Washing machines/dryers prices up 17% under Trump (thank you, tariffs)

Maybe, MAYBE with China, tariffs are not the issue.

But with the EU? Or Japan?

Chinese wages are a lot higher than 40 years ago. THat is success.
What do you expect to suddenly sell more of to the EU?

You have quite an imagination.

Why not? Are you saying that America is inherently unable to compete?
I’m saying there are lots of products we couldn’t compete. They are quite far away, shipping alone eliminates lots of products.
name one
No, it would not.

The CEOs of the all the corporations in the nation would still be in charge of their companies.

THe environment they operate in would have just changed somewhat.

That is not control.

That is Trade Policy.

Don't make this a game of semantics.

They would still be in charge but they would now have less freedom to run their company as they see as best for the company.

If I told you that you were in charge of making dinner, but then gave you very limited choice of foods to pick from, are you really in charge or am I?
What do you expect to suddenly sell more of to the EU?

You have quite an imagination.

Why not? Are you saying that America is inherently unable to compete?
I’m saying there are lots of products we couldn’t compete. They are quite far away, shipping alone eliminates lots of products.
name one

What do you expect to suddenly sell more of to the EU?

You have quite an imagination.

Why not? Are you saying that America is inherently unable to compete?

107 months into a period of economic expansion, the 2nd largest in our history and we have 3.8% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them

Sounds like more than competing, sounds like winning to me

You knew the context I was referring to. Yet you choose to pretend to be confused.

That's a dodge, and you don't dodge unless you think you are losing.

I am not confused, I just disagree with your view on this.
What do you expect to suddenly sell more of to the EU?

You have quite an imagination.

Why not? Are you saying that America is inherently unable to compete?
I’m saying there are lots of products we couldn’t compete. They are quite far away, shipping alone eliminates lots of products.
name one
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring
/——-/,Spanky, Lowe’s have them on sale 28% off. Get a brain, will ya? Your idiotic rants are pathetic Washer and Dryer at Lowe's: Stackable, Front Load, Combo

28% off! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

You have clearly never worked retail before! Anything that is 28% off had it price raised by 30% the previous 6 months when nobody was paying attention.
Maybe, MAYBE with China, tariffs are not the issue.

But with the EU? Or Japan?

Chinese wages are a lot higher than 40 years ago. THat is success.
What do you expect to suddenly sell more of to the EU?

You have quite an imagination.

Why not? Are you saying that America is inherently unable to compete?
I’m saying there are lots of products we couldn’t compete. They are quite far away, shipping alone eliminates lots of products.

Container shipping is very cheap. You should know that.

My point stands. I want those jobs. I want to sell more of everything.
You have quite an imagination.

Why not? Are you saying that America is inherently unable to compete?
I’m saying there are lots of products we couldn’t compete. They are quite far away, shipping alone eliminates lots of products.
name one
quote the price difference?
You clearly have no clue...
Why not? Are you saying that America is inherently unable to compete?
I’m saying there are lots of products we couldn’t compete. They are quite far away, shipping alone eliminates lots of products.
name one
quote the price difference?
You clearly have no clue...
you said it was cheaper. show me the price difference. if you don't, then you're talking out your ass. and it smells.
What do you expect to suddenly sell more of to the EU?

You have quite an imagination.

Why not? Are you saying that America is inherently unable to compete?
I’m saying there are lots of products we couldn’t compete. They are quite far away, shipping alone eliminates lots of products.

Container shipping is very cheap. You should know that.

My point stands. I want those jobs. I want to sell more of everything.
The cost of container shipping is more than the cost of many products.
I’m saying there are lots of products we couldn’t compete. They are quite far away, shipping alone eliminates lots of products.
name one
quote the price difference?
You clearly have no clue...
you said it was cheaper. show me the price difference. if you don't, then you're talking out your ass. and it smells.
Said what was cheaper? You seem lost...
Wanna buy laundry equipment for your home? Good luck paying more than you used to, thanks to Donald J. Trump and his tariffs.
In this thread, we will come up with ideas as to how to lower said prices again:
Opinion | Trump’s tariffs are already backfiring
/——-/,Spanky, Lowe’s have them on sale 28% off. Get a brain, will ya? Your idiotic rants are pathetic Washer and Dryer at Lowe's: Stackable, Front Load, Combo

28% off! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

You have clearly never worked retail before! Anything that is 28% off had it price raised by 30% the previous 6 months when nobody was paying attention.
/——/ I worked wholesale and retail. Too much competition for appliances to get away with that anymore. Ever hear of the internet?
Trade policy is not an individual responsibility.

