Was the murder of Dr. George Tiller justified?

Was the killing justified?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 9.1%
  • No

    Votes: 48 87.3%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 2 3.6%

  • Total voters
The largest group demographic that still supports abortion is men who have sex with under age girls. The abotionist helps these rapists cover up the crime and get rid of the evidence. That's what Tiller did. That's what his partner did and one of the reasons she lost her license.

true. we have few examples here which clearly indicate that direction of the thought ( not that it is hidden anyway).
and this baby killer tiller was part of the ring - for convenience of the high powered men which wanted to cover their little sins from becoming public.

As the partner, Kristen Neuhaus testified, some late term abortions were performed on girls as young as ten. Not a single one was reported to the police or child welfare authorities. Not one. When a woman or a girl indicated she didn't want an abortion or was hesitant, Neuhaus would badger them into it. Then LIE! and write reports that said they were suicidal. That's when they became late term. Some abortions merely days before birth. Tiller WAS a monster. A monster of the worst kind, preying on women mostly for the benefit of rapists who could be counted on for repeat business.

I know. And I am GLAD one is annihilated, the other is neutralized and will never be able to ruin one more life again
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Most anti abortionists are men. Funny, that.

And, its mostly men who don't support their children. Dead beat moms are rare while dead beat dads are sadly very common.

I wish the anti-freedom folks also cared about children but once you're born, you're just not important. In point of fact, many of the same people who are against abortion have also been very vocal in favor of taking any and all help away from children and the women who are raising them alone.
The nature and extent of help women get, has nothing to do with whether or not killing Dr. Tiller was justified. Bringing it up is a deflection. If you imagine that Dr. Tiller was absolved of his wrongdoing because women still must provide SOMETHING for their children that would be wrong.
The largest group demographic that still supports abortion is men who have sex with under age girls. The abotionist helps these rapists cover up the crime and get rid of the evidence. That's what Tiller did. That's what his partner did and one of the reasons she lost her license.

I don't suppose that you would care to post a link supporting this...?

No, I didn't think so.

Katzdogz , I'd like to see the source of your assertion...your "largest group demographic".
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Dr. Tiller was just that, a doctor, you calling him a monster is your opinion. But that does not make you right, no. Do I believe in abortion, yes to the beginning of the 2nd Trimester....I will always believe in a women's right to choose. I will not force women to keep a pregnancy, as that is not my place...nor is it yours.

Please do keep calling us leftards, leftists, socialists, etc..Because nothing will change the fact that your party has lost the women vote, Hispanic vote, African American vote, LGBT vote, union's vote, young vote, worker's vote, middle-class and poor vote. So go ahead and keep pronouncing your views...while you cuddle up to the Koch brother's, Karl Rove, the wealthiest, the oil companies, white men, and older white people. Enjoy getting back into any state of national power, it will not happen...as that would mean changing the views of all of those groups, which would go against your party's philosophy.Simple.

He was a doctor that took innocent lives.

Why don't women simply choose not to spread their legs for every Tom, Dick and Harry?

It sounds like your in favor of taking an innocent life to make up for bad decisions.

FTR Tiller made his living performing late-term abortions, something you seem to be against yet you defend.

"Why don't women," - they don't.

You have a very low opinion of women.

Christian women have abortions. Did you know that. Married women abort their spouse's git.
Dr. Tiller was just that, a doctor, you calling him a monster is your opinion. But that does not make you right, no. Do I believe in abortion, yes to the beginning of the 2nd Trimester....I will always believe in a women's right to choose. I will not force women to keep a pregnancy, as that is not my place...nor is it yours.

Please do keep calling us leftards, leftists, socialists, etc..Because nothing will change the fact that your party has lost the women vote, Hispanic vote, African American vote, LGBT vote, union's vote, young vote, worker's vote, middle-class and poor vote. So go ahead and keep pronouncing your views...while you cuddle up to the Koch brother's, Karl Rove, the wealthiest, the oil companies, white men, and older white people. Enjoy getting back into any state of national power, it will not happen...as that would mean changing the views of all of those groups, which would go against your party's philosophy.Simple.

He was a doctor that took innocent lives.

Why don't women simply choose not to spread their legs for every Tom, Dick and Harry?

It sounds like your in favor of taking an innocent life to make up for bad decisions.

