Washington Post audio of Trump berating and threatening Georgia Secretary of State for not "finding" votes to change election result. Sedition?

It is
To dimwit Trumpers I say, here we have Trump telling the Georgia Secretary of state to engage in fraud and overthrow the newly elected government. When will Trump be arrested?
We don't know that since we can't listen to your audio, moron.
It is all over the news dimwit.
Only Georgia police can arrest someone for violating a Georgia law. They are not gonna go to Washington and arrest the President. They have no jurisdiction there.
Unless Biden's Department of Justice decides to file federal charges.
What federal law, shit for brains?
Looks like this could help out Perdue and Loeffler win in Georgia after all. We all know the fix is in at this point. Good for President Trump calling out the Georgia Secretary of State.
Calling him out for what? Don't you have that backwards?

For not challenging the illegal votes enough, of course.
The Secretary of State's office not only rejected illegal votes, they went out of their way to explain the rejected illegal votes...

Looks like this could help out Perdue and Loeffler win in Georgia after all. We all know the fix is in at this point. Good for President Trump calling out the Georgia Secretary of State.
Calling him out for what? Don't you have that backwards?

For not challenging the illegal votes enough, of course.
The Secretary of State's office not only rejected illegal votes, they went out of their way to explain the rejected illegal votes...

They were illegal because they weren't for a Republican?
You earn respect. And I don't respect people who put others on ignore.
Like how you put CNN on ignore?

You’re a troll. You deserve to be ignored.
I don't watch CNN but CNN is not a poster on this forum, it is a tabloid station. Then put me on ignore again. LOL.
So what is considered a credible news source and not "tabloid"?
Through my job I get daily news articles too from unbiased sources. Now they are finance/econ themed but still give a good gauge of today's stories.
I was a fox news watcher for a long time. Not the Hannitys and Oreillys and the other opinionists. I watched the anchors and Early morning Fox and Friends. However, they led me to believe that Biden was in his basement everyday, refused to meet with reporters, had minimal gatherings for rallies ..... they even told me that he said something along the lines of "the voters don't deserve to know what my plan is".....they told me he called one supporter a liar; threatened another supporter to prove his manhood....never a positive word about the guy.

And what happens? He beats a sitting President who got the most votes a sitting President ever got in history.

I turned to my wife and said "Fox news is as biased as the rest of them. No way a guy that doesn't campaign and actually insults his supporters could beat someone with tens of thousands of people at rallies"....and all we do for news now is the WSJ. In the morning? We watch HGTV. Fixer upper. Property Brothers. Love it or list it. Soft and fun.

There is no unbiased TV news organization anymore.
He beat the sitting President with the worst approval rating in modern history. It wasn’t a stretch.
Yet the same president garnered 75 mil votes. Says something...

Right but the challenger garnered 80 mil votes, says more.

It was actually 81 to 74. And change.
Yep...so we just ignore 74.2 mil? OK.
Are you feeling ignored? Tell me, how did Trump pay attention to Hillary Clinton voters? He do a lot of outreach to them?
Outreach by Trump? Never! He decided not to be the president of those who didn't vote for him and made that clear time and time again. He was not the president of ALL the people--only those who voted for him.
Curious.....I recall hearing Rachel Maddow say the same thing.

So tell me....exactly what policies did he push and or endorse that were only for those that voted for him?

And don't get on that "didn't want to fund states run by Democrats"....that is a normal approach where the federal government should not be responsible for bailing out states run by governors that overspend on groups of people like union pensions to be popular.

It is the people of that state who should decide what to do...such as voting otherwise next time.

So tell me....what policy did he endorse that was only for Trump voters?

What policies of Biden's will only apply to those that voted for him? None so your "argument" is ridiculous. AzogtheDefiler keeps harping on Trump voters being "ignored" because Biden won. Ignored how? They won't be "ignored" the way Trump ignored Hillary voters.
I would answer that question if I could. But he has refused to explain what his policy plans are so far....

And I never said his policies were for only HIS voters. I simply responded to the statement that Trump had policies ONLY for his voters.

And, as it the norm for you....you simply answered my question with a question..

"I know you are but what am I" seems to work well for your ego.

Biden has posted ALL of his policies to his website, a$$hat. I guess you didn't check that out. The Democratic Platform and Biden's policies are all posted online.

Trump has no policies, no plans and no platform. There is nothing on his website or the Republican Party website. Trump had nothing that remotely resembled a plan to govern when he was elected, and he wasted the transition time, arriving in the White House with the fewest appointments in history, and then spent the next 4 years firing everyone who deigned to work for him.

All while blaming Democratic harrassment for his bad decisions in shutting down the government, and failure to get Republicans to finance his dumb wall. A thin-skinned fool who believed criticism and disagreement were hate and disloyalty. Who still believes that.

You knew that Trump was a failed businessman who had put 6 corporations into bankruptcy, bribed public officials, and assaulted women he found attractive but you elected him anyway. A 7th bankruptcy was filed for Trump Hotel Toronto during the election, during which Trump was in court fighting a class action suit over allegations of fraud. And you voted for him anyway

And even after the worst administration in the history of the nation since the Civil War, economically, racially, socially, and in terms of the progress of the people, several steps backwards as the quality of your air and water deteriorated with de-regulation, you voted for him again.

And you come here and play your little FuckBoi reindeer games.

Go outside and play with the rest of the children mister smart ass.
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?

