Washing machines/dryers prices up 17% under Trump (thank you, tariffs)

Now you are catching on. When the government decides they want you to quit doing something, i.e. smoking for example, they use taxes to control people to get them to quit, it is called social engineering and it is what our tax code was designed to do, control the behavior of our citizens.

I anxiously await for you to provide a quote from one of our founders making that claim.
I think conditions are ripe for unions to start coming back.

THe labor market is tightening up, but managers are stuck in the past, where they had unlimited access to cheap Third World labor, and could get away with being petty tyrants.

Workers with degrees, and technical skills are getting tired of being treated like burger flippers.

The definition of insanity is..............

Unions can't come back because even with tariffs, it would still be cheaper to produce elsewhere. When wages and benefits went too high, that's when companies started to bail out. They couldn't compete against overseas countries.

There was also a domino effect as well.

Years ago when I worked in medical, our company was building a pharmacy for our home customers. This was back in the early 80's and at the time UPS was on strike. After our Monday morning meeting, we all gathered around the coffee pot for a refill, and struck up a conversation about the UPS strike since it had an effect on us.

Nobody really knew our newest employee (the pharmacist) and during the conversation, she stomped away abruptly. We had no idea WTF her problem was. Nobody even said anything to her.

The coffee crowd broke up and I was the last one standing at the coffee pot when she returned. In her hand was her pharmacy magazine. Highlighted was an article about the strike.

The article pointed out that a senior UPS driver made around 55K a year. A pharmacist at the time made about 62K a year. In anger she said "If I only knew what I know today, I sure as hell wouldn't have went through all that education and expense to be a pharmacist. I would be over there (pointing to our overhead garage door) delivering packages in my brown uniform. How dare they go on strike? Do they know what me and my parents went through for my education? I should be the one on strike!"

The only way to draw people to the medical field was to pay them more which they had to do. Now our health insurance is too expensive for many to afford. The domino effect of unions.

Three points, the small one first.

1. There are a lot of factors driving medical cost, such as technology advances and degree inflation. Don't put too much weight on wages.

2. If we can't compete against Third World labor, then what is the game plan for trade and economic policy, in regards to serving the interests of the American citizens?

Because productivity increases used to translate to increased wages. That is not happening anymore.

What is the new plan?

THe only answer I have gotten so far on this, is that the US working class doesn't get a raise, until the entire Third World catches up.

That is not a viable solution in my opinion.

3. And that doesn't explain our trade deficit with the EU or Japan, or South Korean or Taiwan, the cheating bastards.

I don’t know what the solution is other than Americans sticking together and buying American made products not produced with automation.

The problem is we have three things to choose from:

Cheap products

Good paying American jobs.

Strong market growth for our personal investments or our IRA.

We can’t have all three. We must choose one or perhaps two. We chose cheaper products and stock market growth.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I always try to buy American, and where I can I do buy union made. Do not care if I have to pay more. Same as grocery shopping, I try to only shop at grocery stores that are union. I absolutely do not do self checkout because that is taking away jobs.

Employing people with good wages and good benies is always a good thing for people. MAGA!

I don't ever use self-checkout myself because in doing so, I'm helping to eliminate jobs.

I didn't thunk we would ever agree on anything, lol!
It's not true but the ongoing soft coup by the radical left is putting Trump supporters on the defensive.
If 17 bucks per 100 is going to break you, get a fuckin rock.
Now if those 17 bucks per hundred was in pursuit of guaranteeing everyone had health insurance -- that would definitely break me -- because I'm selfish

but if its for tariffs and stuff Trump tells me are good -- I am all for it!!!

If the government could provide good healthcare for 17 bucks on a hundred, you could even count me in for that one.
The definition of insanity is..............

Unions can't come back because even with tariffs, it would still be cheaper to produce elsewhere. When wages and benefits went too high, that's when companies started to bail out. They couldn't compete against overseas countries.

There was also a domino effect as well.

