Washington Post audio of Trump berating and threatening Georgia Secretary of State for not "finding" votes to change election result. Sedition?

Ummmmmm yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh.
If Trump gets prison time for "election tampering", the Democrats should be executed behind the Capitol.

There ain't nothing here about political parties, DUMBASS. Both Rump and the state officials he's trying to shake down, are Republicans.

What a fucking dolt.
Hey asshole, It’s called a comparison retard. You know, grade school stuff beyond your feeble brain to understand.

Actually it's called a Red Herring, Dipweed, and you ain't bringing it in on my watch.
Poor baby. Proven to be a retard again. Valid comparison. Your inability to comprehend that is not surprising. Sit down and shut up. And as Nostra pointed out, maybe actually read the thread title before showing your ignorance again.

Nostril couldn't "point out" a frickin' ballpoint pen. You got caught trollijn', take the shame.
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?
america isnt a democracy you stupid fuck,,,
Dumbfuck, Georgia is a democracy and Impeached Trump threatened Georgia's Secretary of State with "vague criminal consequences" to "find" enough votes to overturn the will of Georgia's voters.
Funny how none of you libtards can quote the threat.

Nah, what's funny is that you're a raging imbecile.

"I think you’re going to find that they are shredding ballots because they have to get rid of the ballots because the ballots are unsigned. The ballots are corrupt, and they’re brand new, and they don’t have seals, and there’s a whole thing with the ballots. But the ballots are corrupt. And you are going to find that they are — which is totally illegal — it is more illegal for you than it is for them because, you know, what they did and you’re not reporting it. That’s a criminal, that’s a criminal offense. And you can’t let that happen. That’s a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. And that’s a big risk." ~ Impeached Trump

Where is the threat, Dumbass?
"That’s a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer." ~ Impeached Trump

Where it the threat by EXONERATED TRUMP?
Dumbfuck, that's a threat of "vague criminal consequences." It's not my problem you lack the required intelligence to comprehend that.
It is?

You have quite the imagination.
It is. Telling someone they're at "risk" of committing a "criminal offense," which could result in incarceration, is absolutely a threat of "vague criminal consequences." But don't fret, I don't expect someone of your vacuity to understand that. Just go resume your utopia of snacking on paint chips dipped in mercury.

I don't see anything about "incarceration" in the quote you provided.

The fact you continue to make up shit exposes how weak your position is, Moron.

You lose again, Fawnboi. :banana: :laughing0301: :banana: :laughing0301:

Are you ever not a dumbfuck? Ever???

I mean exactly how retarded are you to not know that committing crime produces a risk of incarceration?? :ack-1:
Hey stupid, Georgia has no mandatory reporting law regarding election crimes. So it isn't illegal to ignore any election law violation.

As such, there is no punishment, much less incarceration.

Do you ever get tired of me exposing what a colossal moron you are?

You lose again, Fawnboi. :banana: :laughing0301: :banana: :laughing0301:
Dumbfuck, Impeached Trump accused Raffensperger of committing a crime. Committing a crime produces the risk of incarceration.
What crime? Cite the statute that covers not reporting election fraud, and cite the penalties.

This will be fun.............

Once again Faun has no answer.


Once again, you make an ass of yourself as once again, I answered your post. You prove yet again that you're ineducable.

You did answer my post.............with your usual dodges and dumbassery.

I'll try again so you can dodge again...........

Cite the statute that covers not reporting election fraud, and cite the penalties.
I see you still can't comprehend the meaning of, "vague criminal consequences."

What a pity.
Gotta be a crime involved for their to be criminal consequences, Dumbass.
Here you go you dumb fucking shithead. You are stupid and your games don't fly in the face of facts.

