Was Trump bringing the SEALs widow to his speech last night genuine?

Yes, it was a political theater...but I think it transcended that into being a societal healing ritual. How unifying to witness the personal sacrifices of fellow citizens and to show empathy and concern. Trump showed genuine care and respect for these suffering souls - and drew us all in to show them we also care. That is positive leadership.
It was damage control for a failed raid ordered by an incompetent leader
How do you know it was a failure? Are you going to have the cliché response that "people died in a military operation?"
Yemen SEAL raid has yielded no significant intelligence, officials say
Others have said the opposite.
So which one do you believe? The one you want to believe?
ABC also reported of a soldier saying it was almost as if they KNEW they were coming. Could be bullshit. But it also made me think of the leaks that are happening.. Something to think about
Yes, it was a political theater...but I think it transcended that into being a societal healing ritual. How unifying to witness the personal sacrifices of fellow citizens and to show empathy and concern. Trump showed genuine care and respect for these suffering souls - and drew us all in to show them we also care. That is positive leadership.
You make a good point!
So which one do you believe? The one you want to believe?
The objective one. Not Mattis, who is in damage control mode and has been debunked, and absolutely not Trump who speaks in stream of consciousness lies.
lets face it, Trump didnt have any ground to lose with Trumpbots. He could have shit center stage and they would have given him a standing ovation.
Only if the shit eating dem leadership was lined up under him.
It was part political theater and part genuine concern and respect for the fallen soldier this is something Presidents from both parties have been doing for a number of years now.
So, do you think he is going to show the same respect for every fallen soldier during his administration?
Or do you think that is where the theater part came in?

I think it depends on the scope of the military operation, and the number of deaths. George W. Bush had genuine respect for fallen soldiers, but he couldn't exactly trot out thousands of widows in front of a camera. Yes, it's part political theater, but we kinda force these politicians to play that game.
I mean, he is going to do this every time a soldier falls? Or was he more important than other soldiers?
Im trying to figure this out. Just seems like political theater...

It OBVIOUSLY meant a lot to her. That's all that matters. To bad Demorats were a complete disgrace in that moment by not honoring her as the President was.
Presidents are pretty much damned if they do, damned if they don't Remember earlier in his Presidency when Obama was criticized for a photo op saluting military coffins? Do you think the people criticizing him were really outraged? Of course not.
I mean, he is going to do this every time a soldier falls? Or was he more important than other soldiers?
Im trying to figure this out. Just seems like political theater...
Owens' was the first casualty under his command, heck perhaps his life. I can't even fathom the feeling he has with it. Very admirable in my book. He stepped up to praise the man after all the negative about the mission. In my world, he was assuring the widow his death was for something and he died a hero and didn't die in-vein. he got a big round of applause out of my house.
I mean, he is going to do this every time a soldier falls? Or was he more important than other soldiers?
Im trying to figure this out. Just seems like political theater...

Lets be serious here... I don't want to be cynical and that poor woman has given enough....

But Trump had intel on the nenemy and for poltical purposes and poll numbers chose to tell the whole world that they got intel... That is shooting yourself in the foot in the intelligence community and devalues immediately the information you gathered.

A serious president would have asked her to the oval room in private and told her the intel got was vauluable and not to make it public. Then go out and praise the soldier and his family.

I am sorry but what we got was good reality TV. He dropped the hammer in front of the cameras... I doubt the people working for Madis were celerbrating. Madis was in an awful position knowing that Trump was looking at his numbers and needing a boost, Trump pressured him and he knew it would be made public. This President should be trusted less with sensitive information....

Just look a little behind the curtain... If a soldier in the field rang his wife and bragged about the great intel he got the previous day he would have serious charges to answer... Soldiers know better...
So which one do you believe? The one you want to believe?
The objective one. Not Mattis, who is in damage control mode and has been debunked, and absolutely not Trump who speaks in stream of consciousness lies.
LOL you mean the unnamed source? Get the fuck outta here hack boi

you always call people hacks if they dont suck Trumps dick .. jut swallow and stfu
I call people hacks that support Trump, too. You are a hypocrite. Face it, sonny.
You leftist traitors could find something wrong with a chocolate cheesecake.
I mean, he is going to do this every time a soldier falls? Or was he more important than other soldiers?
Im trying to figure this out. Just seems like political theater...

you really having trouble figuring that one out? I don't believe that

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