What an ass you are. All he did was ask if they could find those votes. Sedition my ass you idiot.

You are good for a laugh though. Lets see how you like Biden as POTUS when he implements the list of things he wants to do. Hope you enjoy because no other Americans will. Dumbass.
"All he did was ask if they could find those votes."

... or face the risk of committing a criminal offense.

LMAO. You are so full of shit. But then you're a Dem who thinks nothing of a stolen election.

You will regret your Biden vote and it won't take long. Carry on shit master.
The election hasn't been stolen yet despite Impeached Trump's best efforts.

Oh it was stolen all right and if Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud and all the proof would be legitimate. You would be telling everybody on the board how legitimate the proof is.

By stolen, you mean Biden getting 74 more electoral votes than Impeached Trump? Or Biden getting some 7 million more popular votes? That's stolen, huh?

Once you said "impeached Trump" when it was a Democratic Majority house that voted to impeach him with no real evidence...your credibility went form zero to negative territory

Is that supposed to mean that mean Trump wasn't impeached? And yes, there was real evidence. His perfect call where he broke the law by soliciting a foreign national to help him with his campaign.

Jesus are you stupid or what. Mueller cleared Trump and here you are beating that dead horse once again.

You need new material What you have is old, faded and sucks. LOL

Not nearly as stupid as you. Mueller said "If we were sure Trump committed no crimes, we would have said so". You're so stupid you just repeat what Barr and Trump told you and you didn't even bother to read the Mueller Report.

What a load or horse shit. Mueller cleared Trump so you will just have to eat your words. Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.
BULLSHIT The AG BARR trump ass kisser cleared Trump
you mean Barr cleared Trump after the Mueller report said there was no evidence of any American colluding with Russia in an effort to interfere with our election?

Should Barr have said...."that's reason to charge an American for collusion with Russia to interfere with our election"?

What are you.....like 3 years old?
Looks like this could help out Perdue and Loeffler win in Georgia after all. We all know the fix is in at this point. Good for President Trump calling out the Georgia Secretary of State.
Calling him out for what? Don't you have that backwards?

For not challenging the illegal votes enough, of course.
The Secretary of State's office not only rejected illegal votes, they went out of their way to explain the rejected illegal votes...

Just to be clear....

The Secretary of State made it clear that he did his job and he did it well and there is no reason the taxpayer should doubt his ability to be a great politician ....and that is iron clad?

So all of a sudden you believe a republican?

You earn respect. And I don't respect people who put others on ignore.
Like how you put CNN on ignore?

You’re a troll. You deserve to be ignored.
I don't watch CNN but CNN is not a poster on this forum, it is a tabloid station. Then put me on ignore again. LOL.
So what is considered a credible news source and not "tabloid"?
Through my job I get daily news articles too from unbiased sources. Now they are finance/econ themed but still give a good gauge of today's stories.
I was a fox news watcher for a long time. Not the Hannitys and Oreillys and the other opinionists. I watched the anchors and Early morning Fox and Friends. However, they led me to believe that Biden was in his basement everyday, refused to meet with reporters, had minimal gatherings for rallies ..... they even told me that he said something along the lines of "the voters don't deserve to know what my plan is".....they told me he called one supporter a liar; threatened another supporter to prove his manhood....never a positive word about the guy.

And what happens? He beats a sitting President who got the most votes a sitting President ever got in history.

I turned to my wife and said "Fox news is as biased as the rest of them. No way a guy that doesn't campaign and actually insults his supporters could beat someone with tens of thousands of people at rallies"....and all we do for news now is the WSJ. In the morning? We watch HGTV. Fixer upper. Property Brothers. Love it or list it. Soft and fun.

There is no unbiased TV news organization anymore.
He beat the sitting President with the worst approval rating in modern history. It wasn’t a stretch.
Yet the same president garnered 75 mil votes. Says something...

Right but the challenger garnered 80 mil votes, says more.

It was actually 81 to 74. And change.
Yep...so we just ignore 74.2 mil? OK.
Are you feeling ignored? Tell me, how did Trump pay attention to Hillary Clinton voters? He do a lot of outreach to them?
Outreach by Trump? Never! He decided not to be the president of those who didn't vote for him and made that clear time and time again. He was not the president of ALL the people--only those who voted for him.
Curious.....I recall hearing Rachel Maddow say the same thing.

So tell me....exactly what policies did he push and or endorse that were only for those that voted for him?

And don't get on that "didn't want to fund states run by Democrats"....that is a normal approach where the federal government should not be responsible for bailing out states run by governors that overspend on groups of people like union pensions to be popular.

It is the people of that state who should decide what to do...such as voting otherwise next time.

So tell me....what policy did he endorse that was only for Trump voters?

What policies of Biden's will only apply to those that voted for him? None so your "argument" is ridiculous. AzogtheDefiler keeps harping on Trump voters being "ignored" because Biden won. Ignored how? They won't be "ignored" the way Trump ignored Hillary voters.
I would answer that question if I could. But he has refused to explain what his policy plans are so far....

And I never said his policies were for only HIS voters. I simply responded to the statement that Trump had policies ONLY for his voters.

And, as it the norm for you....you simply answered my question with a question..

"I know you are but what am I" seems to work well for your ego.

Biden has posted ALL of his policies to his website, a$$hat. I guess you didn't check that out. The Democratic Platform and Biden's policies are all posted online.