52 U.S. Code § 20511 - Criminal penalties

A person, including an election official, who in any election for Federal office
(1) knowingly and willfully intimidates, threatens, or coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any person for—
registering to vote, or voting, or attempting to register or vote;
urging or aiding any person to register to vote, to vote, or to attempt to register or vote; or
exercising any right under this chapter; or

(2) knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds, or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and impartially conducted election process, by—
the procurement or submission of voter registration applications that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held; or
the procurement, casting, or tabulation of ballots that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held,
shall be fined in accordance with title 18 (which fines shall be paid into the general fund of the Treasury, miscellaneous receipts (pursuant to section 3302 of title 31), notwithstanding any other law), or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.
(Pub. L. 103–31, § 12, May 20, 1993, 107 Stat. 88.)

You are just stupid and your inability to reason for yourself (without having your head up trump's ass) proves this.
What did the GA Sec of State do to violate that statute?
You are proving your stupidity. Trump committed the crime dumbass. He called GA (18 times) asking to "find 11,780 votes for him. Read the statue I posted and you cannot deny trump's criminal call.

You're stuck with nowhere to go on this one.
You are proving your stupidity. Trump committed the crime dumbass.

On the contrary. You just proved YOUR stupidity. That wasn't the discussion.

Fawnboi claimed Trump threatened the GA SOS by saying he violated a law and faced incarceration. I proved that to be bullshit.

So, your little statute has no bearing on the conversation you jumped into and embarrassed yourself.

Learn to read, Dumbass.

You proved nothing other than you're a dumbfuck, dumbfuck. Other than yourself, who else do you think you're fooling?
What crime do you think the GA SOS committed, Fawnboi?
You poor, demented, dumbfuck. I never said Raffensperger committed a crime. Impeached Trump said that. You have a serious brain malfunction. You should prolly seek professional medical attention for it.
You say Raffensperger didn't commit a crime? Ok, don't you think HE knows that, Dumbfuck?

So how do you think Trump can "THREATEN" someone by claiming he may have violated a crime the guy knows he didn't violate? In fact, a nonexistent crime.

Spin that, Dumbfuck.

You dumbfuck, it wasn't like you or I threatened Raffensperger with committing a crime -- that threat came from the President of the United States, the number one Constitutionally mandated person to uphold laws be faithfully executed. Anyone who ignores such a threat, as you seem to think is appropriate in this case, is simply nothing but an ignorant partisan moron.
but barrag o did the same, and you, the asshole you are, didnt mind it then. you are a dumb fuck
We know he means find legal Trump votes. You left wing assholes are so fucking disingenuous. You watch Joe Biden brag about getting a Ukranian prosecutor fired in a quid pro quo for $1 billion in aid from the US.....and see nothing.

Here you claim Trump is demanding voter fraud. He is just saying there are hundreds of thousands of fake Biden votes, just overturn enough for Trump to win.

Anyone who thinks Biden won Georgia is out of their fucking minds. Its full of racists and rednecks....isnt that right, liberals?

Seriously, I mean this....you liberals are insane and Trump has made you mentally ill.

Cavanaugh raped Ford, but Biden did not finger rape Reade?

You believed the Steele Dossier

You claim the Trump Ukraine phone call was quid pro quo, but not Joe bragging about getting the prosecutor fired who was investigating Hunter’s company.

You claim Hunters laptop is Russian wholecloth propoganda and should not be reported on....its a shame, because Putin gave Hunter an enormous hog...guess thats fake.
See, this is where you are fucking brainwashed and fooled. You have no grasp of reality and are truly an insane cult-following trump bitch. You ARE pathetic.

Umm... how can you "find" votes for an already certified and verified (twice) election? He IS asking GA election officials to "recalculate" ballots to his benefit and his benefit only. Did he mention finding votes for other candidates? How about the senator's votes?

He literally asked GA officials to change the results of an already certified election (solely for him). Get a fucking grip shithead, you've been duped for the past four years by a criminal and conman.
The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.
We just want transparency, what is the problem?
Tough shit. Your unevidenced delusions are your problem. Nobody else's. Get it through your cult brains.
Did your children sing to Obama? Take your cult projection and stick it in your ass.

