Was the murder of Dr. George Tiller justified?

Was the killing justified?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 9.1%
  • No

    Votes: 48 87.3%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 2 3.6%

  • Total voters

Louie Armstrong was a victim of child abuse and neglect - his mother was an addict - Louie was adopted by a very loving, kind Jewish family who nurtured him and helped him find his gift of musical ability. They nurtured that gift and today we enjoy his music. Because one Jewish family took in an abused child and loved him back to health.
True story. G-d bless the Jews.

Good night, everyone!

- Jeri
One guy ambushes another unarmed man and guns him down
Kind of sounds like a abortion

Forgive me for being confused. This thread is about the murder of a man by another man, not about whether abortion is evil or not...unless your argument is that the the murder was justified. If that is your position, I think that you should just come out and say so.

You're not the one who is confused.
The person did not have a license to murder as his victim did, neither did he have a barbaric law on his side but in the great scheme of things in the Universe he was just serving justice.
Well, I think it's pretty easy at this point to say who the 4 people are who voted "Yes" on this disgusting poll.

Want to talk about taking a basic biology course, maybe you should pick up a book yourself....in courses that I have taken, they are fetus's not babies.

Also, the fact that some of you believe Dr. Tiller had it coming or it was the right thing to do....is very concerning and not something to be taken lightly. It shows how extreme some people are here, it is quite sad to see that you can say that like it is nothing. Abortion is legal (because law and choice will always trump religious extremists in this country), while murder is not...therefore, that man deserves to spend the rest of his days behind bars.

This is a conversation on whether or not a cold-blooded murder of a practicing doctor was justified because of his legal practice. After having been attacked multiple times and his family harassed. It is sad that this is even a discussion.

Now it is time to wait for the pro-life member to say, oh how murder and abortion are the same thing...yada yada. While they are two very different issues, it is a difference between murdering a human being and a zygote or fetus in the beginning stages. I have already stated that I am pro-choice, and support it up to the 6th month. Do I agree with late-term abortions, no...will I force my opinion on the women seeking abortions, hell no. It is not my choice or say to tell them what to do, it is an individual decision that should be left up to the individual...not a court or piece of legislation. No study or statistic you use to scare people or make them believe that it is wrong, it will NEVER be illegal....and you have already lost the women vote in this country, along with almost every other important group (besides white men and older white folks).
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A lot of idiots have no clue that scum like Tiller actually enjoy what they do, in the way a Serial Killer enjoys his work. These abortion addicts are sick fucks and I voted YES.
Well, I think it's pretty easy at this point to say who the 3 people are who voted "Yes" on this disgusting poll.

Want to talk about taking a basic biology course, maybe you should pick up a book yourself....in courses that I have taken, they are fetus's not babies.

Also, the fact that some of you believe Dr. Tiller had it coming or it was the right thing to do....is very concerning and not something to be taken lightly. It shows how extreme some people are here, it is quite sad to see that you can say that like it is nothing. Abortion is legal (because law and choice will always trump religious extremists in this country), while murder is not...therefore, that man deserves to spend the rest of his days behind bars.

This is a conversation on whether or not a cold-blooded murder of a practicing doctor was justified because of his legal practice. After having been attacked multiple times and his family harassed. It is sad that this is even a discussion.

Now it is time to wait for the pro-life member to say, oh how murder and abortion are the same thing...yada yada. While they are two very different issues, it is a difference between murdering a human being and a zygote or fetus in the beginning stages. I have already stated that I am pro-choice, and support it up to the 6th month. Do I agree with late-term abortions, no...will I force my opinion on the women seeking abortions, hell no. It is not my choice or say to tell them what to do, it is an individual decision that should be left up to the individual...not a court or piece of legislation. No study or statistic you use to scare people or make them believe that it is wrong, it will NEVER be illegal....and you have already lost the women vote in this country, along with almost every other important group (besides white men and older white folks).


the killed murderer was not a doctor. he was a butcher. There are only 3 or 4 butchers for the whole 7+ billion world - even in this country, where some states permit this barbaric procedure of third trimester abortion ( which does not exist anywhere else in the world - legally) - every other doctor who has self respect won't even approach a butchery procedure performed only by greedy bastards as the baby killer.

if there is a need to end the pregnancy in the third trimester - induce labor or perform a c-section - safer for the mother million times and without a murder of a viable baby.