FTR Tiller made his living performing late-term abortions, something you seem to be against yet you defend.

"Why don't women," - they don't.

You have a very low opinion of women.

Christian women have abortions. Did you know that. Married women abort their spouse's git.

I had missed the stated assumption that all abortions are the result of loose women 'spreading their legs for every Tom, Dick and Harry'.

If this is what rw's believe, the women they (say they) love are having abortions in secret. They're doing what has to be done but not telling the men in their lives.

Why was it okay for Santorum and his wife to have an abortion? In that same situation, many posters here would deny an abortion to the women in their lives.

And still, dead beat dads are common.
Karen Santorum did not have an induced abortion of a healthy fetus. Technically it was a septic involuntary abortion. The fetus had died and became infected. The infection from the dead fetus was spreading and would have killed her.

Why was it okay for her to have an abortion? Now you know.
I support the right of all women who are carrying dead fetuses removed before the women die of sepsis. No ecxcaptions 100%.
Karen Santorum did not have an induced abortion of a healthy fetus. Technically it was a septic involuntary abortion. The fetus had died and became infected. The infection from the dead fetus was spreading and would have killed her.

Why was it okay for her to have an abortion? Now you know.

Citizens are not required to justify the exercising of a fundamental right.
No respected physician will ever get involved in this sick enterprise.

You could not be more wrong.

Most abortions are medically necessary. Its a terrible and sad tragedy when a couple loses a baby. Honestly, I hope you never have to stand in a hospital corridor and make that decision about the baby you so desperately wanted.

Outright false. I really tire of this falsehood put forth by those that advocate for legal abortion. At the very least we should all bother to be honest about what we are supporting: the killing of the unborn for convenience. That is what the majority of abortions are.
(a total of three answers were allowed to be given so the totals are over 100%)
A whopping 74% is because “Having a baby would dramatically change my life” and 73% “Can’t afford a baby now” while a scant 13% was for health of the baby and 12% for health of the mother. The vast majority of abortions are for convenience. Further, rape is 1% and incest 0.5% (both LESS than the amount of third trimester abortions at 1.5% btw) so those 2 issues are not even relevant. Only 14% stated they did not get enough support from the father and 48 because they were not in a stable relationship.

I support the right to abort because I advocate for freedom. Having the government control an individual to that level is abhorrent to me but then again I also think that late terms abortions should be illegal unless there is a medical necessity. I will say that I would never perform such a procedure though if I were a doctor. I am not sure I am capable of such a thing after having my children. The entire concept is absolutely abhorrent to me.

As far as the OP goes, there is no justification for murder in any circumstances. We live in a nation of laws and it is through those laws that those against abortion should fight the practice. The murderer did the nation and the people that are against abortion a HUGE disservice as the doctor shot is memorialized and those fighting the act look like nuts.
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Can you imagine waking up on morning to the news that the surpreme court upheld the right for parents to terminate an infant up to one week after birth? What! You consider that murder. Well, using the logic of the "pro choice" crowd, it's not murder if the law (surpreme court) says it is not.
Does this situation seem unrealistic to you. It seems very realistic to many who remember the roe vs. wade verdict who believe abortion is murder -- but now it isn't because the surpreme court says so.
No respected physician will ever get involved in this sick enterprise.

You could not be more wrong.

Most abortions are medically necessary. Its a terrible and sad tragedy when a couple loses a baby. Honestly, I hope you never have to stand in a hospital corridor and make that decision about the baby you so desperately wanted.

Outright false. I really tire of this falsehood put forth by those that advocate for legal abortion. At the very least we should all bother to be honest about what we are supporting: the killing of the unborn for convenience. That is what the majority of abortions are.
(a total of three answers were allowed to be given so the totals are over 100%)
A whopping 74% is because “Having a baby would dramatically change my life” and 73% “Can’t afford a baby now” while a scant 13% was for health of the baby and 12% for health of the mother. The vast majority of abortions are for convenience. Further, rape is 1% and incest 0.5% (both LESS than the amount of third trimester abortions at 1.5% btw) so those 2 issues are not even relevant. Only 14% stated they did not get enough support from the father and 48 because they were not in a stable relationship.

I support the right to abort because I advocate for freedom. Having the government control an individual to that level is abhorrent to me but then again I also think that late terms abortions should be illegal unless there is a medical necessity. I will say that I would never perform such a procedure though if I were a doctor. I am not sure I am capable of such a thing after having my children. The entire concept is absolutely abhorrent to me.

