Wash. State: unarmed school-teacher tackles shooter in school


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
This is a mega-portion of teh awesome.

Unarmed Teacher Tackles School Shooter In Washington State

SEATTLE (AP) — A popular teacher being hailed as a hero for tackling a 16-year-old shooter inside a Washington state high school said he did what any other U.S. educator would do: He ran toward the gunfire instead of away from it.

Brady Olson said three other staff members reacted the same way when a student fired two shots into the air in the school commons before classes began Monday morning. No one was injured at North Thurston High School in Lacey, about 60 miles southwest of Seattle, and the shooter is in custody.

"No one, including myself, can prepare for a situation like this, so I'm very thankful that we're all OK. As always, students come first and today was no different," Olson, an Advanced Placement government and civics teacher, said in a statement.

Anthony Rybalkin, 16, said he and a group of friends were hanging out near the lunch tables when he heard a loud boom. He looked up and saw a classmate from his sixth-period class walking down the stairs from the gym into the common area with a cigarette in his mouth and a gun in his hand.

"We thought it was fake for a second. Then he shot off another round," said Rybalkin, who said he was about 20 feet away from the shooter. "Everyone just started running out the back door."

Rybalkin tripped and fell as he ran away and turned his head to see if the shooter was coming his way. That's when he saw Olson come up behind the shooter and tackle him. Two other teachers or administrators jumped on the teen and held him down, Rybalkin said in a phone interview.

"When Mr. Olson tackled him, he still had it (the gun) in his hand. I don't know if one of the other teachers took it or not," Rybalkin said....

..."He's a very large guy, he's a very popular teacher, and I can see him doing that," Schrieve said.

:thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup:

He is 6'5" and no, not all "educators" will do that. The kid is a recent transferee and wanted the SRO to kill him. Still, heroic though and good for him but a kid hell bent on slaughter wouldn't be so easy as history shows.
I had a teacher that was so nearsighted that he once bumped into the coat rack when he entered the classroom, and tipped his hat and apologized to it. To compemnsate for his poor eyesight, he should be given a shotgun instead of a 9 MM.
I had a teacher that was so nearsighted that he once bumped into the coat rack when he entered the classroom, and tipped his hat and apologized to it. To compemnsate for his poor eyesight, he should be given a shotgun instead of a 9 MM.

Even in his condition, I'd sooner trust him with a gun than you.
I had a teacher that was so nearsighted that he once bumped into the coat rack when he entered the classroom, and tipped his hat and apologized to it. To compemnsate for his poor eyesight, he should be given a shotgun instead of a 9 MM.

Even in his condition, I'd sooner trust him with a gun than you.

Then be afraid. be VERY afraid!! :badgrin:
Why not give ALL teachers the ability to stop a gunman in his tracks?

Well that would open up schools to accidental shootings. There are a lot more accidental shootings in this country than school shootings.

Teacher accidentially shoots self at school

Stop projecting your incompetence with guns onto others. Just because you can't trust yourself with a firearm doesn't meant that applies to everyone else. Maybe you shouldn't have a gun because you'd shoot your eye out, but a trained teacher should.
Why not give ALL teachers the ability to stop a gunman in his tracks?

Well that would open up schools to accidental shootings. There are a lot more accidental shootings in this country than school shootings.

Teacher accidentially shoots self at school

Stop projecting your incompetence with guns onto others. Just because you can't trust yourself with a firearm doesn't meant that applies to everyone else. Maybe you shouldn't have a gun because you'd shoot your eye out, but a trained teacher should.

Me? I just gave two examples of teachers having accidental shooting in school. Would seem teachers can't be trusted.
Why not give ALL teachers the ability to stop a gunman in his tracks?

Well that would open up schools to accidental shootings. There are a lot more accidental shootings in this country than school shootings.

Teacher accidentially shoots self at school

Stop projecting your incompetence with guns onto others. Just because you can't trust yourself with a firearm doesn't meant that applies to everyone else. Maybe you shouldn't have a gun because you'd shoot your eye out, but a trained teacher should.

Me? I just gave two examples of teachers having accidental shooting in school. Would seem teachers can't be trusted.

Considering there are millions of teachers, you're an idiot.

Just you can't be trusted with a gun, an imbecile that would probably shoot your own eye out. Your incompetence and buffoonery has no bearing on teachers armed and trained to stop an active shooter in school.
Why not give ALL teachers the ability to stop a gunman in his tracks?

Well that would open up schools to accidental shootings. There are a lot more accidental shootings in this country than school shootings.

Teacher accidentially shoots self at school

Stop projecting your incompetence with guns onto others. Just because you can't trust yourself with a firearm doesn't meant that applies to everyone else. Maybe you shouldn't have a gun because you'd shoot your eye out, but a trained teacher should.

Me? I just gave two examples of teachers having accidental shooting in school. Would seem teachers can't be trusted.

