Was the border broken before Joe Biden broke it? (Poll)

Was the US border broken before Joe Biden, or did Joe Biden break it? (Poll)

  • Trump had the border right. Wait in Mexico for your hearing. Immigration LAW was enforced.

    Votes: 26 92.9%
  • Biden has the border right. Immigration LAW is being ignored.

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters
trump was handed a disaster of a border problem and did what he had to do Obama created the fiasco why should I scold Trump for doing what Barry wouldn't
Because if you think putting children in cages is an act worth scrutinizing like you did to Obama then you should do the same to Trump who used them as well. At least that’s what a principled person would do
Because if you think putting children in cages is an act worth scrutinizing like you did to Obama then you should do the same to Trump who used them as well. At least that’s what a principled person would do
Well my point was that Obama put them in place AND used them, since people were saying that Trump had them built. No I do not want kids in cages with either President.
Well my point was that Obama put them in place AND used them, since people were saying that Trump had them built. No I do not want kids in cages with either President.
politics allowed the kids to remain in the US but prevented them from being detained with the adults

They should have been returned to mexico the same day they got here
Well my point was that Obama put them in place AND used them, since people were saying that Trump had them built. No I do not want kids in cages with either President.
I know what your point was, which was a diversion from my point. That’s the point
No it was a comparison! Someone used the cages to blast Trump, I simply brought up that the cages were built by obama
Wrong you have a bad memory. You blasted Obama for the cages. I asked if Trump deserves the same criticism for using them. You’ve been dancing ever since
Just saw KJP lie her ass off again at today's presser.

She said that "the border was broken for decades", and the dickless reporters didn't call her out for lying.

This is ridiculous. Why does the "free press" enable and support her obvious lies?

Democrat mayors are saying "no mas", and KJP is saying Republicans are the problem for blocking comprehensive immigration reform.

The Biden Administration ignited the worst border crisis in American history and placed U.S. Border Patrol agents’ lives at risk by removing deterrent-focused immigration policies and border enforcement tools.
Wrong you have a bad memory. You blasted Obama for the cages. I asked if Trump deserves the same criticism for using them. You’ve been dancing ever since
Here is my point Obama had them made, and Trump used them, and good for him, we have an invasion happening at the border and it is precisely because of Joe Biden period!
Republicans are NOT the problem.
Trump had the border solved. It was nearly perfect. Migrants knew not to come or they would be sent to Mexico.
Biden needs to seal the border or get Impeached for not sealing the border.
Republicans are NOT the problem.
Trump had the border solved. It was nearly perfect. Migrants knew not to come or they would be sent to Mexico.
Biden needs to seal the border or get Impeached for not sealing the border.
No he didn't. Trump didn't do any more than previous presidents to curb illegal immigration. He slowed LEGAL immigration down to a crawl. That's all.
No he didn't. Trump didn't do any more than previous presidents to curb illegal immigration. He slowed LEGAL immigration down to a crawl. That's all.
He fought everyone to build the wall.
CBP loves the wall. Biden needs to finish it.
Trump implemented the "Remain in Mexico policy". That kept migrants from coming.

Trump wanted "merit based" legal immigration, not uneducated losers from shithole countries.
Actually, she's totally correct. Our immigration system HAS been broken for a very long time.

All Trump did with the "Stay in Mexico" policy was kick the can down the road. Most of those refugees aren't Mexican and Mexico certainly doesn't have the resources to support them. How long did you reasonably expect them to wait?

The real problem is that it takes way too long to get asylum hearings. USCIS guidelines say it should take 180 days to resolve an asylum claim. The actual backlog is closer to three years to just get an initial hearing.

I've recently had to deal with the immigration system regarding my wife (who came here seven years ago from China on an asylum claim) getting her status changed from a work visa to a marriage visa. I had to file 200 pages of documentation, on top of paying close to $4000 in lawyer fees and government applications, and it's STILL going to be a year before it gets settled.
Yeah, and when Mexico can't afford to feed them any longer Mexico will expel them back to their country of origin. Problem solved. All these illegal aliens are demanding asylum because the NGOs supporting them and the Cartels are telling them that the demand will get them into the country where they can disappear. Few if any of them have legitimate asylum claims. They are economic refugees, not political ones.
Actually, she's totally correct. Our immigration system HAS been broken for a very long time.

