Was the border broken before Joe Biden broke it? (Poll)

Was the US border broken before Joe Biden, or did Joe Biden break it? (Poll)

  • Trump had the border right. Wait in Mexico for your hearing. Immigration LAW was enforced.

    Votes: 26 92.9%
  • Biden has the border right. Immigration LAW is being ignored.

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters
Joe Biden stopped construction on it.
Democrats, environmentalists and advocates for migrants are expressing anger this week as President Joe Biden’s administration continues to push forward with plans to build sections of border wall along parts of Texas’ border with Mexico.

Biden says he has no choice but to continue building the wall, and in a public filing that went into effect Thursday, his administration gave notice that it intends to waive 26 laws and regulations in order to “take immediate action” to build a few miles of new barrier in Starr County.

your own link is contrary to your assertion. lol
President Barack Obama separated parents from their children at the border. Obama prosecuted mothers for coming to the United States illegally. He fast tracked deportations. And yes, he housed unaccompanied children in tent cities. For much of the country — and President Donald Trump — the prevailing belief is that Obama was the president who went easier on immigrants. TOP VIDEOS Neither Obama nor Democrats created Trump’s zero-tolerance policy, which calls for every illegal border crosser to be prosecuted and leads to their children being detained in separate facilities before being shipped to a shelter and eventually a sponsor family. But Obama’s policy helped create the road map of enforcement that Trump has been following — and building on. “It’s been going on for many, many decades and many years,” Trump said this week. “Whether it was President Bush, President Obama, President Clinton — same policies. They can’t get them changed because both sides are always fighting. ...This is maybe a great chance to have a change.”

Read more at: https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/white-house/article213525764.html#storylink=cpy
Democrats, environmentalists and advocates for migrants are expressing anger this week as President Joe Biden’s administration continues to push forward with plans to build sections of border wall along parts of Texas’ border with Mexico.

Biden says he has no choice but to continue building the wall, and in a public filing that went into effect Thursday, his administration gave notice that it intends to waive 26 laws and regulations in order to “take immediate action” to build a few miles of new barrier in Starr County.

Biden says he has no choice.
Democrats, environmentalists and advocates for migrants are expressing anger this week as President Joe Biden’s administration continues to push forward with plans to build sections of border wall along parts of Texas’ border with Mexico.

Biden says he has no choice but to continue building the wall, and in a public filing that went into effect Thursday, his administration gave notice that it intends to waive 26 laws and regulations in order to “take immediate action” to build a few miles of new barrier in Starr County.

Do you swallow that line of bunk?
Democrats, environmentalists and advocates for migrants are expressing anger this week as President Joe Biden’s administration continues to push forward with plans to build sections of border wall along parts of Texas’ border with Mexico.

Biden says he has no choice but to continue building the wall, and in a public filing that went into effect Thursday, his administration gave notice that it intends to waive 26 laws and regulations in order to “take immediate action” to build a few miles of new barrier in Starr County.

I think immigration will do him in. His first two years and Klain were spent trying to appease the progressives even though they can't pass gas. In retrospect, he probably should have tried to enforce the law, while still using his exec power to increase the number of legal refugees, which he has now done, but if we had a secure border, we could let more people in, such as Ukranians and christians in Africa facing ... intolerance. Not that Xians are opposed. lol
Face it. Physical barriers are appropriate in some areas and not appropriate in others. Certainly no need for a big beautiful barrier along the entire border.
No need where the desert is a deadly barrier.
Yes the border has been fucked up for decades that however does not change the fact Biden took a bad situation and made it worse.
We have a massive labor surplus in the nation. There never was a labor shortage. We have been lied to. Businesses would rather pay a low wage than a good wage. American businesses should have to pay a citizen TRIPLE wages for the same work as illegals do. Then the businesses would cry about it.
Just saw KJP lie her ass off again at today's presser.

She said that "the border was broken for decades", and the dickless reporters didn't call her out for lying.

This is ridiculous. Why does the "free press" enable and support her obvious lies?

Democrat mayors are saying "no mas", and KJP is saying Republicans are the problem for blocking comprehensive immigration reform.

The Biden Administration ignited the worst border crisis in American history and placed U.S. Border Patrol agents’ lives at risk by removing deterrent-focused immigration policies and border enforcement tools.
Yes, it has been a problem for decades..

Trump did things to make them worse...

He cut security funding to countries south of the border while a rise in fentanyl use was happeing in US... So while loosing the drug war he pulled money from where the supply is coming from.
This undermined the government south of the border while the US increased the illegal weapons shipped into their countries...

Then on top otf that the Trump method of catch and release by into Mexico just created more people wanting to come in (increasing demand) where before they dealt with the immigrant now they are just shoving them back so they can try again quickly... Border Patrol could be arresting the same guy numerous times a month, get caught on Monday, get a shower and some food & thrown back to Mexico Border on Tuesday, try agin Wednesday...

Trump made it worse... Money ain't going to stop it... Need to reverse some of the tings Trump did..
Yes, it has been a problem for decades.. Trump did things to make them worse...

He cut security funding to countries south of the border while a rise in fentanyl use was happening in US... So while loosing the drug war he pulled money from where the supply is coming from. This undermined the government south of the border while the US increased the illegal weapons shipped into their countries...

Then on top of that the Trump method of catch and release by into Mexico just created more people wanting to come in (increasing demand) where before they dealt with the immigrant now they are just shoving them back so they can try again quickly... Border Patrol could be arresting the same guy numerous times a month, get caught on Monday, get a shower and some food & thrown back to Mexico Border on Tuesday, try again Wednesday...

Trump made it worse... Money ain't going to stop it... Need to reverse some of the things Trump did..
1. We need to cut ALL foreign aid. We owe $34T. That borrowed money is just wasted.
2. Remain in Mexico was a successful policy. It showed migrants that there was no way to enter the US, so not many tried.
3. Biden's open borders is a disaster, and voters know it, even democrats.
4. We need to go back to the things Trump did.
Sure you did. After railing Obama for using the cages I asked if Trump gets the same blame for using cages and you dodged addressing that question. I bet you’re about to do it again right now
No I did not dodge anything, yes Trump used the cages that Obama provided him.
SO far would give both political party's a big zero on getting together and making ANY improvements.
SO much better to use the mess for political party points?
You just scolded him a few posts ago. I’m asking if you’re going to give Trump the same scolding?
trump was handed a disaster of a border problem and did what he had to do Obama created the fiasco why should I scold Trump for doing what Barry wouldn't

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