Years ago when I worked in medical, our company was building a pharmacy for our home customers. This was back in the early 80's and at the time UPS was on strike. After our Monday morning meeting, we all gathered around the coffee pot for a refill, and struck up a conversation about the UPS strike since it had an effect on us.

Nobody really knew our newest employee (the pharmacist) and during the conversation, she stomped away abruptly. We had no idea WTF her problem was. Nobody even said anything to her.

The coffee crowd broke up and I was the last one standing at the coffee pot when she returned. In her hand was her pharmacy magazine. Highlighted was an article about the strike.

The article pointed out that a senior UPS driver made around 55K a year. A pharmacist at the time made about 62K a year. In anger she said "If I only knew what I know today, I sure as hell wouldn't have went through all that education and expense to be a pharmacist. I would be over there (pointing to our overhead garage door) delivering packages in my brown uniform. How dare they go on strike? Do they know what me and my parents went through for my education? I should be the one on strike!"

The only way to draw people to the medical field was to pay them more which they had to do. Now our health insurance is too expensive for many to afford. The domino effect of unions.

Three points, the small one first.

1. There are a lot of factors driving medical cost, such as technology advances and degree inflation. Don't put too much weight on wages.

2. If we can't compete against Third World labor, then what is the game plan for trade and economic policy, in regards to serving the interests of the American citizens?

Because productivity increases used to translate to increased wages. That is not happening anymore.

What is the new plan?

THe only answer I have gotten so far on this, is that the US working class doesn't get a raise, until the entire Third World catches up.

That is not a viable solution in my opinion.

3. And that doesn't explain our trade deficit with the EU or Japan, or South Korean or Taiwan, the cheating bastards.

I don’t know what the solution is other than Americans sticking together and buying American made products not produced with automation.

The problem is we have three things to choose from:

Cheap products

Good paying American jobs.

Strong market growth for our personal investments or our IRA.

We can’t have all three. We must choose one or perhaps two. We chose cheaper products and stock market growth.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I always try to buy American, and where I can I do buy union made. Do not care if I have to pay more. Same as grocery shopping, I try to only shop at grocery stores that are union. I absolutely do not do self checkout because that is taking away jobs.

Employing people with good wages and good benies is always a good thing for people. MAGA!

I don't ever use self-checkout myself because in doing so, I'm helping to eliminate jobs.

I didn't thunk we would ever agree on anything, lol!

Three points, the small one first.

1. There are a lot of factors driving medical cost, such as technology advances and degree inflation. Don't put too much weight on wages.

2. If we can't compete against Third World labor, then what is the game plan for trade and economic policy, in regards to serving the interests of the American citizens?

Because productivity increases used to translate to increased wages. That is not happening anymore.

What is the new plan?

THe only answer I have gotten so far on this, is that the US working class doesn't get a raise, until the entire Third World catches up.

That is not a viable solution in my opinion.

3. And that doesn't explain our trade deficit with the EU or Japan, or South Korean or Taiwan, the cheating bastards.

I don’t know what the solution is other than Americans sticking together and buying American made products not produced with automation.

The problem is we have three things to choose from:

Cheap products

Good paying American jobs.

Strong market growth for our personal investments or our IRA.

We can’t have all three. We must choose one or perhaps two. We chose cheaper products and stock market growth.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I always try to buy American, and where I can I do buy union made. Do not care if I have to pay more. Same as grocery shopping, I try to only shop at grocery stores that are union. I absolutely do not do self checkout because that is taking away jobs.

Employing people with good wages and good benies is always a good thing for people. MAGA!

I don't ever use self-checkout myself because in doing so, I'm helping to eliminate jobs.

I didn't thunk we would ever agree on anything, lol!


Let's agree to never let this happen again, I enjoy the banter back and forth between to NE Ohioans!
The definition of insanity is..............

Unions can't come back because even with tariffs, it would still be cheaper to produce elsewhere. When wages and benefits went too high, that's when companies started to bail out. They couldn't compete against overseas countries.

There was also a domino effect as well.

