Wash. State: unarmed school-teacher tackles shooter in school

I also had a teacher who had a complete nervous breakdown in front of the whole class. She broke into tears, threw an eraser at a student, and ran crying out of the room. She never returned. Then there was the guy who married a senior who had graduated 3 weeks earlier. Then there was the biology teacher we had. Someone threw a firecracker when she wasn't looking, and she fainted. I just can't think of a better place for handguns than school. It would be a blast! Well, I take that back. I think that the idea of combining a target shooting range with a bar would be interesting!
I think I know who threw the firecracker and ran the teacher off crying.

Target practice used to exist in some schools, you know. Before liberal decay set in.
I also had a teacher who had a complete nervous breakdown in front of the whole class. She broke into tears, threw an eraser at a student, and ran crying out of the room. She never returned. Then there was the guy who married a senior who had graduated 3 weeks earlier. Then there was the biology teacher we had. Someone threw a firecracker when she wasn't looking, and she fainted. I just can't think of a better place for handguns than school. It would be a blast! Well, I take that back. I think that the idea of combining a target shooting range with a bar would be interesting!
I think I know who threw the firecracker and ran the teacher off crying.

Target practice used to exist in some schools, you know. Before liberal decay set in.

What a great idea! Teenagers with guns! I wonder why they stopped doing that? That way, they would not even need training if they graduated and joined the Marines! Too few mass shooters really know how to handle a gun. The guy who shot Gifford, Columbine, Sandy Hook, the guy who dressed up as the Joker in Aurora...they were just the exceptions. Hell, the kid this thread was about would have been able to take down the entire administrative staff if he had only had decent training!

While we are at it, the next Denver Republican administration should insist that the Columbine High School should be renamed the Harris and Klebold 2nd Amendment Memorial High School.
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I also had a teacher who had a complete nervous breakdown in front of the whole class. She broke into tears, threw an eraser at a student, and ran crying out of the room. She never returned. Then there was the guy who married a senior who had graduated 3 weeks earlier. Then there was the biology teacher we had. Someone threw a firecracker when she wasn't looking, and she fainted. I just can't think of a better place for handguns than school. It would be a blast! Well, I take that back. I think that the idea of combining a target shooting range with a bar would be interesting!
I think I know who threw the firecracker and ran the teacher off crying.

Target practice used to exist in some schools, you know. Before liberal decay set in.

What a great idea! Teenagers with guns! I wonder why they stopped doing that? That way, they would not even need training if they graduated and joined the Marines! Too few mass shooters really know how to handle a gun. The guy who shot Gifford, Columbine, Sandy Hook, the guy who dressed up as the Joker in Aurora...they were just the exceptions. Hell, the kid this thread was about would have been able to take down the entire administrative staff if he had only had decent training!

While we are at it, the next Denver Republican administration should insist that the Columbine High School should be renamed the Harris and Klebold 2nd Amendment Memorial High School.
You continue to prove you're a retard and I'm, probably right about you being the class asshole. You just never grew up.

Cite all those school shootings that happened when they had target practice? If you can't then I'm also correct when I say the liberal decay is the real problem. People like you.
I also had a teacher who had a complete nervous breakdown in front of the whole class. She broke into tears, threw an eraser at a student, and ran crying out of the room. She never returned. Then there was the guy who married a senior who had graduated 3 weeks earlier. Then there was the biology teacher we had. Someone threw a firecracker when she wasn't looking, and she fainted. I just can't think of a better place for handguns than school. It would be a blast! Well, I take that back. I think that the idea of combining a target shooting range with a bar would be interesting!
I think I know who threw the firecracker and ran the teacher off crying.

Target practice used to exist in some schools, you know. Before liberal decay set in.

What a great idea! Teenagers with guns! I wonder why they stopped doing that? That way, they would not even need training if they graduated and joined the Marines! Too few mass shooters really know how to handle a gun. The guy who shot Gifford, Columbine, Sandy Hook, the guy who dressed up as the Joker in Aurora...they were just the exceptions. Hell, the kid this thread was about would have been able to take down the entire administrative staff if he had only had decent training!

While we are at it, the next Denver Republican administration should insist that the Columbine High School should be renamed the Harris and Klebold 2nd Amendment Memorial High School.
You continue to prove you're a retard and I'm, probably right about you being the class asshole. You just never grew up.

Cite all those school shootings that happened when they had target practice? If you can't then I'm also correct when I say the liberal decay is the real problem. People like you.

Sorry, Weasel, but I have absolutely no idea when and where schools had "Target Practice" Sounds like you must had gone to school in East St. Louis, or maybe Oakland. We didn't do that in Georgia. However, I am sure that you are correct that wherever they used to do this, that school shootings must have started immediately after the liberals shut down school target practice. That makes perfect sense in your alternative universe!
That teacher was pretty awesome. Last year there was another shooting at a Seattle campus and a student intervened saving many lives.
Every teacher probably shouldn't have a gun...I can only imagine the problems that could cause.

