Washing machines/dryers prices up 17% under Trump (thank you, tariffs)

Two Problems With the Trade Deficit

An ongoing trade deficit is detrimental to the nation’s economy because it is financed with debt. The United States can buy more than it makes because it borrows from its trading partners. It's like a party where the pizza place is willing to keep sending you pizzas and putting it on your tab. This can only continue as long as the pizzeria trusts you to repay the loan. One day, the lending countries could decide to ask America to repay the debt. On that day, the party is over.

A second concern about the trade deficit is the statement it makes about the competitiveness of the U.S. economy itself. By purchasing goods overseas for a long enough period of time, U.S. companies lose the expertise and even the factories to make those products. Just try finding a pair of shoes made in the America. As the United States loses competitiveness, it outsources more jobs, and its standard of living declines.

How the US Trade Deficit Hurts the Economy

Your first point is bullshit. The national debt has nothing to do with the trade deficit. We have a trade deficit because you and I and just about every other American chooses to buy things made in other countries. Every toaster bought from China at a WalMart or every BMW bought from the dealer or ever bottle of wine from Italy. They are all being bought by the citizens and not the government.

We have a national debt because the federal government spends more money than it brings in, but it is not spending that money on buying foreign goods.

I do agree we lose expertise and factories over time, but if those jobs are replaced with similar paying jobs, then there is no change in standard of living


That is a very nice picture, is it your front yard?

Grabbed it from goggle.

BUt similar pictures could be had from all around me. Not directly in my neighbor hood, but within a few minutes drive.

My point, I thought was obvious.

I'm washing my laundry in my brand new high tech washing machine today. I bought it last week because I'm not a poor libtard who is incapable of shopping for a good deal. It is a 700.00 machine and I got it for 350.00
So many fuckin dumb greedy Americans. Many would gladly sell their fellow Americans out to get a cheaper washer & dryer. One could rightfully call those folks 'Traitors.'

Cool, what do you call Rump then that had his ties and suits with his Rump brand made in China and Bangladesh? I will wait for his you spin him not being a traitor but MAGA!
I'm washing my laundry in my brand new high tech washing machine today. I bought it last week because I'm not a poor libtard who is incapable of shopping for a good deal. It is a 700.00 machine and I got it for 350.00

Being able to pay cash, often helps in getting good deals.
So many fuckin dumb greedy Americans. Many would gladly sell their fellow Americans out to get a cheaper washer & dryer. One could rightfully call those folks 'Traitors.'

Cool, what do you call Rump then that had his ties and suits with his Rump brand made in China and Bangladesh? I will wait for his you spin him not being a traitor but MAGA!

That's called competition.
Cool, more being made in the US would be even better. At least Trump's trying. That's so much more than many past US Presidents have done.

Yes, Trump is trying to take away my freedom of choice.

Trump is trying to pick winners and losers in the economy.

And Trump is trying to give the central government even more control over the economy!

Pretty soon we can be just like China and the EU! :113:

China and the EU are laughing at the US. They're laughing all the way to the bank.

Yeah, sure they are. That is why we have a higher GDP than both of them, we have lower unemployment rate than both of them!

Our US Globalists have been selling American Workers out for decades. It's about time someone stood up for them. I truly respect Donald Trump.

What you wrote is a lie. You lied as always.

Low Yields, multiple defects and the lack of continual improvement put Americans out of jobs. Other countries have figured out how to make similar products less expensive while using less materials. Think KAIZEN.

Funny thing though, the American Manufacturing Companies are subsidied to keep jobs here in the States. Think the Southern State auto industry and right to work states (right to fire your ass) which is a Socialistic policy.

So much for American Capitalism and free trade.

Right to work means you have the FREEDOM to take a job without being forced to join a union. That policy is no more "socialistic" than government saying you must hire qualified minorities if they apply for a job.

