Was the murder of Dr. George Tiller justified?

Was the killing justified?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 9.1%
  • No

    Votes: 48 87.3%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 2 3.6%

  • Total voters
Now back to Tiller.

This man was unreal. He was doing well what one could consider "group" abortions. Had his own crematorium.

I think what I found the most amazing and disturbing is that he had a gift shop to sell you little momentos of your baby.

A footprint for example. He had a small chapel. This man was a piece of freaking work.
I couldn't agree more.

There are very real people, children, elderly, vets, disabled - all going hungry because that's what the right wing of our government voted to do.

We are supposedly the richest country in the world and yet we do not take care of our own.

You bed...

Like Harry Ried....wanted to take care of that kid with cancer....

"Why would I do that ....?":cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

The difference between right and left.

Those wacko libs do not walk past a starving child while carrying an anti-freedom sign.

You are right.

They'd make sure they stepped on it while carrying signs that were both racist and self righteous.
Was the murder of Tiller justified. For those who believe abortion is a woman's right and is not murder, hell no! It was not justified.

To someone who believes that abortion is the murder of the most innocent of human beings among us, hell yes! The killer of Tiller is sacrificing himself (being arrested and convicted of murder) to prevent hundred or perhaps thousands of innocent people from being slain.

Are you able to understand more than one side of an issue?
Now back to Tiller.

This man was unreal. He was doing well what one could consider "group" abortions. Had his own crematorium.

I think what I found the most amazing and disturbing is that he had a gift shop to sell you little momentos of your baby.

A footprint for example. He had a small chapel. This man was a piece of freaking work.

Before Scott Roeder killed him, Tiller was shot by a woman and survived. He was shot in both arms. Maybe a disgruntled patient? Shot him in the arms. Aim to cripple.
And, its mostly men who don't support their children. Dead beat moms are rare while dead beat dads are sadly very common.

I wish the anti-freedom folks also cared about children but once you're born, you're just not important. In point of fact, many of the same people who are against abortion have also been very vocal in favor of taking any and all help away from children and the women who are raising them alone.

You know their old mantra: "Once you are born - you are on your own"! So in essence, most of the people that are anti-abortion are probably just passionate about doing away with the act of abortion, but their passion has nothing to do with "saving a life" - because if they cared about saving a life they wouldn't be against Obamacare, Snap, Welfare, WIC, etc., and they would certainly be concerned with gun violence, where so many innocent "children" die, yet they insist that anyone should be able to get whatever type of weapon they desire, because that is freedom, regardless of how many "children" are killed with guns. Rather hypocritical if you ask me.

At least you've made an argument.

The only problem is that somehow you seem to equate Obamacare with something that is better than what we currently have. That has never been established, and is now being shown to be B.S.
Obamacare is better. Not being able to deny people by trumping up excuses such as pre-existing conditions is a big plus, not to mention "affordable" so that many who couldnt afford it now can. Also, being able to keep your college students on parent's policy is also a big plus. Anyone who claims that what we had was better is either on Medicare, or doesn't care about anyone but themselves (because they happen to have a good policy).

Snap, A.K.A....foodstamps is not helping anyone either. With the possible exception of large companies (and that is what the government does).
Tell that to children of families who are barely making it and the children that are sent to school hungry.

Next, you assume that because people don't like it at the federal level, they don't like it all.
No, I realize that some prefer that the churches take care of the multitudes - knowing that only 10% of church members do most of the giving and the work. In other words, it could never be handled properly other than by the Fed Gov. Too many states don't really give a crap whether their citizens survive. Like Texas, and our stupid governor (Perry) who decided he wouldn't expand Medicaid. I guess it won't affect his hefty healthcare plan, and he hopes that by denying them care, it will encourage those lazy people who rely on Welfare to get off their handicaps and go to work.

Again, not true. There are plenty of programs that I'd like to see discussed by my state that I don't want the federal government involved in.
Same response that I gave your previous statement.

