Was god choosing Jesus just; or should the Father have chosen the cross for himself?

Your Jesus the Christ I do not recognize as your Jesus was never anointed to be the King of the Jews. Jesus was never the Christ.

The Jesus I know is the more eastern mystic Jesus whose ways I follow.
He speaks as follows and you will note that the church or their lying preachers never quote this particular Jesus. I also show why.

Here is the real way to salvation that Jesus taught.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Allan Watts explain those quotes in detail.

Joseph Campbell shows the same esoteric ecumenist idea in this link.

The bible just plainly says to put away the things of children. The supernatural and literal reading of myths.


Supernaturally stupid thinking.

What are you thinking, come to think of it? Some esoteric nonsense that Gnostic "Christians" refuse to articulate for us mere humans?

Read and listen to post 72 for the first time.


Do you think you're a god?

Yes, but not the way you foolish supernatural believers define that title.

Here is how I explain my reality, and the one you should adopt.

Modern Gnostic Christians name our god "I am", and yes, we do mean ourselves.

You are your controller. I am mine. You represent and present whatever mind picture you have of your God or ideal human, and so do I.

The name "I Am" you might see as meaning something like, --- I think I have grown up thanks to having forced my apotheosis through Gnosis and meditation.

In Gnostic Christianity, we follow the Christian tradition that Christians have forgotten that they are to do. That is, become brethren to Jesus.

That is why some say that the only good Christian is a Gnostic Christian.

I usually follow this up with that Watts link and the rest of what I put in the post above.

If you want to keep believing in a supernatural realm, best to ignore me as I am a realist with a live thinking brain instead of a sheeple and dead brain.


By our being brethren with Jesus, of course you mean that we're adopted brethren.

Not once in this post have you mentioned the purpose - the very heart - of Christ's ministry. This sounds like the kind of thing any new age guru could have preached two thousand years ago.

For the record, I am not a fundamentalist Christian. I do not caricature the Scriptures like they do who teach a corporeal return of Christ flying in on a cloud like some comic book superhero.

I read the New Testament for what it says, even in its reference to Moses being like a god before pharaoh, even in its likening rulers and authorities to gods, as Jesus does in John Chapter 10.

Not adopted brethren. It is the notion of being reborn to a new and better way of thinking.

It is making adult thinkers out of childish thinkers by asking them to grow up and discard the things of children, like supernatural thinking.

Think of your own desires for your children. Do you want them to end as less than you or better than you?

Would a god want less than that for his children?

If so, Yahweh is an inferior thinker as compared to you. Right?

Supernaturally stupid thinking.

What are you thinking, come to think of it? Some esoteric nonsense that Gnostic "Christians" refuse to articulate for us mere humans?

Read and listen to post 72 for the first time.

Do you think you're a god?

Yes, but not the way you foolish supernatural believers define that title.

Here is how I explain my reality, and the one you should adopt.

Modern Gnostic Christians name our god "I am", and yes, we do mean ourselves.

You are your controller. I am mine. You represent and present whatever mind picture you have of your God or ideal human, and so do I.

The name "I Am" you might see as meaning something like, --- I think I have grown up thanks to having forced my apotheosis through Gnosis and meditation.

In Gnostic Christianity, we follow the Christian tradition that Christians have forgotten that they are to do. That is, become brethren to Jesus.

That is why some say that the only good Christian is a Gnostic Christian.

I usually follow this up with that Watts link and the rest of what I put in the post above.

If you want to keep believing in a supernatural realm, best to ignore me as I am a realist with a live thinking brain instead of a sheeple and dead brain.

By our being brethren with Jesus, of course you mean that we're adopted brethren.

Not once in this post have you mentioned the purpose - the very heart - of Christ's ministry. This sounds like the kind of thing any new age guru could have preached two thousand years ago.

For the record, I am not a fundamentalist Christian. I do not caricature the Scriptures like they do who teach a corporeal return of Christ flying in on a cloud like some comic book superhero.

I read the New Testament for what it says, even in its reference to Moses being like a god before pharaoh, even in its likening rulers and authorities to gods, as Jesus does in John Chapter 10.

Not adopted brethren. It is the notion of being reborn to a new and better way of thinking.

It is making adult thinkers out of childish thinkers by asking them to grow up and discard the things of children, like supernatural thinking.

Think of your own desires for your children. Do you want them to end as less than you or better than you?

Would a god want less than that for his children?

If so, Yahweh is an inferior thinker as compared to you. Right?

That is not the message of the Gospels. It is the notion of being reborn to a new and better way of life, or better, to a new and better dominion. Jesus preached the kingdom of God.

That we can change our way of thinking is the message of a new age guru.
Read and listen to post 72 for the first time.