Years ago I remember applying for jobs and during the interview, it was told to me I had no choice but to join the union if they offered the job and I accepted. It's kind of like what the mob did demanding protection money.
Your first point is bullshit. The national debt has nothing to do with the trade deficit. We have a trade deficit because you and I and just about every other American chooses to buy things made in other countries. Every toaster bought from China at a WalMart or every BMW bought from the dealer or ever bottle of wine from Italy. They are all being bought by the citizens and not the government.

We have a national debt because the federal government spends more money than it brings in, but it is not spending that money on buying foreign goods.

I do agree we lose expertise and factories over time, but if those jobs are replaced with similar paying jobs, then there is no change in standard of living

No moron.....the national debt exists because the government borrows the money it spends, cutting off private enterprise from those funds, thus crippling our productivity. If you can't afford anything but a $6 Chinese hammer, maybe you should go pound sand.
Low Yields, multiple defects and the lack of continual improvement put Americans out of jobs. Other countries have figured out how to make similar products less expensive while using less materials. Think KAIZEN.

In other words, LABOR UNIONS priced Americans out of jobs....and you don't know Kaizen from Kellogg's, honky.
Cool, more being made in the US would be even better. At least Trump's trying. That's so much more than many past US Presidents have done.

Yes, Trump is trying to take away my freedom of choice.

Trump is trying to pick winners and losers in the economy.

And Trump is trying to give the central government even more control over the economy!

Pretty soon we can be just like China and the EU! :113:

China and the EU are laughing at the US. They're laughing all the way to the bank.

Yeah, sure they are. That is why we have a higher GDP than both of them, we have lower unemployment rate than both of them!

Our US Globalists have been selling American Workers out for decades. It's about time someone stood up for them. I truly respect Donald Trump.

What you wrote is a lie. You lied as always.

Low Yields, multiple defects and the lack of continual improvement put Americans out of jobs. Other countries have figured out how to make similar products less expensive while using less materials. Think KAIZEN.

Funny thing though, the American Manufacturing Companies are subsidied to keep jobs here in the States. Think the Southern State auto industry and right to work states (right to fire your ass) which is a Socialistic policy.

So much for American Capitalism and free trade.

American Workers were, and still are capable of being the best in the world in manufacturing quality products. They were shut down in favor of foreign Slave Labor. Buy American, bring good-paying manufacturing jobs back to America.
So many fuckin dumb greedy Americans. Many would gladly sell their fellow Americans out to get a cheaper washer & dryer. One could rightfully call those folks 'Traitors.'

Cool, what do you call Rump then that had his ties and suits with his Rump brand made in China and Bangladesh? I will wait for his you spin him not being a traitor but MAGA!

That's called competition.

So all others that did it are traitors but not Rump? That is exactly what I expect from you.
So many fuckin dumb greedy Americans. Many would gladly sell their fellow Americans out to get a cheaper washer & dryer. One could rightfully call those folks 'Traitors.'

Cool, what do you call Rump then that had his ties and suits with his Rump brand made in China and Bangladesh? I will wait for his you spin him not being a traitor but MAGA!

Well he's trying to help American Workers now. I'll take what i can get. US Globalists have decimated American Workers. Time to help our own again. I'll pay a little more for a product if it means helping a fellow American out.
Low Yields, multiple defects and the lack of continual improvement put Americans out of jobs. Other countries have figured out how to make similar products less expensive while using less materials. Think KAIZEN.

In other words, LABOR UNIONS priced Americans out of jobs....and you don't know Kaizen from Kellogg's, honky.

This was a major part of it.
Your first point is bullshit. The national debt has nothing to do with the trade deficit. We have a trade deficit because you and I and just about every other American chooses to buy things made in other countries. Every toaster bought from China at a WalMart or every BMW bought from the dealer or ever bottle of wine from Italy. They are all being bought by the citizens and not the government.

We have a national debt because the federal government spends more money than it brings in, but it is not spending that money on buying foreign goods.

