Was it just me or did Mitt become even more moderate last night?


Active Member
May 23, 2012
I could have sworn that Mitt was saying the same things Obama was saying. This dude gets more moderate as the debates go on. Good thing for him this was the last one. One more and he would be a democrat.
Owebama got played.

'NBC Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd seemed surprised by Obama’s aggressive tone. “POTUS is consistently trying to draw Romney into a more contentious debate. It's what challengers do who think they are behind,” he wrote on Twitter.'

Post-debate, MSNBC
He spent the entire debate trying to be Obama.

It was hysterical.
I could have sworn that Mitt was saying the same things Obama was saying. This dude gets more moderate as the debates go on. Good thing for him this was the last one. One more and he would be a democrat.
Bishop Willard went from saber rattling over Iran to a dove with an olive branch in its mouth. Bishop Willard will start his apology tour next week.
Romney, of course, was more moderate last night.

1. The center, not the far right, has the votes to make him President.

2. He is, essentially, a moderate Republican, not much different than Ford or Nixon, who has had to play to the doofi section our disharmonious party.

Once elected, he puts paid to the Tea Party: about time.
Romney, of course, was more moderate last night.

1. The center, not the far right, has the votes to make him President.

2. He is, essentially, a moderate Republican, not much different than Ford or Nixon, who has had to play to the doofi section our disharmonious party.

Once elected, he puts paid to the Tea Party: about time.
not sure he put pay to tea party. they would want some stuff once in power and so will neo-cons

we see but hope he leads from center.
All he needsd are their votes this time, because he intends to make deals with the Dems that Bush, Boehner, and McConnell would not.

Romney, of course, was more moderate last night.

1. The center, not the far right, has the votes to make him President.

2. He is, essentially, a moderate Republican, not much different than Ford or Nixon, who has had to play to the doofi section our disharmonious party.

Once elected, he puts paid to the Tea Party: about time.
not sure he put pay to tea party. they would want some stuff once in power and so will neo-cons

we see but hope he leads from center.
All he needsd are their votes this time, because he intends to make deals with the Dems that Bush, Boehner, and McConnell would not.

Romney, of course, was more moderate last night.

1. The center, not the far right, has the votes to make him President.

2. He is, essentially, a moderate Republican, not much different than Ford or Nixon, who has had to play to the doofi section our disharmonious party.

Once elected, he puts paid to the Tea Party: about time.
not sure he put pay to tea party. they would want some stuff once in power and so will neo-cons

we see but hope he leads from center.
promblem is that with reid and peroisi still leading dems in congress on one side and mconnel and bohenir on the other, it be hard to bring those factions together to get anything done

congress still going to be very hard to work with in next four years. Romney need hope paul ryan can charm paints of dems and tea party people in congress
There is nothing moderate about Romney and Ryan's proposals, party platform or intentions.

This is a man who has flipped flopped on over 30 positions.

Interesting, where are the RINO charges?
All he needsd are their votes this time, because he intends to make deals with the Dems that Bush, Boehner, and McConnell would not.

not sure he put pay to tea party. they would want some stuff once in power and so will neo-cons

we see but hope he leads from center.
promblem is that with reid and peroisi still leading dems in congress on one side and mconnel and bohenir on the other, it be hard to bring those factions together to get anything done

congress still going to be very hard to work with in next four years. Romney need hope paul ryan can charm paints of dems and tea party people in congress

It will be much different when they are both minority party next year.
I could have sworn that Mitt was saying the same things Obama was saying. This dude gets more moderate as the debates go on. Good thing for him this was the last one. One more and he would be a democrat.

Right you are and right he isn't. If you were to believe Romney (always dangerous straits to navigate), he is more liberal than Obama is at this point. Of course we have seen that what Romney says isn't always what you get.
I could have sworn that Mitt was saying the same things Obama was saying. This dude gets more moderate as the debates go on. Good thing for him this was the last one. One more and he would be a democrat.

The President's strongest approval numbers have been foreign policy.

The strategy by Romney was to try to erase the distinction between the 2 of them, so Romney can in effect coattail off Obama in an area where he can't win by disagreeing with the President generally.