Your head is stuck in Trump's.
and you idolize the pedophile and home wrecking whore? you are very sick...just ask your mother

Really when have I defended EVERYTHING that Biden says and does, like you Trump Humpers do with Trump.
We just want transparency, what is the problem?
Tough shit. Your unevidenced delusions are your problem. Nobody else's. Get it through your cult brains.
Did your children sing to Obama? Take your cult projection and stick it in your ass.

Your head is stuck in Trump's.
and you idolize the pedophile and home wrecking whore? you are very sick...just ask your mother
Hey shit for brains, you do realize Trump was sued for raping a 13 year old while at his best buddy’s Jeff Epstein s house; that Trump is being sued for defamation regarding a rape; that Trump loved to burst into the dressing rooms of teenage beauty contestants; that Trump’s own wife accused him of rape, and etc.etc. Etc.
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?
america isnt a democracy you stupid fuck,,,
What a moron. Hey dumb shit I know you want Trump declared as President for Life but you don't have to make it so obvious your hatred of our democratic institutions.
proving youre a stupid fuck isnt helping,,,

I never said anything about trump,,
We know what you meant Dumb fuck. Instead of being a pussy admit what I said is true? Don't run away.
the jokes on you dumbass,, I dont like trump and didnt vote for him,,,

but I will defend our republic from stupid mother fuckers like you that dont know what we are,,,
LOL.. a dumb fuck who calls himself "progressive hunter" expects us to believe his dumb ass post that he doesn't support Trump. LOL Trump is on tape attempting a coup and you support it. When you look in the mirror, you will see the stupid mother fucker.
LOL.. a dumb fuck who calls himself xiden expects us to believe his dumb ass that he doesn't support china. LOL xiden is on video attempting a coup and you support it. When you look in the mirror, you will see the stupid mother fucker.
He does not call himself Xiden. You dumb fucks do. The coup attempt is being perpetrated to the obnoxious orange blob
beijing xiden---you dumb fuck
Good fucking Krist on a cracker!! Pull yourself together Dude!!
dont like my answer? to fucking bad...go suck a dick--dude
It is not a matter of liking or not liking your answer. It's a matter of pointing out just how fucking stupid it is
We know he means find legal Trump votes. You left wing assholes are so fucking disingenuous. You watch Joe Biden brag about getting a Ukranian prosecutor fired in a quid pro quo for $1 billion in aid from the US.....and see nothing.

Here you claim Trump is demanding voter fraud. He is just saying there are hundreds of thousands of fake Biden votes, just overturn enough for Trump to win.

Anyone who thinks Biden won Georgia is out of their fucking minds. Its full of racists and rednecks....isnt that right, liberals?

Seriously, I mean this....you liberals are insane and Trump has made you mentally ill.

Cavanaugh raped Ford, but Biden did not finger rape Reade?

You believed the Steele Dossier

You claim the Trump Ukraine phone call was quid pro quo, but not Joe bragging about getting the prosecutor fired who was investigating Hunter’s company.

You claim Hunters laptop is Russian wholecloth propoganda and should not be reported on....its a shame, because Putin gave Hunter an enormous hog...guess thats fake.
See, this is where you are fucking brainwashed and fooled. You have no grasp of reality and are truly an insane cult-following trump bitch. You ARE pathetic.

Umm... how can you "find" votes for an already certified and verified (twice) election? He IS asking GA election officials to "recalculate" ballots to his benefit and his benefit only. Did he mention finding votes for other candidates? How about the senator's votes?

He literally asked GA officials to change the results of an already certified election (solely for him). Get a fucking grip shithead, you've been duped for the past four years by a criminal and conman.

I am brainwashed and you think Cavanaugh raped Ford, but Biden didnt finger rape Reade and you think Putin created Bidens laptop.

The Trump phone call is an hour long. Listen to the whole call you fucking rube liberal.

There was a water main break in Atlanta on election night sthey had to stop the count...oops....it was only a broken toilet.