Years ago when I worked in medical, our company was building a pharmacy for our home customers. This was back in the early 80's and at the time UPS was on strike. After our Monday morning meeting, we all gathered around the coffee pot for a refill, and struck up a conversation about the UPS strike since it had an effect on us.

Nobody really knew our newest employee (the pharmacist) and during the conversation, she stomped away abruptly. We had no idea WTF her problem was. Nobody even said anything to her.

The coffee crowd broke up and I was the last one standing at the coffee pot when she returned. In her hand was her pharmacy magazine. Highlighted was an article about the strike.

The article pointed out that a senior UPS driver made around 55K a year. A pharmacist at the time made about 62K a year. In anger she said "If I only knew what I know today, I sure as hell wouldn't have went through all that education and expense to be a pharmacist. I would be over there (pointing to our overhead garage door) delivering packages in my brown uniform. How dare they go on strike? Do they know what me and my parents went through for my education? I should be the one on strike!"

The only way to draw people to the medical field was to pay them more which they had to do. Now our health insurance is too expensive for many to afford. The domino effect of unions.

Three points, the small one first.

1. There are a lot of factors driving medical cost, such as technology advances and degree inflation. Don't put too much weight on wages.

2. If we can't compete against Third World labor, then what is the game plan for trade and economic policy, in regards to serving the interests of the American citizens?

Because productivity increases used to translate to increased wages. That is not happening anymore.

What is the new plan?

THe only answer I have gotten so far on this, is that the US working class doesn't get a raise, until the entire Third World catches up.

That is not a viable solution in my opinion.

3. And that doesn't explain our trade deficit with the EU or Japan, or South Korean or Taiwan, the cheating bastards.

I don’t know what the solution is other than Americans sticking together and buying American made products not produced with automation.

The problem is we have three things to choose from:

Cheap products

Good paying American jobs.

Strong market growth for our personal investments or our IRA.

We can’t have all three. We must choose one or perhaps two. We chose cheaper products and stock market growth.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I always try to buy American, and where I can I do buy union made. Do not care if I have to pay more. Same as grocery shopping, I try to only shop at grocery stores that are union. I absolutely do not do self checkout because that is taking away jobs.

Employing people with good wages and good benies is always a good thing for people. MAGA!

I don't ever use self-checkout myself because in doing so, I'm helping to eliminate jobs.
But you fully support the CEOs adding all those self checkouts.

CEO's only try to save the company money. I do support that. What I don't support is putting somebody out of the job because I don't have the extra five minutes to wait in line for a cashier to check me out. If people didn't use self-checkout, the CEO's wouldn't put them in the stores.
Not sure what you’re asking? Why do they need to be competitive in China? We want our people’s products! Period. NAR

Who is this "we". Today right now people have the choice of whether to buy our people’s products or other people's...which do most people seem to want to buy?
Yep! made in america

Oh and ‘we’ is me and my fellow Americans

IF that is what has been happening, then we have no need for tariffs or anything! Glad we worked that out.
Tarrifs won’t mess with price to consumers since all products will be the same price!
I don’t know what the solution is other than Americans sticking together and buying American made products not produced with automation.

The problem is we have three things to choose from:

Cheap products

Good paying American jobs.

Strong market growth for our personal investments or our IRA.

We can’t have all three. We must choose one or perhaps two. We chose cheaper products and stock market growth.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I always try to buy American, and where I can I do buy union made. Do not care if I have to pay more. Same as grocery shopping, I try to only shop at grocery stores that are union. I absolutely do not do self checkout because that is taking away jobs.

Employing people with good wages and good benies is always a good thing for people. MAGA!

I don't ever use self-checkout myself because in doing so, I'm helping to eliminate jobs.

I didn't thunk we would ever agree on anything, lol!


Let's agree to never let this happen again, I enjoy the banter back and forth between to NE Ohioans!

