Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

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This is a great point. Violence upon and within the very Capitol against the Congress in an attempt to forcibly install a Head of State is some word other than insurrection. Because, fuck language.
They were there to get an investigation before certification and had every right to expect one. The violence that day had not one thing to do with what went on Nov. 3rd and the days after until enough votes for Biden were produced. Congress was simply complicit and chose to side with the alleged fraud. The election was stolen that day.
There was no “domestic terrorist attack on America’s democracy” because you loons set precedent when you didn’t call the incident below a “domestic terrorist attack on America’s democracy”.
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There was no “domestic terrorist attack on America’s democracy” because you loons set precedent when you didn’t call the incident below a “domestic terrorist attack on America’s democracy”.
J6 was nothing more than a mostly peaceful protest.
View attachment 867434
The 1/6 rightwing domestic terrorist attack on America’s democracy wasn’t an isolated incident; the right’s war on democracy continues with Republican gerrymandering, efforts to gut the VRA, voter ID laws, opposition to voting by mail and early voting, and the elimination of polling venues in communities of color.
That Republicans continue to attempt to lie about and minimize the 1/6 rightwing domestic terrorist attack on America’s democracy makes them just as reprehensible and treasonous as the 1/6 rightwing domestic terrorists themselves.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The 1/6 rightwing domestic terrorist attack on America’s democracy wasn’t an isolated incident; the right’s war on democracy continues with Republican gerrymandering, efforts to gut the VRA, voter ID laws, opposition to voting by mail and early voting, and the elimination of polling venues in communities of color.

Most people only get that sort of peace in life finding religion, not politics. But it's a hard life. Where ever you can get it, MAGA man. I'm happy for you in a weird way
To be fair, there were tons of Maga livestreamers there who like to call themselves independent journalists, so maybe it was some kind of production after all. But that would still make it more Trump TV than Hollywood.
In the context of a horrible day, it was pretty funny to see that these manipuated rubes proudly RECORDED themselves breaking federal law and trashing the Constitution.

They thought they'd be hailed as heroes by all Americans. Because, you know, "everybody knows the election was rigged". That's how fucking conned and fooled they are.
The 1/6 rightwing domestic terrorist attack on America’s democracy wasn’t an isolated incident; the right’s war on democracy continues with Republican gerrymandering, efforts to gut the VRA, voter ID laws, opposition to voting by mail and early voting, and the elimination of polling venues in communities of color.

The Summer 2020 leftwing domestic terrorist attacks on America’s democracy weren’t isolated incidents; the left’s war on democracy continues with Democrat gerrymandering, colluding with media and social media to push narratives and suppress conservative speech, circumventing state legislatures and changing voting guidelines in the 11th hour under the bullshit guise of national emergency, begging thirdworlders to invade by the tens of millions knowing their anchor babies will be needy as fuck, knowing they will take the free shit bait and vote Democrat.
In the context of a horrible day, it was pretty funny to see that these manipuated rubes proudly RECORDED themselves breaking federal law and trashing the Constitution.

They thought they'd be hailed as heroes by all Americans. Because "everybody knows the election was rigged". That's how fucking conned and fooled they are.

This one's my favorite.

To be fair, there were tons of Maga livestreamers there who like to call themselves independent journalists, so maybe it was some kind of production after all. But that would still make it more Trump TV than Hollywood.
Was it the MAGA livestremers who edited all the video just right for the Democrat propagandists to release?
”Production” is actually done post production…editing is far more powerful than actual images and or video is.
"We're storming the Capitol, it's the revolution!"

Poor thing. Seriously, these people are victims in some ways.

But they're still responsible for their actions.

One has to wonder, why did these people show up to the Capitol with onions to clean away mace and tear gas, if they weren't expecting mace and tear gas? And why would they expect mace and tear gas if their only plan was to lawfully protest?
"We're storming the Capitol, it's the revolution!"

Poor thing. Seriously, these people are victims in some ways.

But they're still responsible for their actions.
No one ever said that, you lying hack.
In the context of a horrible day, it was pretty funny to see that these manipuated rubes proudly RECORDED themselves breaking federal law and trashing the Constitution.

They thought they'd be hailed as heroes by all Americans. Because, you know, "everybody knows the election was rigged". That's how fucking conned and fooled they are.

And most of those were men and women standing around, MAGA man.

And you still have nothing to say about all the violent leftist trashing cities across the country, MAGA man
One has to wonder, why did these people show up to the Capitol with onions to clean away mace and tear gas, if they weren't expecting mace and tear gas? And why would they expect mace and tear gas if their only plan was to lawfully protest?
The flash grenades were thrown without provocation. The Capitol police initiated the violence and the undercover agents took it from there. All planned to help steal the election.

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