THe predatory trade policies of our trading partners, are their fault.

Our incompetent and corrupt political class also deserves some of the blame, of course.

On what do you base the claim their policies are predatory?

Various reports over the years, on the way Vat taxes work, various WTO rulings,

plus my natural suspicion on the fact that we almost ALWAYS are losing these trade balances.

We have some of the most productive workers in the world, and the most patents and technological innovation,

and yet, we always lose.

You say we always lose yet here were are 107 months into a period of economic expansion, the 2nd largest in our history and we have 3.8% unemployment with more jobs than people to fill them.

That does not sound like losing to me

As previous discussed, the macro economic numbers hide the damage done to the Working Poor and MIddle Class.

Why do you think our trade balance is so abysmal?

I do not believe it is that abysmal, I have never seen a good argument for why trade deficits are bad.


SO, if it is not such a big deal, then give US what we want.

The EU leadership, who are so much smarter and mature than Trump, should be happy to give him this unimportant little thing.

After all, if it is not bad to have a trade deficit, then why not?

Maybe they already did, at that last meeting?


Jeez, they don't seem to be unconcerned. Almost like they think those surpluses are good for them.
You clearly have no clue...
you said it was cheaper. show me the price difference. if you don't, then you're talking out your ass. and it smells.
Said what was cheaper? You seem lost...
making paper. it was posted many things are just cheaper so why try and compete. It was insinuated. so show me the price of paper from let's say China and paper made here. let's see the price difference.
You clearly have no clue...
you said it was cheaper. show me the price difference. if you don't, then you're talking out your ass. and it smells.
Said what was cheaper? You seem lost...
dude, hilarious. it was your post. see it here you ass.

Washing machines/dryers prices up 17% under Trump (thank you, tariffs)

Washing machines/dryers prices up 17% under Trump (thank you, tariffs)
quote the price difference?
You clearly have no clue...
you said it was cheaper. show me the price difference. if you don't, then you're talking out your ass. and it smells.
Said what was cheaper? You seem lost...
making paper. it was posted many things are just cheaper so why try and compete. It was insinuated. so show me the price of paper from let's say China and paper made here. let's see the price difference.
Once you add the price of shipping it isn’t competitive to export. $ too low for a container. How dumb are you?
You have quite an imagination.

Why not? Are you saying that America is inherently unable to compete?
I’m saying there are lots of products we couldn’t compete. They are quite far away, shipping alone eliminates lots of products.
name one

ok, show me the difference.

The difference is in the price per hour people are being paid. In order for the US company to be competitive in places like China or other parts of Southwest Asia they would need to overcome the price of salairs and the price of transportation.

How do you suggest they do that?
I want those jobs for Americans.

I want those products built using American labor.

You claimed that government policy never makes anything better.

I gave you an example of one doing that. You want to address that?

You realize that China has a Socialist Market Economy and the central government control great portions of the economy.

Are you willing to embrace such a economic system in this country to get those jobs for Americans?

Trump could slap a complete ban on Chinese trade tomorrow, and that would in no way require that the US government assume control of great portions of the economy.

YOur question's premise, is absurd.
You seem to want to be China, what is absurd?

I pointed out that your question's premise, that taking action against Chinese imports, requires the US government to assume control of great portions of the US economy was absurd.

You did not address that.

It is still absurd.

I want those jobs for Americans.

Every action by the government in the form of a tariff or a tax is the government taking a portion of control they did not have prior.

Well, all it takes to be "government controlled" in your view, is to be taxed, then just about every person and piece of property in the nation is already "government controlled",

so what does it matter?

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