Washing machines/dryers prices up 17% under Trump (thank you, tariffs)

Two Problems With the Trade Deficit

An ongoing trade deficit is detrimental to the nation’s economy because it is financed with debt. The United States can buy more than it makes because it borrows from its trading partners. It's like a party where the pizza place is willing to keep sending you pizzas and putting it on your tab. This can only continue as long as the pizzeria trusts you to repay the loan. One day, the lending countries could decide to ask America to repay the debt. On that day, the party is over.

A second concern about the trade deficit is the statement it makes about the competitiveness of the U.S. economy itself. By purchasing goods overseas for a long enough period of time, U.S. companies lose the expertise and even the factories to make those products. Just try finding a pair of shoes made in the America. As the United States loses competitiveness, it outsources more jobs, and its standard of living declines.

How the US Trade Deficit Hurts the Economy

Your first point is bullshit. The national debt has nothing to do with the trade deficit. We have a trade deficit because you and I and just about every other American chooses to buy things made in other countries. Every toaster bought from China at a WalMart or every BMW bought from the dealer or ever bottle of wine from Italy. They are all being bought by the citizens and not the government.

We have a national debt because the federal government spends more money than it brings in, but it is not spending that money on buying foreign goods.

I do agree we lose expertise and factories over time, but if those jobs are replaced with similar paying jobs, then there is no change in standard of living


That is a very nice picture, is it your front yard?

Grabbed it from goggle.

BUt similar pictures could be had from all around me. Not directly in my neighbor hood, but within a few minutes drive.

My point, I thought was obvious.


For the ones that choose to stay and not get retrained in a new skill, that is true. It has been that way all through history, the guys that used to make buggies and operate switch boards had to learn a new trade or get left behind.

Your airy dismissal of the trials and suffering of your fellow Americans is noted and held against you.

The Jobs are not there. Our trade and immigration policies have destroyed them.
Two Problems With the Trade Deficit

An ongoing trade deficit is detrimental to the nation’s economy because it is financed with debt. The United States can buy more than it makes because it borrows from its trading partners. It's like a party where the pizza place is willing to keep sending you pizzas and putting it on your tab. This can only continue as long as the pizzeria trusts you to repay the loan. One day, the lending countries could decide to ask America to repay the debt. On that day, the party is over.

A second concern about the trade deficit is the statement it makes about the competitiveness of the U.S. economy itself. By purchasing goods overseas for a long enough period of time, U.S. companies lose the expertise and even the factories to make those products. Just try finding a pair of shoes made in the America. As the United States loses competitiveness, it outsources more jobs, and its standard of living declines.

How the US Trade Deficit Hurts the Economy

Your first point is bullshit. The national debt has nothing to do with the trade deficit. We have a trade deficit because you and I and just about every other American chooses to buy things made in other countries. Every toaster bought from China at a WalMart or every BMW bought from the dealer or ever bottle of wine from Italy. They are all being bought by the citizens and not the government.

We have a national debt because the federal government spends more money than it brings in, but it is not spending that money on buying foreign goods.

I do agree we lose expertise and factories over time, but if those jobs are replaced with similar paying jobs, then there is no change in standard of living


You posting this picture, as if this is proof of something. It isn't.

Are you denying the lowering of living standards for the Working Poor and the Middle Class?

Further, you seem to operating (based on this picture), that if we had protectionism, that rust belt towns wouldn't exist. That somehow these factories would stay open forever, and there would be all these 1950s happy workers dumping molten metal everywhere.


More jobs have been lost through automation, than through trade. Yes, there is no doubt that some companies have lost jobs over trade, but that is not the primary driver. The primary driver is advancement.

Germany has TWICE the level of manufacturing employment we do. Japan has even more.

So, is that because they use old fashioned manual labor to make their stuff, and "out compete" US?


By the way, it's funny how if you watch the old movies, people are miserable and down trodden factory workers, and now we dream of that coming back.