As far as the OP goes, there is no justification for murder in any circumstances. We live in a nation of laws and it is through those laws that those against abortion should fight the practice. The murderer did the nation and the people that are against abortion a HUGE disservice as the doctor shot is memorialized and those fighting the act look like nuts.

What kind of justification are you making reference to ?

The OP is a question.

Somehow the legality of "killing" does not get the same kind of treatment when you bring up the subject of Gearge Zimmerman. He didn't commit murder (according the law).

The answer to the question about Tillers murder is, of course, that the killer was (as he should have been) tried as per the law. There would have been no grounds on which to avoid that trial.
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Can you imagine waking up on morning to the news that the surpreme court upheld the right for parents to terminate an infant up to one week after birth? What! You consider that murder. Well, using the logic of the "pro choice" crowd, it's not murder if the law (surpreme court) says it is not.
Does this situation seem unrealistic to you. It seems very realistic to many who remember the roe vs. wade verdict who believe abortion is murder -- but now it isn't because the surpreme court says so.

obama advisor Cass Sunstein believes in abortion up to two years post birth. obama's science czar believes in forced sterilizations.

Infanticide report based on Obama czar?s mentor :: Northern Colorado Gazette
President Obama's Bizarre "Science Czar": Dr. John R Holdren, Professional Alarmist | Population Research Institute

As a joke, a survey was taken of college students who believe 4th trimester abortions, meaning post birth, should be legal.
Fourth Trimester Abortion: Are You Serious? | Dr. Robert M. Myers

This is the liberal mind so don't think anything they might find "legal" is beyond outrageous.
As a joke, a survey was taken of college students who believe 4th trimester abortions, meaning post birth, should be legal.
Fourth Trimester Abortion: Are You Serious? | Dr. Robert M. Myers

This is the liberal mind so don't think anything they might find "legal" is beyond outrageous.

While we agree on policy, I don't believe this kind of argument is meaningful.

The whole Fourth Trimester Abortion gimmick just shows that there are a certain number of people who will mindlessly support anything that is in line with their personal beliefs.

That happens on the right too.

Forgive me for wandering from the assertion of the OP (even though there wasn't one).
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You could not be more wrong.

Most abortions are medically necessary. Its a terrible and sad tragedy when a couple loses a baby. Honestly, I hope you never have to stand in a hospital corridor and make that decision about the baby you so desperately wanted.

Outright false. I really tire of this falsehood put forth by those that advocate for legal abortion. At the very least we should all bother to be honest about what we are supporting: the killing of the unborn for convenience. That is what the majority of abortions are.
(a total of three answers were allowed to be given so the totals are over 100%)
A whopping 74% is because “Having a baby would dramatically change my life” and 73% “Can’t afford a baby now” while a scant 13% was for health of the baby and 12% for health of the mother. The vast majority of abortions are for convenience. Further, rape is 1% and incest 0.5% (both LESS than the amount of third trimester abortions at 1.5% btw) so those 2 issues are not even relevant. Only 14% stated they did not get enough support from the father and 48 because they were not in a stable relationship.

I support the right to abort because I advocate for freedom. Having the government control an individual to that level is abhorrent to me but then again I also think that late terms abortions should be illegal unless there is a medical necessity. I will say that I would never perform such a procedure though if I were a doctor. I am not sure I am capable of such a thing after having my children. The entire concept is absolutely abhorrent to me.

As far as the OP goes, there is no justification for murder in any circumstances. We live in a nation of laws and it is through those laws that those against abortion should fight the practice. The murderer did the nation and the people that are against abortion a HUGE disservice as the doctor shot is memorialized and those fighting the act look like nuts.

What kind of justification are you making reference to ?

The OP is a question.

Somehow the legality of "killing" does not get the same kind of treatment when you bring up the subject of Gearge Zimmerman. He didn't commit murder (according the law).

The answer to the question about Tillers murder is, of course, that the killer was (as he should have been) tried as per the law. There would have been no grounds on which to avoid that trial.

"Somehow the legality of "killing" does not get the same kind of treatment when you bring up the subject of Gearge Zimmerman. He didn't commit murder (according the law)."

Excellent point!

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