Was the 2020 election stolen? What do the stats say?

how many way up at the top of BLM actually held positions of power from congress - to the WH AND either have participated, or were asked to; from departments of security, defense, & justice to major social media platforms pushing a 'wild' time or podcasters ginning them up to all gather in one place? some came organized with military precision. when you can show me that about BLM & the floyd protests, we'll talk.

what you are missing is the bigger picture. the bloodless coup that was in the works literally a few days after the bloodless coup failed - so donny threw his minions at pence et al on jan 6 as a last resort.
Dude who cares why obviously have enough power to burn down a small business which is more important to me then congress! I don’t worship government like you. I worship freedom
how many way up at the top of BLM actually held positions of power from congress - to the WH AND either have participated, or were asked to; from departments of security, defense, & justice to major social media platforms pushing a 'wild' time or podcasters ginning them up to all gather in one place? some came organized with military precision. when you can show me that about BLM & the floyd protests, we'll talk.

what you are missing is the bigger picture. the bloodless coup that was in the works literally a few days after the election, failed - so donny threw his minions at pence et al on jan 6 as a last resort.
Yeah he was pissed. I get it. We ve discussed this numerous times. The lack of law enforcement during the BLM riots and formation of CHAZ and such gave courage to rioters on the 6th imo as there was very little in repercussions. Our law enforcement and politicians failed us. The George Floyd incident was exaggerated. Jacob Blake incident was way over blown. The country is divided. Police are powerless. Only way this gets resolved is a serious event. Much worse than Jan 6th unfortunately and much worse than the BLM riots. I hope I am wrong.
You're dealing with a troll whose intent is to distract from the debate, not participate in it.
No doubt! But I'm fine with feeding more of what he wants, because his arguments are nonsensical. Which feeds into the larger narrative that everyone of these Trump Sheep are all the same. Some are more extreme in their insanely stupid, dishonest posts, but the result is always the same. We must continue to drive this home, that their patterns and tactics are always the same on this forum. Their motives are for what they want out of government without actually standing for anything that benefits the country. Which is why we see nothing but lies, cheating, racism, sexism, homophobia, hate, ignorance, and stupidity. That's really all they offer.
What is false comparison fallacy?

False equivalence is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone incorrectly asserts that two or more things are equivalent, simply because they share some characteristics, despite the fact that there are also notable differences between them.
Critical thinking is not their thing.
Ohh those are republicans stuffing the ballot box 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Faun dude don’t do this to this country don’t be on that side. You know I know Biden lost
OK, here are their names...

how many way up at the top of BLM actually held positions of power from congress - to the WH AND either have participated, or were asked to; from departments of security, defense, & justice to major social media platforms pushing a 'wild' time or podcasters ginning them up to all gather in one place? some came organized with military precision. when you can show me that about BLM & the floyd protests, we'll talk.

what you are missing is the bigger picture. the bloodless coup that was in the works literally a few days after the election, failed - so donny threw his minions at pence et al on jan 6 as a last resort.
He's not missing it ... he's avoiding it.
You don’t riot as it made it worse now leftists cry Jan 6th nonstop. You write your congressman and you tell them you want stricter voting policies.
There were no voting discrepancies. Why should voting be stricter?
There were no voting discrepancies. Why should voting be stricter?
The optics are bad with so many voting by mail. Whether there were or were not is almost irrelevant based on the optics. Improve the optics as they did in VA and controversies go away. Understood, foreigner?
The optics are bad with so many voting by mail. Whether there were or were not is almost irrelevant based on the optics. Improve the optics as they did in VA and controversies go away. Understood, foreigner?
The only "bad optics" that were uncovered, were the schemes to overthrow the election by Trump and his people. It is now documented in fact and will go to DOJ.

Voting by mail only looks bad for those who went along with the 1688 poll closings in minority areas that prevented minorities from voting in the first place. When you say "bad optics", that's really what you are talking about. Otherwise, "bad optics" has no meaning.
The only bad optics that were uncovered, were the schemes to overthrow the election by Trump and his people. It is now documented in fact and will go to DOJ.

Voting by mail only looks bad for those who went along with the 1688 poll closings in minority areas that prevented minorities from voting in the first place. When you say "bad optics", that's really what you are talking about. Otherwise, "bad optics' has no meaning.
Do you know what the word “optics” means? Follow what they did in VA in every state and the bad optics are mostly gone, foreigner.
Debate loser. Don't run like a coward with your usual nonsense.
Debate what? Did you or did you not say “China did everything right”? You are also not an American. If you want debate then begin with honesty of who you are and what your agenda is.

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