Trump has no policies, no plans and no platform. There is nothing on his website or the Republican Party website. Trump had nothing that remotely resembled a plan to govern when he was elected, and he wasted the transition time, arriving in the White House with the fewest appointments in history, and then spent the next 4 years firing everyone who deigned to work for him.

All while blaming Democratic harrassment for his bad decisions in shutting down the government, and failure to get Republicans to finance his dumb wall. A thin-skinned fool who believed criticism and disagreement were hate and disloyalty. Who still believes that.

You knew that Trump was a failed businessman who had put 6 corporations into bankruptcy, bribed public officials, and assaulted women he found attractive but you elected him anyway. A 7th bankruptcy was filed for Trump Hotel Toronto during the election, during which Trump was in court fighting a class action suit over allegations of fraud. And you voted for him anyway

And even after the worst administration in the history of the nation since the Civil War, economically, racially, socially, and in terms of the progress of the people, several steps backwards as the quality of your air and water deteriorated with de-regulation, you voted for him again.

And you come here and play your little FuckBoi reindeer games.

Go outside and play with the rest of the children mister smart ass.
Did your parents not teach you how to speak with dignity?

Obviously they failed you.
Looks like this could help out Perdue and Loeffler win in Georgia after all. We all know the fix is in at this point. Good for President Trump calling out the Georgia Secretary of State.
Calling him out for what? Don't you have that backwards?

For not challenging the illegal votes enough, of course.
The Secretary of State's office not only rejected illegal votes, they went out of their way to explain the rejected illegal votes...

They were illegal because they weren't for a Republican?

It's abject stupidy like this which is the reason why you voted for Donald Trump - twice. You will believe any lie ever told that issues out of the mouth of a Republican. You are the ultimate slavering fool.
You earn respect. And I don't respect people who put others on ignore.
Like how you put CNN on ignore?

You’re a troll. You deserve to be ignored.
I don't watch CNN but CNN is not a poster on this forum, it is a tabloid station. Then put me on ignore again. LOL.
So what is considered a credible news source and not "tabloid"?
Through my job I get daily news articles too from unbiased sources. Now they are finance/econ themed but still give a good gauge of today's stories.
I was a fox news watcher for a long time. Not the Hannitys and Oreillys and the other opinionists. I watched the anchors and Early morning Fox and Friends. However, they led me to believe that Biden was in his basement everyday, refused to meet with reporters, had minimal gatherings for rallies ..... they even told me that he said something along the lines of "the voters don't deserve to know what my plan is".....they told me he called one supporter a liar; threatened another supporter to prove his manhood....never a positive word about the guy.

And what happens? He beats a sitting President who got the most votes a sitting President ever got in history.

I turned to my wife and said "Fox news is as biased as the rest of them. No way a guy that doesn't campaign and actually insults his supporters could beat someone with tens of thousands of people at rallies"....and all we do for news now is the WSJ. In the morning? We watch HGTV. Fixer upper. Property Brothers. Love it or list it. Soft and fun.

There is no unbiased TV news organization anymore.
He beat the sitting President with the worst approval rating in modern history. It wasn’t a stretch.
Yet the same president garnered 75 mil votes. Says something...

Right but the challenger garnered 80 mil votes, says more.

It was actually 81 to 74. And change.
Yep...so we just ignore 74.2 mil? OK.
Are you feeling ignored? Tell me, how did Trump pay attention to Hillary Clinton voters? He do a lot of outreach to them?
Outreach by Trump? Never! He decided not to be the president of those who didn't vote for him and made that clear time and time again. He was not the president of ALL the people--only those who voted for him.
Curious.....I recall hearing Rachel Maddow say the same thing.

So tell me....exactly what policies did he push and or endorse that were only for those that voted for him?

And don't get on that "didn't want to fund states run by Democrats"....that is a normal approach where the federal government should not be responsible for bailing out states run by governors that overspend on groups of people like union pensions to be popular.

It is the people of that state who should decide what to do...such as voting otherwise next time.

So tell me....what policy did he endorse that was only for Trump voters?

What policies of Biden's will only apply to those that voted for him? None so your "argument" is ridiculous. AzogtheDefiler keeps harping on Trump voters being "ignored" because Biden won. Ignored how? They won't be "ignored" the way Trump ignored Hillary voters.
I would answer that question if I could. But he has refused to explain what his policy plans are so far....

And I never said his policies were for only HIS voters. I simply responded to the statement that Trump had policies ONLY for his voters.

And, as it the norm for you....you simply answered my question with a question..

"I know you are but what am I" seems to work well for your ego.

Biden has posted ALL of his policies to his website, a$$hat. I guess you didn't check that out. The Democratic Platform and Biden's policies are all posted online.

Trump has no policies, no plans and no platform. There is nothing on his website or the Republican Party website. Trump had nothing that remotely resembled a plan to govern when he was elected, and he wasted the transition time, arriving in the White House with the fewest appointments in history, and then spent the next 4 years firing everyone who deigned to work for him.

All while blaming Democratic harrassment for his bad decisions in shutting down the government, and failure to get Republicans to finance his dumb wall. A thin-skinned fool who believed criticism and disagreement were hate and disloyalty. Who still believes that.

