Was COVID response a coup by the intelligence community?


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Definitely food for thought.

And knowing what we know about the intelligence community (surely an oxymoron) we should not be surprised of their role.

Michael Senger wrote a piece this weekend arguing that the response to COVID-19 was devised by the intelligence community to perform what amounted to a coup.

You can see his point. The IC has been deeply involved in both the censorship regime and the spread of sketchy information that was pushed out. It helped monitor the flow of information, the implementation of draconian policies that limited people’s liberties, and infiltrated social media companies and search engines to manipulate public perception and acceptance of hitherto unheard-of policies that fundamentally altered Western Culture.

Senger’s thesis hinges on the notion that the Western response, after initially rejecting the absurd Chinese response to COVID that was only possible in a totalitarian society, reversed course in February/March 2020. The IC was deeply involved in the discussions regarding the response, and there clearly was a campaign to pretty up China’s involvement in and response to COVID. You can read his reasoning here.

Despite the fact that I sometimes sound paranoid in my ranting about the World Economic Forum and the more totalitarian impulses and policies of the political/cultural/academic elite, I simply don’t buy Senger’s thesis.

Sure, I agree that the IC was deeply involved in pushing these policies, but there was nothing unique about this in the context of the Western governments’ bizarre and destructive policies. Rather, my read is that the IC was simply one voice among many in what became a plot to use the COVID virus as an excuse to implement a “Great Reset.”

The period of the Trump presidency was one long slow-motion coup attempt. Not even a particularly well-hidden one, as the New York Times and the rest of the MSM, spent a lot of time touting the #resistance buried within the US government. The idea of # resistance to legitimate authority is anathema to the proper function of a democratic government, and yet the entire elite embraced it openly. The Justice Department, the FBI, and vast swathes of the federal government spent years exceeding their authority and deceiving the American public, as is well documented to the point of undeniability.

The goal was to deny the results of a legitimate presidential election and neuter the will of the people as expressed in a legitimate election. It was justified by repeated claims that the president was a foreign agent–with precisely zero influence–and the media actually celebrated its existence.

The IC participated in this slow-motion coup, but there is no evidence that it led the charge.

COVID mania was a whole of government effort and indeed was an international conspiracy to seize a unique opportunity to speed up the totalitarianization of Western society. The IC’s participation in this effort was hardly sub rosa. It was no more secret than Fauci’s, Birx’s, or the World Economic Forum’s. Hell, Klaus Schwab wrote a book laying out the plan. They truly believe that what they are doing is a good thing, and the media is working hand in glove to aid the effort.

A Substack author who styles himself Eugyppius and writes a chronicle of the pandemic followed by thousands takes issue with Senger’s interpretation of events, and I am more inclined to agree with his analysis.

Eugyppius agrees with Senger’s chronicle of events, which demonstrates how vital the IC’s participation in promoting and implementing the COVID response was. One reason I suggest reading Senger’s piece is that it ties together disparate facts and demonstrates how key the IC was in developing and implementing policies. Before you think it is paranoid to think that intelligence officials would have been given high-level consideration in devising policies, remember that after 9/11 they were given vast authority and credibility in such matters due to the threat of bioterrorism. Of course they had a seat at the table.


Sadly, do you guys come up with this stuff all day.

Here's what happened. Trump threw out the sensible Pandemic response plan and ignored the people who knew what they were doing. He undermined NAIAD, the CDC, WHO, State Governors and everyone else trying to get a handle on this thing, mostly for petty reasons like 'Fauci is getting better press coverage than I'm getting."

As a result, Covid turned out to be a lot worse than it needed to be.
Sadly, do you guys come up with this stuff all day.

Here's what happened. Trump threw out the sensible Pandemic response plan and ignored the people who knew what they were doing. He undermined NAIAD, the CDC, WHO, State Governors and everyone else trying to get a handle on this thing, mostly for petty reasons like 'Fauci is getting better press coverage than I'm getting."

As a result, Covid turned out to be a lot worse than it needed to be.