Not sure what you’re asking? Why do they need to be competitive in China? We want our people’s products! Period. NAR

Who is this "we". Today right now people have the choice of whether to buy our people’s products or other people's...which do most people seem to want to buy?
Yep! made in america

Oh and ‘we’ is me and my fellow Americans

IF that is what has been happening, then we have no need for tariffs or anything! Glad we worked that out.
Tarrifs won’t mess with price to consumers since all products will be the same price!

I don't care about the products being the same price, I care that they are sold the same way.

If I'm selling yo-yo's and you tax me 10% going into your country, I'll buy your computer desks and tax them 10% coming into my country. That's just being fair which is what I think Trump is shooting for.

But I don't want you to be selling us computer desks with no tax at all and when I sell you my yo-yo's, I have to pay a 20% tax. That's not fair.

Now if we are both paying each other 10% tax, and our people can't find a way to make computer desks cheaper, then you win the game, but at least the game was played fairly.
Now you are catching on. When the government decides they want you to quit doing something, i.e. smoking for example, they use taxes to control people to get them to quit, it is called social engineering and it is what our tax code was designed to do, control the behavior of our citizens.

I anxiously await for you to provide a quote from one of our founders making that claim.

Our founders did not use the tax code to get people to act in a certain way, in fact I think they would have rather been agaisnt such a thing
Not sure what you’re asking? Why do they need to be competitive in China? We want our people’s products! Period. NAR

Who is this "we". Today right now people have the choice of whether to buy our people’s products or other people's...which do most people seem to want to buy?
Yep! made in america

Oh and ‘we’ is me and my fellow Americans

IF that is what has been happening, then we have no need for tariffs or anything! Glad we worked that out.
Tarrifs won’t mess with price to consumers since all products will be the same price!

Never will "all products" be the same price, what kind of world do you live in?

The only way to make that happen is to have the government set the price...but that might be just what you are hoping for.
Not sure what you’re asking? Why do they need to be competitive in China? We want our people’s products! Period. NAR

Who is this "we". Today right now people have the choice of whether to buy our people’s products or other people's...which do most people seem to want to buy?
Yep! made in america

Oh and ‘we’ is me and my fellow Americans

IF that is what has been happening, then we have no need for tariffs or anything! Glad we worked that out.
Tarrifs won’t mess with price to consumers since all products will be the same price!

Never will "all products" be the same price, what kind of world do you live in?

The only way to make that happen is to have the government set the price...but that might be just what you are hoping for.
I want jobs in America and fair trade. It’s not difficult. Ray said it right
You have quite an imagination.

Why not? Are you saying that America is inherently unable to compete?
I’m saying there are lots of products we couldn’t compete. They are quite far away, shipping alone eliminates lots of products.

Container shipping is very cheap. You should know that.

My point stands. I want those jobs. I want to sell more of everything.
The cost of container shipping is more than the cost of many products.

REally? Cause I've seen very cheap products from far, far away.

Made with really cheap labor. We don't have that advantage here. But there are certain products that aren't imported like paper. Even with cheap labor the value of a container of paper is not enough to be imported as the container costs are too high.
Who is this "we". Today right now people have the choice of whether to buy our people’s products or other people's...which do most people seem to want to buy?
Yep! made in america

Oh and ‘we’ is me and my fellow Americans

IF that is what has been happening, then we have no need for tariffs or anything! Glad we worked that out.
Tarrifs won’t mess with price to consumers since all products will be the same price!

Never will "all products" be the same price, what kind of world do you live in?

The only way to make that happen is to have the government set the price...but that might be just what you are hoping for.
I want jobs in America and fair trade. It’s not difficult. Ray said it right

We have jobs in America, that is why we are at 3.8% unemployment and have more open positions than people to fill them.

As I have told you in the past, fair is a fairy tale, it is not part of the real world.

What we should have are mutually beneficial trade deals, and the evidence says that is what we have.

So, have you looked over all the tariffs we have in place, since I gave you the link this morning?
Yep! made in america

Oh and ‘we’ is me and my fellow Americans

IF that is what has been happening, then we have no need for tariffs or anything! Glad we worked that out.
Tarrifs won’t mess with price to consumers since all products will be the same price!