All Trump did with the "Stay in Mexico" policy was kick the can down the road. Most of those refugees aren't Mexican and Mexico certainly doesn't have the resources to support them. How long did you reasonably expect them to wait?

The real problem is that it takes way too long to get asylum hearings. USCIS guidelines say it should take 180 days to resolve an asylum claim. The actual backlog is closer to three years to just get an initial hearing.

I've recently had to deal with the immigration system regarding my wife (who came here seven years ago from China on an asylum claim) getting her status changed from a work visa to a marriage visa. I had to file 200 pages of documentation, on top of paying close to $4000 in lawyer fees and government applications, and it's STILL going to be a year before it gets settled.
A lot of that is probably China refusing to cooperate. Add in the suspicion any Chinese immigrant faces due to rampant industrial and military spying from not only immigrants, but their first-generation descendants and it's going to be tough on Chinese immigrants. Also there is going to be serious scrutiny on how your fiancé paid for her illegal travels here.
You realize that the problem with mines is that they can be easily defeated, right.

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Just like fences can be defeated. They can be climbed over, dug under or broken through. Penn and Teller went to a Home Depot and hired six Day laborers to build a replica of the kind of fencing they use at the border. It took them about a day to build a 20 Foot section. Then they asked them to either dig under it, climb over it or break through it. It took them less than three minutes to do. "Hey, you think they've done this before?" Penn remarked.

To be fair, I've had two times where I had to write congressmen. One was when I left the military and had an issue with pay on the way out. That got resolved quickly. The other was when I complained about the Secretary of State's office turning into such a clusterfuck. The State Rep admitted there were problems and they are working on them.

Okay, what about the lower-pay jobs? The ones Americans just don't want to do? I remember when COVID was happening, and we only had one person in the office a week; they had cleaning crews coming in to scrub everything down. Gues who they were. "Halo, Senor!" they would say to me when they saw me in the office.

I think the problem is that the solutions wouldn't be popular, especially with the Republican base that wants the benefits of illegal labor but doesn't want Mexicans to date their daughters.
Having been EOD AND a Combat Engineer, I can say without fear of accurate refutation that transiting a minefield using a metal detector is a slow and painstaking process. That would allow ICE agents to be waiting for the crosser when he finally clears the minefield. Oh and by the way, many, anti-personnel mines way, way back in 1971 when I went to EOD school were made of non-magnetic materials and plastics and were immune to metal detectors. Even back then the military was transitioning to density detectors from conventional metal detectors.
Trump had the border solved.
No, but he was heading in the right direction. We will never be able to entire close the border. What we can do is close the easily accessible areas and force the illegals and drug runners into inhospitable terrain that will slow them down and make them easier to catch. We also need to close the loopholes allowing the so called "anchor babies" to access US services simply because they were born here and increase the penalties for knowingly employing illegal aliens. Take away the incentives to come and the flood will stop and the remaining trickle can be handled.
That’s called processing. When we take names they are assigned a date for a hearing because they have an asylum claim. Those that don’t get deported. That’s not an open border
When most of those "asylum seekers" fail to bother to show up for their court dates, what are you going to do? You don't know who they really are. or where they are.
I'm sure you do... you guys live in your own fact free world.

Budget shutdowns never end well for you guys. When Aunt Millie can't get her check, she usually takes it out on you.
Except Aunt Millie always gets her check. What doesn't get funded during shutdowns are unnecessary services and very obvious things like access to national parks as a political move since most national parks run a profit. I remember during the last "shutdown" the government cordoned off the Lincoln memorial AND paid a guard where there wasn't a guard before.
When most of those "asylum seekers" fail to bother to show up for their court dates, what are you going to do? You don't know who they really are. or where they are.
What am I going to do? Well since I’m not involved with our immigration system… I’m going to do nothing.
What am I going to do? Well since I’m not involved with our immigration system… I’m going to do nothing.
That was a generic you, but you and people like you are the ones in favor of allowing them into the country. But answer the question. How does the government find them when they don’t show up for trial?

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