...of course there was also a couple bomb threats for a HS up north. copy cat crap. The last thing that school needed after a kid shooting/killing a couple of his friends just last fall.
I also had a teacher who had a complete nervous breakdown in front of the whole class. She broke into tears, threw an eraser at a student, and ran crying out of the room. She never returned. Then there was the guy who married a senior who had graduated 3 weeks earlier. Then there was the biology teacher we had. Someone threw a firecracker when she wasn't looking, and she fainted. I just can't think of a better place for handguns than school. It would be a blast! Well, I take that back. I think that the idea of combining a target shooting range with a bar would be interesting!
I think I know who threw the firecracker and ran the teacher off crying.

Target practice used to exist in some schools, you know. Before liberal decay set in.

What a great idea! Teenagers with guns! I wonder why they stopped doing that? That way, they would not even need training if they graduated and joined the Marines! Too few mass shooters really know how to handle a gun. The guy who shot Gifford, Columbine, Sandy Hook, the guy who dressed up as the Joker in Aurora...they were just the exceptions. Hell, the kid this thread was about would have been able to take down the entire administrative staff if he had only had decent training!

While we are at it, the next Denver Republican administration should insist that the Columbine High School should be renamed the Harris and Klebold 2nd Amendment Memorial High School.
You continue to prove you're a retard and I'm, probably right about you being the class asshole. You just never grew up.

Cite all those school shootings that happened when they had target practice? If you can't then I'm also correct when I say the liberal decay is the real problem. People like you.

Sorry, Weasel, but I have absolutely no idea when and where schools had "Target Practice" Sounds like you must had gone to school in East St. Louis, or maybe Oakland. We didn't do that in Georgia. However, I am sure that you are correct that wherever they used to do this, that school shootings must have started immediately after the liberals shut down school target practice. That makes perfect sense in your alternative universe!
That isn't what I said. I did call you retarded though, thanks.

Gun Clubs at School Not so long ago they were common and safe.
Once upon a time, it was common for an American child to be packed off to school with a rifle on his back and for him to come home smiling and safe in the evening. Shooting clubs, now quietly withering away, were once such a mainstay of American high-school life that in the first half of the 20th century they were regularly installed in the basements of new educational buildings. Now, they are in their death throes, victims of political correctness, a willful misunderstanding of what constitutes “gun safety,” and our deplorable tendency toward litigiousness.

In 1975, New York state had over 80 school districts with rifle teams. In 1984, that had dropped to 65. By 1999 there were just 26. The state’s annual riflery championship was shut down in 1986 for lack of demand. This, sadly, is a familiar story across the country. The clubs are fading from memory, too. A Chicago Tribune report from 2007 notes the astonishment of a Wisconsin mother who discovered that her children’s school had a range on site. “I was surprised, because I never would have suspected to have something like that in my child’s school,” she told the Tribune. The district’s superintendent admitted that it was now a rarity, confessing that he “often gets raised eyebrows” if he mentions the range to other educators. The astonished mother raised her eyebrows, too — and then led a fight to have the range closed. “Guns and school don’t mix,” she averred. “If you have guns in school, that does away with the whole zero-tolerance policy.”
I also had a teacher who had a complete nervous breakdown in front of the whole class. She broke into tears, threw an eraser at a student, and ran crying out of the room. She never returned. Then there was the guy who married a senior who had graduated 3 weeks earlier. Then there was the biology teacher we had. Someone threw a firecracker when she wasn't looking, and she fainted. I just can't think of a better place for handguns than school. It would be a blast! Well, I take that back. I think that the idea of combining a target shooting range with a bar would be interesting!
I think I know who threw the firecracker and ran the teacher off crying.

Target practice used to exist in some schools, you know. Before liberal decay set in.

What a great idea! Teenagers with guns! I wonder why they stopped doing that? That way, they would not even need training if they graduated and joined the Marines! Too few mass shooters really know how to handle a gun. The guy who shot Gifford, Columbine, Sandy Hook, the guy who dressed up as the Joker in Aurora...they were just the exceptions. Hell, the kid this thread was about would have been able to take down the entire administrative staff if he had only had decent training!

While we are at it, the next Denver Republican administration should insist that the Columbine High School should be renamed the Harris and Klebold 2nd Amendment Memorial High School.
You continue to prove you're a retard and I'm, probably right about you being the class asshole. You just never grew up.

Cite all those school shootings that happened when they had target practice? If you can't then I'm also correct when I say the liberal decay is the real problem. People like you.

Sorry, Weasel, but I have absolutely no idea when and where schools had "Target Practice" Sounds like you must had gone to school in East St. Louis, or maybe Oakland. We didn't do that in Georgia. However, I am sure that you are correct that wherever they used to do this, that school shootings must have started immediately after the liberals shut down school target practice. That makes perfect sense in your alternative universe!

