Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

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Kind of scary to know that some people educating children are hardcore conspiracy nuts
Evidently now, back on January 6, when we were sitting there watching the violence unfold in real time, we were only watching actors and CGI.

In the following days, when we were seeing more clips of the violence, that was just the finished product.

This is a madness. These people really do exist in an alternate reality.
I've now had three (3) Trumpsters tell me that the violent video of Jan 6 was phony. A Hollywood production. And I've seen it said many times on the internet.

I'll be interested to see if they vote here.

So: Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production? Seems like a pretty damn important question. Amazingly.

And yes, your name will be visible. I'd like to see who will admit that they believe this.
And yes, your name will be visible. I'd like to see who will admit that they believe this.

No one believes it

Mac1958 is a liar
Kind of scary to know that some people educating children are hardcore conspiracy nuts

Great reason I don't come here anymore.

Too bad most "conspiracy theories" in the 21st century are so true. Again like the vaccines, they were just great, right?
Kind of scary to know that some people educating children are hardcore conspiracy nuts

PS Childhood vaccinations are way down. Gosh. Did the Covid Mania turn us all into "conspiracy nuts"?

Who believes the govt anymore? Ha
never underestimate the stupidity of other people

I worked with a woman who believed making everyone get their temperature checked with those forehead thermometers was a government plot to get us “used to” having guns to our head

I’m 100% sure she’s stupid enough to believe this
Great reason I don't come here anymore.

Too bad most "conspiracy theories" in the 21st century are so true. Again like the vaccines, they were just great, right?
Eradicating polio and measles and other terrible diseases was just a lib hoax, I guess
never underestimate the stupidity of other people

I worked with a woman who believed making everyone get their temperature checked with those forehead thermometers was a government plot to get us “used to” having guns to our head

I’m 100% sure she’s stupid enough to believe this

The people who did this to children want you to believe the FBI is completely on the up and up and only has the interest of the American people at heart.

Imagine being that naive.

Could never be me.

Eradicating polio and measles and other terrible diseases was just a lib hoax, I guess

Oh honey I'm in no mood to play. The Covid vaccines, currently killing people quickly with heart diseases and slowly with cancer and autoimmunes, is not like polio and measles vaccines. But hey, when you lie and obfuscate badly enough, people don't trust anything you say.

I'm one of the bright ones in my profession, btw, who did not buy into the Covid narrative lock, stock and barrel.
Kind of scary to know that some people educating children are hardcore conspiracy nuts

A nurse that has been part of the crooked Covid narrative probably did not want to take a swipe at a teacher tonight.

Want to tell us about Remdesivir? Or maybe the ventilators. That would be great.
The people who did this to children want you to believe the FBI is completely on the up and up and only has the interest of the American people at heart.

Imagine being that naive.

Could never be me.

View attachment 867729
I’ve always believed the mask mandate was overblown and mostly for show

What does that have to do with the post you quoted there?

Also, let’s not get hysterically dramatic. Having your child wear a mask was probably unnecessary, but let’s not act like it was abuse

Save your outrage for actual child abuse
I’ve always believed the mask mandate was overblown and mostly for show

What does that have to do with the post you quoted there?

Also, let’s not get hysterically dramatic. Having your child wear a mask was probably unnecessary, but let’s not act like it was abuse

Save your outrage for actual child abuse
They're desperate to change the subject, as usual.
I’ve always believed the mask mandate was overblown and mostly for show

What does that have to do with the post you quoted there?

Also, let’s not get hysterically dramatic. Having your child wear a mask was probably unnecessary, but let’s not act like it was abuse

Save your outrage for actual child abuse

You have zero right to tell me what I saw with masks, children, and remote learning. Zero. That's first.

Second, YOUR profession did this. You took a swipe at me "educating children" while your profession frankly should be shamed into the next century, since we're so into shaming now.

The govt is actively working against the American people now. If you can't see that, sorry. Not my problem.
never underestimate the stupidity of other people

I worked with a woman who believed making everyone get their temperature checked with those forehead thermometers was a government plot to get us “used to” having guns to our head

I’m 100% sure she’s stupid enough to believe this

She's an outlier, naturally. The real stupidity was testing everyone for fevers in the first place. Actually almost all of it was panicked stupidity.
A nurse that has been part of the crooked Covid narrative probably did not want to take a swipe at a teacher tonight.

Want to tell us about Remdesivir? Or maybe the ventilators. That would be great.
So now nurses are part of some conspiracy to create a false narrative?

COVID happened. It was overblown and exaggerated. But it’s a real illness

Vaccines happened.

Forcing workers to get them is debatably questionable, but it’s nothing new. Happening for years with flu shot long before COVID

No, people aren’t dying left and right from being vaccinated

No, there wasn’t some secret plot to “cull” the population with poison vaccines

No, there isnt some vast conspiracy to cover vaccine deaths up

That’s all crazy internet conspiracy theory nonsense
You have zero right to tell me what I saw with masks, children, and remote learning. Zero. That's first.

Second, YOUR profession did this. You took a swipe at me "educating children" while your profession frankly should be shamed into the next century, since we're so into shaming now.

The govt is actively working against the American people now. If you can't see that, sorry. Not my problem.
Nurses should be shamed?

For what?
So now nurses are part of some conspiracy to create a false narrative?

COVID happened. It was overblown and exaggerated. But it’s a real illness

Vaccines happened.

Forcing workers to get them is debatably questionable, but it’s nothing new. Happening for years with flu shot long before COVID

No, people aren’t dying left and right from being vaccinated

No, there wasn’t some secret plot to “cull” the population with poison vaccines

No, there isnt some vast conspiracy to cover vaccine deaths up

That’s all crazy internet conspiracy theory nonsense

People are dying from the vaccines; it's being covered up. Are you kidding?

Touch some grass.
People are dying from the vaccines; it's being covered up. Are you kidding?

Touch some grass.
Every person I work with has had to get
COVID shot as requirement of employment. 90% of the residents we care for have been vaccinated

Have not heard or witnessed one instance of anyone dropping dead or having a serious reaction of any kind

The only, ONLY, place I hear anything about it is internet pages like this one, and nothing you people claim matched up in any way with anything I have actually seen as a nurse who has given and gotten, worked with and cared for people who have gotten the vaccine.

Why is that?
OK, you alleged it.
Now explain yourself.
Saddle up, amigo.
And show us.
They get angry when they're asked to explain stuff.

Here, they hear that the Insurrection committee hired some producer to help them with their public presentation, so some of the more fertile imaginations within the cult extrapolated that backwards in time and created a fantasy in which it was a Hollywood production from the get-go.

What did the Manson Girls do? Well, they bought it, of course. Without question. Just pour it down my throat, and thank you.

Then someone comes along and asks them to simply confirm what they've already been saying, and they go full-on drama queen. Again.

Why is that?

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