Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production?

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I've now had three (3) Trumpsters tell me that the violent video of Jan 6 was phony. A Hollywood production. And I've seen it said many times on the internet.

I'll be interested to see if they vote here.

So: Was the violence in the Jan 6 video a Hollywood production? Seems like a pretty damn important question. Amazingly.

And yes, your name will be visible. I'd like to see who will admit that they believe this.
There was violence sure, but it didn't involve Trump in the hopes that it would have. Tying Trump to it is your biggest fail.
That massive Negro/Communist insurrection in 2020 that lasted six months in over 200 American cities and resulted in enormous property destruction and dozens of deaths could have only been envisioned by Cecil B Demile.
Cecil B. Demile ??
That doesn't answer the question. But that's okay, I'm used to that here.
The question was posed in your pole, and I answered that, so what more do you want ? Undoubtedly it's a lead up to something else you got on your mind, so just spit it out already.
The question was posed in your pole, and I answered that, so what more do you want ? Undoubtedly it's a lead up to something else you got on your mind, so just spit it out already.
Nope. I just want to know what Trumpsters are thinking.

I'm curious and I'm looking for clarity. Trumpsters aren't really familiar with that, since they just obediently believe what they're told.
Nope. I just want to know what Trumpsters are thinking.

I'm curious and I'm looking for clarity. Trumpsters aren't really familiar with that, since they just obediently believe what they're told.
We thinking you are a Fraud using a known Troll Tactic.

Kinda like Bleach. He never said that. A reporter said it and it made a good troll so you ran with it

No one is saying Hollywood but you. No one
It's also the default characteristic of talk radio and MAGA teevee. Everything is accusatory, everything is conspiratorial, everything is said in a rage.

They just mirror that.
How much of those so called conspiracies have come true ? A lot of them, but y'all hide your hands quickly when revealed.
We thinking you are a Fraud using a known Troll Tactic.

Kinda like Bleach. He never said that. A reporter said it and it made a good troll so you ran with it

No one is saying Hollywood but you. No one
I gave you an example, and you said it wasn't an example.

You have to lie. That's on you, not me. Dismissed.
It's also the default characteristic of talk radio and MAGA teevee. Everything is accusatory, everything is conspiratorial, everything is said in a rage.

They just mirror that.

Yeah, or maybe talk radio mirrors the anger of angry people.

Destruction is easier than building.
So you're saying that the video we saw IN REAL TIME on January 6, and the video we saw for a LONG TIME BEFORE the Insurrection hearings, was all orchestrated by Pelosi and Hollywood producers?

Wow! That's magic! She's magical!


Where did I say that?

Whenever an OP has to make up shit and claim others said it you know it is a major thread fail.

Cecil B. Demile ??
I needed two Ls in his name. Cecil B DeMille.

Famous film maker of the golden era of Hollywood know for his large cast extravagant costume movies. Like Cleopatra and Ten Commandments,
#1.....The report insinuates that the Speaker left the Capitol Police without backup on Jan. 6
#2....They also threw GOP members off the committee and hand picked RINOs.

A little context would be useful for considering the two posts above by the poster 'eagle'.
1. The GOP report 'insinuates'. Well yes, of course, could we expect otherwise? But here is the context: The Capitol was unprepared for the mob of angry Trump supporters. True that. But, the Capitol was closed that day due to the critically important EC vote. The 'rally' was at the Elipse close to two miles away. No permits for a march were applied for by the rally organizers, by the Trump campaign, by the White House. In fact, testimony revealed that a march was intended, and plannned for, by folks within the White House and the organizers.....but.....but all were told to keep it a secret. WTF!!! A march of thousands and thousands of people down a busy vehicle thoroughfare in the heart of DC, and no permit applied for so as to give warning to the Park Police, the Capitol Police, the DC Police. No traffic guidance infrastructure was in place, no beefing-up of forces. And once that mob reached the Capitol and the Proud Boys breached the first barricades and the violence began....our Commander in Chief, the guy who loudly proclaimed "I-Alone-Can-Fix-It'.....well, he sat on his BigMac butt and watched it on telly.
True that. All of that.

#2 "they threw GOP members off the Committee". Context: Most all of Congress was appalled by what happened on J6. Witness the many quotes gathered by various media members directly from the likes of Speaker McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, and scores of others. And there began immediately a bi-partisan will to investigate what the hell happened, with the strong initial push to form a bi-partisan committee of non-political members --ala' the 9/11 investigation. But McConnell got over his outrage, so did McCarthy, and refused to participate in a neutral non-political investigation. So the House, under Pelosi't leadership and with strong backing by all Dem membes --of course; but with many GOP members supporting a House investigation. When the selection screening for who serve, McCarthy attempted to sabotage the J6 Committee by nominating extreme GOP partisans to it....some of which, were participants, planners, and enablers of the J6 debacle. Pelosi knew those partisan players would wreck any bi-partisan efforts to get to the facts. But, there were GOP members who were sincerely and thoroughly outraged by J6.....and they accepted the invitation to serve.

True that. All of that.

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