Actually Covid was a dud, a normal flu season, but your demographic wouldn't let a failed genetically engineered virus go to waste, so you kept it going by lying and declaring every flu as "covid" especially in the fall of 2020, when flu diagnosis was 3% of normal, since 97% of Americans dumb enough to ask were told they had covid when they really had the normal fall flu....
Actually Covid was a dud, a normal flu season, but your demographic wouldn't let a failed genetically engineered virus go to waste, so you kept it going by lying and declaring every flu as "covid" especially in the fall of 2020, when flu diagnosis was 3% of normal, since 97% of Americans dumb enough to ask were told they had covid when they really had the normal fall flu....

Conservatives: Covid was an overhyped Cold.
Also Conservatives: Covid was a devious Chinese Bioweapon, meant to take out Trump in a Deep State Plot.
Conservatives: Covid was an overhyped Cold.
Also Conservatives: Covid was a devious Chinese Bioweapon, meant to take out Trump in a Deep State Plot.

1. flu not cold

2. Covid was bio engineered, meant to cause more harm than it did

3. Covid was a Fauxi dud, it killed max 40k in the US and was completely gone by May 2020
1. flu not cold

2. Covid was bio engineered, meant to cause more harm than it did

3. Covid was a Fauxi dud, it killed max 40k in the US and was completely gone by May 2020
Covid was SARS 2 with the key gain of function being the AIDS insert -- the direct attack on the immune system to increase the likelihood of repeat infection both of SARS2 and anything else that was/is around . As such it is an engineerd bio weapon . The KillerShots were something else ----- complex bundles of deadly poison . Joe needs science not invented political twaddle .
Conservatives: Covid was an overhyped Cold.
Also Conservatives: Covid was a devious Chinese Bioweapon, meant to take out Trump in a Deep State Plot.
Covid WAS an overhyped cold, but the real bioweapon is the shots. Too subtle a difference for you?
  • Thanks
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Conservatives: Covid was an overhyped Cold.
Also Conservatives: Covid was a devious Chinese Bioweapon, meant to take out Trump in a Deep State Plot.
Dems / Marxists: The Chineses virus is a perfect opportunity to implement our Leninist \ Stalinist strategy because eliminating church services, closing down businesses, closing down schools and trying to force a national vaccine mandate yields immense power and control. There was no ambiguity about what was being promoted by the federal government and by Dem / Marxist mini-dictators in the big Dem / Marxist controlled cities.

Conservatives: We know children are not at high risk. The elderly and affirm are the highest risk. Let’s not do what Governor Cuomo did which was to put the elderly in high risk environments.
Dems / Marxists: The Chineses virus is a perfect opportunity to implement our Leninist \ Stalinist strategy because eliminating church services, closing down businesses, closing down schools and trying to force a national vaccine mandate yields immense power and control.

Wow, really? Funny, I could have sworn Trump was in charge when Covid Broke out.
Wow, really? Funny, I could have sworn Trump was in charge when Covid Broke out.

Golly. You didn’t know Sloppy Joe was pretending to be president during most of the Wuhan virus?

You didn’t know it was republican Ron DeSantis who refused most of the COVID lockdown insanity that your Dem / Marxist mini-Ayatollahs were so quick to impose?
Definitely food for thought.

And knowing what we know about the intelligence community (surely an oxymoron) we should not be surprised of their role.

