Was this kid bullied to death?

You know with all these stories about what happens to good kids in our public schools, I'm convinced that homeschooling is the only viable option. You can't trust the public schools to do the right thing and what happens there can ruin your child's entire life? Sex offender registry for streaking? That's BS.
Which is why if I still had kids at home, they would NOT be in school. I would do the homeschooling and hire someone for things I am not good at, depending on the subject (like math. Ick).

Public school sucks.
Christian Adamek: Boy, 15, kills himself after 'facing expulsion and being put on sex offender registry' for STREAKING at high school football game | Mail Online

All those threats made him kill himself apparently. Why do PC school officials call the cops on kids and make them kill themselves? Won't liberals atop bullying kids?

You're an idiot. The school neither bullied him nor made him kill himself. As pointed out already, kids do stupid shit all the time and don't go an kill themselves when facing the consequences. This kid clearly had mental issues already.

It also said he "could" face expulsion or being placed on a sex offender registry, not that he "would." Personally, I doubt him being registered as a sex offender would have happened.

You can be placed on the sex offender list for pissing against a wall, so I imagine it would be possible for it to happen to this kid.
If the kid was not given a hard time by his fellow classmates, then no, the boy was not bullied to death. He just decided that he couldn't deal with the possible punishments of the wrong that the school authorities thought that he was guilty of.

God bless you and his family and friends always!!!


P.S. To me, if you can't deal with the punishment, don't make the wrong move then. Of course what is considered wrong is the big question.

this occurred in AL--possible that there was some 'extreme guilt'--sometimes that happens in the Bible Belt.he is described as kind, intelligent, happy sort of kid by those who knew him.

e explain Miley CyPeoplrus as seeking to redefine herself. Maybe that is what he was trying to do.

These days who knows what sort of pressures teenagers and adults are dealing

You know nothing about it.

I choose not to engage with you on this. I know 'something' and I am sick and tired of these stories that provide 'some' fyi--not all the fyi. I am allowed to express an opinion---and we have had an exchange on this before.
'possible'--'who knows'--words like this would infer to many that I do not presume to be an authority. You, on the other hand, present your credentials without batting an eye.

Many experts preface their remarks with --'without having met Mr. X--I cannot provide a diagnosis'--nor can any of us--regardless of training or experience.

jeez Louise or stronger expletive to be inserted here.

eta: just found this--rolling my eyes again--You need to get over yourself--write a book --tell the world all that you know --then we will see the an improvement--I look forward to that. lol--I have lived long enough to know that the real 'experts' don't make remarks like this and they don't spend their time on message boards--too busy for one thing. Maslow's hierarchy of needs?--ring a bell--'fully functioning'. I admire such people.

<As an expert in the field, I can tell you there is nothing political about suicide. Adolescents are not the same as adults when it comes to something like this. Adolescents are typically impulsive and they act on their impulses without giving a thought to the permanency of the consequences, be those consequences something like expulsion from school or death.

When you have a kid who does something impulsive like streaking, when streaking went out decades ago, then the typical authoritarian method of dealing with it is likely to just bring on another impulsive act. Of course the philosophy of education is if you can coach a winning ball team you can run a school system, and most teachers and administrators in the system are nothing but bureaucrats who got through college on the football courses, there just to get their next paycheck so they can buy the latest jewelry and designer clothes. They don't have a clue how to deal with most of the social problems that are presented to them each day.>

quite an incomplete answer--jmo. Some teachers and administrators know exactly how to deal with such problems--at times policies and laws provide limitations---Just My OPINION.

and if you need a 'project'--you sound like just the person that is needed to offer guidance to parents in Michigan of the 9 yr old who flew to Las Vegas--they are desperate for help--nothing seems to have worked. Someone needs to step up.
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Why single out a high school prank? Are the education bureaucrats going crazy? Should we put every actress who likes to bare her body on the sex offender list?

Good point.

With that said...shame on the school for going overboard. And I am so sorry for the parents of the kid. And I feel sad how horrible the kid felt for being a kid and the only thing he could think to do to escape the horror of THREATENED of being a sexual offender was to off himself. I lay that directly on the authorities for the threat and the school for being idiots.

I assume they are 'following the law'.

Huntsville, AL--I would think a well-educated community.
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^^^ Your mention of Miley is what brings me to this question, if she doesn't want to be known for her music anymore, what is the point of her continuing to release albums of her singing still?

God bless you always!!!


