Was DNC hack an inside job after all


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
For several months, the consensus within the intelligence services and the mainstream media has been that Russia hacked the emails of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hilary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta during the 2016 presidential election.

Was DNC Hack an Inside Job After All?

The shadow Government can cover up, lie , cheat or steal anytime they want and get away with it. Nobody will know the difference. Then came WIKILEAKS , SNOWDEN, MANNING who helped America and the world for that matter see what is really going on behind closed doors with our Government. The Shadow Gov/ Deep State information that typically was hidden but all within knew about on some level.

They all have connections to the crooked issues going on, they are a club and you ain't in it .......

Why do you think you are taught the Gov. could oh never do such things. Because if too many actually woke up and realized this is what really was going on they couldn't continue to make you their slaves, they couldn't continue to pass laws making you a horrific criminal while they themselves commit crimes that would make most people puke.

We have one man in office right now busting his ass to strip this bs away, but all those CONTROLLED by the PUPPET masters are forced to keep those sheep in the disbelief levels. Because should Trump succeed they lose their power, and their control over the population.

The wold woke up thank to the three who opened the eyes of millions, what most don't get OUR OWN GOOD GOVERNMENT WORKERS WERE THE ONES HANDING JULIAN ASSANAGE THIS INFORMATION SO HE COULD LEAK IT OUT.

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