Michael Senger wrote a piece this weekend arguing that the response to COVID-19 was devised by the intelligence community to perform what amounted to a coup.
You can see his point. The IC has been deeply involved in both the censorship regime and the spread of sketchy information that was pushed out. It helped monitor the flow of information, the implementation of draconian policies that limited people’s liberties, and infiltrated social media companies and search engines to manipulate public perception and acceptance of hitherto unheard-of policies that fundamentally altered Western Culture.
Senger’s thesis hinges on the notion that the Western response, after initially rejecting the absurd Chinese response to COVID that was only possible in a totalitarian society, reversed course in February/March 2020. The IC was deeply involved in the discussions regarding the response, and there clearly was a campaign to pretty up China’s involvement in and response to COVID. You can read his reasoning here.
Despite the fact that I sometimes sound paranoid in my ranting about the World Economic Forum and the more totalitarian impulses and policies of the political/cultural/academic elite, I simply don’t buy Senger’s thesis.
Sure, I agree that the IC was deeply involved in pushing these policies, but there was nothing unique about this in the context of the Western governments’ bizarre and destructive policies. Rather, my read is that the IC was simply one voice among many in what became a plot to use the COVID virus as an excuse to implement a “Great Reset.”
The period of the Trump presidency was one long slow-motion coup attempt. Not even a particularly well-hidden one, as the New York Times and the rest of the MSM, spent a lot of time touting the #resistance buried within the US government. The idea of # resistance to legitimate authority is anathema to the proper function of a democratic government, and yet the entire elite embraced it openly. The Justice Department, the FBI, and vast swathes of the federal government spent years exceeding their authority and deceiving the American public, as is well documented to the point of undeniability.
The goal was to deny the results of a legitimate presidential election and neuter the will of the people as expressed in a legitimate election. It was justified by repeated claims that the president was a foreign agent–with precisely zero influence–and the media actually celebrated its existence.
The IC participated in this slow-motion coup, but there is no evidence that it led the charge.
COVID mania was a whole of government effort and indeed was an international conspiracy to seize a unique opportunity to speed up the totalitarianization of Western society. The IC’s participation in this effort was hardly sub rosa. It was no more secret than Fauci’s, Birx’s, or the World Economic Forum’s. Hell, Klaus Schwab wrote a book laying out the plan. They truly believe that what they are doing is a good thing, and the media is working hand in glove to aid the effort.
A Substack author who styles himself Eugyppius and writes a chronicle of the pandemic followed by thousands takes issue with Senger’s interpretation of events, and I am more inclined to agree with his analysis.
Eugyppius agrees with Senger’s chronicle of events, which demonstrates how vital the IC’s participation in promoting and implementing the COVID response was. One reason I suggest reading Senger’s piece is that it ties together disparate facts and demonstrates how key the IC was in developing and implementing policies. Before you think it is paranoid to think that intelligence officials would have been given high-level consideration in devising policies, remember that after 9/11 they were given vast authority and credibility in such matters due to the threat of bioterrorism. Of course they had a seat at the table.

Golly. You didn’t know Sloppy Joe was pretending to be president during most of the Wuhan virus?

You didn’t know it was republican Ron DeSantis who refused most of the COVID lockdown insanity that your Dem / Marxist mini-Ayatollahs were so quick to impose?

Sure I did... and Florida had a worse death rate than any other state for a while.

I might suspect the government of pulling off a well-masterminded plot to destroy society except ...

... I worked in government for years, both locally and overseas, including the Intel community and I know for CERTAIN FACT that government couldn't organize a schtupp in a brothel.
For many the truth is so offensive that cognitive dissonance is the only option.

the problem with conspiracy nuts is that they need to believe in conspiracies to explain the failures of their own lives.
More and more THE TRUTH is coming out. I said it would. And it will on the hamas attack on Israel. Countries around the world who have allowed muslims in are seeing these same muslims support the monstrous attack on Israel...and these people want israel to endure these attacks with no consequences for the perpetrators. How evil is that. You can SAY, 'this was a monstrous attack and we stand with Isreal', but when you send millions of dollars to the people who support them, then you are siding with the monsters NOT the ones who have been attacked. and you know that Hamas is getting that money. This is pure evil...it isn't invisible. We can all see it. The ones who support this attack in their sly ways have lost all discernment and have willingly joined the side of evil even if you pretend you haven't. WE KNOW.
I might suspect the government of pulling off a well-masterminded plot to destroy society except ...

... I worked in government for years, both locally and overseas, including the Intel community and I know for CERTAIN FACT that government couldn't organize a schtupp in a brothel.
Maybe you worked in one of Fauci's labs?

While in the Army, I knew in 1970 that the CIA's air branch Air America was in the drug smuggling business. Iran-Contra years later showed the Agency was still doing it. Most likely they are still doing it today.

Your judgment reeks of naivete.

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