Miley--I really don't care what she does. 'Pathetic' is a word that I might use to describe her. Nothing to me--I am old enough to be her grandmother at least. I heard one of her songs--'this is our house--we will do what we want'---not a new idea for that age group. Immature attitude but some feel entitled. I was in my 30's when Madonna ascended to fame--not impressed with her either.

what depth and insight--

this is funny--

AriZona Iced Tea's Open Letter to Miley Cyrus from Dashiell Driscoll
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Authoritarianism is more prevalent from the right, especially where it regards social issues. The school officials in ALABAMA are more likely from the right wing. Damned shame what happened to that poor kid.

Partisan horse shit. The right has no monopoly on authoritarianism. You thugs on the left are just as bad, or have you been living in a cave throughout the Obama administration?
Authoritarianism is more prevalent from the right, especially where it regards social issues. The school officials in ALABAMA are more likely from the right wing. Damned shame what happened to that poor kid.

You are mistaken. The left is in charge of the schools.
You know with all these stories about what happens to good kids in our public schools, I'm convinced that homeschooling is the only viable option. You can't trust the public schools to do the right thing and what happens there can ruin your child's entire life? Sex offender registry for streaking? That's BS.

I hope my daughter sends her son to private school.
this occurred in AL--possible that there was some 'extreme guilt'--sometimes that happens in the Bible Belt.he is described as kind, intelligent, happy sort of kid by those who knew him.

e explain Miley CyPeoplrus as seeking to redefine herself. Maybe that is what he was trying to do.

These days who knows what sort of pressures teenagers and adults are dealing

You know nothing about it.

I choose not to engage with you on this. I know 'something' and I am sick and tired of these stories that provide 'some' fyi--not all the fyi. I am allowed to express an opinion---and we have had an exchange on this before.
'possible'--'who knows'--words like this would infer to many that I do not presume to be an authority. You, on the other hand, present your credentials without batting an eye.

Many experts preface their remarks with --'without having met Mr. X--I cannot provide a diagnosis'--nor can any of us--regardless of training or experience.

jeez Louise or stronger expletive to be inserted here.

eta: just found this--rolling my eyes again--You need to get over yourself--write a book --tell the world all that you know --then we will see the an improvement--I look forward to that. lol--I have lived long enough to know that the real 'experts' don't make remarks like this and they don't spend their time on message boards--too busy for one thing. Maslow's hierarchy of needs?--ring a bell--'fully functioning'. I admire such people.

<As an expert in the field, I can tell you there is nothing political about suicide. Adolescents are not the same as adults when it comes to something like this. Adolescents are typically impulsive and they act on their impulses without giving a thought to the permanency of the consequences, be those consequences something like expulsion from school or death.

When you have a kid who does something impulsive like streaking, when streaking went out decades ago, then the typical authoritarian method of dealing with it is likely to just bring on another impulsive act. Of course the philosophy of education is if you can coach a winning ball team you can run a school system, and most teachers and administrators in the system are nothing but bureaucrats who got through college on the football courses, there just to get their next paycheck so they can buy the latest jewelry and designer clothes. They don't have a clue how to deal with most of the social problems that are presented to them each day.>

quite an incomplete answer--jmo. Some teachers and administrators know exactly how to deal with such problems--at times policies and laws provide limitations---Just My OPINION.

and if you need a 'project'--you sound like just the person that is needed to offer guidance to parents in Michigan of the 9 yr old who flew to Las Vegas--they are desperate for help--nothing seems to have worked. Someone needs to step up.

Yes, I probably am just the person to do that. But I am retired and will not be doing so. The other night I watched Rebel without a Cause, an old movie I had never seen before. The only difference in parents then and now is that over the years parents have just become more feckless. They are too invested in their wants to pay any attention to the needs of their children. Nothing will change them. It is all about them and no one else. I would not spend the last few years of my already overworked life trying to change them.
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The school system cannot differentiate between streaking and rape. It's the same. Just like they can't differentiate between a gun charm on a keychain and a AR-15 carried by someone wearing a suicide vest.
The school system cannot differentiate between streaking and rape. It's the same. Just like they can't differentiate between a gun charm on a keychain and a AR-15 carried by someone wearing a suicide vest.

I googled a school disciplinary code the other day for Michigan--and will now assume that AL has constructed a similar policy---'Broad'--intentionally broad.

My own district probably has a broad policy, too. So much goes on.

I was teaching in the mid 70's --each year another layer and another layer of 'codes' was added. I remember the year that 'refrain from physical contact with students' was added--the early elementary teachers were defiant--hugged those kids anyway. I would not try that today. fwiw.
The school system cannot differentiate between streaking and rape. It's the same. Just like they can't differentiate between a gun charm on a keychain and a AR-15 carried by someone wearing a suicide vest.

