Washington Compost Confirms FBI Spy in Trump Campaign

It already is. Watergate doesn't compare. But if no one cares, nothing's gonna happen. The African president has black immunity
And the deplorable president doesn't realize he's been caught lying; FBI used informant after multiple Trump camp Russia contacts

Translation: We still haven't found anything on Trump.
Conspiracy and obstruction, via the statutes laid out, already prove guilt by Trump.
You're gonna love President Pence. :)

Well...he is going to have to wait another 6 years for Pence, since Trump isn't out of there till 2024.......
I just find it amusing that all this effort is being put into replacing Trump with another who is twice the conservative Trump is.
Obama wanted Federalis, he realized it would be political suicide, so he co-opted the FBI into being Federalis.
And now Trump uses them as props for his lies. Funny, still no rebuttals from this link that portrays the real truth. FBI used informant after multiple Trump camp Russia contacts Right wingers are incapacitated to debate the truth.

Exactly what kind of rebuttal do you desire? One that says a government agency has no business spying on potential political candidates?

You probably don't want to hear that. :rolleyes:

Why was the "informant" placed? Partisan reasons perhaps?

Like most Americans can't see through the bullshit or something. :badgrin:
It already is. Watergate doesn't compare. But if no one cares, nothing's gonna happen. The African president has black immunity
And the deplorable president doesn't realize he's been caught lying; FBI used informant after multiple Trump camp Russia contacts

Translation: We still haven't found anything on Trump.
Conspiracy and obstruction, via the statutes laid out, already prove guilt by Trump.
You're gonna love President Pence. :)

Well...he is going to have to wait another 6 years for Pence, since Trump isn't out of there till 2024.......
The collapse of the Blue Wall is likely to happen before 2020 and that could prevent reelection.
You people can't handle the truth. It's why this mountain is falling down on top of you.
Sure, that's why your party's about to lose the midterm elections (which rarely happens).
Speculating about the midterms is not a substitute for lies by Trump and the OP, that you cannot debate. Lol! And what a failure that is right?
I'm not speculating, and all you can do is fall back on your very limited adolescent insults like "liar". That's all you have in your tiny little arsenal.
Actually I have the facts. That after nearly eighty posts from this thread, not one informative, revealing, rebutting, challenge to it. FBI used informant after multiple Trump camp Russia contacts So, on this thread, "liar" is a mighty powerful antidote for the sickness of the lying Trump supporters. Right now, exposing you people as "liars", is all that is needed. The thread owners are the one's who exposed the truth. And you are not one of those co-owners.
You people can't handle the truth. It's why this mountain is falling down on top of you.
Sure, that's why your party's about to lose the midterm elections (which rarely happens).
Speculating about the midterms is not a substitute for lies by Trump and the OP, that you cannot debate. Lol! And what a failure that is right?
I'm not speculating, and all you can do is fall back on your very limited adolescent insults like "liar". That's all you have in your tiny little arsenal.
Actually I have the facts. That after nearly eighty posts from this thread, not one informative, revealing, rebutting, challenge to it. FBI used informant after multiple Trump camp Russia contacts So, on this thread, "liar" is a mighty powerful antidote for the sickness of the lying Trump supporters. Right now, exposing you people as "liars", is all that is needed. The thread owners are the one's who exposed the truth. And you are not one of those co-owners.

n00b midterm shill should STFU. You're a sorry excuse for a human being. I make more in a day than you do all week. :04:

Then again, I provide a service that benefits people, not shill on the internet for a meager check. Your MSNBC link is biased and fake news. Now what?
Yeah this is likely to become bigger than Watergate.
Unfortunately, the vast majority in Washington are all corrupt. Who will bring them to justice?
Changing the subject of the OP by corralling everyone in Washington as corrupt, is a cowardly cop out in dealing with those who actually got caught being corrupt. You are running from this thread so you don't have to deal with the proven corruption from this president, by lumping everyone into one corrupt basket. Sorry, it doesn't work that way.
This is a dark day in American democracy when the federalis started to spy on political candidates.

