Was there a Democrat debate tonight?

Third term of presidency for an incumbent party happens when:

1. The first two terms were spectacularly successful.
2. The contender is an honest person with clean record.
3. The contender is qualified.
4. The competition is corrupt.
5. When voters are able and willing to see and know the difference.

None of that exists now.

Except for the adjective "spectacularly", all of that is occurring; adjusting #2 for 2016 politics

The conditions I described existed in 1988 but not since then and certainly not now.

We shall see
Given that the Rs have a de facto split base that hurts them on the presidential level and a slowly subsiding civil war on the state and local level that is changing the make up of congress on both sides of the aisle Hillary will win her office and that is about it. My read is that short of a total disaster in blue/purple state finances prior to the general election that concern will only affect state and congressional elections. The slow motion disintegration of Ocare is a bigger concern but that so far is a bigger problem in Red or purple states that affect only local D loyalties adversely and cause problems only for congressional races on the national level. So, negative coattails should only cost 1-2 seats in congress. The collapse of the number of exchange carriers should not really kick in nationally until after the election. So, that will be a containable disaster on the presidential election level. The one big wildcard is the deflation in commodity prices and on that I cannot make a call.
It's amazing the media lets Dims get away with these Saturday night debates.
Well, not amazing, it's par for the course.
Nobody called anyone else a loser or shook their dick at the rest of the candidates, and it won't take as many pages to fact check the Democrats, but yes there was a debate

One they clearly wanted nobody watching.
And Hillary didn't hurt herself one iota...just as the planners may have wished. Wining strategies look foreign to the GOP because they haven't had one for so long.
So Bernie APOLOGIZED to her for the data base situation.
It's good for politicians to be honorable enough to acknowledge mis-actions on their behalf. I guess the right doesn't remember what that was like. Trump would have just called her a loser and never apologized
Yes, because everyone on the right is Donald Trump. Good thinkin there Rocky.

Not everybody on the right, but certainly the majority. Aren't you proud of all the crackers the right has produced?
Nobody called anyone else a loser or shook their dick at the rest of the candidates, and it won't take as many pages to fact check the Democrats, but yes there was a debate
Cause they didn't say anything! LOL

Nope. There was a full and informative discussion. Calling someone else childish names isn't normally part of an adult debate. Just republican debates.
Nobody called anyone else a loser or shook their dick at the rest of the candidates, and it won't take as many pages to fact check the Democrats, but yes there was a debate

One they clearly wanted nobody watching.

I'm not sure how anyone was prevented from watching. I do understand there are usually more spectators at a circus than at an adult debate though.
Bernie is beating Hillary like a drum in the early states so the second coronation may have to be cancelled.
Bernie is beating Hillary like a drum in the early states so the second coronation may have to be cancelled.

Bernie is good. The best part is that neither is calling the other names. Two honorable mature people with fact based campaigns. Don't you wish you had at least one republican who gives the office the gravity it deserves?
So Bernie APOLOGIZED to her for the data base situation.
It's good for politicians to be honorable enough to acknowledge mis-actions on their behalf. I guess the right doesn't remember what that was like. Trump would have just called her a loser and never apologized
Yes, because everyone on the right is Donald Trump. Good thinkin there Rocky.
Not everybody on the right, but certainly the majority. Aren't you proud of all the crackers the right has produced?
Try not to think, it makes you look bad. No, most on the right aren't like Trump but I did hear Hilldog throw out the race card and cops are evil mantra at the debate. Bet that makes you proud.
Nobody called anyone else a loser or shook their dick at the rest of the candidates, and it won't take as many pages to fact check the Democrats, but yes there was a debate
Cause they didn't say anything! LOL
Nope. There was a full and informative discussion. Calling someone else childish names isn't normally part of an adult debate. Just republican debates.
Yeah sure, calling out the police and saying justice is corrupt in America is so very mature and responsible. Just what we need, another asshole for president. Bernie says cops shouldn't shoot any unarmed blacks. How does he know every scenario cops face on the street?
Sure can't tell. No talk about it anywhere. No hype, just crickets
I'm wondering why trump was mentioned 9 times and rubio, Cruz, jeb, Christie, huckabee, carson, fiorino and kasich zero times.

It was on the Sunday morning shows. Don't you watch?

The corporate media and Republicans don't believe Isis is using trump video for recruiting but they do believe Muslims danced in the streets after 9-11
Nobody called anyone else a loser or shook their dick at the rest of the candidates, and it won't take as many pages to fact check the Democrats, but yes there was a debate

One they clearly wanted nobody watching.
Why else have it on Saturday night, with little advance publicity? The last thing the DNC wants is for people to see and hear every guy's ex, Hillary, live (can't afford a repeat of '08, where the heir apparent gets knocked off by an unqualified candidate). Much better to have just a few public appearances with carefully selected questions so that most voters will only see and hear what the spin doctors want them to see and hear. They might as well have held it in a studio and released a fully produced and edited version for consumption.
So Bernie APOLOGIZED to her for the data base situation.
It's good for politicians to be honorable enough to acknowledge mis-actions on their behalf. I guess the right doesn't remember what that was like. Trump would have just called her a loser and never apologized
Yes, because everyone on the right is Donald Trump. Good thinkin there Rocky.
Not everybody on the right, but certainly the majority. Aren't you proud of all the crackers the right has produced?
Try not to think, it makes you look bad. No, most on the right aren't like Trump but I did hear Hilldog throw out the race card and cops are evil mantra at the debate. Bet that makes you proud.

You've got to understand that a lot of what you hear is just the voices in your head.
Bernie is beating Hillary like a drum in the early states so the second coronation may have to be cancelled.

Bernie is good. The best part is that neither is calling the other names. Two honorable mature people with fact based campaigns. Don't you wish you had at least one republican who gives the office the gravity it deserves?

Lindsey Graham could have been that candidate, and a real challenge. Too bad the RNC opted for a cage match instead...

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