Nobody's claiming that, skid mark.
I also had a teacher who had a complete nervous breakdown in front of the whole class. She broke into tears, threw an eraser at a student, and ran crying out of the room. She never returned. Then there was the guy who married a senior who had graduated 3 weeks earlier. Then there was the biology teacher we had. Someone threw a firecracker when she wasn't looking, and she fainted. I just can't think of a better place for handguns than school. It would be a blast! Well, I take that back. I think that the idea of combining a target shooting range with a bar would be interesting!
I think I know who threw the firecracker and ran the teacher off crying.

Target practice used to exist in some schools, you know. Before liberal decay set in.

What a great idea! Teenagers with guns! I wonder why they stopped doing that? That way, they would not even need training if they graduated and joined the Marines! Too few mass shooters really know how to handle a gun. The guy who shot Gifford, Columbine, Sandy Hook, the guy who dressed up as the Joker in Aurora...they were just the exceptions. Hell, the kid this thread was about would have been able to take down the entire administrative staff if he had only had decent training!

While we are at it, the next Denver Republican administration should insist that the Columbine High School should be renamed the Harris and Klebold 2nd Amendment Memorial High School.
You continue to prove you're a retard and I'm, probably right about you being the class asshole. You just never grew up.

Cite all those school shootings that happened when they had target practice? If you can't then I'm also correct when I say the liberal decay is the real problem. People like you.

Sorry, Weasel, but I have absolutely no idea when and where schools had "Target Practice" Sounds like you must had gone to school in East St. Louis, or maybe Oakland. We didn't do that in Georgia. However, I am sure that you are correct that wherever they used to do this, that school shootings must have started immediately after the liberals shut down school target practice. That makes perfect sense in your alternative universe!

Nobody's claiming that, skid mark.

Oh, but you are mistaken! Weasel says that schools had target practice until "liberal decay set in" (post 41), and that I can not name any mass school shootings since such liberal decay ended target practice at school ( post 43). Therefore, it is a pretty narrow leap to; Since liberal decay set in and closed school target practice, there have been mass school shootings.(Makes perfect sense to him, I am sure). He also talked about how popular school target practice was in the first half of the 20th century. this baffles me, because I went to school in the first half of the 20th century, and I have never heard of them, but, whatever. I am sure that the operative part of his post is the part about the liberal decay setting in, anyway.
I think I know who threw the firecracker and ran the teacher off crying.

Target practice used to exist in some schools, you know. Before liberal decay set in.

What a great idea! Teenagers with guns! I wonder why they stopped doing that? That way, they would not even need training if they graduated and joined the Marines! Too few mass shooters really know how to handle a gun. The guy who shot Gifford, Columbine, Sandy Hook, the guy who dressed up as the Joker in Aurora...they were just the exceptions. Hell, the kid this thread was about would have been able to take down the entire administrative staff if he had only had decent training!

While we are at it, the next Denver Republican administration should insist that the Columbine High School should be renamed the Harris and Klebold 2nd Amendment Memorial High School.
You continue to prove you're a retard and I'm, probably right about you being the class asshole. You just never grew up.

Cite all those school shootings that happened when they had target practice? If you can't then I'm also correct when I say the liberal decay is the real problem. People like you.

Sorry, Weasel, but I have absolutely no idea when and where schools had "Target Practice" Sounds like you must had gone to school in East St. Louis, or maybe Oakland. We didn't do that in Georgia. However, I am sure that you are correct that wherever they used to do this, that school shootings must have started immediately after the liberals shut down school target practice. That makes perfect sense in your alternative universe!

Nobody's claiming that, skid mark.

Oh, but you are mistaken! Weasel says that schools had target practice until "liberal decay set in" (post 41), and that I can not name any mass school shootings since such liberal decay ended target practice at school ( post 43). Therefore, it is a pretty narrow leap to; Since liberal decay set in and closed school target practice, there have been mass school shootings.(Makes perfect sense to him, I am sure). He also talked about how popular school target practice was in the first half of the 20th century. this baffles me, because I went to school in the first half of the 20th century, and I have never heard of them, but, whatever. I am sure that the operative part of his post is the part about the liberal decay setting in, anyway.

I've been following the conversation and that's not what he said. The point of mentioning the fact that marksmanship was taught in schools is to demonstrate that guns never were the problem. People also have recollection of taking their guns to school and keeping them in their locker to go hunting after school is done. This again alludes to the point that restricting children's access to guns did not make them safer. That was his argument, and it went right over your empty little head.
I'm sorry that your home schooling has left you illiterate, St.Mikey, but here it is:

"Cite all those school shootings that happened when they had target practice? If you can't then I'm also correct when I say the liberal decay is the real problem."

But, your post does bring to mind one of my favorite songs by Walt Kelly:

Walt Kelly - Parsnoops lyrics
Download Parsnoops 320kbps mp3

Oh, the parsnips were snipping the snappers,
While the parsley was parsling the peas,
And parsing a sentence from handle to hand
Was a hornet who hummed with the bees.

The turnips were passing the time of the day
In the night of the moon on the porch,
When the shape from the shadows so shortfully shrift
That the scallions were screeching the scorch!
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