Do you think you're a god?

Yes, but not the way you foolish supernatural believers define that title.

Here is how I explain my reality, and the one you should adopt.

Modern Gnostic Christians name our god "I am", and yes, we do mean ourselves.

You are your controller. I am mine. You represent and present whatever mind picture you have of your God or ideal human, and so do I.

The name "I Am" you might see as meaning something like, --- I think I have grown up thanks to having forced my apotheosis through Gnosis and meditation.

In Gnostic Christianity, we follow the Christian tradition that Christians have forgotten that they are to do. That is, become brethren to Jesus.

That is why some say that the only good Christian is a Gnostic Christian.

I usually follow this up with that Watts link and the rest of what I put in the post above.

If you want to keep believing in a supernatural realm, best to ignore me as I am a realist with a live thinking brain instead of a sheeple and dead brain.

By our being brethren with Jesus, of course you mean that we're adopted brethren.

Not once in this post have you mentioned the purpose - the very heart - of Christ's ministry. This sounds like the kind of thing any new age guru could have preached two thousand years ago.

For the record, I am not a fundamentalist Christian. I do not caricature the Scriptures like they do who teach a corporeal return of Christ flying in on a cloud like some comic book superhero.

I read the New Testament for what it says, even in its reference to Moses being like a god before pharaoh, even in its likening rulers and authorities to gods, as Jesus does in John Chapter 10.

Not adopted brethren. It is the notion of being reborn to a new and better way of thinking.

It is making adult thinkers out of childish thinkers by asking them to grow up and discard the things of children, like supernatural thinking.

Think of your own desires for your children. Do you want them to end as less than you or better than you?

Would a god want less than that for his children?

If so, Yahweh is an inferior thinker as compared to you. Right?

That is not the message of the Gospels. It is the notion of being reborn to a new and better way of life, or better, to a new and better dominion. Jesus preached the kingdom of God.

That we can change our way of thinking is the message of a new age guru.

You don't think you cannot change your thinking on issues?

Interesting that new information, even if true against your views, you would ignore.

Do you think you're a god?

Yes, but not the way you foolish supernatural believers define that title.

Here is how I explain my reality, and the one you should adopt.

Modern Gnostic Christians name our god "I am", and yes, we do mean ourselves.

You are your controller. I am mine. You represent and present whatever mind picture you have of your God or ideal human, and so do I.

The name "I Am" you might see as meaning something like, --- I think I have grown up thanks to having forced my apotheosis through Gnosis and meditation.

In Gnostic Christianity, we follow the Christian tradition that Christians have forgotten that they are to do. That is, become brethren to Jesus.

That is why some say that the only good Christian is a Gnostic Christian.

I usually follow this up with that Watts link and the rest of what I put in the post above.

If you want to keep believing in a supernatural realm, best to ignore me as I am a realist with a live thinking brain instead of a sheeple and dead brain.

By our being brethren with Jesus, of course you mean that we're adopted brethren.

Not once in this post have you mentioned the purpose - the very heart - of Christ's ministry. This sounds like the kind of thing any new age guru could have preached two thousand years ago.

For the record, I am not a fundamentalist Christian. I do not caricature the Scriptures like they do who teach a corporeal return of Christ flying in on a cloud like some comic book superhero.

I read the New Testament for what it says, even in its reference to Moses being like a god before pharaoh, even in its likening rulers and authorities to gods, as Jesus does in John Chapter 10.

Not adopted brethren. It is the notion of being reborn to a new and better way of thinking.

It is making adult thinkers out of childish thinkers by asking them to grow up and discard the things of children, like supernatural thinking.

Think of your own desires for your children. Do you want them to end as less than you or better than you?

Would a god want less than that for his children?

If so, Yahweh is an inferior thinker as compared to you. Right?

That is not the message of the Gospels. It is the notion of being reborn to a new and better way of life, or better, to a new and better dominion. Jesus preached the kingdom of God.

That we can change our way of thinking is the message of a new age guru.

You don't think you cannot change your thinking on issues?

Interesting that new information, even if true against your views, you would ignore.

I can change my thinking, like anyone else.
God can't make a mistake. God is perfect.

Yet he repented for missing the mark in creating us as he states in the myth of his genocide in Noah's days.

Is genocide a mistake for a god who can just as easily cure as kill or do you see killing as better than curing?

God can't make a mistake. God is perfect.

I have never understood this claim. God created man and man is imperfect. If a watchmaker makes a watch that doesn't work, is it the fault of the watchmaker or the watch?
God made man with free will. Man disobeyed. God provided a way back to perfection.

So, it is the watch's fault the watchmaker messed it up. I don't see it.
Your perception is what's messed up. You refuse to acknowledge man's free will and the fact man disobeyed, yet God provided a way back. You can't blame God for man's disobedience. Rather, God is shown to be loving and merciful.
God can't make a mistake. God is perfect.