View attachment 199248
Yes of course..... let's all go back to being miserable factory workers. I worked at a factory years ago. It sucked. I wouldn't want to go back. I certainly wouldn't see that as a dream for America's future.

You had a hard and crappy job. And were paid well.

Today, your modern counterparts, have crappy hard jobs and get paid shit.

We will not have an American future, if we actively refuse to give any consideration to the working poor and middle class, in our policies.
Your first point is bullshit. The national debt has nothing to do with the trade deficit. We have a trade deficit because you and I and just about every other American chooses to buy things made in other countries. Every toaster bought from China at a WalMart or every BMW bought from the dealer or ever bottle of wine from Italy. They are all being bought by the citizens and not the government.

We have a national debt because the federal government spends more money than it brings in, but it is not spending that money on buying foreign goods.

I do agree we lose expertise and factories over time, but if those jobs are replaced with similar paying jobs, then there is no change in standard of living


That is a very nice picture, is it your front yard?

Grabbed it from goggle.

BUt similar pictures could be had from all around me. Not directly in my neighbor hood, but within a few minutes drive.

My point, I thought was obvious.


For the ones that choose to stay and not get retrained in a new skill, that is true. It has been that way all through history, the guys that used to make buggies and operate switch boards had to learn a new trade or get left behind.

Your airy dismissal of the trials and suffering of your fellow Americans is noted and held against you.

The Jobs are not there. Our trade and immigration policies have destroyed them.

The jobs are there, we are sitting at 3.8% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them.

Anyone not working today in this country is doing so purely by choice.

That is a very nice picture, is it your front yard?

Grabbed it from goggle.

BUt similar pictures could be had from all around me. Not directly in my neighbor hood, but within a few minutes drive.

My point, I thought was obvious.


For the ones that choose to stay and not get retrained in a new skill, that is true. It has been that way all through history, the guys that used to make buggies and operate switch boards had to learn a new trade or get left behind.

Your airy dismissal of the trials and suffering of your fellow Americans is noted and held against you.

The Jobs are not there. Our trade and immigration policies have destroyed them.

The jobs are there, we are sitting at 3.8% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them.

Anyone not working today in this country is doing so purely by choice.

THe people are working. They are just making shit wages.
Maybe we examine exactly where we have trade deficits instead of listening to Trump tell us that we are getting screwed by everybody when we are not.

Where are we NOT getting screwed by unfair tariffs or government subsidized products such as steel? Please be specific, not just your talking points from George Soros.
Two Problems With the Trade Deficit

An ongoing trade deficit is detrimental to the nation’s economy because it is financed with debt. The United States can buy more than it makes because it borrows from its trading partners. It's like a party where the pizza place is willing to keep sending you pizzas and putting it on your tab. This can only continue as long as the pizzeria trusts you to repay the loan. One day, the lending countries could decide to ask America to repay the debt. On that day, the party is over.

A second concern about the trade deficit is the statement it makes about the competitiveness of the U.S. economy itself. By purchasing goods overseas for a long enough period of time, U.S. companies lose the expertise and even the factories to make those products. Just try finding a pair of shoes made in the America. As the United States loses competitiveness, it outsources more jobs, and its standard of living declines.

How the US Trade Deficit Hurts the Economy

Your first point is bullshit. The national debt has nothing to do with the trade deficit. We have a trade deficit because you and I and just about every other American chooses to buy things made in other countries. Every toaster bought from China at a WalMart or every BMW bought from the dealer or ever bottle of wine from Italy. They are all being bought by the citizens and not the government.

We have a national debt because the federal government spends more money than it brings in, but it is not spending that money on buying foreign goods.

I do agree we lose expertise and factories over time, but if those jobs are replaced with similar paying jobs, then there is no change in standard of living

As for BMW, and many other formerly foreign built cars.

