Was the murder of Dr. George Tiller justified?

Was the killing justified?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 9.1%
  • No

    Votes: 48 87.3%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 2 3.6%

  • Total voters
Tiller helped MANY rapists of underage girls cover up their crimes. That was part of his "service".

More Evidence Raped Kansas Children Were Ignored: Tiller?s Partner Speaks of Raped Young Girls | Stand With Truth

Tiller and Neuhaus had a real abortion mill going. For which Neuhaus lost her license.

Kan. doctor loses license over abortion referrals

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — A Kansas doctor remained unapologetic Friday after state regulators revoked her medical license over allegations that she performed inadequate mental health exams on young patients she then referred to Dr. George Tiller for late-term abortions.

Tiller and Neuhaus faked medical records to avoid Kansas law that an abortion in the final weeks was necessary for the mother's health. Tiller was a killer of the VERY WORST kind. The man that ended his bloody career deserves to be released and paid for his years in prison with a bonus for ridding the world of a man dripping with evil.
It is interesting to see these "pro-life" advocates claim it is just fine for a man to be murdered in front of his church. Almost the same argument that they are against abortion but for the death penalty? Not so pro-life to me.

Also, I know that the murderer was involved with a very extreme anti-abortion group which was known for violence in that area...especially against Tiller and others who were pro-choice. I am also aware of the fact that the murderer has gained quite the following and even a devout follower who is in the same extreme group.
Murders should get the death penalty,

Innocent babies should not get the death penalty
About 250 years ago, if two men had personal or political differences that were serious, the honorable thing to do was to challenge the other to a duel on a field of honor and then settle the issue. Today, things are somewhat different. One guy ambushes another unarmed man and guns him down...or builds a bomb and parks it in front of the Oklahoma City Federal building.

And some people think of people who do these things as heros....
One guy ambushes another unarmed man and guns him down
Kind of sounds like a abortion

Forgive me for being confused. This thread is about the murder of a man by another man, not about whether abortion is evil or not...unless your argument is that the the murder was justified. If that is your position, I think that you should just come out and say so.
If he was murdered to stop him from committing murder then it would be justified, no?
Just think of it as a really really late abortion

A recent survey showed that among college students is an agreement that fourth trimester (after the baby is born) should be legal as a matter of choice. So think of it as 180th trimester abortion.
If he was murdered to stop him from committing murder then it would be justified, no?

Speaking from a legal perspective, abortion is legal, and murder is not. Should your position be that the killing of the doctor was justified, because he performed abortions, then I suspect that the law would have to be changed to state, to the affect that murder is a capital crime, unless the victim is an abortionist, in which case, it is not murder.

Now, don't let me put words in your mouth, but does that pretty much sum up your position?

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