The person, who killed this bastard with medical license did humanity a service.
A lot of idiots have no clue that scum like Tiller actually enjoy what they do, in the way a Serial Killer enjoys his work. These abortion addicts are sick fucks and I voted YES.

exactly. just remember the "jokes" of that vampire gosnell - "he could walk to the bus".

those subhumans are sick and so are thier supporters.
A lot of idiots have no clue that scum like Tiller actually enjoy what they do, in the way a Serial Killer enjoys his work. These abortion addicts are sick fucks and I voted YES.

Not only is murder wrong, it hurts the cause of what you want to achieve.

There is nothing more the radical pro-abortion advocates want than to portray opponents as crazed, homicidal zealots.

Two monsters, George Tiller, and Kermit Gosnell. Both specialized in extreme late term abortion, that in reality was infanticide. Both ran filthy and unsanitary abortion mills. Both had high mortality rates of the women who had abortions by them.

Tiller was murdered. The result of this to make the anti-abortion movement appear deranged, and to make Tiller sympathetic to the public. (He was already a hero to the rabid abortion promoters, who mourn every live birth.) His death harmed the opposition to abortion and violates the principle that we are a nation of law.

Second situation, Kermit Gosnell. Gosnell is virtually identical to Tiller, a failed physician who turned to abortion due to the inability to perform competently as a legitimate OB/Gyn. But Gosnell was instead EXPOSED and arrested. Though the corrupt leftist press suppressed his trial, there was still a fair amount of exposure of his house of horrors, and the process of infanticide in general.

Gosnell pushed many in the middle into the anti-abortion camp.

My point, work within the law. You cannot support what is moral and just through actions that are immoral and unjust.
Dr. Tiller was just that, a doctor, you calling him a monster is your opinion. But that does not make you right, no. Do I believe in abortion, yes to the beginning of the 2nd Trimester....I will always believe in a women's right to choose. I will not force women to keep a pregnancy, as that is not my place...nor is it yours.

Please do keep calling us leftards, leftists, socialists, etc..Because nothing will change the fact that your party has lost the women vote, Hispanic vote, African American vote, LGBT vote, union's vote, young vote, worker's vote, middle-class and poor vote. So go ahead and keep pronouncing your views...while you cuddle up to the Koch brother's, Karl Rove, the wealthiest, the oil companies, white men, and older white people. Enjoy getting back into any state of national power, it will not happen...as that would mean changing the views of all of those groups, which would go against your party's philosophy.Simple.
Dr. Tiller was just that, a doctor, you calling him a monster is your opinion. But that does not make you right, no. Do I believe in abortion, yes to the beginning of the 2nd Trimester....I will always believe in a women's right to choose. I will not force women to keep a pregnancy, as that is not my place...nor is it yours.

Please do keep calling us leftards, leftists, socialists, etc..Because nothing will change the fact that your party has lost the women vote, Hispanic vote, African American vote, LGBT vote, union's vote, young vote, worker's vote, middle-class and poor vote. So go ahead and keep pronouncing your views...while you cuddle up to the Koch brother's, Karl Rove, the wealthiest, the oil companies, white men, and older white people. Enjoy getting back into any state of national power, it will not happen...as that would mean changing the views of all of those groups, which would go against your party's philosophy.Simple.

He was a doctor that took innocent lives.

Why don't women simply choose not to spread their legs for every Tom, Dick and Harry?

It sounds like your in favor of taking an innocent life to make up for bad decisions.

FTR Tiller made his living performing late-term abortions, something you seem to be against yet you defend.
Dr. Tiller was just that, a doctor, you calling him a monster is your opinion.

