusion is not exactly the FBI’s expertise, but organized crime is.

What is President Donald Trump trying to hide?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind since Trump fired FBI director James Comey on Tuesday. What’s been learned since that Watergate scandal-invoking bombshell dropped has only underlined the question.

Comey had been seeking more funds to go where the investigation was taking the FBI, media reported Wednesday. The Justice Department called this assertion “totally false,” affirming that whatever trail Comey’s FBI was following will likely go no further.

There are also several federal and state grand jury investigations underway, it was revealed Wednesday, first reported by two bloggers—Claude Taylor with ties to the Democratic Party and Louise Mensch with ties to right-wing sites. What these panels are specifically looking at is not known, although foreign surveillancesearch warrants reportedly have been issued. The presumption is they are tracing the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia to win the presidency.

As the details around all these developments swirl—including claims by Republicans there is nothing to all of this—a tantalizing observation is emerging from investigative reporters who have been following Trump’s organized crime ties for months. What if the FBI investigation was heading into Trump’s mobster-connected business empire, including his partnerships with Russian oligarchs, where the president has broken racketeering, money-laundering and organized crime laws? This is the FBI’s expertise, not the murkier and harder-to-prove charge of Russian campaign collusion.

Much More: Was Comey Fired Because the FBI’s Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster-Connected Business Ties?

This is yet another reason why we must see Trump's tax returns!
God you are a special kinda dumbass.
Investigating campaign collusion is not exactly the FBI’s expertise, but organized crime is.

What is President Donald Trump trying to hide?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind since Trump fired FBI director James Comey on Tuesday. What’s been learned since that Watergate scandal-invoking bombshell dropped has only underlined the question.

Comey had been seeking more funds to go where the investigation was taking the FBI, media reported Wednesday. The Justice Department called this assertion “totally false,” affirming that whatever trail Comey’s FBI was following will likely go no further.

There are also several federal and state grand jury investigations underway, it was revealed Wednesday, first reported by two bloggers—Claude Taylor with ties to the Democratic Party and Louise Mensch with ties to right-wing sites. What these panels are specifically looking at is not known, although foreign surveillancesearch warrants reportedly have been issued. The presumption is they are tracing the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia to win the presidency.

As the details around all these developments swirl—including claims by Republicans there is nothing to all of this—a tantalizing observation is emerging from investigative reporters who have been following Trump’s organized crime ties for months. What if the FBI investigation was heading into Trump’s mobster-connected business empire, including his partnerships with Russian oligarchs, where the president has broken racketeering, money-laundering and organized crime laws? This is the FBI’s expertise, not the murkier and harder-to-prove charge of Russian campaign collusion.

Much More: Was Comey Fired Because the FBI’s Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster-Connected Business Ties?

This is yet another reason why we must see Trump's tax returns!
God you are a special kinda dumbass.
Remember how sanctimonious and self-righteous they were while they were confidently spewing all this crap? Good times!


Impeachment is now just another bludgeon in the armory of political warfare.

“The Democrats have been talking about impeaching Donald Trump from the day he was elected. As Rep. Al Green memorably put it back in 2018,

‘I’m concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected.’ And we can’t have that, can we?”​
Comey was pressured by Trump supporters to announce the investigation of Hillary's emails.

There was little more than negligence in Hillary's case, Trump hides evidence of his own wrongdoing.
Investigating campaign collusion is not exactly the FBI’s expertise, but organized crime is.

What is President Donald Trump trying to hide?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind since Trump fired FBI director James Comey on Tuesday. What’s been learned since that Watergate scandal-invoking bombshell dropped has only underlined the question.

Comey had been seeking more funds to go where the investigation was taking the FBI, media reported Wednesday. The Justice Department called this assertion “totally false,” affirming that whatever trail Comey’s FBI was following will likely go no further.

There are also several federal and state grand jury investigations underway, it was revealed Wednesday, first reported by two bloggers—Claude Taylor with ties to the Democratic Party and Louise Mensch with ties to right-wing sites. What these panels are specifically looking at is not known, although foreign surveillancesearch warrants reportedly have been issued. The presumption is they are tracing the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia to win the presidency.