The U.S. Constitution is (was) a limiting document. The fact that both the GOP and democrats ignore that has brought us to the point we are today....with our Affirmative Action President showing just what an incompetent fool he is ....and lots of people who've been kicked off their health care plans by miserable insurance companies that just needed his permission to do so.
The reason that many policies have been cancelled is due to the fact that they don't meet the requirements of even the cheapest Obamacare plan. Most people that have been cancelled were too dumb to realize they had crap plans that didn't pay for anything - and were happy to continue paying into them. It's a good thing many of them didn't ever need extensive medical attention, they would have found out what worthless plans they had. The naysayers don't really care about "life" or quality of "life" - they are more concerned with appearing righteous and saving a few pennies.
Now back to Tiller.

This man was unreal. He was doing well what one could consider "group" abortions. Had his own crematorium.

I think what I found the most amazing and disturbing is that he had a gift shop to sell you little momentos of your baby.

A footprint for example. He had a small chapel. This man was a piece of freaking work.

Probably because most of the abortions he performed were on women who wanted to keep their babies, but had no choice in the matter. He provided them with a memento to remember what might have been. No harm in that.
His killer took away our legal chance to prove many allegations,

Pity. I would have preferred a trial of Tiller much like Gosnell's trial.

A trial? He didn't break any laws. We don't usually arrest people unless they commit a crime.
You know their old mantra: "Once you are born - you are on your own"! So in essence, most of the people that are anti-abortion are probably just passionate about doing away with the act of abortion, but their passion has nothing to do with "saving a life" - because if they cared about saving a life they wouldn't be against Obamacare, Snap, Welfare, WIC, etc., and they would certainly be concerned with gun violence, where so many innocent "children" die, yet they insist that anyone should be able to get whatever type of weapon they desire, because that is freedom, regardless of how many "children" are killed with guns. Rather hypocritical if you ask me.

I couldn't agree more.

There are very real people, children, elderly, vets, disabled - all going hungry because that's what the right wing of our government voted to do.

We are supposedly the richest country in the world and yet we do not take care of our own.

Only country on the planet where some poster on a message board can argue that people are starving in America and then run to another thread and bitch that obesity is killing the country.


I guess it didn't occur to you that perhaps those that are starving are not the same ones that are obese? And obesity is not a sign of healthy eating, in case you hadn't made the connection.

from Luddly's post.

Santorum said her labor proceeded without having to induce an abortion.

So what is it?
It was my post, not Luddie's. Obviously you didn't read the whole article.

Once they agreed to use antibiotics, they believed they were committing to delivery of the fetus, which they knew would most likely not survive outside the womb.</strong>

By agreeing to the antibiotics, she definitely was succumbing to the fact that the fetus was being aborted. She knew that the fetus was not yet viable, but chose antibiotics to save herself knowing that the fetus would not survive.

It's the same as an abortion, without the doctor forcefully taking it out. Your comment seems to suggest that it was not a choice they made.
His killer took away our legal chance to prove many allegations,

Pity. I would have preferred a trial of Tiller much like Gosnell's trial.

A trial? He didn't break any laws. We don't usually arrest people unless they commit a crime.

Define usually.

Geez, don't tell me you are not aware of many innocent people that get arrested and charged with crimes they didn't commit?

Innocent People Released Thanks to DNA Testing | Socyberty

Prisoners Exonerated by DNA
A trial? He didn't break any laws. We don't usually arrest people unless they commit a crime.

Define usually.

Geez, don't tell me you are not aware of many innocent people that get arrested and charged with crimes they didn't commit?

Innocent People Released Thanks to DNA Testing | Socyberty

Prisoners Exonerated by DNA

I am actually talking about shit like this.