I have never understood this claim. God created man and man is imperfect. If a watchmaker makes a watch that doesn't work, is it the fault of the watchmaker or the watch?
God made man with free will. Man disobeyed. God provided a way back to perfection.

So, it is the watch's fault the watchmaker messed it up. I don't see it.
Your perception is what's messed up. You refuse to acknowledge man's free will and the fact man disobeyed, yet God provided a way back. You can't blame God for man's disobedience. Rather, God is shown to be loving and merciful.

I can certainly blame God for giving man free will and then punishing him for using it. As to love and mercy, I see no evidence of that. Quite the contrary. I can see how this story would put money in the pockets of the various churches, but I don't see how God does not come off as the bad guy.
God can't make a mistake. God is perfect.

I have never understood this claim. God created man and man is imperfect. If a watchmaker makes a watch that doesn't work, is it the fault of the watchmaker or the watch?
God made man with free will. Man disobeyed. God provided a way back to perfection.

So, it is the watch's fault the watchmaker messed it up. I don't see it.
Your perception is what's messed up. You refuse to acknowledge man's free will and the fact man disobeyed, yet God provided a way back. You can't blame God for man's disobedience. Rather, God is shown to be loving and merciful.

I can certainly blame God for giving man free will and then punishing him for using it. As to love and mercy, I see no evidence of that. Quite the contrary. I can see how this story would put money in the pockets of the various churches, but I don't see how God does not come off as the bad guy.
It was disobedience that was punished. God told them they could eat from any tree except for one. Man disobeyed. You can't blame God.
I have never understood this claim. God created man and man is imperfect. If a watchmaker makes a watch that doesn't work, is it the fault of the watchmaker or the watch?
God made man with free will. Man disobeyed. God provided a way back to perfection.

So, it is the watch's fault the watchmaker messed it up. I don't see it.
Your perception is what's messed up. You refuse to acknowledge man's free will and the fact man disobeyed, yet God provided a way back. You can't blame God for man's disobedience. Rather, God is shown to be loving and merciful.

I can certainly blame God for giving man free will and then punishing him for using it. As to love and mercy, I see no evidence of that. Quite the contrary. I can see how this story would put money in the pockets of the various churches, but I don't see how God does not come off as the bad guy.
It was disobedience that was punished. God told them they could eat from any tree except for one. Man disobeyed. You can't blame God.

Of course I can blame God. A & E were children. Innocent and inexperienced. If you put a child in a room with a cake, tell him not to eat the cake and walk away. You are to blame when the kid eats the cake. That doesn't make the kid disobedient, it makes you a bad parent. So either God wanted them to eat of the tree, or he was just a massively incompetent parent.
God made man with free will. Man disobeyed. God provided a way back to perfection.

So, it is the watch's fault the watchmaker messed it up. I don't see it.
Your perception is what's messed up. You refuse to acknowledge man's free will and the fact man disobeyed, yet God provided a way back. You can't blame God for man's disobedience. Rather, God is shown to be loving and merciful.

I can certainly blame God for giving man free will and then punishing him for using it. As to love and mercy, I see no evidence of that. Quite the contrary. I can see how this story would put money in the pockets of the various churches, but I don't see how God does not come off as the bad guy.
It was disobedience that was punished. God told them they could eat from any tree except for one. Man disobeyed. You can't blame God.

Of course I can blame God. A & E were children. Innocent and inexperienced. If you put a child in a room with a cake, tell him not to eat the cake and walk away. You are to blame when the kid eats the cake. That doesn't make the kid disobedient, it makes you a bad parent. So either God wanted them to eat of the tree, or he was just a massively incompetent parent.
Do you punish the child for being disobedient?
So, it is the watch's fault the watchmaker messed it up. I don't see it.
Your perception is what's messed up. You refuse to acknowledge man's free will and the fact man disobeyed, yet God provided a way back. You can't blame God for man's disobedience. Rather, God is shown to be loving and merciful.

I can certainly blame God for giving man free will and then punishing him for using it. As to love and mercy, I see no evidence of that. Quite the contrary. I can see how this story would put money in the pockets of the various churches, but I don't see how God does not come off as the bad guy.
It was disobedience that was punished. God told them they could eat from any tree except for one. Man disobeyed. You can't blame God.

Of course I can blame God. A & E were children. Innocent and inexperienced. If you put a child in a room with a cake, tell him not to eat the cake and walk away. You are to blame when the kid eats the cake. That doesn't make the kid disobedient, it makes you a bad parent. So either God wanted them to eat of the tree, or he was just a massively incompetent parent.
Do you punish the child for being disobedient?

