Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

How is this a conspiracy theory when this is being played out in courtrooms in two countries?

You made that up as well. It's part of your conspiracy theory.

Everything you're screaming about now was public knowledge a year ago. What does it say about you, that you're so proudly ignorant of the basics?

A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump – Mother Jones
This was for a an opposition research project originally funded by a Republican client … before [Steele] was retained, the project’s financing switched to a client allied with Democrats.

Being well-informed, we liberals knew all the details of the story when it broke a year ago. You? You know nothing unless your cult sees fit to spoon feed it to you. Your cult didn't tell you about it until a few days ago, so you didn't know until a few days ago. Your cult faked a story about how Democrats did something bad, so you BELIEVE without question. Good cultist.

The main thing to note was that, shortly before the election, the mainstream media deliberately turfed the story of Trump's Russian connections, while simultaneously pushing fake news that was unfavorable to Clinton. The MSM bent over backwards to help Trump win. No honest person can deny that. The 2016 election was the greatest incident of conservative media bias in US history.

*Six US agencies created a stealth task force, spearhead by CIA’s Brennan, to run domestic surveillance on Trump associates and possibly Trump himself

You're just making crazy shit up. That's why you're laughed at. You're hyperventilating over a year-old story that's unfavorable to Trump, solely because your masters told you to act that way.

Seriously, why weren't you talking about this a year ago? After all, we were, because the MSM was choosing to ignore it. What took you so long?

"Being well-informed, we liberals knew all the details of the story when it broke a year ago."

Oh stuff it you pompous ass, you didn't know anymore than anyone else did. What an idiot.

"The MSM bent over backwards to help Trump win. No honest person can deny that. The 2016 election was the greatest incident of conservative media bias in US history."

This is how we know you are retarded. The MSM did no such thing.
The squeeze put on by the demanding of bank records now coupled with the mega civil cases against Steel, Buzzfeed and Fusion are going to blow this Russian collusion deal wide open.

I love the REAL (and potential) ironies of all this..

1) Clinton campaign and DNC money actually went to bribing 1/2 drunk Russian spies to spin big tales. If that ain't dealing with the Russians -- I wouldn't know what is.

2) There's rumors that Mueller is using his power and taxpayer money to get at information that can be used to "neutralize" the FBI and HIS involvement in all this. Biggest WONDERFUL potential irony is having Special Counsel #2 name Special Counsel #1 and some of his staff as persons of interest and calling them to testify. Having a 2nd Special Counsel shuts down any use of Mueller's operation to try and cover tracks.

3) Somewhere in a Moscow bar -- The GRU agents that spun those dossier tales for cash are planning a vacation to MiraLago for a winter visit with that Clinton/DNC cash..
All 'russian spies' 'pad' their reports to make themselves appear more important than they are.
They'll 'report' the so-called 'secret information' back to russia they C&P from the front pages of US newspapers.
Putin knows they are doing it and they 'spies' know that Putin knows it.
It's all part of the game.
Snowflakes blaming Obama! Obama! for trumps resposibilities is hilarious

Which ones would those be?

2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Approved Wars?
4 Americans in Benghazi NEEDLESSLY sacrificed to terrorists?
4 American soldiers killed after being sent to Niger due to bad Intel?
Americans illegally spied on?
The US Senate Illegally spied on?
The USSC Illegally spied on?
The IRS being Illegally used to target Americans who did not support Obama?
Illegally arming Mexican Drug cartels?
Financing/funding/arming/training/protecting/defending ISIS?
Betraying the coalition fighting with us against ISIS?
Un-Constitutional personal treaties, funding of the UN, or Dreamer Legislation?
1st Censured Cabinet Member in US History By a Bi-Partisan Congress
Setting new record for Illegal non-compliance w/the FOIA & Fed Records Act?
Hiding Russian crimes, facilitating the sale of 20% of US Uranium to Russia?
Illegal unmasking of opposing political party candidate associates?
Protecting Illegal Sanctuary Cities, Human Traffickers, violent illegals?
Lying to the American people (you can keep your plan....)?

Which ones would those be, snowflakes?
It was paid for by the Clinton Campaign. I would think there are some legal issues with this one. But it is the Clintons, so go figure?
All 'russian spies' 'pad' their reports to make themselves appear more important than they are.

Thanks for that 'insight', comrade!

(Only 1 way you might know that.... Bwuhahaha..... How much are you getting paid to defend these liberal traitors, Ivan?)
It shouldn't surprise me but it does, not one Lefty condemnation.
...and before you deflect, Trump is an asshole and I wish they'd take his twitter account down.
Obama! Obama! Republicans really do stand for nothing. "it obamas fault even though this happened almost a year after obamas been out of office....

God forbid that snowflakes have blamed Bush for everything that ever went wrong during the Obama administration...8 years after Bush had left office.

'It's been ALMOST A YEAR, and the mean ol' Conservatives are still pointing to Obama's crimes and F*-Ups! Waaaaaaaa!

Bwuhahahahaha! I feast on your tears and whining!
I think none of this would have been an issue if Obama had stayed on that island with his billionaire friends and stuck to smoking Dope. But no, the asshole had to try to bring down Trump. Well, now it's beginning to backfire on his ass.
Whats really sad about all of this is that most of the liberals on USMB would continue to worship Hillary and Obama if they climbed up on their breakfast table and pissed in their coffee.

Liberalism is truly a mental disease. There is no other way to describe the way liberals act when their leaders are proven corrupt.
So you are bragging that you knew the truth a year ago

If you want to call it bragging, sure. I just call it being well-informed, which is part of being a liberal.

