Was "Fast And Furious" Designed To Cause A New wave Of Mexican Immigration


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
Was Fast and Furious meant to flood the U.S. with Mexican refugees?

By Coach Collins,on August 21st,2011

By Doug Book,staff writer

We may never know all the actors and angles which played a part in the ATF’s Fast and Furious racket, but one thing is certain; with new information breaking almost daily, the reach of this lurid administration scheme may extend beyond anything imagined by even the most dedicated conspiracy theorist.

In order to seek asylum in the United States, one must be declared a refugee. And although the numbers of refugees accepted into the United States each year must be agreed upon in consultation between Congress and the President, those with the power to confer refugee status are our illegal vote loving President and the Secretary of State, who do not need the consent of Congress to confer such status.

We’ll probably never know if a new road to immigration reform was a principle purpose of the “Gunwalking”scheme. But 2 years have taught us that Barak Obama and his administration are certainly capable of using government agencies for criminal purposes.

Was Fast and Furious meant to flood the U.S. with Mexican refugees? « Coach is Right
Isn't this just another case of bureaucratic government bungling? It is POSSIBLE. It is possible that America needs controls on both illegal aliens (immigration) AND uncontrolled gun sales as well? The two issues aren’t far apart here. I know, I have a bullet in my garage and two in my casa, boy-o. And I live with Mexicans, legal or not…They seem to LOVE all these “rights” Americans have. It won’t break MY heart if there was a little tighter enforcement on immigration laws AND gun laws, too.
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What the hell does vin diesel have to do with any of this?
Melson out, Jones in...
ATF anti-cartel project causes shake-up
30 Aug.`11 WASHINGTON – The acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives was reassigned Tuesday and Arizona's top federal prosecutor resigned in the midst of ongoing inquiries into a controversial gun-trafficking investigation that allowed hundreds of firearms to fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartel enforcers and U.S. criminals.
Attorney General Eric Holder said B. Todd Jones, the chief federal prosecutor in Minnesota, would replace Kenneth Melson as acting director of the ATF. Holder said Melson will become senior adviser on forensic science in the Justice Department's Office of Legal Policy. Arizona U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke, whose office is overseeing pending prosecutions in the gun investigation known as "Operation Fast and Furious," resigned. Emory Hurley, an assistant federal prosecutor directly assigned to the gun prosecutions, was reassigned within the Phoenix office.

The shake-up represents the Obama administration's first major response to allegations that the flawed gun investigation, aimed at tracking guns to drug cartel leaders, may have been responsible for arming drug organizations in deadly encounters with Mexican and U.S. officials. The operation was shut down last December following the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in a Arizona shootout. Two weapons recovered at the scene of Terry's murder were purchased as part of the federal sting operation. It has not been determined if either of the weapons were used to kill Terry.

Prior to Terry's murder, ATF officials allowed about 2,000 guns to be purchased by alleged cartel associates, known as straw buyers, hoping that the trail of weapons would lead to cartel leaders and their ultimate prosecutions. The attorney general, who offered no criticism of the departing leaders, said Jones would bring a "wealth of experience" to the top job at ATF. "I have great confidence that he will be a strong and steady influence guiding ATF in fulfilling its mission of combating violent crime by enforcing federal criminal laws and regulations in the firearms and explosives industries," Holder said.

Like Melson, Jones will hold the title of acting director for an embattled agency that has been without a permanent director for five years. Holder also said Jones would continue to serve as the chief federal prosecutor in Minnesota. The Justice Department announcements prompted mixed reactions from Congress where the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is investigating the ATF's Phoenix-based operation. The Justice Department's inspector general is conducting a separate review.

More ATF Guns Appear At Crime Scenes...
Evidence Suggests Cover-Up in ATF Scandal, as More Guns Appear at Crime Scenes
September 02, 2011 | Just hours after the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, federal officials tried to cover up evidence that the gun that killed Terry was one the government intentionally helped sell to the Mexican cartels in a weapons trafficking program known as Operation Fast and Furious.
The revelation comes just days after a huge shake-up of government officials who oversaw the failed anti-gun trafficking program and Congress renewed its demand for more answers. Also late Thursday, Sen. Charles Grassley's office revealed that 31 more Fast and Furious guns have been found at 12 violent crime scenes in Mexico. In an internal email the day after Terry's murder, Assistant U.S. Attorneys Emory Hurley and then-U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke decided not to disclose the connection, saying "this way we do not divulge our current case (Fast and Furious) or the Border Patrol shooting case."

Grassley, R-Iowa, and Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said Thursday they are expanding their investigation into the scandal. In a strongly worded letter to Anne Scheel, the new U.S. attorney for Arizona, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee requested interviews, emails, memos and even hand-written notes from members of the U.S. attorney's office that played key roles in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) program. “The level of involvement of the United States Attorney’s Office ... in the genesis and implementation of this case is striking,” wrote Issa and Grassley.

The two claim witnesses have told them that recently reassigned Hurley may have also prevented ATF agents from doing their jobs. “Many ATF agents working on Operation Fast and Furious were under the impression that even some of the most basic law enforcement techniques typically used to interdict weapons required the explicit approval of your office, specifically that from Hurley,” the letter states. Issa and Grassley said they want to speak with Hurley and Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Morrissey, along with Patrick Cunningham, chief of the office’s Criminal Division.

Not only do congressional investigators want to "make sense" of details of the operation that allowed more than 2,000 guns to "walk" and later turn up at crime scenes on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border, but they want to known why Hurley -- who knew almost immediately the guns found at Terry's crime scene belonged to Fast and Furious -- tried to "prevent the connection from being disclosed."