Starting October 2010, the new BMW X3 (F25) is produced at BMW US Manufacturing Company, Greer, South Carolina.
That is a very nice picture, is it your front yard?

Grabbed it from goggle.

BUt similar pictures could be had from all around me. Not directly in my neighbor hood, but within a few minutes drive.

My point, I thought was obvious.


For the ones that choose to stay and not get retrained in a new skill, that is true. It has been that way all through history, the guys that used to make buggies and operate switch boards had to learn a new trade or get left behind.

Your airy dismissal of the trials and suffering of your fellow Americans is noted and held against you.

The Jobs are not there. Our trade and immigration policies have destroyed them.

The jobs are there, we are sitting at 3.8% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them.

Anyone not working today in this country is doing so purely by choice.

THe people are working. They are just making shit wages.

The poorly educated are earning shittier wages. People with an education in science based educations are earning top notch salaries here and abroad.
Grabbed it from goggle.

BUt similar pictures could be had from all around me. Not directly in my neighbor hood, but within a few minutes drive.

My point, I thought was obvious.


For the ones that choose to stay and not get retrained in a new skill, that is true. It has been that way all through history, the guys that used to make buggies and operate switch boards had to learn a new trade or get left behind.

Your airy dismissal of the trials and suffering of your fellow Americans is noted and held against you.

The Jobs are not there. Our trade and immigration policies have destroyed them.

The jobs are there, we are sitting at 3.8% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them.

Anyone not working today in this country is doing so purely by choice.

THe people are working. They are just making shit wages.

The poorly educated are earning shittier wages. People with an education in science based educations are earning top notch salaries here and abroad.

Plenty of them are not. THey got degrees and training, and the jobs are not there.

Their student debt remains.
For the ones that choose to stay and not get retrained in a new skill, that is true. It has been that way all through history, the guys that used to make buggies and operate switch boards had to learn a new trade or get left behind.

Your airy dismissal of the trials and suffering of your fellow Americans is noted and held against you.

The Jobs are not there. Our trade and immigration policies have destroyed them.

The jobs are there, we are sitting at 3.8% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them.

Anyone not working today in this country is doing so purely by choice.

THe people are working. They are just making shit wages.

The poorly educated are earning shittier wages. People with an education in science based educations are earning top notch salaries here and abroad.

Plenty of them are not. THey got degrees and training, and the jobs are not there.

Their student debt remains.

Tell them to apply to Intel Portland....we need three engineers techs in my department with starting salaries at 60k, shift differential, quarterly bonuses, and 5% company 401k.
Your airy dismissal of the trials and suffering of your fellow Americans is noted and held against you.

The Jobs are not there. Our trade and immigration policies have destroyed them.

The jobs are there, we are sitting at 3.8% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them.

Anyone not working today in this country is doing so purely by choice.

THe people are working. They are just making shit wages.

The poorly educated are earning shittier wages. People with an education in science based educations are earning top notch salaries here and abroad.

Plenty of them are not. THey got degrees and training, and the jobs are not there.

Their student debt remains.

Tell them to apply to Intel Portland....we need three engineers and tech with starting salaries at 60k, shift differential, quarterly bonuses, and 5% company 401k.

Tell your bosses to offer training.

Meanwhile, I want better wages for the shit jobs TOO.
The jobs are there, we are sitting at 3.8% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them.

Anyone not working today in this country is doing so purely by choice.

THe people are working. They are just making shit wages.

The poorly educated are earning shittier wages. People with an education in science based educations are earning top notch salaries here and abroad.

Plenty of them are not. THey got degrees and training, and the jobs are not there.

Their student debt remains.

Tell them to apply to Intel Portland....we need three engineers and tech with starting salaries at 60k, shift differential, quarterly bonuses, and 5% company 401k.

Tell your bosses to offer training.

Meanwhile, I want better wages for the shit jobs TOO.

