Washington Post Bans 'Redskins' From Editorials

Hey how many of these do you have in your wallet?


I get your drift, but why be such a hateful racist? Mostly all Native Americans know who Jackson was. I won't describe how I would like to bring him back to life and do to him. It would make ISIS cringe.
Andrew Jackson died for your sins.
New Study Finds 67% Of Native Americans Find Redskins Name Offensive

A recent study by the California State University, San Bernadino reports 67% of Native Americans find the Washington Redskins name and imagery racist.

12 percent of Native respondents were neutral and 20 percent disagreed. In contrast, 60 percent of white respondents do not find the name racist. When asked if they found the term “disrespectful,” the number of positive respondents rose to 68%.

James Fenelon, a professor of sociology and Director of the Center for Indigenous Peoples Studies at CSUSB polled respondents individually, in order to substantiate their Native ancestry.

Fenelon prioritized the verification of Native identification while collecting more than 400 surveys. He told Indian Country Today Media Network that for him, this means the respondent is an “active enrolled member of a tribal group.”

The survey found the use of the term by non-Indians was seen as racist by 65.5% of Native respondents, whereas only 17.8% do not believe it is racist.

An oft-cited 2004 survey had claimed only 9% of Native Americans found the name Redskins offensive, but the methodology has been criticized. Tribal status was not verified and Alaska, which has a significant Native population was excluded.

New Study Finds 67 Of Native Americans Find Redskins Name Offensive

This study makes sense.

The Washington Post has NOT banned the use of Redskins. It is alive and well in the Sports Section. You and The Post are liberal hypocrites.

Lakhota has used the very racist term "****" no less than 200 times in this thread. Shim is a fraud.

Well, it is fashionable to hate Jews right now in liberal circles. Since liberals only rely on public sentiment and have no ability to think for themselves, the hypocrite using the term **** is perfectly ok.

No, they do not stand for a thing, since all they follow is bandwagon reasoning.

No one gives a flying fuck about the name Redskins. Especially white guilt, hypocritical, politically correct, pathetic, liberals regardless of how much they cry bitch and moan about it.
Snyder is Jewish - so why not name the team the Washington Kikes? Is that worse than Washington Redskins?
New Study Finds 67% Of Native Americans Find Redskins Name Offensive

A recent study by the California State University, San Bernadino reports 67% of Native Americans find the Washington Redskins name and imagery racist.

12 percent of Native respondents were neutral and 20 percent disagreed. In contrast, 60 percent of white respondents do not find the name racist. When asked if they found the term “disrespectful,” the number of positive respondents rose to 68%.

James Fenelon, a professor of sociology and Director of the Center for Indigenous Peoples Studies at CSUSB polled respondents individually, in order to substantiate their Native ancestry.

Fenelon prioritized the verification of Native identification while collecting more than 400 surveys. He told Indian Country Today Media Network that for him, this means the respondent is an “active enrolled member of a tribal group.”

The survey found the use of the term by non-Indians was seen as racist by 65.5% of Native respondents, whereas only 17.8% do not believe it is racist.

An oft-cited 2004 survey had claimed only 9% of Native Americans found the name Redskins offensive, but the methodology has been criticized. Tribal status was not verified and Alaska, which has a significant Native population was excluded.

New Study Finds 67 Of Native Americans Find Redskins Name Offensive

This study makes sense.

The Washington Post has NOT banned the use of Redskins. It is alive and well in the Sports Section. You and The Post are liberal hypocrites.

Lakhota has used the very racist term "****" no less than 200 times in this thread. Shim is a fraud.

Well, it is fashionable to hate Jews right now in liberal circles. Since liberals only rely on public sentiment and have no ability to think for themselves, the hypocrite using the term **** is perfectly ok.

No, they do not stand for a thing, since all they follow is bandwagon reasoning.

No one gives a flying fuck about the name Redskins. Especially white guilt, hypocritical, politically correct, pathetic, liberals regardless of how much they cry bitch and moan about it.

I hope that fucker lives to a 140 and then wills the team to someone who REFUSES to change the name.
Snyder is Jewish - so why not name the team the Washington Kikes? Is that worse than Washington Redskins?

Even if you accept that Redskins is racist, **** would be as least as bad, so why do you keep saying it then pretending you abhor racist terms you filthy fucking savage
Snyder is Jewish - so why not name the team the Washington Kikes? Is that worse than Washington Redskins?

Hmm I haven't found any Jewish highschools that are proud to call themselves Kikes. But how many Indian highschools are proud to call themselves Redskins? Which IMO and in every Redskins fans opinion is a badge of honor?

I'm pretty sure there are hundreds. I'll look it up if you'd like.
Capital News Service confirmed that 62 high schools in 22 states currently use the Redskins name, while 28 high schools in 18 states have dropped the mascot over the last 25 years. (More information on our findings).

The four schools highlighted on the Washington Redskins’ website do not accurately represent the level of debate over the mascot in communities across the country where the name Redskins is used, Capital News Service found.

At more than 40 percent of the schools, superintendents, principals, athletic directors, administrative assistants or other school representatives said that there have been local efforts to change the name. Eight more schools could soon join the 28 that have already dropped it.

The Other Redskins

It's just a matter of time.
Capital News Service confirmed that 62 high schools in 22 states currently use the Redskins name, while 28 high schools in 18 states have dropped the mascot over the last 25 years. (More information on our findings).

The four schools highlighted on the Washington Redskins’ website do not accurately represent the level of debate over the mascot in communities across the country where the name Redskins is used, Capital News Service found.

At more than 40 percent of the schools, superintendents, principals, athletic directors, administrative assistants or other school representatives said that there have been local efforts to change the name. Eight more schools could soon join the 28 that have already dropped it.

The Other Redskins

It's just a matter of time.

Hey dipshit, why did you disagree with the link I provided then repost it? You are a moron.
Hey @Lakhota I bet you could make a pretty penny from the people trying to turn the honorable term 'Redskin' into a racial slur. You should send in a resume.
Capital News Service confirmed that 62 high schools in 22 states currently use the Redskins name, while 28 high schools in 18 states have dropped the mascot over the last 25 years. (More information on our findings).

The four schools highlighted on the Washington Redskins’ website do not accurately represent the level of debate over the mascot in communities across the country where the name Redskins is used, Capital News Service found.

At more than 40 percent of the schools, superintendents, principals, athletic directors, administrative assistants or other school representatives said that there have been local efforts to change the name. Eight more schools could soon join the 28 that have already dropped it.

The Other Redskins

It's just a matter of time.

So one school per year has voted to create a new derogatory term for Native Americans.

Seems a bit sadomasochistic to me :dunno:
If you love football enough, it would not matter that much, although I certainly understand the hardship in losing a beloved name.

I'm not a fan of sports or leagues. I root for a team. If that team no longer exists then I have no more reason to warmth pro football or the NFL specifically.
I guess Lakhota really really wants there to be a new racial slur for Native Americans. I think if I ever get into an argument with an Indian I'll be much more likely to get in their face and call them a Lakhota from now on. Because apparently, from what I've seen at least, Lakhota = pussy. :cool:
Why doesnt the Left hold accountable all of their own politicians (D) accountable when they are spotted at Redskins games?

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