Was hunter Biden Qualified To Be On The Board Of Burisma?

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008

On Capitol Hill, Raju asked Jordan about the original filing from the ex-informant and how it could be ā€œcorroboratingā€ now. Jordan argued that Smirnov being discredited does not change the core facts heā€™s focusing on.

ā€œIt doesnā€™t change the four fundamental facts. Hunter Biden was put on the board of Burisma and gets paid a million dollars a year. Fact number two, heā€™s not qualified to be on the board. He said so himself in an interview with, I donā€™t know, you or some network,ā€ Jordan told Raju.

The Republican congressman was referring to a 2019 ABC interview with Hunter Biden in which he admitted he likely would not have been on the Burisma board if it were not for his last name. He also said in the interview that he was ā€œcompletely qualified to be on the board.ā€

ā€˜Itā€™s Not True!ā€™ CNNā€™s Manu Raju Confronts a Defiant Jim Jordan Over Debunked Biden Claims

Representative Jordan as usual, had things mixed up, conflated things and was spouting nonsense. Nonsense because he referred to an interview where Hunter Biden actually said he was ā€œcompletely qualified to be on the board.ā€ Hunter had admitted (why lie?), he most likely would not have been on the Burisma board, if it were not for his last name. Hmm... Guy sounds honest in that interview. More than can be said for most of the people attacking him, as even the witnesses brought before congressional committees ended up making the 'investigative hearings' look like fishing expeditions coming up empty.
Ask the agent of the Russians colluding against him and his dad.

These guys?

Breaking through Biden/government propaganda is going to be a very rocky road for the R's.

They must already understand that America's foreign policy is at stake on this issue.

The president and his son were obviously involved in promoting a proxy war that would become America's war against Russia.

We should all know the facts by now, and especially after Carlson's interview of Putin. All that's missing is some honesty to accept the truth.
Ask the agent of the Russians colluding against him and his dad.
Russian agents collude and American agents collude.
That's the job they are hired to do.

And it should be stated that America starts a lot of wars.

Russia is a huge threat to America, there's little doubt about that! Some will call that moral justification for a war.
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There are only two responses to any of this, no matter what anyone says.

A) If you are a conservative, OBVIOUSLY you know he only got that position because daddy set it up. Which is absolutely 100% improper and conflict of interest - it is corrupt as hell. OBVIOUSLY.

B) You are a liberal, and you simply do not care. "Prove it" is your mantra... and of course - TRUMP!!!

On Capitol Hill, Raju asked Jordan about the original filing from the ex-informant and how it could be ā€œcorroboratingā€ now. Jordan argued that Smirnov being discredited does not change the core facts heā€™s focusing on.

ā€œIt doesnā€™t change the four fundamental facts. Hunter Biden was put on the board of Burisma and gets paid a million dollars a year. Fact number two, heā€™s not qualified to be on the board. He said so himself in an interview with, I donā€™t know, you or some network,ā€ Jordan told Raju.

The Republican congressman was referring to a 2019 ABC interview with Hunter Biden in which he admitted he likely would not have been on the Burisma board if it were not for his last name. He also said in the interview that he was ā€œcompletely qualified to be on the board.ā€

ā€˜Itā€™s Not True!ā€™ CNNā€™s Manu Raju Confronts a Defiant Jim Jordan Over Debunked Biden Claims

Representative Jordan as usual, had things mixed up, conflated things and was spouting nonsense. Nonsense because he referred to an interview where Hunter Biden actually said he was ā€œcompletely qualified to be on the board.ā€ Hunter had admitted (why lie?), he most likely would not have been on the Burisma board, if it were not for his last name. Hmm... Guy sounds honest in that interview. More than can be said for most of the people attacking him, as even the witnesses brought before congressional committees ended up making the 'investigative hearings' look like fishing expeditions coming up empty.

Was hunter Biden Qualified To Be On The Board Of Burisma?​

I didn't hire him, but there is this: Bachelor of Arts degree in history from Georgetown University in 1992. Georgetown University Law Center for one year, he transferred to Yale Law School and graduated in 1996. Accepted a consultant position at the bank holding company MBNA. Served at the United States Department of Commerce, focusing on ecommerce policy for President Bill Clinton's administration. Biden became a lobbyist, co-founding the firm of Oldaker, Biden & Belair. Hunter Biden was appointed to a five-year term on the board of directors of Amtrak by President George W. Bush in 2006. In September 2008, Hunter Biden founded a consultancy company named Seneca Global Advisors that offered to help companies expand into foreign markets.