Considering there are millions of teachers, you're an idiot.

Just you can't be trusted with a gun, an imbecile that would probably shoot your own eye out. Your incompetence and buffoonery has no bearing on teachers armed and trained to stop an active shooter in school.

Millions of armed teachers in school? Really? Please share that stat. I would guess armed teachers are rather rare.
Why not give ALL teachers the ability to stop a gunman in his tracks?

Well that would open up schools to accidental shootings. There are a lot more accidental shootings in this country than school shootings.

Teacher accidentially shoots self at school

Stop projecting your incompetence with guns onto others. Just because you can't trust yourself with a firearm doesn't meant that applies to everyone else. Maybe you shouldn't have a gun because you'd shoot your eye out, but a trained teacher should.

Me? I just gave two examples of teachers having accidental shooting in school. Would seem teachers can't be trusted.

Out of how many armed teachers in the country....and there are actually quite a lot of them.......
Why not give ALL teachers the ability to stop a gunman in his tracks?

Well that would open up schools to accidental shootings. There are a lot more accidental shootings in this country than school shootings.

Teacher accidentially shoots self at school

Stop projecting your incompetence with guns onto others. Just because you can't trust yourself with a firearm doesn't meant that applies to everyone else. Maybe you shouldn't have a gun because you'd shoot your eye out, but a trained teacher should.

Me? I just gave two examples of teachers having accidental shooting in school. Would seem teachers can't be trusted.

Considering there are millions of teachers, you're an idiot.

Just you can't be trusted with a gun, an imbecile that would probably shoot your own eye out. Your incompetence and buffoonery has no bearing on teachers armed and trained to stop an active shooter in school.

Millions of armed teachers in school? Really? Please share that stat. I would guess armed teachers are rather rare.

I said there are millions of teachers. Either you're a liar or you don't know how to read. Which is it?
Why not give ALL teachers the ability to stop a gunman in his tracks?

Well that would open up schools to accidental shootings. There are a lot more accidental shootings in this country than school shootings.

Teacher accidentially shoots self at school

Stop projecting your incompetence with guns onto others. Just because you can't trust yourself with a firearm doesn't meant that applies to everyone else. Maybe you shouldn't have a gun because you'd shoot your eye out, but a trained teacher should.

Me? I just gave two examples of teachers having accidental shooting in school. Would seem teachers can't be trusted.

Out of how many armed teachers in the country....and there are actually quite a lot of them.......

You base that claim on what? Most schools don't allow guns. I'd say armed teachers are very rare.
Here you go...seven states already have some teachers armed.....

At Least 7 States Now Have Armed Staff in Schools - US News

An Arkansas school district said Tuesday it planned to arm more than 20 teachers and administrators – the first district in the state to do so, according to the Associated Press. The plan is already seeing dissent from some educators in the state, including former Arkansas Education Association President Donna Morey, who told the AP the idea is "awful."
But Arkansas joins at least six states that already have armed guards in schools, states with a range of permissive to stringent guns: Ohio, Colorado, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Washington state.
Well that would open up schools to accidental shootings. There are a lot more accidental shootings in this country than school shootings.

Teacher accidentially shoots self at school

Stop projecting your incompetence with guns onto others. Just because you can't trust yourself with a firearm doesn't meant that applies to everyone else. Maybe you shouldn't have a gun because you'd shoot your eye out, but a trained teacher should.

Me? I just gave two examples of teachers having accidental shooting in school. Would seem teachers can't be trusted.

Considering there are millions of teachers, you're an idiot.

Just you can't be trusted with a gun, an imbecile that would probably shoot your own eye out. Your incompetence and buffoonery has no bearing on teachers armed and trained to stop an active shooter in school.

Millions of armed teachers in school? Really? Please share that stat. I would guess armed teachers are rather rare.

I said there are millions of teachers. Either you're a liar or you don't know how to read. Which is it?

Yes and so? If they aren't armed in school they can't accidently shoot anyone.
Stop projecting your incompetence with guns onto others. Just because you can't trust yourself with a firearm doesn't meant that applies to everyone else. Maybe you shouldn't have a gun because you'd shoot your eye out, but a trained teacher should.

Me? I just gave two examples of teachers having accidental shooting in school. Would seem teachers can't be trusted.

Considering there are millions of teachers, you're an idiot.

Just you can't be trusted with a gun, an imbecile that would probably shoot your own eye out. Your incompetence and buffoonery has no bearing on teachers armed and trained to stop an active shooter in school.

Millions of armed teachers in school? Really? Please share that stat. I would guess armed teachers are rather rare.

I said there are millions of teachers. Either you're a liar or you don't know how to read. Which is it?

Yes and so? If they aren't armed in school they can't accidently shoot anyone.

And if you are unarmed, you can't accidentally shoot anyone. I'm more concerned about keeping guns out of your hands.

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