You knew that Trump was a failed businessman who had put 6 corporations into bankruptcy, bribed public officials, and assaulted women he found attractive but you elected him anyway. A 7th bankruptcy was filed for Trump Hotel Toronto during the election, during which Trump was in court fighting a class action suit over allegations of fraud. And you voted for him anyway

And even after the worst administration in the history of the nation since the Civil War, economically, racially, socially, and in terms of the progress of the people, several steps backwards as the quality of your air and water deteriorated with de-regulation, you voted for him again.

And you come here and play your little FuckBoi reindeer games.

Go outside and play with the rest of the children mister smart ass.
well said
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?

What an ass you are. All he did was ask if they could find those votes. Sedition my ass you idiot.

You are good for a laugh though. Lets see how you like Biden as POTUS when he implements the list of things he wants to do. Hope you enjoy because no other Americans will. Dumbass.
"All he did was ask if they could find those votes."

... or face the risk of committing a criminal offense.

LMAO. You are so full of shit. But then you're a Dem who thinks nothing of a stolen election.

You will regret your Biden vote and it won't take long. Carry on shit master.
The election hasn't been stolen yet despite Impeached Trump's best efforts.

Oh it was stolen all right and if Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud and all the proof would be legitimate. You would be telling everybody on the board how legitimate the proof is.

By stolen, you mean Biden getting 74 more electoral votes than Impeached Trump? Or Biden getting some 7 million more popular votes? That's stolen, huh?

Once you said "impeached Trump" when it was a Democratic Majority house that voted to impeach him with no real evidence...your credibility went form zero to negative territory

Is that supposed to mean that mean Trump wasn't impeached? And yes, there was real evidence. His perfect call where he broke the law by soliciting a foreign national to help him with his campaign.
Go for it.
I dont debate people who regurgitate without actually applying their own thinking.

Umm, we already 'went for it.'

The American people spoke up, where the Republican-led Senate gave him a pass, and kicked his sorry ass out of office.
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?

What an ass you are. All he did was ask if they could find those votes. Sedition my ass you idiot.

You are good for a laugh though. Lets see how you like Biden as POTUS when he implements the list of things he wants to do. Hope you enjoy because no other Americans will. Dumbass.
"All he did was ask if they could find those votes."

... or face the risk of committing a criminal offense.

LMAO. You are so full of shit. But then you're a Dem who thinks nothing of a stolen election.

You will regret your Biden vote and it won't take long. Carry on shit master.
The election hasn't been stolen yet despite Impeached Trump's best efforts.

Oh it was stolen all right and if Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud and all the proof would be legitimate. You would be telling everybody on the board how legitimate the proof is.

By stolen, you mean Biden getting 74 more electoral votes than Impeached Trump? Or Biden getting some 7 million more popular votes? That's stolen, huh?

Once you said "impeached Trump" when it was a Democratic Majority house that voted to impeach him with no real evidence...your credibility went form zero to negative territory

Is that supposed to mean that mean Trump wasn't impeached? And yes, there was real evidence. His perfect call where he broke the law by soliciting a foreign national to help him with his campaign.

Jesus are you stupid or what. Mueller cleared Trump and here you are beating that dead horse once again.

You need new material What you have is old, faded and sucks. LOL

Not nearly as stupid as you. Mueller said "If we were sure Trump committed no crimes, we would have said so". You're so stupid you just repeat what Barr and Trump told you and you didn't even bother to read the Mueller Report.

What a load or horse shit. Mueller cleared Trump so you will just have to eat your words. Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.
BULLSHIT The AG BARR trump ass kisser cleared Trump
you mean Barr cleared Trump after the Mueller report said there was no evidence of any American colluding with Russia in an effort to interfere with our election?

Should Barr have said...."that's reason to charge an American for collusion with Russia to interfere with our election"?

What are you.....like 3 years old?
Looks like this could help out Perdue and Loeffler win in Georgia after all. We all know the fix is in at this point. Good for President Trump calling out the Georgia Secretary of State.
Calling him out for what? Don't you have that backwards?

For not challenging the illegal votes enough, of course.
The Secretary of State's office not only rejected illegal votes, they went out of their way to explain the rejected illegal votes...


Just to be clear....

The Secretary of State made it clear that he did his job and he did it well and there is no reason the taxpayer should doubt his ability to be a great politician ....and that is iron clad?

So all of a sudden you believe a republican?


WOW is right! Barr was loyal to trump in the Mueller investigation and not the American people as he should have been. Finally, even Barr couldn't support trump's fiasco in the electoral challenge farce.
It has nothing to do with supporting a Republican doing the right thing and not allowing the ego-maniac trump to intimidate and bully him.
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?

What an ass you are. All he did was ask if they could find those votes. Sedition my ass you idiot.

You are good for a laugh though. Lets see how you like Biden as POTUS when he implements the list of things he wants to do. Hope you enjoy because no other Americans will. Dumbass.
"All he did was ask if they could find those votes."

... or face the risk of committing a criminal offense.

LMAO. You are so full of shit. But then you're a Dem who thinks nothing of a stolen election.

You will regret your Biden vote and it won't take long. Carry on shit master.
The election hasn't been stolen yet despite Impeached Trump's best efforts.

Oh it was stolen all right and if Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud and all the proof would be legitimate. You would be telling everybody on the board how legitimate the proof is.

By stolen, you mean Biden getting 74 more electoral votes than Impeached Trump? Or Biden getting some 7 million more popular votes? That's stolen, huh?

