Was Martin's Assault and Beating of Zimmerman Fueled by Homophobic Feelings?


Apr 22, 2007
Apparently the illiterate Jeantel might have been right. 'Creepy Ass-Cracker' might not have been racist towards whites, but homophobic instead. Ass-cracker in the black community means one who engages in anal sex.

So Martin attacked the man that was coming on to him? Could be!

I still personally think it was a violent youth with and absentee father that had a history of violence and disobedience didn't like that a smaller hispanic man forced him to flee and be scared. Once he got away, he felt his manhood was tainted and decided to go back and teach the ass-cracker a lesson!

How Matthew Shepard anticipated Trayvon
prosecution’s “star witness” in the Zimmerman case, Rachel Jeantel, Martin thought Zimmerman “looked like a creepy a– cracker.”

“He told me the man was looking at him,” she added, “so I had to think it might have been a rapist. Might have been a rapist.” When defense attorney Don West asked Jeantel whether she thought “creepy-a– cracker” was racist, Jeantel explained that the phrase meant that Trayvon viewed Zimmerman as a “pervert.”

The Urban Dictionary defines “a– cracker” as “one who engages in anal sex.” It seems likely that Jeantel meant the homophobic “creepy a– cracker” and not the racist “creepy-a– cracker.”

In an interview after the trial with Piers Morgan, Jeantel clarified what was meant by “sexual pervert.” As she explained, since Martin was himself not a homosexual, Zimmerman’s actions worried him.

“For every boy or every man who’s not that kind of way,” she said, “seeing a grown man following them, would they be creeped out?”

^ My feelings about anything Trayvon/Zimmerman related
Seems to me if the dead guy wasn't a racist thug he'd still be alive. But, alas, actions have consequences. Good ones sometimes as in this case.

Yep the media manipulated this case. It started as a white racist thug (even though he was visibly hispanic) hunting down and murdering a black small 9 yr old honor student. Then facts started to arise that Zimmerman was hispanic but the media wanted to play the white card, so he became a white hispanic. Then Martin wasn't tiny nor was he 9 yrs old. He was 6 foot and 17 yr old. The media eventually reported this. Then the honor student report turned to a troubled teen, who was suspended from school at the time and had run ins with the law. The media seldomly reported this and Trayvon's backers IGNORED his troubled and violent past. Then the media settle on the story of a black teen walking through a neighborhood, where Zimmerman confronted him, picked a fight, Martin got the better of him and Zimmerman killed him in cold blood.

They hated the real story, because it wasn't newsworthy.
This actually makes perfect sense. That term being used. An overweight, pasty-complexioned, guy w/ a speech impediment stalking the adolescent in the dark for apparently no reason. Fits the definition of a 'kid- toucher' to a T. 'Lest we forget, his wife wants to get away from him/divorce too. This would also explain that.
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Martin's GF said that Zimmerman might be a gay guy stalking him...
That didn't get too much media attention.It could be exactly that which
sent Martin into a rage and account for his attacking Zimmerman.
Seems to me if the dead guy wasn't a racist thug he'd still be alive. But, alas, actions have consequences. Good ones sometimes as in this case.

Yep the media manipulated this case. It started as a white racist thug (even though he was visibly hispanic) hunting down and murdering a black small 9 yr old honor student. Then facts started to arise that Zimmerman was hispanic but the media wanted to play the white card, so he became a white hispanic. Then Martin wasn't tiny nor was he 9 yrs old. He was 6 foot and 17 yr old. The media eventually reported this. Then the honor student report turned to a troubled teen, who was suspended from school at the time and had run ins with the law. The media seldomly reported this and Trayvon's backers IGNORED his troubled and violent past. Then the media settle on the story of a black teen walking through a neighborhood, where Zimmerman confronted him, picked a fight, Martin got the better of him and Zimmerman killed him in cold blood.

They hated the real story, because it wasn't newsworthy.

If there was an opportunity for more race hustling, you liberals would be falling over each other trying to give that dead horse CPR......
Martin's GF said that Zimmerman might be a gay guy stalking him...
That didn't get too much media attention.It could be exactly that which
sent Martin into a rage and account for his attacking Zimmerman.

It could also be the exact reason why Jeantell didn't think ass-cracker was racist against whites. She might have justifiably thought it was a term against homosexuals! With all the white people trying the case and reporting on it, no one picked up that slang term for fags!
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^ My feelings about anything Trayvon/Zimmerman related

Too bad is not how your fellow liberals out their view the case! Not by a long shot. They want State and Federal laws in his name. I heard they are trying to push a holiday in his honor. Libs are still reporting on it and no doubt you will hear about it by the Dimocrats to have blacks come out and vote in the mid-terms!
Martin's assault and beating of George Zimmerman was just like the Navy Yard shooting, fueled by an outrageous sense of entitlement that he was owed and he was being disrespected. Just like every other black thug.
Martin's assault and beating of George Zimmerman was just like the Navy Yard shooting, fueled by an outrageous sense of entitlement that he was owed and he was being disrespected. Just like every other black thug.

Surely you jest, and if so, it is in very bad taste. Beating up a person who was told not to follow you is NOT the same as walking into a public or private place and committing the premeditated murder of 12 innocent people. The shooter at the Navy shipyard was no different than the same "thugs" who murdered at Columbine, Aurora, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, Ft. Hood and McDonald's in San Ysidro.
Firearm obsessed, social outcasts, who were angry at society in general.

Skin color has nothing to do with it. A nutcase is a nutcase.

And a nutcase with a firearm is a dangerous nutcase.
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