I do agree we lose expertise and factories over time, but if those jobs are replaced with similar paying jobs, then there is no change in standard of living

No moron.....the national debt exists because the government borrows the money it spends, cutting off private enterprise from those funds, thus crippling our productivity. If you can't afford anything but a $6 Chinese hammer, maybe you should go pound sand.

the government borrows the money it spends because it spends too much. Has zero to do with the trade deficit.
Two Problems With the Trade Deficit

An ongoing trade deficit is detrimental to the nation’s economy because it is financed with debt. The United States can buy more than it makes because it borrows from its trading partners. It's like a party where the pizza place is willing to keep sending you pizzas and putting it on your tab. This can only continue as long as the pizzeria trusts you to repay the loan. One day, the lending countries could decide to ask America to repay the debt. On that day, the party is over.

A second concern about the trade deficit is the statement it makes about the competitiveness of the U.S. economy itself. By purchasing goods overseas for a long enough period of time, U.S. companies lose the expertise and even the factories to make those products. Just try finding a pair of shoes made in the America. As the United States loses competitiveness, it outsources more jobs, and its standard of living declines.

How the US Trade Deficit Hurts the Economy

Your first point is bullshit. The national debt has nothing to do with the trade deficit. We have a trade deficit because you and I and just about every other American chooses to buy things made in other countries. Every toaster bought from China at a WalMart or every BMW bought from the dealer or ever bottle of wine from Italy. They are all being bought by the citizens and not the government.

We have a national debt because the federal government spends more money than it brings in, but it is not spending that money on buying foreign goods.

I do agree we lose expertise and factories over time, but if those jobs are replaced with similar paying jobs, then there is no change in standard of living


That is a very nice picture, is it your front yard?

Grabbed it from goggle.

BUt similar pictures could be had from all around me. Not directly in my neighbor hood, but within a few minutes drive.

My point, I thought was obvious.


For the ones that choose to stay and not get retrained in a new skill, that is true. It has been that way all through history, the guys that used to make buggies and operate switch boards had to learn a new trade or get left behind.
Yes, Trump is trying to take away my freedom of choice.

Trump is trying to pick winners and losers in the economy.

And Trump is trying to give the central government even more control over the economy!

Pretty soon we can be just like China and the EU! :113:

China and the EU are laughing at the US. They're laughing all the way to the bank.

Yeah, sure they are. That is why we have a higher GDP than both of them, we have lower unemployment rate than both of them!

Our US Globalists have been selling American Workers out for decades. It's about time someone stood up for them. I truly respect Donald Trump.

What you wrote is a lie. You lied as always.

Low Yields, multiple defects and the lack of continual improvement put Americans out of jobs. Other countries have figured out how to make similar products less expensive while using less materials. Think KAIZEN.

Funny thing though, the American Manufacturing Companies are subsidied to keep jobs here in the States. Think the Southern State auto industry and right to work states (right to fire your ass) which is a Socialistic policy.

So much for American Capitalism and free trade.

Right to work means you have the FREEDOM to take a job without being forced to join a union. That policy is no more "socialistic" than government saying you must hire qualified minorities if they apply for a job.

Years ago I remember applying for jobs and during the interview, it was told to me I had no choice but to join the union if they offered the job and I accepted. It's kind of like what the mob did demanding protection money.

On this I agree, all states should be right to work and at will.
So many fuckin dumb greedy Americans. Many would gladly sell their fellow Americans out to get a cheaper washer & dryer. One could rightfully call those folks 'Traitors.'

Cool, what do you call Rump then that had his ties and suits with his Rump brand made in China and Bangladesh? I will wait for his you spin him not being a traitor but MAGA!

Well he's trying to help American Workers now. I'll take what i can get. US Globalists have decimated American Workers. Time to help our own again. I'll pay a little more for a product if it means helping a fellow American out.