We do offer training...but you have to have a degree of some sort to get in. This isn't McDonald's homie where they still offer you $15/hr to start.
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring

I don't care. My washer and dryer are from the 70s and 80s and my water heater is about 25 years old. Stuff will last forever if you buy the old, simple stuff made well and just SERVICE IT and use it properly. I've repaired my washer twice (direct drive motor coupling), rebuilt my dryer once (belts, lubrication, burner), and the only thing likely to go bad on my water heater is the thermocouple, which is an easy replace. New appliances are for suckers.
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs. In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring

Yes, with protective tariffs, some items will cost more, because they're not being made in dirt-wage factories overseas but by Americans who are earning a decent wage and benefits in American factories. And instead of part of the profits going overseas, all of those profits are staying here in our country. And those American factory workers, instead of working at some service-industry job making $10-$15 an hour, are making $20-$30 an hour and are able to buy more goods and services in their area.

I do wish one of you folks who keep bashing protective tariffs would explain why China has grown by leaps and bounds with a fiercely protectionist tariffs. China's growth rate has dwarfed ours for years, and yet China has some of the highest tariffs in the world. China understands that protecting your own industries and products is sound policy. We used to understand that as well.

The problem is if manufacturing is taxed 35% here & nothing over there, the companies we built leave, open up there & sell goods back here without paying taxes. The US government spends 20%, so we have to tax all imports 20% & domestic companies 20% to level the playing field & stop debt spiral.
THe people are working. They are just making shit wages.

The poorly educated are earning shittier wages. People with an education in science based educations are earning top notch salaries here and abroad.

Plenty of them are not. THey got degrees and training, and the jobs are not there.

Their student debt remains.

Tell them to apply to Intel Portland....we need three engineers and tech with starting salaries at 60k, shift differential, quarterly bonuses, and 5% company 401k.

Tell your bosses to offer training.

Meanwhile, I want better wages for the shit jobs TOO.

We do offer training...but you have to have a degree of some sort to get in. This isn't McDonald's homie where they still offer you $15/hr to start.

What's your answer?
For the ones that choose to stay and not get retrained in a new skill, that is true. It has been that way all through history, the guys that used to make buggies and operate switch boards had to learn a new trade or get left behind.

Your airy dismissal of the trials and suffering of your fellow Americans is noted and held against you.

The Jobs are not there. Our trade and immigration policies have destroyed them.

The jobs are there, we are sitting at 3.8% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them.

Anyone not working today in this country is doing so purely by choice.

THe people are working. They are just making shit wages.

The poorly educated are earning shittier wages. People with an education in science based educations are earning top notch salaries here and abroad.

Plenty of them are not. THey got degrees and training, and the jobs are not there.

Their student debt remains.

Yes, but the real problem is that they don't get an education in fields in demand. They take classes that are easy or less challenging, and then get out and find there are no jobs because a lot of younger people did the same thing.

One of my tenants told me she was going to part-time to attend college for better work. I advised her the first thing she needs to do is look in the want ads and see what's in demand. She took some courses in college previously to learn how to draw blood in hospital labs. She got out and found there were no jobs in that field, and the ones that were out there didn't pay very much.
Your airy dismissal of the trials and suffering of your fellow Americans is noted and held against you.

The Jobs are not there. Our trade and immigration policies have destroyed them.

The jobs are there, we are sitting at 3.8% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them.

Anyone not working today in this country is doing so purely by choice.

THe people are working. They are just making shit wages.

The poorly educated are earning shittier wages. People with an education in science based educations are earning top notch salaries here and abroad.

Plenty of them are not. THey got degrees and training, and the jobs are not there.

Their student debt remains.

Yes, but the real problem is that they don't get an education in fields in demand. They take classes that are easy or less challenging, and then get out and find there are no jobs because a lot of younger people did the same thing.

One of my tenants told me she was going to part-time to attend college for better work. I advised her the first thing she needs to do is look in the want ads and see what's in demand. She took some courses in college previously to learn how to draw blood in hospital labs. She got out and found there were no jobs in that field, and the ones that were out there didn't pay very much.