In contrast, not a single Trumpflake here knew about it until a few days ago. They're all proud of their mushroom status, being kept in the dark and fed shit.

that Comey, Obama, Hillary, and the DNC had attempted to buy a false report

You're just making crazy shit up now, along with all the Trumpflakes. As far as conspiracies go, it's really dumb.

If the Democrats wanted to fake a story to influence the election, why didn't they just fake the story? Why waste money and go through such a convoluted mess?

If the goal was to influence an election, why didn't the Democrats try to influence the election with it? Because they didn't try that.

Why didn't the Republicans see fit to to tell you about it before? Why did they sit on it for a year, instead of pointing out supposed Democrat dirty tricks before the election? Why did they just decide to bring it out now?

Your conspiracy theory is just really goddamned stupid.

This is another reason why it's so good to be a liberal. We don't have a cult commanding us to embarrass ourselves by spouting such bizarre conspiracy theories. The Democrats paid for oppo research, after Republicans paid for the same oppo research. It had nothing absolutely provable at the time, so they didn't use it. Republicans are bringing it up now and lying about it to deflect from Trump's legal troubles.
The Big WaPo Story & Why Everyone Needs to Thank Marc Elias

The country owes the Democrats a debt of gratitude for keeping Steele’s research going. The FBI had apparently missed a lot of what he found.

I’ve heard some suggest that the Clinton campaign had denied that it helped fund Steele’s work. Or maybe that Elias had. I don’t know if that’s the case or not. It’s possible that the Clinton camp or the DNC didn’t know they had. The Post piece suggests they didn’t know that Fusion GPS was involved.

If someone lied, then by all means identify that person as lying. Even call them a liar. But in the big picture, who cares? Even in the small picture who cares. It was a service to the country. Donald Trump and his campaign knowingly accepted assistance from a foreign adversary power. There’s good reason to believe, though as yet no hard proof, that they agreed to help Russia in exchange for assistance subverting the 2016 campaign. The President is still actively covering up for the Russian effort, as of this week.

Whether the execs at top of the Clinton campaign knew about it, Marc Elias may have helped save his country by making the decision to fund this critical research. Thank you, Marc Elias! I know that sounds a bit hyperbolic but it’s really not. Here’s why.

Remember, the Trump plan was to hit the ground running in January with a series of policy pay offs to Russia. It was the mounting FBI investigation into Trump’s ties to Russia, helped along significantly by information Steele uncovered, that got into the spokes of the Trump effort during the transition and hobbled the efforts to make the pay off. It’s what led to the rapid and chaotic series of events that forced the firing of Mike Flynn, the revelations about clandestine communications between Trump associates and the Russian Ambassador and finally to Trump’s decision to fire James Comey.

The Trump team wanted to deliver for Russia right out of the gate in January, a quick series of accommodations and a ‘grand bargain’ with Vladimir Putin. It was the investigation into Trump’s ties to Russia that got in the way and mainly prevented it. It’s clear that Steele’s research played a major role in that. Remember, the FBI found it so critical it agreed to continue funding Steele’s research. Without Marc Elias’s decision, that research may never have been conducted. The country owes him a debt of gratitude.

The Big WaPo Story & Why Everyone Needs to Thank Marc Elias
Oh stuff it you pompous ass, you didn't know anymore than anyone else did. What an idiot.

^^^ Triggered. Reality does that to Trumpflakes.

This is how we know you are retarded. The MSM did no such thing.

It's not debatable that the MSM turfed the Trump-Russia connections.

It's not debatable that, at the same time, the MSM hyped the Clinton-emails nothingburger.

If someone denies that, they're either a liar or a moron. You can tell us which category applies to you.
All 'russian spies' 'pad' their reports to make themselves appear more important than they are.

Thanks for that 'insight', comrade!

(Only 1 way you might know that.... Bwuhahaha..... How much are you getting paid to defend these liberal traitors, Ivan?)
You need to go back and read thousands of my posts asshole!
The LAST thing I am is a fucking POS Liberal!
The LIB morons in the MSM/MSNBC/CNN are still asking how the russians could possibly know what the 'political vibe' was in thousands of counties across America.
Here's an answer for you fucking idiots like Chrissy Matthews: Read the local newspapers in the counties.
The 'russian spies' did it and sent back all sorts of 'secret information' they read on the front pages of these local newspapers.
LIBs are such morons!
riiiiiiight... idiota... it had nothing to do with Donald jr saying he loved the Russians involving themselves in the election and all of managorte and fllynn's meetings
Which is not illegal and nobody gives a rat fuck about that.

Jesus. What the fuck? Opposition research is now a crime?

ESPECIALLY because this thread is about Clinton/DNC PAYING for a political opposition hit piece that they tried to pass off as US National Intel product. They BOUGHT stories from Russian spies !!!!! How is that NOT collusion?

No, they bought research from Fusion GPS.
We're waiting for the investigation's findings, you foxbots etc etc the one going off all nutso... As always.
The lack of a completed investigation or even a shred of evidence hasn't stopped you fucktards before. Why start now?

Hell, you leftist asswipes were ready to convict Trump of something, we're not even sure what, WHILE he was being sworn in.

Waiting of an investigation....:lol:
It's amazing the amount of cherry picking of obscure sources that fox and Rush have to go through to dupe you like that isn't it?
It is amazing how easily led around they are.
They were fed so much BS about Benghazi and the emails that they believed without question. They still believe it only now there was a conspiracy to cover it up.
One would think that they would follow things a little more closely lest they get fooled again.

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