Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

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Doesn't your assbuddy Trump have another insult that you can parrot for people who rattle his cage for being a traiterous criminal grifter, CLOWN?

LOL, you made me spit my drink, Bubba. The guy with the Trump S&M fantasy who is more into Trump than chicks is talking about someone's "assbuddy." That's classic, MAGA man
"...most of us guys fantasize about sex. Creepy....",
And there it is, straight from the forum's QAnon-Incel constituency of lonely homely folks.

I love this bar.


That's how fucking conned and fooled they are.

Yeah, they are TDS'rs......Trump's Duped & Snookered.....and if they weren't so angry, profane, vulgar, and bad-spellers, well, it'd be a helluva lot more fun. G*dDammit!

But still, having said that, we have Jordan Klepper to give us insight into that ragtag group of: insurrectionists, seditionists, attackers, or peaceful patriotic citizens. (it's a U-Pick-Em)

Wish Jordan woulda testified and shown his film clips at the unprecedented and historic 2nd Impeachment of DonT.
Those folks coulda used a little of Jordan's insights.

Hell, the whole country coulda used more of Jordan Klepper.


Nazi Piglosi hires Hollywood producers to put on her show………but it wasn’t produced by Hollywood.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
And there it is, straight from the forum's QAnon-Incel constituency of lonely homely folks.

I love this bar.


Yeah, they are TDS'rs......Trump's Duped & Snookered.....and if they weren't so angry, profane, vulgar, and bad-spellers, well, it'd be a helluva lot more fun. G*dDammit!

But still, having said that, we have Jordan Klepper to give us insight into that ragtag group of: insurrectionists, seditionists, attackers, or peaceful patriotic citizens. (it's a U-Pick-Em)

Wish Jordan woulda testified and shown his film clips at the unprecedented and historic 2nd Impeachment of DonT.
Those folks coulda used a little of Jordan's insights.

Hell, the whole country coulda used more of Jordan Klepper.


Klepper's interviews are, uh, amazing. Talk about mixed emotions. They're funny as hell, but they also represent a lot of Americans.

And the way they act like they're specially gifted with The Truth, that "I know something you don't know" Dunning-Kruger Effect smile.

I really thought -- assumed -- that we were better than this.
And there it is, straight from the forum's QAnon-Incel constituency of lonely homely folks.

I love this bar.


Yeah, they are TDS'rs......Trump's Duped & Snookered.....and if they weren't so angry, profane, vulgar, and bad-spellers, well, it'd be a helluva lot more fun. G*dDammit!

But still, having said that, we have Jordan Klepper to give us insight into that ragtag group of: insurrectionists, seditionists, attackers, or peaceful patriotic citizens. (it's a U-Pick-Em)

Wish Jordan woulda testified and shown his film clips at the unprecedented and historic 2nd Impeachment of DonT.
Those folks coulda used a little of Jordan's insights.

Hell, the whole country coulda used more of Jordan Klepper.


Who is QAnon? Mac1958 always talks about them too.

So they are more into sex than politics you say? Sounds like normal guy prioritization, sex #1, everything after that somewhere. You're the outlier obsessing on political S&M. Damn creepy, MAGA man
I chose option 3. The Cowardly Lion issue.

Was there some violence there? Yes.

Was it an Insurrection? No

Compared to the Summer of Love was it Violent? Nope

Did the Capital Police open doors and let them in...in some areas?? Yup

Was undercover FBI in the crowd going in with them? Yup

Was this a set up in your opinion? Damn straight it was.

Is this another TDS productions Thread? Yup

Just what I was going to say and although it wasn't a Hollywood production, it was still an overdramatization so Mac1958 does that count as a yes before I answer as a yes?
That doesn't address the question about the violence.

But you're answered it just fine, Q. We don't need your Yes vote.
See what I mean? Even if you don’t say a certain thing, they will just make it up and assume you said it…the poll is designed to pigeon hole you into an answer and if you don’t give an answer they like, they’ll just make one up for you…


I chose option 3. The Cowardly Lion issue.

Was there some violence there? Yes.

Was it an Insurrection? No

Compared to the Summer of Love was it Violent? Nope

Did the Capital Police open doors and let them in...in some areas?? Yup

Was undercover FBI in the crowd going in with them? Yup

Was this a set up in your opinion? Damn straight it was.

Is this another TDS productions Thread? Yup
My response in RED.
I chose option 3. The Cowardly Lion issue.

Was there some violence there? Yes. True.

Was it an Insurrection? No, BUT A failed attempt to do whatever you want to name it.

Compared to the Summer of Love was it Violent? Nope, You just can't take away the violence by blaming someone else or comparing it to something else.

Did the Capital Police open doors and let them in...in some areas?? Yup. I have yet to see any video of this wild claim. Can you share one? An actual VIDEO of Capitol Police letting criminals into the Capitol. Not gates or barriers on the outside, but ACTUAL entrance INTO the Capitol.

Was undercover FBI in the crowd going in with them? Yup. You have NO proof of this. And IF undercover FBI was hanging with the criminals, do you suggest that the undercover FBI just wave so-long to the criminals as they illegally entered the Capitol.

Was this a set up in your opinion? Damn straight it was. LOLLOLL, Set up how? These criminals had written PLANS and verbal instructions, straight from trump.

Is this another TDS productions Thread? Yup. TDS, you really gotta move on from this TDS bullshit.

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