It is time to dismantle the FBI and replace it with just about anything, hell, even the ATF for all I care.

Secret FBI source for Russia investigation met with three Trump advisers during campaign
You folks are so desperate to obstruct this investigation, that any lie that comes your way the Trump team and their Sheep cling to it. The guy is not a spy. He is an informant. And if his name is released as Trump wants, that taints the investigation. Trump once again with his goon squad is looking into any angle they can find. Shame on them and you for peddling this lie. FBI used informant to investigate Trump Russia contacts, not spy

What business does the FBI have seeking insider information from a campaign in any form?
Are you brain dead? FBI used informant after multiple Trump camp Russia contacts Watch the video. The FBI was not seeking insider information from the candidate. An informant came forward, which can be used as admissable evidence.

I note the conspicuous absence of an informant in the Hillary campaign. Convince me this is normal, legal, and done to all campaigns, not illegal and done only to campaigns of the party not of the president at the time.
We'll, first off, Hillary is off topic, so there is nothing to compare to, and second, no evidence of wrong doing has been found against her, your hatred not withstanding.
Obama wanted Federalis, he realized it would be political suicide, so he co-opted the FBI into being Federalis.
And now Trump uses them as props for his lies. Funny, still no rebuttals from this link that portrays the real truth. FBI used informant after multiple Trump camp Russia contacts Right wingers are incapacitated to debate the truth.

Exactly what kind of rebuttal do you desire? One that says a government agency has no business spying on potential political candidates?
Too bad that isn't the case here, as evidenced by my link, and the absence of an intelligent rebuttal by you.

You probably don't want to hear that. :rolleyes:
There is nothing to hear, because you have produced nothing, and said nothing of proof. Your seven word sentence is meaningless in the real world, because it cannot be applied to Trumps lies about spying.

Why was the "informant" placed? Partisan reasons perhaps?
Perhaps seeking evidence? You do know that is ethically just in law enforcement pursuits right?

Like most Americans can't see through the bullshit or something. :badgrin:
"Or something"? What "something"?

Boss, you are pissed just like the rest of your ilk that the truth is being exposed everyday, and the lies come un pealed like a ripe banana. This is the Right's biggest problem. And they fight the truth and the law every step of the way. What a bunch of deplorable traitors to this country you people are.
Obama wanted Federalis, he realized it would be political suicide, so he co-opted the FBI into being Federalis.
And now Trump uses them as props for his lies. Funny, still no rebuttals from this link that portrays the real truth. FBI used informant after multiple Trump camp Russia contacts Right wingers are incapacitated to debate the truth.

Truth is truth..there's nothing to debate.

Leftist retards don't know that.

Spouting lies over and over isn't going to tempt anybody into *debating the truth*. All the crap you put on here is nonsense, lies. There's nothing to *debate*. There is no proof that Trump has done anything in the least bit questionable.
Would "OP is a faggot" be justified here?
I reckon not, I like that dude's knives.
You have surrendered to unintelligent debate yourself. Calling the OP a "faggot" only proves your own failure to engage this debate. Thanks for the heads up.
Yeah this is likely to become bigger than Watergate.
Unfortunately, the vast majority in Washington are all corrupt. Who will bring them to justice?
Changing the subject of the OP by corralling everyone in Washington as corrupt, is a cowardly cop out in dealing with those who actually got caught being corrupt. You are running from this thread so you don't have to deal with the proven corruption from this president, by lumping everyone into one corrupt basket. Sorry, it doesn't work that way.
Well golly, even a troll like you should be able to see that I did not say they all were corrupt. Why do you libs lie so much?

Most of the pols in dc are corrupt.
Would "OP is a faggot" be justified here?
I reckon not, I like that dude's knives.
You have surrendered to unintelligent debate yourself. Calling the OP a "faggot" only proves your own failure to engage this debate. Thanks for the heads up.
Dude, the kind of tactic went out of style in the 60's. Try one of the modern troll schools. But I have to say he didn't call the op anything. But I think things are coming to a head in dc. The crooked dims have been outed.

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