Was there a Democrat debate tonight?

And where does she get those cheap suits like that North Korean whackjob Kim wears?

Probably from a designer who was told what image to project.. Hillary wIll make a fortune for that gal or guy. making a 70 year old granny look even semi attractive and competent ain't easy, particularly when the outfit has to look off the rack.
Nobody is denying that Hillary Rodham is making progress.

Last time she was humiliated by an unknown first term Democratic senator in the primaries.

This time she will be humiliated by an up-and-coming Republican senator in the general.

Life is sweet.
Politics is supposed to be lowkey and boring. That there is nothing to talk about from the debate is a sign of maturity on the part of the participants.

For someone who spends so much time criticizing the poll sitter on the GOP side, criticizing the lack of fireworks on the Democratic National Party's side is funny.
They have no new ideas beyond more tax and spend policies. The "debate" is over who would spend more. And you think that's a sign a maturity? Liberals are children that don't grow up, it's pretty easy for junior to spend mom and dad's money.
Third term of presidency for an incumbent party happens when:

1. The first two terms were spectacularly successful.
2. The contender is an honest person with clean record.
3. The contender is qualified.
4. The competition is corrupt.
5. When voters are able and willing to see and know the difference.

None of that exists now.
So Bernie APOLOGIZED to her for the data base situation.
It's good for politicians to be honorable enough to acknowledge mis-actions on their behalf. I guess the right doesn't remember what that was like. Trump would have just called her a loser and never apologized
So Bernie APOLOGIZED to her for the data base situation.
It's good for politicians to be honorable enough to acknowledge mis-actions on their behalf. I guess the right doesn't remember what that was like. Trump would have just called her a loser and never apologized
Yes, because everyone on the right is Donald Trump. Good thinkin there Rocky.
The DNC wants to keep their debates on the low low, the coronation fix is in. A fine example of lock step Democratic Party politics.
That's true, but I think another element here is the fact that there isn't that much space in between the candidates, overall.

One account I saw of the debate essentially said "it's pretty boring when they mostly agree."

Meanwhile, the other party is closer to a pro wrestling cage match.
I confess. I started to watch.

Then I thought, "Wait. WHY? Who actually cares? Not me, that's for sure. Shrillary is going to be the Democrat Parody nominee. This is not exactly a locked-room mystery. And what Shrillary says is almost as absurd as the nonsense spewed from the senile Socialist "Senator," Bernie Sanders. So why wade through this televised waste of time and electrons?"

Besides, there was some football on.
So Bernie APOLOGIZED to her for the data base situation.

This is your problem Hillary and Bernie treat each other with respect. This is because they mature.
This doesn't make great TV but does make good government. You fail to understand that, you seem to think acting like a child in debates and continually lying is a way to get elected and govern.

Thank god most people realize that you are wrong and will refuse the GOP. Hillary is looking better and better position everyday.

You guys think by going further to the right you will appeal to the middle...
Nobody called anyone else a loser or shook their dick at the rest of the candidates, and it won't take as many pages to fact check the Democrats, but yes there was a debate
Cause they didn't say anything! LOL
So Bernie APOLOGIZED to her for the data base situation.

This is your problem Hillary and Bernie treat each other with respect. This is because they mature.
This doesn't make great TV but does make good government. You fail to understand that, you seem to think acting like a child in debates and continually lying is a way to get elected and govern.

Thank god most people realize that you are wrong and will refuse the GOP. Hillary is looking better and better position everyday.

You guys think by going further to the right you will appeal to the middle...


Yeah. They mature. Like a fine milk.
Nobody called anyone else a loser or shook their dick at the rest of the candidates, and it won't take as many pages to fact check the Democrats, but yes there was a debate

Let me guess since I missed it. They debated who could raise taxes the most, who could ban the most guns and apologized to ISIS for causing climate change.

If you are silly enough to think that is what it was about, it would have been a waste of time for you to watch anyway.

I agree it would have been a waste of time.
Politics is supposed to be lowkey and boring. That there is nothing to talk about from the debate is a sign of maturity on the part of the participants.

For someone who spends so much time criticizing the poll sitter on the GOP side, criticizing the lack of fireworks on the Democratic National Party's side is funny.
They have no new ideas beyond more tax and spend policies. The "debate" is over who would spend more. And you think that's a sign a maturity? Liberals are children that don't grow up, it's pretty easy for junior to spend mom and dad's money.

And the last Repub POTUS to shrink the govt was....
Politics is supposed to be lowkey and boring. That there is nothing to talk about from the debate is a sign of maturity on the part of the participants.

For someone who spends so much time criticizing the poll sitter on the GOP side, criticizing the lack of fireworks on the Democratic National Party's side is funny.
They have no new ideas beyond more tax and spend policies. The "debate" is over who would spend more. And you think that's a sign a maturity? Liberals are children that don't grow up, it's pretty easy for junior to spend mom and dad's money.

And the last Repub POTUS to shrink the govt was....
What's that have to do with what I said?
Third term of presidency for an incumbent party happens when:

1. The first two terms were spectacularly successful.
2. The contender is an honest person with clean record.
3. The contender is qualified.
4. The competition is corrupt.
5. When voters are able and willing to see and know the difference.

None of that exists now.

Except for the adjective "spectacularly", all of that is occurring; adjusting #2 for 2016 politics
Politics is supposed to be lowkey and boring. That there is nothing to talk about from the debate is a sign of maturity on the part of the participants.

For someone who spends so much time criticizing the poll sitter on the GOP side, criticizing the lack of fireworks on the Democratic National Party's side is funny.
They have no new ideas beyond more tax and spend policies. The "debate" is over who would spend more. And you think that's a sign a maturity? Liberals are children that don't grow up, it's pretty easy for junior to spend mom and dad's money.

And the last Repub POTUS to shrink the govt was....
What's that have to do with what I said?

It decapitates the spending assertion.
Politics is supposed to be lowkey and boring. That there is nothing to talk about from the debate is a sign of maturity on the part of the participants.

For someone who spends so much time criticizing the poll sitter on the GOP side, criticizing the lack of fireworks on the Democratic National Party's side is funny.

Even Democrats know it's a waste of time, the fix is in and Hillary is in the coronation process. Besides, why bother, the debate moderators were probably in the tank for Hillary as usual.

Conspiratards are everywhere tonight it seems.

Can you give us a preview of the excuses you plan to use to explain why you guys lost another General Election?

You mean other than, "we're all screwed (without a doubt)) and it's all candycorn's fault" .. nope ... :eusa_snooty:

Can you give a good excuse for Hillary and 4 more years of the same old and constant liberal domestic, economic and foreign policy failures?

Whoops, I forgot to add the embarrassment to the nation of the Clinton's themselves, silly me

Nice dodge there Nancy...

Every 4 years you guys lose the General Election and every time you guys come up with some Bullshit excuse for why you lost. I'm just hoping you'll give us a preview of what new excuse you're going to unwrap this year when Hillary gets up near 400 EVs...

I don't have to plan for imaginary excuses...but it seems you do, have fun with that .

I asked you a straight question, join the here and now.

Better start making some
Third term of presidency for an incumbent party happens when:

1. The first two terms were spectacularly successful.
2. The contender is an honest person with clean record.
3. The contender is qualified.
4. The competition is corrupt.
5. When voters are able and willing to see and know the difference.

None of that exists now.

Except for the adjective "spectacularly", all of that is occurring; adjusting #2 for 2016 politics

The conditions I described existed in 1988 but not since then and certainly not now.

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