Was Ricky Shiffer just trying to kick-off the inevitable political civil war?

Why…because he showed he had the balls that Republican pussies say they have?

BasicHumanUnit your thoughts?

That wasn't balls, that was mental retardation.

Mr. Fed boi is all about starting the civil war.

Pretty much if that is their POV they are a Fed.
No, you flaming idiot.

Because he endangered lives. I want the FBI reconstructed. I don’t want anyone killing FBI agents or cops or trying to do so.

The world is a better place with him gone.
Hahaha…”he endangered lives”
WTF do you think civil war looks like you pussy?
Hahaha…”he endangered lives”
WTF do you think civil war looks like you pussy?
I’ve seen pictures. But that has nothing to do with anything.

Were you born retarded or did you lose most of your brain cells in some tragic accident?
Those with no balls never fantasize about having balls…weird huh?
So. Are you a guy who lost his balls? Or are you a female? Or does that question confuse you?
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That wasn't balls, that was mental retardation.

Mr. Fed boi is all about starting the civil war.

Pretty much if that is their POV they are a Fed.
It seems there's something I'm missing here. What is that?
Is it something you want to foment? I'll tell you right now: You will not win.

Okay, I see what's going on here.

OP is a faggot.

No, you're a fucking tard.

Not what you imagine, faggot.

You're dead before it even gets going.
Are you one of those soft, passive establishment Republicans?
Look, I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spineless, big mouth pieces of worthless dogshit that ever were. They sat on their hands and turned a blind eye to the emergence of fucked in the head leftists. They empowered the Left, they allowed them to write and enforce the PC rule book.
The Left told them what they could say, how and what to think and they rolled over and complied with a smile. “Conservatives” didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christian males cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christian males.
The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....FUCK traditional Conservatives!

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