Once you said "impeached Trump" when it was a Democratic Majority house that voted to impeach him with no real evidence...your credibility went form zero to negative territory

Is that supposed to mean that mean Trump wasn't impeached? And yes, there was real evidence. His perfect call where he broke the law by soliciting a foreign national to help him with his campaign.

Jesus are you stupid or what. Mueller cleared Trump and here you are beating that dead horse once again.

You need new material What you have is old, faded and sucks. LOL

Not nearly as stupid as you. Mueller said "If we were sure Trump committed no crimes, we would have said so". You're so stupid you just repeat what Barr and Trump told you and you didn't even bother to read the Mueller Report.

What a load or horse shit. Mueller cleared Trump so you will just have to eat your words. Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.
BULLSHIT The AG BARR trump ass kisser cleared Trump
you mean Barr cleared Trump after the Mueller report said there was no evidence of any American colluding with Russia in an effort to interfere with our election?

Should Barr have said...."that's reason to charge an American for collusion with Russia to interfere with our election"?

What are you.....like 3 years old?
Looks like this could help out Perdue and Loeffler win in Georgia after all. We all know the fix is in at this point. Good for President Trump calling out the Georgia Secretary of State.
Calling him out for what? Don't you have that backwards?

For not challenging the illegal votes enough, of course.
The Secretary of State's office not only rejected illegal votes, they went out of their way to explain the rejected illegal votes...

Just to be clear....

The Secretary of State made it clear that he did his job and he did it well and there is no reason the taxpayer should doubt his ability to be a great politician ....and that is iron clad?

So all of a sudden you believe a republican?


I don't think all Republicans are as stupid as Donald Trump knows that his ardent supporters are. And Georgia Republicans are some of the most corrupt in the land, especially in Georgia, but I believe that Stacey Abrahms and the courts have put Georgia on notice that shennanigans will not be allowed, and I think that the Secretary of State took offence at the suggestion that Democrats were allowed to cheat in his state and on his watch.

Really I don't care, because Donald Trump is absolutely destroying the Republican Party and tossing bombs at everyone who is being "disloyal" to him. Mike Pence will be the Deep State betrayer by the end of the day. McConnell has already lost his iron grip on the Senate, and is finished as Senate Majority Leader no matter how this plays out.

When Trump was elected, he had a unified government and 34 states had Republican governors. He leaves office having lost the House in 2018, and 7 governorships. This year he lost the White House and the Senate. He spent four years working at getting re-elected, and trying to get Democrats thrown in jail.

He failed at both.
Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?
Perhaps there's a DA in Georgia who agrees with you?

Fulton County DA prepared to launch criminal probe of Trump's threatening Georgia call

"The District Attorney of Georgia's most populous county signaled a willingness on Monday to launch a criminal probe into President Donald Trump.

"In a statement posted by NBC News correspondent Blayne Alexander, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis said her office is ready to investigate Trump over his now-infamous phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger."

Trump v Fani?

Sounds like reality tv.

Moron.....that D.A. is a freaking democrat idiot...

"That D.A. is a freaking democrat idiot", which of course means that the lawyer is a black female D.A.
There's Democrats in Georgia? Who knew. Also, if you she is the DA in one of the populous counties in Georgia, and she was voted in, then it's not hard to believe that Georgia has gone to Biden.
Because most of GA is stanchly republican to begin with despite the inner cities where the dems do most of their cheating every year anyway........Trump has overwhelming support from most of GA-----and even in Atlanta, trumps support in the black community went up. With no one actually liking senile JOE who could not motivate enough of the black vote to win.

Biden in reality would have received less vote than Hilliary-------------
CHEATING??? and just what do you call republican SUPPRESSION of the voters??
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?

What an ass you are. All he did was ask if they could find those votes. Sedition my ass you idiot.

You are good for a laugh though. Lets see how you like Biden as POTUS when he implements the list of things he wants to do. Hope you enjoy because no other Americans will. Dumbass.
"All he did was ask if they could find those votes."

... or face the risk of committing a criminal offense.

LMAO. You are so full of shit. But then you're a Dem who thinks nothing of a stolen election.

You will regret your Biden vote and it won't take long. Carry on shit master.
The election hasn't been stolen yet despite Impeached Trump's best efforts.

Oh it was stolen all right and if Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud and all the proof would be legitimate. You would be telling everybody on the board how legitimate the proof is.

By stolen, you mean Biden getting 74 more electoral votes than Impeached Trump? Or Biden getting some 7 million more popular votes? That's stolen, huh?

Once you said "impeached Trump" when it was a Democratic Majority house that voted to impeach him with no real evidence...your credibility went form zero to negative territory

Is that supposed to mean that mean Trump wasn't impeached? And yes, there was real evidence. His perfect call where he broke the law by soliciting a foreign national to help him with his campaign.

Jesus are you stupid or what. Mueller cleared Trump and here you are beating that dead horse once again.

You need new material What you have is old, faded and sucks. LOL

Not nearly as stupid as you. Mueller said "If we were sure Trump committed no crimes, we would have said so". You're so stupid you just repeat what Barr and Trump told you and you didn't even bother to read the Mueller Report.

What a load or horse shit. Mueller cleared Trump so you will just have to eat your words. Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.
BULLSHIT The AG BARR trump ass kisser cleared Trump
you mean Barr cleared Trump after the Mueller report said there was no evidence of any American colluding with Russia in an effort to interfere with our election?

Should Barr have said...."that's reason to charge an American for collusion with Russia to interfere with our election"?

