Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

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The footage at J6 was real, the coverage at J6 hearings was produced…they even said as much.

Here’s a question for you Mac…why did the J6 committee need to hire a hollywood producer to edit the J6 riot footage? What was the reason for the need to have a filmmaker editing the video when any film technician could have gone through the film and cropped out segments?
The footage at J6 was real, the coverage at J6 hearings was produced…they even said as much.

Here’s a question for you Mac…why did the J6 committee need to hire a hollywood producer to edit the J6 riot footage? What was the reason for the need to have a filmmaker editing the video when any film technician could have gone through the film and cropped out segments?
I appreciate your effort to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

It won't work. Sorry.
You know I hate to bring this up guys, but when conservatives constantly change the subject and don't answer questions that makes us no better than the left is. That's why I just came right out and answered yes. It doesn't faze me one bit either.
There would have been a whole lot more blood and dismemberment if it was a Hollywood production.

Especially if it was a Quentin Tarantino.
  1. First rule of Fight Club...and QAnon.....deny, deny, deny.
  2. 2nd Rule of QAnon......never talk about QAnon.

I love this bar.
We got winners.
We got __________.

If that's a joke I don't get it. Seriously, who is QAnon? I have no idea. I'm not saying I haven't heard the term, Mac1958 constantly drones on about them. But I have no idea. Who are they, MAGA man? Tell me
I had a trumper at the checkout in Lowes yesterday try to tell me how bad the economy was, though also telling me the store was packed, working them to death and the store struggling to find help. They tend not to believe what they see, only what they are told. She went on to tell me people were struggling. I asked did she know people out of work that wanted to work and people struggling personally. She replied "No" , but she had heard they were out there. She was my age, so I asked her if she remembered the late1970s through the 1980s when inflation average 6.9% and people actually were out of work. She explained, I didn't understand, that was a different time, and the inflation was brought under control by Ronald Reagan as if that 12 year period to do it was somehow normal back then. She was pretty skeptical when I told her we set a new record for GDP this year, as well as oil production and that the Dow set a record Friday in reaction to the further cooling of inflation. She said you cannot trust the numbers. I smiled and wished her a Merry Christmas.
Individually most realize they are doing well or at least OK. They’re told that the economy is terrible and since they believe what they’re told they figure other people are doing poorly… even though they know few if any who are

Cult behavior
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Madison Avenue is in New York City ... not Los Angeles ... why do you think Hollywood is responsible? ... that's just such an odd claim ... this is top level military grade videography, screams of Arlington, Virginia ... look at the details, zoom right on in ... see the fractal? ... that's software, buddy-boy, the fix is in ...
And they did it all in real time! I know because I saw it happening.

That’s amazing technology!9
I think the J6 narrative is just as real as the Russia Collusion narrative, and the Judge Cavanaugh rape narrative. I may be bold saying it, but J6 is just as real as Jussie Smollet getting attacked in Chicago. So So real.
Mac's buddies would never do anything dishonest. Democrats shit daisies. A permanent case of nothing to see here, move along.
They claim the violence on Jan 6 was….

Fake News
Really the FBI, Antifa, BLM
But whatabout all the protestors who were not violent?
But whatabout the George Floyd riots?
Its over, why do you keep bringing it up?
Nah. I still think it was the tourists. You know how rowdy they can get.

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