Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

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I think the J6 narrative is just as real as the Russia Collusion narrative, and the Judge Cavanaugh rape narrative. I may be bold saying it, but J6 is just as real as Jussie Smollet getting attacked in Chicago. So So real.

Oh it was real, it just wasn't an insurrection and as bad as people say it was.
Just..don’t….you can tell by his poll choices, especially number 3 that the entire point of the poll was to pigeon hole you into a gotcha answer, and any explanation beyond a “yes or no” answer will automatically assigned to option 3…
Yes he’s nothing if not transparent. Transparently stupid.
Yeah, a couple of years of record inflation, $5-$6 fuel and 7.5% interest rates doesn’t have a real impact on the Democrat base at all…says the leftist media and the leftist echo chamber that is social media.
Sadly for you lefties it looks like even the most Democrat folks of all…dark people, are starting to believe their lying eyes.


I can see where you people not smart enough to get out would think that was in Mexifornia, as you call it. Thing is it ain't bad in most places, certainly not around here. We never paid your $5-$6 fuel. Even Sams has $2.65 gas today. Jobs above the inflation rate are easily found. The only ones not working are those that aren't worth a crap. That's why wages still going up around here, while prices appear to be cooling. I lived through the 1970s with inflation running 5.57% to 13.29% and the 1980s with inflation running 12.57% and ending at 6.65%, and that was not with a strong jobs market with we have today. You kids just don't know shit and don't know how well you got it. I guess you grew up with daddy making it better for you, so you have no experience or inclination to make it better for yourself, and too stupid to understand economic or even pay attention to key numbers.

You go ahead and suffer all you like. I'll skip your pity party, maybe take another vacation after Christmas.
"I think the J6 narrative is just as real as the Russia Collusion narrative"
I know good poster Laslow, I know.
It does seem odd don' it?
But then, there were no multiple live videos of the Russian thing at the time it was happening.....that I've seen.

"and the Judge Cavanaugh rape narrative."
Yeah, and we are missing multiple live videos of that alleged 1982 rape also. Or any that I've seen.
"I may be bold saying it, but J6 is just as real as Jussie Smollet getting attacked in Chicago. So So real."
And that too!
Where are the multiple live videos of that nigh-time incident on the streets of Chicago?

I dunno why those incidents you offer us ain't fully video'd by dozens....hell, maybe hundreds....of cell cams, security cams, news organization cams, government cams, perp cams.......the way the January 6th 'disturbance' was.

Makes one think that with all those Federal agents, ANTIFA, BLM'r, NeverTrumpers, Libs, Dems, Progressives, Duped & Snookered, .. all of them video'g the events of January 6th, --and then the dozens of testimonies of what officers and participants and Capitol staffers, all experienced on J6...... well, yeah, how could it seem really real to real people?

I dunno.

It's funny and truly disturbing at the same time.

How does this happen?
I agree, mindless bots like you who used to be rational thinking Americans are very disturbing. Your poll is a distraction from the greater question DID THE DEMOCRATS ORCHESTRATE J6? The answer to that question is YES.
I agree, mindless bots like you who used to be rational thinking Americans are very disturbing. Your poll is a distraction from the greater question DID THE DEMOCRATS ORCHESTRATE J6? The answer to that question is YES.
Sure QBoy

I've now had three (3) Trumpsters tell me that the violent video of Jan 6 was phony. A Hollywood production. And I've seen it said many times on the internet.

I'll be interested to see if they vote here.

So: Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production? Seems like a pretty damn important question. Amazingly.

And yes, your name will be visible. I'd like to see who will admit that they believe this.

No! Unarmed Patriot Ashli Babbitt was murdered by a coward cop
I've now had three (3) Trumpsters tell me that the violent video of Jan 6 was phony. A Hollywood production. And I've seen it said many times on the internet.

I'll be interested to see if they vote here.

So: Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production? Seems like a pretty damn important question. Amazingly.

And yes, your name will be visible. I'd like to see who will admit that they believe this.
No, the violence that occurred during the events of January 6, 2021, at the United States Capitol was not a Hollywood production. It was a real and disturbing incident involving a mob of supporters of then-President Donald Trump who breached the Capitol building in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

The violence resulted in injuries to law enforcement officers, damage to property, and the deaths of both Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick and a rioter named Ashli Babbitt.Numerous videos, photos, and firsthand accounts documented the events, and investigations were launched to identify and prosecute those involved in the violence.

The incident was widely condemned by political leaders from both parties and raised concerns about the state of democracy and political polarization in the United States.

However, the video down below is actually a Hollywood product made by Pentagon. It's about Iraqi monster who has got very dangerous weapons. It's the UN version! lol. :)

Apparently, Mac wants us to believe Nazi Piglosi hired Hollywood producers to not make it a Hollywood production.

Yes, that’s how stupid he is.
So you're saying that the video we saw IN REAL TIME on January 6, and the video we saw for a LONG TIME BEFORE the Insurrection hearings, was all orchestrated by Pelosi and Hollywood producers?

Wow! That's magic! She's magical!


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This silliness is why I always include that last option in my polls.

They just can't be honest, so they deflect, try to change the subject, and attack. And they think it won't be obvious.

If you feel you have to do that stuff, maybe there is something wrong with your "facts". And maybe you KNOW it.

This silliness is why I always include that last option in my polls.

They just can't be honest, so they deflect, try to change the subject, and attack. And they think it won't be obvious.

If you feel you have to do that stuff, maybe there is something wrong with your "facts". And maybe you KNOW it.


I'm rarely here anymore, thank God for that. But I can't wait to see what kind of Cope Mac might have to install to deal with another Trump presidency.

I might have to pop in once in a while for that.
I agree, mindless bots like you who used to be rational thinking Americans are very disturbing. Your poll is a distraction from the greater question DID THE DEMOCRATS ORCHESTRATE J6? The answer to that question is YES.
Translation: "Your poll upsets me, so I'm going to change the subject and attack you"

uh... the 5th word in the OP is "Trumpsters".
Yes. You. Mindless Manson Girls like you.

Manipulated rubes who are trying to change the subject and go after me, as usual, because you're triggered by my clear, simple and direct question.

This really isn't that complicated. Is English your first language, slugger?
Yes. You. Mindless Manson Girls like you.

Manipulated rubes who are trying to change the subject and go after me, as usual.

This really isn't that complicated. Is English your first language, slugger?

Here's your answer, Mac. It wasn't a "Hollywood production", it was an FBI production. You won't believe that in the way you didn't believe the shots were worthless. You will be proven wrong, again, and again, will never admit it and instead make every thread about poor, poor you.

Pathological, as ever.

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