This is you, you dumb ass.

Thats your dumb ass at the window telling BLM you are on their side. Idiot.
The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.

What do you think Reagan paid reparations with, money from his acting career. He paid it with taxpayers dollars, I have been paying taxes since the 70s, so that is how.
#Georgia a group of voters led by Garland Favorito have just been GRANTED a hearing on an EMERGENCY PETITION to visually INSPECT and forensically EXAMINE all FULTON CTY mail-in BALLOTS, including those processed at STATE FARM ARENA. HEARING will be on Monday, JAN 4 at 11 a.m
Where are the results of that hearing? Is it being censored?
The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.

What do you think Reagan paid reparations with, money from his acting career. He paid it with taxpayers dollars, I have been paying taxes since the 70s, so that is how.
Show me the link where we paid reparations and to whom. Don’t care that you’re an old man. Site rules state that statements such as yours must be accompanied by links.
We know he means find legal Trump votes. You left wing assholes are so fucking disingenuous. You watch Joe Biden brag about getting a Ukranian prosecutor fired in a quid pro quo for $1 billion in aid from the US.....and see nothing.

Here you claim Trump is demanding voter fraud. He is just saying there are hundreds of thousands of fake Biden votes, just overturn enough for Trump to win.

Anyone who thinks Biden won Georgia is out of their fucking minds. Its full of racists and rednecks....isnt that right, liberals?

Seriously, I mean this....you liberals are insane and Trump has made you mentally ill.

Cavanaugh raped Ford, but Biden did not finger rape Reade?

You believed the Steele Dossier

You claim the Trump Ukraine phone call was quid pro quo, but not Joe bragging about getting the prosecutor fired who was investigating Hunter’s company.

You claim Hunters laptop is Russian wholecloth propoganda and should not be reported on....its a shame, because Putin gave Hunter an enormous hog...guess thats fake.
See, this is where you are fucking brainwashed and fooled. You have no grasp of reality and are truly an insane cult-following trump bitch. You ARE pathetic.

Umm... how can you "find" votes for an already certified and verified (twice) election? He IS asking GA election officials to "recalculate" ballots to his benefit and his benefit only. Did he mention finding votes for other candidates? How about the senator's votes?

He literally asked GA officials to change the results of an already certified election (solely for him). Get a fucking grip shithead, you've been duped for the past four years by a criminal and conman.

I am brainwashed and you think Cavanaugh raped Ford, but Biden didnt finger rape Reade and you think Putin created Bidens laptop.

The Trump phone call is an hour long. Listen to the whole call you fucking rube liberal.

There was a water main break in Atlanta on election night sthey had to stop the count...oops....it was only a broken toilet.

This is you, you dumb ass.

Thats your dumb ass at the window telling BLM you are on their side. Idiot.

Hey dumbfuck, this is what I mean by your 3 brain cells being toast. You fall for anything without knowing one fact.

There's a video for you, you sack of stupid shit.
To dimwit Trumpers I say, here we have Trump telling the Georgia Secretary of state to engage in fraud and overthrow the newly elected government. When will Trump be arrested?
If the Georgia secretary of state finds 11k missing votes, they should be counted.
If the Georgia secretary of state finds 11k missing votes, they should be counted.
The only way they could “find” 11k “missing” votes is to create them.
The vote in GA has been counted three times already, dope. It’s been certified and the state electors have chosen.
Rudy knows election law better than you.
The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.

What do you think Reagan paid reparations with, money from his acting career. He paid it with taxpayers dollars, I have been paying taxes since the 70s, so that is how.
Show me the link where we paid reparations and to whom. Don’t care that you’re an old man. Site rules state that statements such as yours must be accompanied by links.

In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in internment camps during World War II. The legislation offered a formal apology and paid out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victim.
From Wrong To Right: A U.S. Apology For Japanese ...