Tiller was a doctor in the same way that Josef Mengele was a doctor.

But that does not make you right, no. Do I believe in abortion, yes to the beginning of the 2nd Trimester....I will always believe in a women's right to choose. I will not force women to keep a pregnancy, as that is not my place...nor is it yours.

You support abortion, but I doubt you support choice.

Please do keep calling us leftards, leftists, socialists, etc..Because nothing will change the fact that your party has lost the women vote, Hispanic vote, African American vote, LGBT vote, union's vote, young vote, worker's vote, middle-class and poor vote. So go ahead and keep pronouncing your views...while you cuddle up to the Koch brother's, Karl Rove, the wealthiest, the oil companies, white men, and older white people. Enjoy getting back into any state of national power, it will not happen...as that would mean changing the views of all of those groups, which would go against your party's philosophy.Simple.

You realize that support for your radical abortion agenda declines every year? From 1968 to today, support for abortion continues to fall.

Part of it is simply technology and advances in medical science. As I pointed out earlier, the average abortion promoter is ignorant of even basic biology. Abortion is packaged based on utter nonsense. Selling abortion depends on the ignorance of the receptor. No one with a scintilla of education will accept the idiocy that human offspring is "a blob" or a "clump of cells" or any other dehumanizing bullshit that abortion promoters traditionally use. As knowledge of gestational stages becomes more widely known, opposition to abortion increases.

You may celebrate men like Gosnell, Mengele, and Tiller, but most people find them to be repulsive, to be monsters.
Dr. Tiller was just that, a doctor, you calling him a monster is your opinion. But that does not make you right, no. Do I believe in abortion, yes to the beginning of the 2nd Trimester....I will always believe in a women's right to choose. I will not force women to keep a pregnancy, as that is not my place...nor is it yours.

Please do keep calling us leftards, leftists, socialists, etc..Because nothing will change the fact that your party has lost the women vote, Hispanic vote, African American vote, LGBT vote, union's vote, young vote, worker's vote, middle-class and poor vote. So go ahead and keep pronouncing your views...while you cuddle up to the Koch brother's, Karl Rove, the wealthiest, the oil companies, white men, and older white people. Enjoy getting back into any state of national power, it will not happen...as that would mean changing the views of all of those groups, which would go against your party's philosophy.Simple.

He was not a doctor . He was not even human. What he did differ from serial killer only by very thin layer of judicial wording and a particulate latitude and longitude - any of those wave just a point - and he is a serial murderer no better than any of them. Actually worse, since serial killers don't usually involve greediness in their sick quest.

XXX - you support this cockroaches of the human race without even trying to move your brain- was it ever a question for you that in a 320 million nation which has hundreds of thousands of physicians there are only 4 of them involved in the bloody murder of viable children? Did it ever occur to you to research how this butchery is done and what are the grave risks involved in this three day torture? Did you ever pose a question to yourself - WHY isn't it performed in the hospital or surgery center, where medical care and a potential to help instantly is exponentially higher than in some obscure office? Did it ever enlighten you that these types of procedures ARE those, so supposedly dreaded 'back alley' facilities, which should be avoided at any cost? Did you ever got interested why the so natural and never questioned ( and easily obtained by respected physician) admitting privileges to the nearby hospital are so vehemently resisted by these and other butchers? Shouldn't it immediately raise a red flag in your mind - if this particular clinic and 'doctors' are afraid of the necessity to have admitting privileges to the nearby hospital, that maybe they are afraid they are going to be denied them and if that is a possibility - why are they going to be denied them?

Yet neither of you, XXXXX mouthpieces which are supposedly soooo concerned about the women EVER question these glaringly obvious signs of inadequacy of the medical care in those facilities.
And gosnell 'clinic' is a perfect example why - and he is not an exception - he is a typical example of these back alleys of the butchery for profit.

No respected physician will ever get involved in this sick enterprise. So when one of those monsters gets eliminated - thanks be to God!
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