What are you.....like 3 years old?
Looks like this could help out Perdue and Loeffler win in Georgia after all. We all know the fix is in at this point. Good for President Trump calling out the Georgia Secretary of State.
Calling him out for what? Don't you have that backwards?

For not challenging the illegal votes enough, of course.
The Secretary of State's office not only rejected illegal votes, they went out of their way to explain the rejected illegal votes...


Just to be clear....

The Secretary of State made it clear that he did his job and he did it well and there is no reason the taxpayer should doubt his ability to be a great politician ....and that is iron clad?

So all of a sudden you believe a republican?


WOW is right! Barr was loyal to trump in the Mueller investigation and not the American people as he should have been. Finally, even Barr couldn't support trump's fiasco in the electoral challenge farce.
It has nothing to do with supporting a Republican doing the right thing and not allowing the ego-maniac trump to intimidate and bully him.

And that has exactly what to do with the Mueller report?

You said Barr couldn't support Trumps electoral fiasco......but are you saying he supported Trumps situation as it pertains to Russian Collusion?

Cool. Go with that.
Usually vaccines take years. But you knew that and decided to troll anyway. Do you deny that Biden thanked him for what he did with warp speed? Thanked the same DJT you vilify?

Pulling you up short on your bullshit and lies is hardly "trolling", but as usual, you accuse others of doing the very thing that you're doing.

Biden was being polite, and making an effort to be a decent human being. Something Republicans seem to have little to no understanding of at all. Stating incompetent and failed actions of Trump on the pandemic is not "vilifying" the President. His own words and actions, and the results of his behaviours are what vilify the President.

Do you think that spending his weekends golfing and raging tweeting while 2000 American families are added to the lists of the grieving every single day, is a good public relations move?
Coming, there can't be 2000 new deaths every day here. Trump said he has it under control.
It is under control. I have saved 27 lives to date per the American Red Cross. What have you done?
I have avoided contracting it so far and thus, have not spread it.
So nothing. Outstanding. Thanks for nothing. I ll be donating again in two weeks. Save three more lives.
No, not nothing. I've altered my lifestyle to avoid contracting it. I work at home now, I don't go out nearly as often as I used to, I have a son who got it and we didn't see him until he tested negative, I avoid crowds, I wash my hands frequently when possible while out in public, etc... So yes, I make more effort saving Iives than you do.
How is it more when I am immune and have actually saved 27 concrete lives?
You don't know that you are immune. If your doctor insists that you are, find a new doctor. That one is incompetent.
I do. Every time I donate plasma they run an antibodies test. I remain positive and my plasma has saved 27 lives to date. Per the Red Cross. I believe them over you. It’s the same as getting vaccinated. So if people who get vaccines aren’t immune then why get them? You are a very stupid person.

ShortBus, that doesn't make you immune. :eusa_doh:

Then why bother with vaccines when they do the same thing and then how is my plasma used to cure others? Please explain that.
ShortBus, vaccines give your body a fighting chance which usually wins the battle. But not always. Viruses still sometimes win despite the presence of antibodies. Just like some people who get the flu vaccine sometines get the flu anyway.

You're not immune, you unmitigated moron.

What that fool you're replying to doesn't know is that a person can get the virus more than once.

In fact, there's now a tracker of people who have gotten the virus more than once.

It has been reported in the real news outlets and I have posted it a few times on the board.

Here is the tracker:

Here is one of the many articles everyone can find on line about people being infected more than once.

The fact that people can get the virus more than once has been known for many months now. It's also the reason why their herd immunity through infections is an absurd and murderous idea. It's nothing but murder.

The only way to herd immunity on this is through vaccine. Everyone should get the vaccine. Even those who have already had the virus.
Nope. And if you do the symptoms would be very mild. I have helped save the lives of 27 people with my plasma. Having the virus is the SAME as getting a vaccine. You develop antibodies, which I still have. You're wrong.
Antibodies don't prevent you from contracting a virus again. They most certainly help fight off the virus, but a virus can still reoccur. There are cases where people have gotten a vaccine for the flu yet caught it anyway. That you think you're immune reveals you're likely careless about spreading it since you think you can't get it again -- which means despite your claims of helping others, you're probably putting far more at risk.
Said by someone with a pile of shit as their emoji.

Wow. You must be a doctor. You now so much about the virus.

You also know the motives of people you never met. That makes you telepathic...or with some kind of 6th sense. I guess you "see dead people?"

I dont have the virus, did not have the virus and make personal decisions to protect those around me while protecting myself the best I could.

Sure...I can do what you think I should do. Sit at home with a mask and gloves, wipe my ass with my hand so I don't need to go to the store. Eat my dog, then my bird and then my fish so I don't need to grocery shop. Not go to the office and not earn a living and hope congress sends me some free cash.

Yeah, I can do that because it is in the best interest of others who...if you think about it...and truly think about it...can only be affected by me if....they go to the store to buy toilet paper, go grocery shopping to buy food, go to the office to earn a living....

But if they don't do that, and, instead stay at home, wipe their ass with their hands, eat pets and not earn a living, exactly how can I, the "irresponsible one" infect them?

Stop watching Rachel Maddow. She earns a living telling you that you are not allow to.
My "emoji?" If you mean my avatar, that's Impeached Trump and yes, he's a piece of shit. And I don't have to be a doctor to read and comprehend studies which reveal people can get infected with covid-19 more than once. It also doesn't take a mind reader to know than someone who thinks they're immune to a disease is more cavalier about taking precautions to avoid catching it when they've convinced themselves they can't catch the disease.

