Was there a Democrat debate tonight?

Seems Her Thighness Clinton had the runs or something. Or needed a diaper changed



After the first commercial break – almost an hour into the third Democratic debate on Saturday night, ABC returned with two candidates at the podium, Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley. The former secretary of state was missing.

Hillary Clinton Went Missing From Democratic Debate (Briefly)

Probably checking that Bill wasn't being intimate with the usherettes.

And where does she get those cheap suits like that North Korean whackjob Kim wears?


So you want your leader to show that they can waste money on expensive looking clothes?

Don't know what expensive clothes you wear, but those chubby suits like Clinton wear run around $500 to $1000. That's what 1-percenters do


Trying to look "ordinary"....


...costs rich folk a fortune.

And where does she get those cheap suits like that North Korean whackjob Kim wears?


So you want your leader to show that they can waste money on expensive looking clothes?

Don't know what expensive clothes you wear, but those chubby suits like Clinton wear run around $500 to $1000. That's what 1-percenters do


And? Does any of it matter? You're not choosing a fashion guru.

My point is how out of touch she is with hard working people. If you're spending up to 1-K on cheap Kim suits then you're clearly not watching your pennies.

Politics is supposed to be lowkey and boring. That there is nothing to talk about from the debate is a sign of maturity on the part of the participants.

For someone who spends so much time criticizing the poll sitter on the GOP side, criticizing the lack of fireworks on the Democratic National Party's side is funny.

Even Democrats know it's a waste of time, the fix is in and Hillary is in the coronation process. Besides, why bother, the debate moderators were probably in the tank for Hillary as usual.

Conspiratards are everywhere tonight it seems.

Can you give us a preview of the excuses you plan to use to explain why you guys lost another General Election?

You mean other than, "we're all screwed (without a doubt)) and it's all candycorn's fault" .. nope ... :eusa_snooty:

Can you give a good excuse for Hillary and 4 more years of the same old and constant liberal domestic, economic and foreign policy failures?

Whoops, I forgot to add the embarrassment to the nation of the Clinton's themselves, silly me

Nice dodge there Nancy...

Every 4 years you guys lose the General Election and every time you guys come up with some Bullshit excuse for why you lost. I'm just hoping you'll give us a preview of what new excuse you're going to unwrap this year when Hillary gets up near 400 EVs...
Nobody called anyone else a loser or shook their dick at the rest of the candidates, and it won't take as many pages to fact check the Democrats, but yes there was a debate

Let me guess since I missed it. They debated who could raise taxes the most, who could ban the most guns and apologized to ISIS for causing climate change.
Politics is supposed to be lowkey and boring. That there is nothing to talk about from the debate is a sign of maturity on the part of the participants.

For someone who spends so much time criticizing the poll sitter on the GOP side, criticizing the lack of fireworks on the Democratic National Party's side is funny.

Even Democrats know it's a waste of time, the fix is in and Hillary is in the coronation process. Besides, why bother, the debate moderators were probably in the tank for Hillary as usual.

Conspiratards are everywhere tonight it seems.

Can you give us a preview of the excuses you plan to use to explain why you guys lost another General Election?

You mean other than, "we're all screwed (without a doubt)) and it's all candycorn's fault" .. nope ... :eusa_snooty:

Can you give a good excuse for Hillary and 4 more years of the same old and constant liberal domestic, economic and foreign policy failures?

Whoops, I forgot to add the embarrassment to the nation of the Clinton's themselves, silly me

Nice dodge there Nancy...

Every 4 years you guys lose the General Election and every time you guys come up with some Bullshit excuse for why you lost. I'm just hoping you'll give us a preview of what new excuse you're going to unwrap this year when Hillary gets up near 400 EVs...

I don't have to plan for imaginary excuses...but it seems you do, have fun with that .

I asked you a straight question, join the here and now.
And where does she get those cheap suits like that North Korean whackjob Kim wears?


So you want your leader to show that they can waste money on expensive looking clothes?

Don't know what expensive clothes you wear, but those chubby suits like Clinton wear run around $500 to $1000. That's what 1-percenters do


And? Does any of it matter? You're not choosing a fashion guru.

My point is how out of touch she is with hard working people. If you're spending up to 1-K on cheap Kim suits then you're clearly not watching your pennies.


And Trump? If you're spending millions on making yourself the popular guy in class, and class president, how out of touch are you with real people?

Or is it that real people who have some money might just go spend some of it on nice clothes, especially when one big part of your job is to look really presentable?

The point here is that people will angle things to fit their agenda. I don't like Hillary, but I don't like Trump, Jebery or many of the other candidates out there, they stink of politician, and politicians stink of voters.
Sanders and O'Malley know that the DNC has done their best to rig the debate schedule to protect Hillary--by scheduling them for times when they know people will be less likely to watch them. Sanders and O'Malley campaign people have complained bitterly--in private (and some of their angry statements have leaked)--that the DNC has functioned as an arm of Hillary's campaign.
And where does she get those cheap suits like that North Korean whackjob Kim wears?


Only gays even noticed what she was wearing. What man pays attention to that? Unless it's a see through gown or the boobs are hanging half out.

No straight man ever gave a damn about what a woman was wearing unless it was such a complicated outfit it was hard to get off.
Nobody called anyone else a loser or shook their dick at the rest of the candidates, and it won't take as many pages to fact check the Democrats, but yes there was a debate

Let me guess since I missed it. They debated who could raise taxes the most, who could ban the most guns and apologized to ISIS for causing climate change.

If you are silly enough to think that is what it was about, it would have been a waste of time for you to watch anyway.

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