In that situation, not unless you're a complete ass. Punish the kid for being a kid? I think not. The parent is supposed to be the adult. Punish the parent for not being an adult.
Your perception is what's messed up. You refuse to acknowledge man's free will and the fact man disobeyed, yet God provided a way back. You can't blame God for man's disobedience. Rather, God is shown to be loving and merciful.

I can certainly blame God for giving man free will and then punishing him for using it. As to love and mercy, I see no evidence of that. Quite the contrary. I can see how this story would put money in the pockets of the various churches, but I don't see how God does not come off as the bad guy.
It was disobedience that was punished. God told them they could eat from any tree except for one. Man disobeyed. You can't blame God.

Of course I can blame God. A & E were children. Innocent and inexperienced. If you put a child in a room with a cake, tell him not to eat the cake and walk away. You are to blame when the kid eats the cake. That doesn't make the kid disobedient, it makes you a bad parent. So either God wanted them to eat of the tree, or he was just a massively incompetent parent.
Do you punish the child for being disobedient?

In that situation, not unless you're a complete ass. Punish the kid for being a kid? I think not. The parent is supposed to be the adult. Punish the parent for not being an adult.
Adam and Eve weren't kids. Kids can't be fruitful and multiply. There should always be accountability for disobedience. Otherwise, why would anyone obey the rules?
I can certainly blame God for giving man free will and then punishing him for using it. As to love and mercy, I see no evidence of that. Quite the contrary. I can see how this story would put money in the pockets of the various churches, but I don't see how God does not come off as the bad guy.
It was disobedience that was punished. God told them they could eat from any tree except for one. Man disobeyed. You can't blame God.

Of course I can blame God. A & E were children. Innocent and inexperienced. If you put a child in a room with a cake, tell him not to eat the cake and walk away. You are to blame when the kid eats the cake. That doesn't make the kid disobedient, it makes you a bad parent. So either God wanted them to eat of the tree, or he was just a massively incompetent parent.
Do you punish the child for being disobedient?

In that situation, not unless you're a complete ass. Punish the kid for being a kid? I think not. The parent is supposed to be the adult. Punish the parent for not being an adult.
Adam and Eve weren't kids. Kids can't be fruitful and multiply. There should always be accountability for disobedience. Otherwise, why would anyone obey the rules?

A 13 yo can get pregnant. You think that makes her an adult? And A&E didn't even had the opportunity to live that 13 years. Their experience was considerably less. No. They were kids and God was a really bad parent.

Of course, that is probably the point. A capricious and violent deity will keep the congregation in line.
It was disobedience that was punished. God told them they could eat from any tree except for one. Man disobeyed. You can't blame God.

Of course I can blame God. A & E were children. Innocent and inexperienced. If you put a child in a room with a cake, tell him not to eat the cake and walk away. You are to blame when the kid eats the cake. That doesn't make the kid disobedient, it makes you a bad parent. So either God wanted them to eat of the tree, or he was just a massively incompetent parent.
Do you punish the child for being disobedient?

In that situation, not unless you're a complete ass. Punish the kid for being a kid? I think not. The parent is supposed to be the adult. Punish the parent for not being an adult.
Adam and Eve weren't kids. Kids can't be fruitful and multiply. There should always be accountability for disobedience. Otherwise, why would anyone obey the rules?

A 13 yo can get pregnant. You think that makes her an adult? And A&E didn't even had the opportunity to live that 13 years. Their experience was considerably less. No. They were kids and God was a really bad parent.

Of course, that is probably the point. A capricious and violent deity will keep the congregation in line.
Now we're getting somewhere. You're angry at God. Have a great day. Bye.
Of course I can blame God. A & E were children. Innocent and inexperienced. If you put a child in a room with a cake, tell him not to eat the cake and walk away. You are to blame when the kid eats the cake. That doesn't make the kid disobedient, it makes you a bad parent. So either God wanted them to eat of the tree, or he was just a massively incompetent parent.
Do you punish the child for being disobedient?

In that situation, not unless you're a complete ass. Punish the kid for being a kid? I think not. The parent is supposed to be the adult. Punish the parent for not being an adult.
Adam and Eve weren't kids. Kids can't be fruitful and multiply. There should always be accountability for disobedience. Otherwise, why would anyone obey the rules?

A 13 yo can get pregnant. You think that makes her an adult? And A&E didn't even had the opportunity to live that 13 years. Their experience was considerably less. No. They were kids and God was a really bad parent.

Of course, that is probably the point. A capricious and violent deity will keep the congregation in line.
Now we're getting somewhere. You're angry at God. Have a great day. Bye.

Angry at God. Not in the least. I just don't buy stories that make God look bad.

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