You really have no common sense at all, do you?
And there you go.

Attack the intelligence of your opponent.

You are not worthy of my time.

I didn't attack your intelligence, though I will now. You're an idiot for confusing common sense with intelligence. Whine on.
Just to be clear....

You saying...and I quote word for word.....the totla post I responded to......

"You really have no common sense at all, do you"

and you say that is not attacking my intelligence?

OK. Go for it.
Common sense and intelligence are two different things, ya moron. Common sense is the ability to practice good judgement while intelligence the ability to learn. Case in point, there are many intelligent people who lack common sense. Conversely, there are many unintelligent people with sharp common sense. Sadly for you, you appear to lack both.
How bout the votes that came in, in suitcases and were under tables.
There were no suitcases.

Oh and lets add the votes that came in, in a vehicle long after counting was done.
There were no votes coming in after voting was done.

Oh and lets not forget Dominion taking votes from Trump and giving them to Biden.
Dominion did not give Biden Trump votes.

And how bout Trump leading by 700,000 votes and then losing the State. Hell every vote that came in after that total had to be for Biden.
Trump only led until all the votes were counted. That's like crying that your team was cheated because they lost a game after being ahead, 21-7 at halftime.

Stolen?? You bet.
You're nuts. :cuckoo:

Not as nutty as you are. You honestly believe that every vote that came in after that 700,000 Trump lead was for Biden cause that is exactly what had to happen.

People saw those suitcases just as they saw those cars come in with boxes of ballots after all counters were sent home.

Fraudulent election?? You bet your ass.
The votes were canvassed, confirmed and certified. Whereas you have absolutely no evidence those votes were fraudulent. If you could prove they were, you'd be revered as a god by the right as all others who have tried have failed. Miserably.
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?

What an ass you are. All he did was ask if they could find those votes. Sedition my ass you idiot.

You are good for a laugh though. Lets see how you like Biden as POTUS when he implements the list of things he wants to do. Hope you enjoy because no other Americans will. Dumbass.
"All he did was ask if they could find those votes."

... or face the risk of committing a criminal offense.

LMAO. You are so full of shit. But then you're a Dem who thinks nothing of a stolen election.

You will regret your Biden vote and it won't take long. Carry on shit master.
The election hasn't been stolen yet despite Impeached Trump's best efforts.

Oh it was stolen all right and if Biden were Trump you would be screaming election fraud long and loud and all the proof would be legitimate. You would be telling everybody on the board how legitimate the proof is.

By stolen, you mean Biden getting 74 more electoral votes than Impeached Trump? Or Biden getting some 7 million more popular votes? That's stolen, huh?

Once you said "impeached Trump" when it was a Democratic Majority house that voted to impeach him with no real evidence...your credibility went form zero to negative territory

Is that supposed to mean that mean Trump wasn't impeached? And yes, there was real evidence. His perfect call where he broke the law by soliciting a foreign national to help him with his campaign.

Jesus are you stupid or what. Mueller cleared Trump and here you are beating that dead horse once again.

You need new material What you have is old, faded and sucks. LOL

Not nearly as stupid as you. Mueller said "If we were sure Trump committed no crimes, we would have said so". You're so stupid you just repeat what Barr and Trump told you and you didn't even bother to read the Mueller Report.

What a load or horse shit. Mueller cleared Trump so you will just have to eat your words. Go back to Canada and inflict yourself on Canadians. dumbass.
BULLSHIT The AG BARR trump ass kisser cleared Trump
you mean Barr cleared Trump after the Mueller report said there was no evidence of any American colluding with Russia in an effort to interfere with our election?

Should Barr have said...."that's reason to charge an American for collusion with Russia to interfere with our election"?

What are you.....like 3 years old?
Looks like this could help out Perdue and Loeffler win in Georgia after all. We all know the fix is in at this point. Good for President Trump calling out the Georgia Secretary of State.
Calling him out for what? Don't you have that backwards?

For not challenging the illegal votes enough, of course.
The Secretary of State's office not only rejected illegal votes, they went out of their way to explain the rejected illegal votes...


Just to be clear....

The Secretary of State made it clear that he did his job and he did it well and there is no reason the taxpayer should doubt his ability to be a great politician ....and that is iron clad?

So all of a sudden you believe a republican?


WOW is right! Barr was loyal to trump in the Mueller investigation and not the American people as he should have been. Finally, even Barr couldn't support trump's fiasco in the electoral challenge farce.
It has nothing to do with supporting a Republican doing the right thing and not allowing the ego-maniac trump to intimidate and bully him.

And that has exactly what to do with the Mueller report?

You said Barr couldn't support Trumps electoral fiasco......but are you saying he supported Trumps situation as it pertains to Russian Collusion?

Cool. Go with that.
Cool man, cool, yes?
Yes, because he is a Trump lap dog. He simply could not sustain the ruse due to trump going too far with the election accusations, and in fact, jumped ship lest he be involved when trump falls off the cliff.
How bout the votes that came in, in suitcases and were under tables.
There were no suitcases.

Oh and lets add the votes that came in, in a vehicle long after counting was done.
There were no votes coming in after voting was done.

