Wash.Post...Trump's chances of winning approaching ZERO

Neighbor just sent me this.
(She knows my attitude towards Hillary, but not about Trump)


The folks speaking out against Trump are helping me make up my mind a little more every day!

Is he the Perfect Candidate whose thoughts mirrors mine on all fronts? NOPE

Does he say everything the way I wish he would say it? NOPE

Am I absolutely sure that his motives are absolutely pure? NOPE

Can I point to any other Democrat politician that I like better? NOPE

Is there any of the other RINO politicians I like better? NOPE

Am I going to sit home, refuse to Vote, and let Hillary win; because he is NOT Perfect? NOPE

Do I like what I have seen for the last 7-1/2 years with the jerk that sleeps in our White House? NOPE

Do I like the "fundamental changes" that same jerk has brought about in our America? NOPE

Do I think a third party politician can win? NOPE

OK, your turn to decide what you are going to do in about 2 weeks!

Trump's presidential qualifications…
Obama is against Trump ... Check
The media are against Trump ... Check
The establishment Democrats are against Trump ... Check
The establishment Republicans are against Trump ... Check
The UN is against Trump ... Check
The new EU is against Trump ... Check
China is against Trump ... Check
Mexico is against Trump ... Check
Soros is against Trump ... Check
“Black Lives Matter” is against Trump ... Check
“Move On” is against Trump ... Check
Koch Brothers are against Trump ... Check
Bushes are against Trump ... Check
Planned Parenthood is against Trump....Check
Hillary & Bernie are both against Trump ... Check
Illegal aliens are against Trump ... Check
Islam is against Trump ... Check
Kasich is against Trump ... Check
Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump ... Check


If you have so many political insiders and left-wing nut cases --- all so SCARED TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him,

Then it seems to me, that Trump MUST BE the Best-Qualified Candidate we could ever have.


He's not a Lifetime Politician ... Check
He's not a Lawyer ... Check
He's not doing it for the money ... Check
He's an American citizen, born in the USA by American parents ... Check


Whoopi said she will leave the country ... Check
Rosie said she will leave the country ... Check
Sharpton said he will leave the country ... Check
Cher said she will leave the country ... Check
Cyrus said she will leave the country ... Check
Hillary will go to jail ... Check
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail ... Check
The budget will be balanced in 8 years ... Check
Americans will have first choice at jobs ... Check
You will not be able to marry your pet ... Check
You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify ... Check
(Not a criminal or crazy, etc.)
Only living, registered U.S. citizens can vote ... Check
You can have and keep your own doctor ... Check
You can say whatever you want without being called a racist, an Islamophobe, a xenophobe, etc....


Come to think of it, we have no place to go, but UP!

Pass it on and God Bless America!

Press Esc or click anywhere to return to Mail.

So your neighbor is a brain dead RWNJ?
So you ignore the countless districts in States like NY and California designed to give minorities basically a guaranteed seat? and which party do they usually vote for?

Not "ignore" as much as "deny".......Should we look at Texas' GOP (good ol' crooked Tom Delay) gerrymandering that had to have a court intervene?

No, you are ignoring it, because it doesn't suit your narrative.

The constitution leaves it up to the States to figure out proportioning representation.
Neighbor just sent me this.
(She knows my attitude towards Hillary, but not about Trump)


The folks speaking out against Trump are helping me make up my mind a little more every day!

Is he the Perfect Candidate whose thoughts mirrors mine on all fronts? NOPE

Does he say everything the way I wish he would say it? NOPE

Am I absolutely sure that his motives are absolutely pure? NOPE

Can I point to any other Democrat politician that I like better? NOPE

Is there any of the other RINO politicians I like better? NOPE

Am I going to sit home, refuse to Vote, and let Hillary win; because he is NOT Perfect? NOPE

Do I like what I have seen for the last 7-1/2 years with the jerk that sleeps in our White House? NOPE

Do I like the "fundamental changes" that same jerk has brought about in our America? NOPE

Do I think a third party politician can win? NOPE

OK, your turn to decide what you are going to do in about 2 weeks!

Trump's presidential qualifications…
Obama is against Trump ... Check
The media are against Trump ... Check
The establishment Democrats are against Trump ... Check
The establishment Republicans are against Trump ... Check
The UN is against Trump ... Check
The new EU is against Trump ... Check
China is against Trump ... Check
Mexico is against Trump ... Check
Soros is against Trump ... Check
“Black Lives Matter” is against Trump ... Check
“Move On” is against Trump ... Check
Koch Brothers are against Trump ... Check
Bushes are against Trump ... Check
Planned Parenthood is against Trump....Check
Hillary & Bernie are both against Trump ... Check
Illegal aliens are against Trump ... Check
Islam is against Trump ... Check
Kasich is against Trump ... Check
Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump ... Check


If you have so many political insiders and left-wing nut cases --- all so SCARED TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him,

Then it seems to me, that Trump MUST BE the Best-Qualified Candidate we could ever have.