Grassley also raised concerns about the latest data on Fast and Furious guns found at crime scenes in Mexico. “The Justice Department has been less than forthcoming since day one, so the revisions here are hardly surprising, and the numbers will likely rise until the more than 1,000 guns that were allowed to fall into the hands of bad guys are recovered -- most likely years down the road," Grassley said in a statement released Thursday. "What we’re still waiting for are the answers to the other questions the Attorney General failed to answer per our agreement. The cooperation of the Attorney General and his staff is needed if we’re ever going to get to the bottom of this disastrous policy and help the ATF and the department move forward.”

Read more: Evidence Suggests Cover-Up In ATF Scandal, As More Guns Appear At Crime Scenes | FoxNews.com
Issa wants special prosecutor to look into Fast and Furious...
Issa Says He Wants a Special Prosecutor to Probe 'Fast and Furious'
September 20, 2011 – Skeptical that Attorney General Eric Holder and other Obama administration officials did not know about the botched gun-walking operation carried out by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives along the Southwest border, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) wants to see a special prosecutor appointed to investigate the matter.
“We’d like to have a true special prosecutor, particularly when it’s obvious if Eric Holder didn’t know, it’s because he didn’t want to know or because he wasn’t doing his job,” Issa said in a conference call with reporters on Tuesday. “That creates a clear pattern of we’d like to know who did know and why they didn’t brief the attorney general.” During May testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, Holder was asked when he first became aware of Operation Fast and Furious. He responded, “I’m not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.”

CNSNews.com asked Issa during Tuesday's conference call if testimony last week by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and FBI Director Robert Mueller was consistent with what is currently known about the operation. Napolitano told the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee she was unaware of the operation before it was halted after two of the guns that the ATF knowingly allowed to be sold to straw purchasers were found at the murder scene of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Mueller told the committee the FBI was not involved in the operation until it began investigating Terry’s murder.

While the ATF Phoenix division led Operation Fast and Furious, it was part of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, which includes the Drug Enforcement Administration and the FBI. Under the operation, about 2,000 guns were allowed to be illegally sold for the intent of tracking them to Mexican drug cartels. “People are picking their words very carefully. Certainly there are FBI individuals that knew what the director did not know,” Issa told CNSNews.com. “Certainly there are Homeland Security briefings in which there should have been more. “One of the problems was this is what was called an OCDETF operation, which means the FBI was an active part of it. Joint funding was used. So, if one were to say, did DEA know, did the FBI know, the answer is yes. Did the director know? I take him at his word – the answer is no,” Issa added.

Still, Issa told CNSNews.com that the committee might want to ask Napolitano, Holder and others why they were not aware sooner. “So, one of our questions is, why wouldn’t you have known,” Issa said. “When was it appropriate for you to be briefed on this and who was keeping it from you? And that becomes the next opportunity with Secretary Napolitano or Eric Holder. One of our questions is: Where do you spend your days and why aren’t you briefed on something like this?”

Since when do mexicans have to have a reason to come into the USA illegally??? They come cause they hate their system and LOVE ours! And of course, all the freebies that they get as soon as they step foot on our land.
Mebbe not intentionally...

... but it has made a lot of them come up here...

... to escape the drug violence that our guns have caused.
Mebbe not intentionally...

... but it has made a lot of them come up here...

... to escape the drug violence that our guns have caused.

It's the PEOPLE with those guns who cause the violence; we just gave them the means. I do wonder where are the powers that be in Mexico??? Where is the law???? Where is the will of the people to fight back???
It's way past time for a special prosecutor for Gun Runner/Fast & Furious:

New Fast & Furious audio: Border Patrol agent killed by F&F weapons was “collateral damage” « Hot Air

New Fast & Furious audio: Border Patrol agent killed by F&F weapons was “collateral damage”
posted at 6:18 pm on September 21, 2011 by Allahpundit

It’s not an ATF agent who utters those magical words, it’s the Arizona gun dealer who was working with the ATF on Fast & Furious. He utters them to an ATF agent, though, to which she replies with a cryptic “mm-hmm.” Callousness — or strategy?

However, the lawyer representing the Lone Wolf Trading Co. says owner Andre Howard made the tapes only after he suspected he was being lied to, and his language is meant to get Hope MacAllister, an agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, to implicate herself and her agency in their illegal gun running scheme.

“He became very suspicious and in his own defense would tape key conversations with Ms. MacAllister and try to get her to make admissions about the truth of the matter,” said Dallas attorney Larry Gaydos. “Andre was trying to get her to admit that indeed they let guns go to Mexico.”…

Howard made the tapes in March 2011 after a meeting he and his attorneys held with federal officials. In that meeting, Assistant U.S. Attorney Emory Hurley continued to insist the guns Lone Wolf sold were stopped and seized before reaching Mexico.

But ATF officials are quoted in a Washington Post article and the Spanish language daily La Opinion saying just the opposite — blaming Lone Wolf for “selling guns to the cartels” with no mention that Howard was operating under the federal government’s direction, encouragement and approval.
The “collateral damage” exchange comes in the first clip below. The second clip, also between Howard and MacAllister, was posted yesterday at CBS and apparently shows MacAllister this time suggesting that the DOJ would have to tell Chuck Grassley to “sit your ass down” if he insisted on calling a hearing and demanding more info on F&F. And that’s where we’re at today in the curious case of an American law enforcement official shot dead by guns provided to drug cartels by the Department of Justice — aong with 200-300 Mexican citizens, of course. Exit question: Anyone covering this story anymore except CBS and Fox News?

Update: New from Reuters, just as I’m posting this. Is the DOJ’s probe of Fast & Furious actually a way to derail the House’s investigation?


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