Never will "all products" be the same price, what kind of world do you live in?

The only way to make that happen is to have the government set the price...but that might be just what you are hoping for.
I want jobs in America and fair trade. It’s not difficult. Ray said it right

We have jobs in America, that is why we are at 3.8% unemployment and have more open positions than people to fill them.

As I have told you in the past, fair is a fairy tale, it is not part of the real world.

What we should have are mutually beneficial trade deals, and the evidence says that is what we have.

So, have you looked over all the tariffs we have in place, since I gave you the link this morning?
Yep, thank you mr president. Time to get it below three. Tarrifs baby
Three points, the small one first.

1. There are a lot of factors driving medical cost, such as technology advances and degree inflation. Don't put too much weight on wages.

2. If we can't compete against Third World labor, then what is the game plan for trade and economic policy, in regards to serving the interests of the American citizens?

Because productivity increases used to translate to increased wages. That is not happening anymore.

What is the new plan?

THe only answer I have gotten so far on this, is that the US working class doesn't get a raise, until the entire Third World catches up.

That is not a viable solution in my opinion.

3. And that doesn't explain our trade deficit with the EU or Japan, or South Korean or Taiwan, the cheating bastards.

I don’t know what the solution is other than Americans sticking together and buying American made products not produced with automation.

The problem is we have three things to choose from:

Cheap products

Good paying American jobs.

Strong market growth for our personal investments or our IRA.

We can’t have all three. We must choose one or perhaps two. We chose cheaper products and stock market growth.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I always try to buy American, and where I can I do buy union made. Do not care if I have to pay more. Same as grocery shopping, I try to only shop at grocery stores that are union. I absolutely do not do self checkout because that is taking away jobs.

Employing people with good wages and good benies is always a good thing for people. MAGA!

I don't ever use self-checkout myself because in doing so, I'm helping to eliminate jobs.
But you fully support the CEOs adding all those self checkouts.

CEO's only try to save the company money. I do support that. What I don't support is putting somebody out of the job because I don't have the extra five minutes to wait in line for a cashier to check me out. If people didn't use self-checkout, the CEO's wouldn't put them in the stores.
Well they are putting people out of the job.
Why not? Are you saying that America is inherently unable to compete?
I’m saying there are lots of products we couldn’t compete. They are quite far away, shipping alone eliminates lots of products.

Container shipping is very cheap. You should know that.

My point stands. I want those jobs. I want to sell more of everything.
The cost of container shipping is more than the cost of many products.

REally? Cause I've seen very cheap products from far, far away.

Made with really cheap labor. We don't have that advantage here. But there are certain products that aren't imported like paper. Even with cheap labor the value of a container of paper is not enough to be imported as the container costs are too high.
There you are with that stealth container comment. What container?
I don’t know what the solution is other than Americans sticking together and buying American made products not produced with automation.

The problem is we have three things to choose from:

Cheap products

Good paying American jobs.

Strong market growth for our personal investments or our IRA.

We can’t have all three. We must choose one or perhaps two. We chose cheaper products and stock market growth.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I always try to buy American, and where I can I do buy union made. Do not care if I have to pay more. Same as grocery shopping, I try to only shop at grocery stores that are union. I absolutely do not do self checkout because that is taking away jobs.

Employing people with good wages and good benies is always a good thing for people. MAGA!

I don't ever use self-checkout myself because in doing so, I'm helping to eliminate jobs.
But you fully support the CEOs adding all those self checkouts.

CEO's only try to save the company money. I do support that. What I don't support is putting somebody out of the job because I don't have the extra five minutes to wait in line for a cashier to check me out. If people didn't use self-checkout, the CEO's wouldn't put them in the stores.
Well they are putting people out of the job.
Actually, adding staff to the self checkout would be appreciated. Too many stupid people trying to use them and have no fking clue. Taking the monitor away for needed alcohol purchases. Waited ten minutes cause someone couldn’t scan her groceries.

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