People flood the fields that they hear have good potential. Then those fields are oversupplied, and people are left out.

Because there are not enough good jobs. Why did phlebotomy fill up? Lord knows it can't be that great.
No one today, would live like a middle class of the 1950s or 60s. Factory jobs didn't lose their income. Everyone else started living better. Stop looking to sucky jobs of the past, to try and achieve a present day standard of living. Find a job that pays more today.

You are NOT allowed to page-push with a post like this...it destroys the thread continuity and interrupts dialog...do it again and I'll report you.
The commiecrats screaming about tariffs must be ignoring Cryin Chuck's (surprising) admiration of Trump's move on China. The goal is NO tariffs, NO subsidizing industries, NO quotas....Simple enough even for a leftist to understand....we will no longer suffer tariffs without responding in kind. And he's telling Japan and S. Korea if they want American protection against N.Korea and China, they'll start buying American or fend for themselves. And let's see what the EU does if we decide to pull out of NATO with Putin staring them down. After 16 years of Dubya and Barry I can understand why their heads are exploding.....tough shit....new sheriff in town.
The jobs are there, we are sitting at 3.8% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them.

Anyone not working today in this country is doing so purely by choice.

THe people are working. They are just making shit wages.

The poorly educated are earning shittier wages. People with an education in science based educations are earning top notch salaries here and abroad.

Plenty of them are not. THey got degrees and training, and the jobs are not there.

Their student debt remains.

Yes, but the real problem is that they don't get an education in fields in demand. They take classes that are easy or less challenging, and then get out and find there are no jobs because a lot of younger people did the same thing.

One of my tenants told me she was going to part-time to attend college for better work. I advised her the first thing she needs to do is look in the want ads and see what's in demand. She took some courses in college previously to learn how to draw blood in hospital labs. She got out and found there were no jobs in that field, and the ones that were out there didn't pay very much.

People flood the fields that they hear have good potential. Then those fields are oversupplied, and people are left out.

Because there are not enough good jobs. Why did phlebotomy fill up? Lord knows it can't be that great.

Which is why people need to get an education in fields of demand. Today few want to get an education in fields that also require physical work. Work like construction, HVAC, plumbing, electrician. They want to go to school, come out and get a job sitting behind a desk.

It's the same thing when I attended electronics school back in the early 80's. It's very difficult and all math, but regardless of the cost and complexity, the jobs didn't pay squat. Why? Because everybody and their mother was interested in electronics.

We are only worth as much as our employer can pay somebody else to do the same job and same quality of work. That's how wages are determined. It works fine and dandy until you throw a monkey wrench into the system like foreigners or unions. But outside of that, the supply and demand system is the best for employment.
The jobs are there, we are sitting at 3.8% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them.

Anyone not working today in this country is doing so purely by choice.

THe people are working. They are just making shit wages.

The poorly educated are earning shittier wages. People with an education in science based educations are earning top notch salaries here and abroad.

Plenty of them are not. THey got degrees and training, and the jobs are not there.

Their student debt remains.

Yes, but the real problem is that they don't get an education in fields in demand. They take classes that are easy or less challenging, and then get out and find there are no jobs because a lot of younger people did the same thing.

One of my tenants told me she was going to part-time to attend college for better work. I advised her the first thing she needs to do is look in the want ads and see what's in demand. She took some courses in college previously to learn how to draw blood in hospital labs. She got out and found there were no jobs in that field, and the ones that were out there didn't pay very much.

People flood the fields that they hear have good potential. Then those fields are oversupplied, and people are left out.

Because there are not enough good jobs. Why did phlebotomy fill up? Lord knows it can't be that great.

Most likely phlebotomy jobs went away because hospitals and clinics could not afford to pay someone that specialized after the ACA was put into action.

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