I can easily see where they would have given his resume' a second glance, based on the above and other banking, and financial actions over the years.
There are only two responses to any of this, no matter what anyone says.

A) If you are a conservative, OBVIOUSLY you know he only got that position because daddy set it up. Which is absolutely 100% improper and conflict of interest - it is corrupt as hell. OBVIOUSLY.
That's no big deal, it happens all the time.
B) You are a liberal, and you simply do not care. "Prove it" is your mantra... and of course - TRUMP!!!
The big deal is the Bidens' involvement in foreign policy of starting another war.

Was hunter Biden Qualified To Be On The Board Of Burisma?​

I didn't hire him, but there is this: Bachelor of Arts degree in history from Georgetown University in 1992. Georgetown University Law Center for one year, he transferred to Yale Law School and graduated in 1996. Accepted a consultant position at the bank holding company MBNA. Served at the United States Department of Commerce, focusing on ecommerce policy for President Bill Clinton's administration. Biden became a lobbyist, co-founding the firm of Oldaker, Biden & Belair. Hunter Biden was appointed to a five-year term on the board of directors of Amtrak by President George W. Bush in 2006. In September 2008, Hunter Biden founded a consultancy company named Seneca Global Advisors that offered to help companies expand into foreign markets.

I can easily see where they would have given his resume' a second glance, based on the above and other banking, and financial actions over the years.

Powerful people get onto boards all of the time. People with connections get on boards all of the time. It's how the world works.

Was hunter Biden Qualified To Be On The Board Of Burisma?​

I didn't hire him, but there is this: Bachelor of Arts degree in history from Georgetown University in 1992. Georgetown University Law Center for one year, he transferred to Yale Law School and graduated in 1996. Accepted a consultant position at the bank holding company MBNA. Served at the United States Department of Commerce, focusing on ecommerce policy for President Bill Clinton's administration. Biden became a lobbyist, co-founding the firm of Oldaker, Biden & Belair. Hunter Biden was appointed to a five-year term on the board of directors of Amtrak by President George W. Bush in 2006. In September 2008, Hunter Biden founded a consultancy company named Seneca Global Advisors that offered to help companies expand into foreign markets.

I can easily see where they would have given his resume' a second glance, based on the above and other banking, and financial actions over the years.
Good for you for having the courage to suggest that! There must have been a period of time when Hunter was able to manage his addictions enough to be suitable for the job.
That's no big deal, it happens all the time.

The big deal is the Bidens' involvement in foreign policy of starting another war.
"Where there is smoke, there is fire?"
We have a sitting President whose interactions with foreign governments has produced so much smoke that it could single handily solve global warming.
There is SOOOO much HIGHLY questionable activity that anyone with an IQ above 75 and is even moderately intellectually honest - knows he is guilty of using his positions for personal gain.
And doing so on a level that would make Hillary Clinton blush.
really? Wow! Does the GOP leadership know this?

Better Call Durham! Benghazi!
There's still a lot of risk involved for the R's to side against the war. That's the reason why they are needing to hide behind a border issue.

And Trump too of course is not quite ready to become an antiwar president. Even though he campaigned on taking that position. Remember?
There's still a lot of risk involved for the R's to side against the war. That's the reason why they are needing to hide behind a border issue.

And Trump too of course is not quite ready to become an antiwar president. Even though he campaigned on taking that position. Remember?
"Where there is smoke, there is fire?"
We have a sitting President whose interactions with foreign governments has produced so much smoke that it could single handily solve global warming.
There is SOOOO much HIGHLY questionable activity that anyone with an IQ above 75 and is even moderately intellectually honest - knows he is guilty of using his positions for personal gain.
And doing so on a level that would make Hillary Clinton blush.
Well that was expected. All of that serves to dodge the real issue of US foreign policy. The GOP only lacks the courage to name it and own it.
Good for you for having the courage to suggest that! There must have been a period of time when Hunter was able to manage his addictions enough to be suitable for the job.

Why are you people so focused on Hunter Biden and his personal issues?

We're getting nowhere so far.
So I'll tell ya folks, the gov's agents will kill anybody who makes any serious gains on exposing US criminal foreign policy regarding the Ukraine war..
Good for you for having the courage to suggest that! There must have been a period of time when Hunter was able to manage his addictions enough to be suitable for the job.
Makes you wonder how successful educated people can just lose it, fking up their life and the lives of many around them. Some peoples kids, I swear! :mad:
Why are you people so focused on Hunter Biden and his personal issues?

It's only because of his addictions making it unlikely that he would be a good candidate for the job. And then White's suggestions that he might have been.

Come on proc, ducks swim!

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