Don't forget, too, Romney knows about as much about foreign policy as Sarah Palin did in 2008.
I could have sworn that Mitt was saying the same things Obama was saying. This dude gets more moderate as the debates go on. Good thing for him this was the last one. One more and he would be a democrat.

Does this make you worry or something? Are you upset he's more moderate and thus, theoretically, coming more toward your position?

Party over nation for you, i see.
President Obama blasted Mitt Romney at the foreign policy debate, saying he had given no correct answers on national security.

"Gov. Romney, I'm glad you recognize al-Qaeda is a threat, because a few months ago when you were asked what is the biggest geopolitical group facing America, you said Russia — not al-Qaeda. And the 1980's are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back — because the Cold War has been over for 20 years. But Governor, when it comes to our foreign policy, you seem to want to import the foreign policies of the 1980's, just like the social policy of the 1950's, and the economic policies of the 1920's.

"You say that you're not interested in duplicating what happened in Iraq but just a few weeks ago, you said you think we should have more troops in Iraq right now. And the challenge we have, I know you haven't been in a position to actually execute foreign policy, but every time you've offered an opinion, you've been wrong. You said we should have gone into Iraq despite the fact there were no weapons of mass destruction. You said that we should still have troops in Iraq to this day. You indicated that we shouldn't be passing nuclear treaties with Russia despite the fact that 71 senators, Democrats and Republicans, voted for it. You said that first we should not have a time line in Afghanistan. Then you said we should. Now you say maybe. Or it depends. Which means not only were you wrong but you're also confusing in sending mixed messages to our troops and our allies.

"So what we need to do with respect to the middle east is strong, steady leadership, not wrong and reckless leadership that is all over the map. And unfortunately, that is the kind of opinions that you've offered throughout this campaign. And it is not a recipe for american strength or keeping america safe."

Obama To Romney: The 1980s Called
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I could have sworn that Mitt was saying the same things Obama was saying. This dude gets more moderate as the debates go on. Good thing for him this was the last one. One more and he would be a democrat.

The President's strongest approval numbers have been foreign policy.

The strategy by Romney was to try to erase the distinction between the 2 of them, so Romney can in effect coattail off Obama in an area where he can't win by disagreeing with the President generally.

Don't forget, too, Romney knows about as much about foreign policy as Sarah Palin did in 2008.

I will agree with this Marxist for the first time, ever.

In the CNN poll of undecideds, Romney virtually tied Owebama as being qualified to lead America on foreign policy.

Considering that Romney outpaces Obummer by 2-1 on the same question pertaining to the economy, Romney's virtual tie last night was a HUGE win for him.

He played rope a dope and roped the dope.
It is Romney's greatest asset to blend in with those about him including their looks and philosophy. He is very flexible not only was he repeating Obama, but I swear he was getting darker as the evening wore on. I think it is a thing one learns in business school.
All he needsd are their votes this time, because he intends to make deals with the Dems that Bush, Boehner, and McConnell would not.
promblem is that with reid and peroisi still leading dems in congress on one side and mconnel and bohenir on the other, it be hard to bring those factions together to get anything done

congress still going to be very hard to work with in next four years. Romney need hope paul ryan can charm paints of dems and tea party people in congress

It will be much different when they are both minority party next year.

Pelosi - Yes
Reid - Probably not, GOP won't pick up enough Senate seats.
I could have sworn that Mitt was saying the same things Obama was saying. This dude gets more moderate as the debates go on. Good thing for him this was the last one. One more and he would be a democrat.

The President's strongest approval numbers have been foreign policy.

The strategy by Romney was to try to erase the distinction between the 2 of them, so Romney can in effect coattail off Obama in an area where he can't win by disagreeing with the President generally.

Don't forget, too, Romney knows about as much about foreign policy as Sarah Palin did in 2008.
Exactly, after Bishop Willard accused Obama of "leading from behind" on foreign policy, Bishop Willard has chosen to lead from behind Obama!!! :D
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So really what Romney demonstrated in this debate is that if we re-elect the president,

we'll get a foreign policy that has bi-partisan endorsement,

but we won't have to end Medicare, overturn Roe v Wade, and double the deficit to do it.

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