Federal Offenses: Sewage Blunder Earns Building Engineer a Criminal Record - WSJ.com

You can get arrested, prosecuted, and sent to jail for breaking a law that wasn't even passed by Congress.
Obamacare is better. Not being able to deny people by trumping up excuses such as pre-existing conditions is a big plus, not to mention "affordable" so that many who couldnt afford it now can. Also, being able to keep your college students on parent's policy is also a big plus. Anyone who claims that what we had was better is either on Medicare, or doesn't care about anyone but themselves (because they happen to have a good policy).

Better than what ? The whole problem with this debate is that claims like this are all geared towards a particular point of view.

Right now, Obamacare is all but non-existant.

Let's be clear, all states have insurance commissioners. Insurance is highly regulated. If people could be dropped, it was only because the government allowed it. This has been a travesty from the start.

Companies being forced to carry kids longer is no gain. Somebody pays for that. You might keep your child on there longer, but you will pay for others being on there longer....well after your kids are off your policy. No gain there.

Your last statement is nothing but a judgement. Pray tell, just how do you know whoi or what others care for or don't ? I'd be really interested to know the secret of your insights.


Having said that, I was originally addressing the weak arguments put forth in your post.

This thread is about Tiller's murder (although I still don't see the "debate" in any of this....it's just an opinion thread).

I've resurrected some threads on Obamacare.
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Dr. Tiller was just that, a doctor, you calling him a monster is your opinion. But that does not make you right, no. Do I believe in abortion, yes to the beginning of the 2nd Trimester....I will always believe in a women's right to choose. I will not force women to keep a pregnancy, as that is not my place...nor is it yours.

Please do keep calling us leftards, leftists, socialists, etc..Because nothing will change the fact that your party has lost the women vote, Hispanic vote, African American vote, LGBT vote, union's vote, young vote, worker's vote, middle-class and poor vote. So go ahead and keep pronouncing your views...while you cuddle up to the Koch brother's, Karl Rove, the wealthiest, the oil companies, white men, and older white people. Enjoy getting back into any state of national power, it will not happen...as that would mean changing the views of all of those groups, which would go against your party's philosophy.Simple.

He was a doctor that took innocent lives.

Why don't women simply choose not to spread their legs for every Tom, Dick and Harry?

It sounds like your in favor of taking an innocent life to make up for bad decisions.

FTR Tiller made his living performing late-term abortions, something you seem to be against yet you defend.

"Why don't women," - they don't.

You have a very low opinion of women.

Christian women have abortions. Did you know that. Married women abort their spouse's git.

I have low opinion of women who refuse to be responsible for their choice to engage in unprotected sex and then resort to killing an innocent life because of that bad choice.

You on the other hand give a pass to women who make bad decisions then choose to take a human life.
He was a doctor that took innocent lives.

Why don't women simply choose not to spread their legs for every Tom, Dick and Harry?

It sounds like your in favor of taking an innocent life to make up for bad decisions.

FTR Tiller made his living performing late-term abortions, something you seem to be against yet you defend.

"Why don't women," - they don't.

You have a very low opinion of women.

Christian women have abortions. Did you know that. Married women abort their spouse's git.

I have low opinion of women who refuse to be responsible for their choice to engage in unprotected sex and then resort to killing an innocent life because of that bad choice.

You on the other hand give a pass to women who make bad decisions then choose to take a human life.

Are you asserting that all abortions are based on bad decisions on a woman's part?
He was a doctor that took innocent lives.

Why don't women simply choose not to spread their legs for every Tom, Dick and Harry?

It sounds like your in favor of taking an innocent life to make up for bad decisions.

FTR Tiller made his living performing late-term abortions, something you seem to be against yet you defend.

"Why don't women," - they don't.

You have a very low opinion of women.

Christian women have abortions. Did you know that. Married women abort their spouse's git.

I have low opinion of women who refuse to be responsible for their choice to engage in unprotected sex and then resort to killing an innocent life because of that bad choice.

You on the other hand give a pass to women who make bad decisions then choose to take a human life.

Fluked again.

Darn, I hate when that happens.

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