They also aren't very good at figuring out things like reading, writing, and arithmetic.
another example>>
Emmaus High School student streaks during Bethlehem football game as senior prank | lehighvalleylive.com

<The boy told police and school officials that the incident was part of a senior prank, DiLuzio said. He was released to his parents and will have to face charges of disorderly conduct, open lewdness and defiant trespassing in Northampton County juvenile court.

DiLuzio said streaking was much more popular decades ago, but the occasional rowdy student will make a run for it on the field.

"This is pretty rare anymore. Streaking was a big thing back in the '70s," DiLuzio said. "We'll get them few and far between.">
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<In his post, the Reddit user, who goes by the user name &#8220;Immature_Bubble,&#8221; claims that he &#8220;knew this boy personally&#8221; and has &#8220;known the [Adamek] family for several years.&#8221; He describes the actual streaking prank in some detail, revealing the manner in which Adamek carried out the stunt and his eventual arrest by police. Next, the Reddit user discusses his version of Adamek&#8217;s meeting with school administrators:

&#8220;At said meeting though, one certain principal threw out a lot of scare tactics. She called him a terrorist, and a sex offender and everything else under the sun. After the meeting on monday, they were to reconvene on wednesday to further the discussion. He was never facing any sort of legal troubles at all, and I want to make that clear.&#8221;

&#8220;Immature_Bubble&#8221; goes on to say that a major fight with his father, not the school&#8217;s alleged threats regarding legal action, led Adamek to hang himself.

&#8220;After the meeting, he and his dad had a big fight. After which his dad went out side for 20 minutes to cool down and collect his thoughts. He left his son asleep on the couch, and when he came back, he wasn't there. He finally found him hanging in the garage. He called the ambulance as soon as he saw it. He had been hanging for awhile at this point.&#8221;

The Reddit user adds that doctors were able to restore Adamek&#8217;s breathing, but brain scans revealed that &#8220;there was no activity.&#8221; At that point, Adamek&#8217;s parents decided to take him off the respirator.

&#8220;Immature_Bubble&#8221; also claims that, despite the media&#8217;s portrayal of Principal Campbell as &#8220;some demon,&#8221; the man is not at fault for the 15-year-old&#8217;s suicide. &#8220;This is first year at the school and he couldn't be doing a better job. He is just taking the front of all this. He genuinely cares about his students and is worried for the family. He and I have personally talked about this together, with him showing great remorse and concern over the loss.&#8221;
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You know with all these stories about what happens to good kids in our public schools, I'm convinced that homeschooling is the only viable option. You can't trust the public schools to do the right thing and what happens there can ruin your child's entire life? Sex offender registry for streaking? That's BS.

I hope my daughter sends her son to private school.

Not always a good option either. My cousin sent her daughter to a private school and while she passed all her classes with flying colors, when she went to university, she didn't know enough to pass her classes. She ended up having to go to a community college to catch up on what the private school failed to teach her.
I knew a 19 year old kid down the street that got sent away for 2 years for kissing a 16 year old girl, and the cops put there stupid shit on our doors every year to remind us. At the time he was in the police academy. People don't some simple act of affection, they just look at him as a kiddie fiddler.
You know with all these stories about what happens to good kids in our public schools, I'm convinced that homeschooling is the only viable option. You can't trust the public schools to do the right thing and what happens there can ruin your child's entire life? Sex offender registry for streaking? That's BS.

I hope my daughter sends her son to private school.

Not always a good option either. My cousin sent her daughter to a private school and while she passed all her classes with flying colors, when she went to university, she didn't know enough to pass her classes. She ended up having to go to a community college to catch up on what the private school failed to teach her.

My children both went to a private school here in KY before we moved to TN. They did far better high school than they would have and they also did much better than their old grade school friends did in college. My daughter is a little bit dyslexic, and I think the other kids make her full stupid. Fancy their consternation when they all went to the same college and she excelled while they were all struggling. Public school isn't about providing an education. Public school is about getting children to conform to the rules. Private schools expect students to conform to the rules or get the boot. THAT is a good teaching\learning environment. I could tell when they were learning. They did not learn much in the KY public schools. My son went to an academic magnet school in Nashville. I didn't push my daughter to go that route and I'm glad I didn't. He finished his junior year on academic probation. His average was 85. He played even there, but he started college as a sophomore.
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