Nice deflection is he a traitor or not? You said the others were for making their crap overseas so Rump must be as well by your logic right!
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring

Ted, you just spilled the beans, and destroyed Trump's game. In Trump world, nobody ever raises taxes. That is bad. One raises tariffs. That is good. If you keep pointing out that they both have the same result to Americans, Trump supporters might get wise. That's bad.
Two Problems With the Trade Deficit

An ongoing trade deficit is detrimental to the nation’s economy because it is financed with debt. The United States can buy more than it makes because it borrows from its trading partners. It's like a party where the pizza place is willing to keep sending you pizzas and putting it on your tab. This can only continue as long as the pizzeria trusts you to repay the loan. One day, the lending countries could decide to ask America to repay the debt. On that day, the party is over.

A second concern about the trade deficit is the statement it makes about the competitiveness of the U.S. economy itself. By purchasing goods overseas for a long enough period of time, U.S. companies lose the expertise and even the factories to make those products. Just try finding a pair of shoes made in the America. As the United States loses competitiveness, it outsources more jobs, and its standard of living declines.

How the US Trade Deficit Hurts the Economy

Your first point is bullshit. The national debt has nothing to do with the trade deficit. We have a trade deficit because you and I and just about every other American chooses to buy things made in other countries. Every toaster bought from China at a WalMart or every BMW bought from the dealer or ever bottle of wine from Italy. They are all being bought by the citizens and not the government.

We have a national debt because the federal government spends more money than it brings in, but it is not spending that money on buying foreign goods.

I do agree we lose expertise and factories over time, but if those jobs are replaced with similar paying jobs, then there is no change in standard of living


You posting this picture, as if this is proof of something. It isn't.

Further, you seem to operating (based on this picture), that if we had protectionism, that rust belt towns wouldn't exist. That somehow these factories would stay open forever, and there would be all these 1950s happy workers dumping molten metal everywhere.

This is false.

More jobs have been lost through automation, than through trade. Yes, there is no doubt that some companies have lost jobs over trade, but that is not the primary driver. The primary driver is advancement.

By the way, it's funny how if you watch the old movies, people are miserable and down trodden factory workers, and now we dream of that coming back.


Yes of course..... let's all go back to being miserable factory workers. I worked at a factory years ago. It sucked. I wouldn't want to go back. I certainly wouldn't see that as a dream for America's future.

Regardless, manufacturing jobs will not "come back" to America, and manufacturing can't "come back", because it never left.

The US, is to this day, is the defacto manufacturing leader of the world.
Countries Compared by Industry > Manufacturing output. International Statistics at NationMaster.com
Screen Shot 2018-06-17 at 2.26.37 PM.png

Manufacturing can't come back, when it never left. Total US manufacturing was roughly $2.2 Trillion dollars. If you could remove all US manufacturing, and put it into it's own country, it would end up being the 7th largest economy in the world based on GDP.

America is not losing in manufacturing, not by a long shot.

Again, what is losing is jobs, but not to imports, but rather to technological advancement.

Japan manufacturing has people living in boxes.


These are so-called "micro apartments" for workers to live near the factories.

Do you see this happening in America just so manufacturing jobs can come back? Not a chance.


In China, they are called "capsule" apartments, so workers can actually stay on the factory premises.

Do you see Americans doing that, so factory jobs come back?

What about this, do you see as a benefit? What about the reality of factory workers lives, makes you think we want this here?

Regardless, it's not coming. As much as you scream about Mexico taking American jobs... have you looked at those factories in Mexico?


This is the Ford plant in Mexico. So all those thousands of workers? See all those Mexicans taking American jobs? See them all hand crafting vehicles? See?

No? You don't see them? I don't see them either.

Almost like they are not there. Looks almost like the factory is almost completely automated.

Now, there are some employees obviously. But even in Mexico, the number of employees in manufacturing is being reduced by automation as much as possible.

Employment in manufacturing will never return to the golden era.... and honestly that's a good thing. Factory life sucked. Yeah, you could make a middle class standard of living, at a factory. But that is only because the middle class standard of living sucked back then.

No one today, would live like a middle class of the 1950s or 60s. Factory jobs didn't lose their income. Everyone else started living better. Stop looking to sucky jobs of the past, to try and achieve a present day standard of living. Find a job that pays more today.

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