Oh and lets not forget Dominion taking votes from Trump and giving them to Biden.
Dominion did not give Biden Trump votes.

And how bout Trump leading by 700,000 votes and then losing the State. Hell every vote that came in after that total had to be for Biden.
Trump only led until all the votes were counted. That's like crying that your team was cheated because they lost a game after being ahead, 21-7 at halftime.

Stolen?? You bet.
You're nuts. :cuckoo:

Not as nutty as you are. You honestly believe that every vote that came in after that 700,000 Trump lead was for Biden cause that is exactly what had to happen.

People saw those suitcases just as they saw those cars come in with boxes of ballots after all counters were sent home.

Fraudulent election?? You bet your ass.
Most news organizations opted not to show that clip. And the ones that did said they were not suitcases, they were bins so the claim of suitcases of ballots was false. I don't care if they call the pork bellies. They were ballots being counted AFTER the observers were sent home and counting was done for the night...when in fact they continued "counting" unobserved.
'Trump is lying. They were not suitcases of ballots, they were bins!"
So that makes it OK.
The observers and press left with the 'cutters' who left because they were done for the night. The observers were free to stay. In fact, they came back a few hours later when they learned the 'scanners' were not done for the night.

Even worse for this utterly debunked nonsense, seen in the video below, is that following those ballots being scanned, they were canvassed, audited, and then counted again by hand, and then certified. And in every count, validated.

It is
To dimwit Trumpers I say, here we have Trump telling the Georgia Secretary of state to engage in fraud and overthrow the newly elected government. When will Trump be arrested?
We don't know that since we can't listen to your audio, moron.
It is all over the news dimwit.
Only Georgia police can arrest someone for violating a Georgia law. They are not gonna go to Washington and arrest the President. They have no jurisdiction there.
Unless Biden's Department of Justice decides to file federal charges.
What federal law, shit for brains?
Fucking moron...

A person, including an election official, who in any election for Federal office-

(1) knowingly and willfully intimidates, threatens, or coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any person for-

(A) registering to vote, or voting, or attempting to register or vote;

(B) urging or aiding any person to register to vote, to vote, or to attempt to register or vote; or

(C) exercising any right under this chapter; or

(2) knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds, or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and impartially conducted election process, by-

(A) the procurement or submission of voter registration applications that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held; or

(B) the procurement, casting, or tabulation of ballots that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held,​
It is
To dimwit Trumpers I say, here we have Trump telling the Georgia Secretary of state to engage in fraud and overthrow the newly elected government. When will Trump be arrested?
We don't know that since we can't listen to your audio, moron.
It is all over the news dimwit.
Only Georgia police can arrest someone for violating a Georgia law. They are not gonna go to Washington and arrest the President. They have no jurisdiction there.
Unless Biden's Department of Justice decides to file federal charges.
What federal law, shit for brains?
Fucking moron...

A person, including an election official, who in any election for Federal office-​
(1) knowingly and willfully intimidates, threatens, or coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any person for-​
(A) registering to vote, or voting, or attempting to register or vote;​
(B) urging or aiding any person to register to vote, to vote, or to attempt to register or vote; or​
(C) exercising any right under this chapter; or​
(2) knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds, or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and impartially conducted election process, by-​
(A) the procurement or submission of voter registration applications that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held; or​
(B) the procurement, casting, or tabulation of ballots that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held,​
Trump did not do any of those. He asked the Georgia SS to find genuine votes. In effect, he asked for a recount.

The White house spokesman said the GA sos is lying about the actual voting count.
Last edited:
How bout the votes that came in, in suitcases and were under tables.
There were no suitcases.

Oh and lets add the votes that came in, in a vehicle long after counting was done.
There were no votes coming in after voting was done.

Oh and lets not forget Dominion taking votes from Trump and giving them to Biden.
Dominion did not give Biden Trump votes.

And how bout Trump leading by 700,000 votes and then losing the State. Hell every vote that came in after that total had to be for Biden.
Trump only led until all the votes were counted. That's like crying that your team was cheated because they lost a game after being ahead, 21-7 at halftime.

Stolen?? You bet.
You're nuts. :cuckoo:

Not as nutty as you are. You honestly believe that every vote that came in after that 700,000 Trump lead was for Biden cause that is exactly what had to happen.

People saw those suitcases just as they saw those cars come in with boxes of ballots after all counters were sent home.

Fraudulent election?? You bet your ass.
Most news organizations opted not to show that clip. And the ones that did said they were not suitcases, they were bins so the claim of suitcases of ballots was false. I don't care if they call the pork bellies. They were ballots being counted AFTER the observers were sent home and counting was done for the night...when in fact they continued "counting" unobserved.
'Trump is lying. They were not suitcases of ballots, they were bins!"
So that makes it OK.
The observers and press left with the 'cutters' who left because they were done for the night. The observers were free to stay. In fact, they came back a few hours later when they learned the 'scanners' were not done for the night.

Even worse for this utterly debunked nonsense, seen in the video below, is that following those ballots being scanned, they were canvassed, audited, and then counted again by hand, and then certified. And in every count, validated.

Good for you.

I am proud of you. For the first time you believe a republican

You know...a republican who is saying "I had the job to ensure voter integrity and I did an outstanding job. I am way too talented to allow any type of voter fraud take place under my watch, and dont forget that when I run for office next time"

now THAT republican is NOT a liar in your eyes. All others are.

LMAO....way too transparent.

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