Was the 2020 election stolen? What do the stats say?

Total Eligible
Total Registered
% of Registered
Total Voted
% of Voted
Increase of votedNA

Are there shenanigans? IDK but here are the stats. We see a big dip in % who voted in 2004 post 2000 and a big spike in 2004 with BHO garnering strong support as the economy was in serious trouble. 46% cycle over cycle increase in pretty impressive. Note that for some reason in 2004 the % of registered voters was low too. Since then the % of registered voters has hovered in the mid 60s. Interestingly % of increase of those eligible to vote spiked by 12% in 2020 when compared to 2016 when it was just 1% and 3% in the prior years, respectively.

Does it prove there was fraud? IDK. It is interesting to see the spike however. My guess it was due to more mail in ballots and those are always prone to shenanigans.

What are your thoughts?

Faun This is how your review stats and even this is pretty sophomoric. But I just did a quick and dirty.
Critical analysis by the Trump Justice Department under Trump's Attorney General William Barr and by Trump's cyber-security election expert Christopher Krebs, along with multiple recounts, audits, and dozens of rejects court challenges across the nation all attest to the legitimacy of the election.

No credible evidence of the election having been stolen in some mysterious, vast, pervasive conspiracy involving Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, and Republican judges across America has been presented, no suspects named, and no challenge is pending in any venue, despite all the Trumpy politicians, Trumpy prosecutors, and Trumpy investigators who would be eager to contest the election if they could contrive a marginally credible excuse for doing so.

Occam's Razor dictates that over seven million more Americans voting against the Cry Baby Loser than for him is infinitely more probable an explanation for his losing, his whining without substance, and his propaganda outlets training his parrots to squawk is testament to a cult's inability to handle the truth.

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Critical analysis by the Trump Justice Department under Trump's Attorney General William Barr and by Trump's cyber-security election expert Christopher Krebs, along with multiple recounts, audits, and dozens of rejects court challenges across the nation all attest to the legitimacy of the election.

No credible evidence of the election having been stolen in some mysterious, vast, pervasive conspiracy involving Republican governors, Republican secretaries of state, Republican attorneys general, and Republican judges across America has been presented, no suspects named, and no challenge is pending in any venue, despite all the Trumpy politicians, Trumpy prosecutors, and Trumpy investigators who would be eager to contest the election if they could contrive a marginally credible excuse for doing so.

Occam's Razor dictates that over seven million more Americans voting against the Cry Baby Loser than for him is infinitely more probable an explanation for his losing, his whining without substance, and his propaganda outlets training his parrots to squawk is testament to a cult's inability to handle the truth.

You always come through. LOL! About saying absolutely nothing.
If the optics aren’t bad why does at least 40% country believe the election was stolen? Was because as you said “China did everything right”?
The President's current standing in polls does not serve as a diversion from the overwhelming lack of evidence concerning the lie that the election was inexplicably stolen.
When did I say it was “stolen” in my OP? You said the country overwhelmingly voted Biden in. Well 20% have had 2nd thoughts. Not so overwhelming now, is it?
I am Honest with who I am. You?
No you aren't, because you won't, and can't engage. Pay attention to your post; The optics are bad with so many voting by mail. Whether there were or were not is almost irrelevant based on the optics. Anyone with a functioning brain, and reading that, would immediately understand how nonsensical it is. "THE OPTICS ARE BAD." Then you say, "WHETHER THERE WERE OR NOT." Huh? You just contradicted yourself. You aren't honest.
When did I say it was “stolen” in my OP? You said the country overwhelmingly voted Biden in. Well 20% have had 2nd thoughts. Not so overwhelming now, is it?
If it wasn't stolen, then why do we need to change the rules in voting? Because of "optics?" No one knows what you are talking about? It's nonsensical.
Debate what? Did you or did you not say “China did everything right”? You are also not an American. If you want debate then begin with honesty of who you are and what your agenda is.
So, are you going to be a juvenile or debate. Give me one reason why we should change rules in voting? And don't tell us about the "optics." People aren't stupid. That word has no relevant meaning with voting. If it did, you would have already explained it.
If the optics aren’t bad why does at least 40% country believe the election was stolen? Was because as you said “China did everything right”?
Then prove it, don't stand around with your finger up your ass believing. I can tell you I believe in Martians. And? If I don't prove they exist, then I need to shut the hell up about it.

The 40% who believe, are mentally ill. You think I say that to insult. Wrong! I'm dead serious. Psychologically speaking, some humans are not capable of accepting defeat, so they are drawn into their own make believe world, in order to mentally cope with that loss. So, what do they do? They invent some excuse that relieves the chemical stress in their bodies, and they lie to themselves. And when someone like me comes along, and disproves their fantasies, the stress returns. They retreat into denial, and the lying becomes even more extreme.
No you aren't, because you won't, and can't engage. Pay attention to your post; The optics are bad with so many voting by mail. Whether there were or were not is almost irrelevant based on the optics. Anyone with a functioning brain, and reading that, would immediately understand how nonsensical it is. "THE OPTICS ARE BAD." Then you say, "WHETHER THERE WERE OR NOT." Huh? You just contradicted yourself. You aren't honest.
Until you admit you're not an American and did state that "China did everything right" we have ZERO to discuss. Optics are bad. LOL

If it wasn't stolen, then why do we need to change the rules in voting? Because of "optics?" No one knows what you are talking about? It's nonsensical.
Until you admit you're not an American and did state that "China did everything right" we have ZERO to discuss.
So, are you going to be a juvenile or debate. Give me one reason why we should change rules in voting? And don't tell us about the "optics." People aren't stupid. That word has no relevant meaning with voting. If it did, you would have already explained it.
Until you admit you're not an American and did state that "China did everything right" we have ZERO to discuss.
Then prove it, don't stand around with your finger up your ass believing. I can tell you I believe in Martians. And? If I don't prove they exist, then I need to shut the hell up about it.

The 40% who believe, are mentally ill. You think I say that to insult. Wrong! I'm dead serious. Psychologically speaking, some humans are not capable of accepting defeat, so they are drawn into their own make believe world, in order to mentally cope with that loss. So, what do they do? They invent some excuse that relieves the chemical stress in their bodies, and they lie to themselves. And when someone like me comes along, and disproves their fantasies, the stress returns. They retreat into denial, and the lying becomes even more extreme.
Until you admit you're not an American and did state that "China did everything right" we have ZERO to discuss.

One doesn't need to prove optics

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