He's not a Lifetime Politician ... Check
He's not a Lawyer ... Check
He's not doing it for the money ... Check
He's an American citizen, born in the USA by American parents ... Check


Whoopi said she will leave the country ... Check
Rosie said she will leave the country ... Check
Sharpton said he will leave the country ... Check
Cher said she will leave the country ... Check
Cyrus said she will leave the country ... Check
Hillary will go to jail ... Check
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail ... Check
The budget will be balanced in 8 years ... Check
Americans will have first choice at jobs ... Check
You will not be able to marry your pet ... Check
You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify ... Check
(Not a criminal or crazy, etc.)
Only living, registered U.S. citizens can vote ... Check
You can have and keep your own doctor ... Check
You can say whatever you want without being called a racist, an Islamophobe, a xenophobe, etc....


Come to think of it, we have no place to go, but UP!

Pass it on and God Bless America!

Press Esc or click anywhere to return to Mail.

So your neighbor is a brain dead RWNJ?

as much as you are a brain dead LWNJ
I will wait until the day after the election to write how wrong I was or how correct I was... One thing is for sure I will be in Mexico either way building that damn wall!

The reality may well be that on Nov. 9th, a lot of right wingers will be on here SWEARING that they were never really FOR Trump.....LOL

I don't think so...

It will be:

1. The election was stolen and rigged against Trump.

2. Illegals and Zombies were allow to vote.

3. The MSM was against him and tainted the election.

Then by 2020 they will deny him three times while nominating Alec Baldwin as the GOP candidate that year!
No evidence of any of that, dupe. He's the worst candidate there's ever been. Only the brainwashed GOP coud do it....not to worry, he's going to make billions from the new Breitbart/Trump channel. He's going to make the GOP such an obvious lying disgrace it won't ever recover...
So you ignore the countless districts in States like NY and California designed to give minorities basically a guaranteed seat? and which party do they usually vote for?

Not "ignore" as much as "deny".......Should we look at Texas' GOP (good ol' crooked Tom Delay) gerrymandering that had to have a court intervene?

No, you are ignoring it, because it doesn't suit your narrative.

The constitution leaves it up to the States to figure out proportioning representation.
The power that gerrymandering has brought to Republicans

This time it's out of control. Computer gerrymandering means they have no danger of losing and can be total "no compromise, un-American TP GOP"-TIME. Well, that can be their new and deadly problem...
So you ignore the countless districts in States like NY and California designed to give minorities basically a guaranteed seat? and which party do they usually vote for?

Not "ignore" as much as "deny".......Should we look at Texas' GOP (good ol' crooked Tom Delay) gerrymandering that had to have a court intervene?

No, you are ignoring it, because it doesn't suit your narrative.

The constitution leaves it up to the States to figure out proportioning representation.
The power that gerrymandering has brought to Republicans

This time it's out of control. Computer gerrymandering means they have no danger of losing and can be total "no compromise, un-American TP GOP"-TIME. Well, that can be their new and deadly problem...

Considering the progressive desire to destroy federalism and make the federal government all powerful. I'm thankful Republicans are winning at the local level as a counter.

Quit whining, bitch.
Yeah, it's looking increasingly like there's no path to 270 for Trump. He has to win all the states in contention and then start flipping states that have drifted into the Hillary column.

No one wants to call it yet for fear of being wrong, but short of some sort of Hillary collapse or an actual rigged election, Hillary has this one in the bag.
I know; I know that the Washington Post leans left regarding this particular election cycle; nonetheless, reality is what it is and its proving to be a bitch for Trump and his acolytes......

According to the Post electoral map, Clinton now has 323 electoral votes either solidly for her or leaning her way, while Trump has just 180.

The only toss-up states that are left in that map, are Utah, Arizona and Ohio. Even on the remote possibility that Trump carries those 3 states, he would still be 65 EC votes short of the needed 270.
They are so far left, they are eating their own shit you fucking retard. Lol
not the same thing
Washington post's chance of being real journalism meanwhile, is exactly zero.
The constitution leaves it up to the States to figure out proportioning representation.

True......and thank God for courts that smack those red state legislatures down. Here are some examples of GOP states' gerrymandering:


Below Texas 33rd District......Cute, isn't it?


America’s most gerrymandered congressional districts

The above resembles a Rorschach test of right wingers' political INSANITY and derision of true democracy.
The constitution leaves it up to the States to figure out proportioning representation.

True......and thank God for courts that smack those red state legislatures down. Here are some examples of GOP states' gerrymandering:


Below Texas 33rd District......Cute, isn't it?


America’s most gerrymandered congressional districts
So would you care to provide some examples of Democrat gerrymandering? Or is it only the Republican ones that bother you?
I know; I know that the Washington Post leans left regarding this particular election cycle; nonetheless, reality is what it is and its proving to be a bitch for Trump and his acolytes......

According to the Post electoral map, Clinton now has 323 electoral votes either solidly for her or leaning her way, while Trump has just 180.

The only toss-up states that are left in that map, are Utah, Arizona and Ohio. Even on the remote possibility that Trump carries those 3 states, he would still be 65 EC votes short of the needed 270.

Watch the Trumpsters declare he's gonna have a landslide victory. Believe me.
So would you care to provide some examples of Democrat gerrymandering? Or is it only the Republican ones that bother you?

I told you way before, that the only instance of gerrymandering in a democratic state is Illinois, and also maybe Maryland. Feel free to look those up.

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