As the details around all these developments swirl—including claims by Republicans there is nothing to all of this—a tantalizing observation is emerging from investigative reporters who have been following Trump’s organized crime ties for months. What if the FBI investigation was heading into Trump’s mobster-connected business empire, including his partnerships with Russian oligarchs, where the president has broken racketeering, money-laundering and organized crime laws? This is the FBI’s expertise, not the murkier and harder-to-prove charge of Russian campaign collusion.

Much More: Was Comey Fired Because the FBI’s Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster-Connected Business Ties?

This is yet another reason why we must see Trump's tax returns!

You really are retarded, aren't you. Mewler found nothing you twerp.
Investigating campaign collusion is not exactly the FBI’s expertise, but organized crime is.

What is President Donald Trump trying to hide?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind since Trump fired FBI director James Comey on Tuesday. What’s been learned since that Watergate scandal-invoking bombshell dropped has only underlined the question.

Comey had been seeking more funds to go where the investigation was taking the FBI, media reported Wednesday. The Justice Department called this assertion “totally false,” affirming that whatever trail Comey’s FBI was following will likely go no further.

There are also several federal and state grand jury investigations underway, it was revealed Wednesday, first reported by two bloggers—Claude Taylor with ties to the Democratic Party and Louise Mensch with ties to right-wing sites. What these panels are specifically looking at is not known, although foreign surveillancesearch warrants reportedly have been issued. The presumption is they are tracing the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia to win the presidency.

As the details around all these developments swirl—including claims by Republicans there is nothing to all of this—a tantalizing observation is emerging from investigative reporters who have been following Trump’s organized crime ties for months. What if the FBI investigation was heading into Trump’s mobster-connected business empire, including his partnerships with Russian oligarchs, where the president has broken racketeering, money-laundering and organized crime laws? This is the FBI’s expertise, not the murkier and harder-to-prove charge of Russian campaign collusion.

Much More: Was Comey Fired Because the FBI’s Sights Were Turning Toward Trump’s Russian Mobster-Connected Business Ties?

This is yet another reason why we must see Trump's tax returns!

All you shareblue posters pose your attacks as questions. But really..,, “That’s the question on everybody’s mind”? Lol. Does the mind never rebel at such ludicrous claims?

Actually, there IS a lot of truth behind this article. Unfortunately, the sad truth is, the Clinton's and the CIA are tied up with organized crime as well. This has a lot to do with why there is a civil war in the Deep State. It wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that this move was precipitated by moves deep with in the security state. This shit can't get out, no way, no how.

If folks can just let go of their partisan blinders, this shit would make a hell of a lot more sense. People need to stop thinking in terms of partisan politics and nation states and think in terms of oligarchic actors and interest groups. Otherwise, they end up looking like absolute idiots. . .

People forget, without the Clinton's, Yeltsin would never have been President, so I don't think it would have been a big deal if the Russian's had hurt Hillary or helped Trump. After all, what's good for the Goose as they say. . . .

The real crux here are the Oligarch's, both American, and Russian, and the organized crime, American, Italian, Jewish, Russain, and the Narco-traffickers.

Here's Alternet playing dumb when they should be connecting the dots between the oligarchs. They even admit that the Clinton's are smarter than that. (And we all know that they are.) If it smells like a rat, crawls like a rat, and looks like a rat, well, it's a rat. They were in up to their ears dealing with Russian oligarchs and Russian mafia.

This may be yet another example of Hill getting sideswiped by Bill—in this case by his manic foundation fundraising. But even if that’s true—and the closer you look, the more it appears that way—both Clintons are supposed to be smarter than that. They know there is an anti-Hillary industry out there. They know in politics that appearance of ethical conflicts, even if false, can be as damaging as the real thing. They know their foundation has been a big target for right-wingers for years. And they knew that Hillary would run again.
Clinton Foundation Fundraising Gives Hillary Haters A New Target, Even If Dots Don't Connect

This is the real break down as to what is going on. . .

Watergate Redux or 'Deep State' Coup?

Nice post. Not one in a hundred will know what you are talking about. The ruling elites are interested in power across borders. They work together internationally...and patriots are all tgst stNd in their way.
The rebellion against them has spread across Europe from America and Britain.

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