The Thorny History of Reparations in the United States - HISTORY
To dimwit Trumpers I say, here we have Trump telling the Georgia Secretary of state to engage in fraud and overthrow the newly elected government. When will Trump be arrested?
If the Georgia secretary of state finds 11k missing votes, they should be counted.
If the Georgia secretary of state finds 11k missing votes, they should be counted.
The only way they could “find” 11k “missing” votes is to create them.
The vote in GA has been counted three times already, dope. It’s been certified and the state electors have chosen.
Rudy knows election law better than you.

Is that why he hasn't won ONE lawsuit.

It seems likely that Pak was the “never-Trumper U.S. attorney” referenced by President Trump in a leaked phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. There is speculation based on the call and other actions by the Trump campaign that his team is looking very closely at the Northern Georgia district in their pursuit of evidence that clearly demonstrates voter fraud occurred, particularly in the hotly contested Atlanta results.

Others have looked at recent posts by former Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne that show post-election shenanigans that jibe with accusations of covering up rampant voter fraud that took place in the district. Could the U.S. Attorney be involved with the cover up?

As more truth emerges about massive voter fraud in Georgia, particularly the Northern District, it’s conspicuous that the U.S. Attorney there resigns just over two weeks ahead of schedule. Are bombshells about to drop?
The best I can do in understanding Trump and his supporters is to recall the embrace of "alternate facts." If the number of people actually attending a rally are not what Trump wants … change the picture literally to show a bigger crowd. If a hurricane is not going where he wants it to go, literally change the picture showing its path. I don't understand that. I mean if the doctor tells me I have cancer or that my blood sugar is out of whack, then I have to deal with those facts.

And this is the thing I find strange about Trumpsters. I get him. He is an easy read. He's a charlatan, pure and simple. What I don't get is that so many people either believe him outright or give him such a free pass on such obvious lies.
“Charlatans” don’t say common sense things like we need to be building our own technology and pharmaceuticals again, instead of allowing China to make 99% of them.

They also don’t stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse warmongers paid by Defense contractors.

The “charlatans” are the ones pushing all that crap. The Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens of Washington.

LOLOL.. Maybe Trump doesn't know the difference between China and Germany. Check EVERYTHING Trump says.. He's stupendously ignorant.
For four years you all have been claiming he is “stupid” or a “liar”, yet can never seem to give examples of his lies or where he is wrong.

His list of lies would wrap around the WH a thousand times, you are just in denial.

View attachment 437350
The Democrats are the racists. That is why black children are stuck in substandard schools. They keep Blacks down so they can use them. That is why the disputed votes come from counties with a lot of Black votes. All so they can play the race card.

History in this country shows that Black Americans do BETTER under Democrats than Republicans.
Then why are you still whining about reparations and burning and looting?

What is reparations? What is the criteria for reparations?

Did you whine when Pres. Reagan gave reparations to Japanese-Americans? I'll answer it for you. Hell no.

Did you whine when others were given reparations? Hell no. You don't want to talk about reparations for black folks because of the hundreds of years of injustice that black folks suffered in this country.
I was Born in 1980. Don’t recall much about Reagan. What injustice? I never owned slaves. Whine elsewhere.

Well then if you are ignorant to the fact why are you running your mouth. I wasn't born in 1942 either, but my tax dollars helped pay reparations to Japanese-Americans for being put in Interment Camps.
Running my mouth about what specifically? How did your tax dollars pay for reparations? Give me a detailed quote and or link.

What do you think Reagan paid reparations with, money from his acting career. He paid it with taxpayers dollars, I have been paying taxes since the 70s, so that is how.
Show me the link where we paid reparations and to whom. Don’t care that you’re an old man. Site rules state that statements such as yours must be accompanied by links.

In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in internment camps during World War II. The legislation offered a formal apology and paid out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victim.
From Wrong To Right: A U.S. Apology For Japanese ...
View attachment 437425

The Thorny History of Reparations in the United States - HISTORY
Per your link it was paid directly to incarcerated people not to their descendants or all Japanese people. So I agree. Any surviving slaves we should pay.

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