Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

Whats really sad about all of this is that most of the liberals on USMB would continue to worship Hillary and Obama if they climbed up on their breakfast table and pissed in their coffee.

Liberalism is truly a mental disease. There is no other way to describe the way liberals act when their leaders are proven corrupt.

Really populism today is socially liberal, take a look at Trump?
DEMS are pissing into the wind.....I LOVE IT!!

Jeb Bush started paying for it, then DNC took it after Jeb gave up.
Already, the dossier has been validated; who paid for it doesnt change that.

Watch for leaks.. The house intel committee is completely corrupted by Nunes. This is why they're testifying before muellers team instead.

The Dossier has been "validated?" by whom? The only thing "validated" is that it's a pile of shit.

If you knew anything about the contents of the dossier, you wouldn't be saying that.

You're just another clueless troll.
So Hillary colluded with the Russians, in order to try and prove that Trump colluded with the Russians.
Obama! Obama! Republicans really do stand for nothing. "it obamas fault even though this happened almost a year after obamas been out of office....

God forbid that snowflakes have blamed Bush for everything that ever went wrong during the Obama administration...8 years after Bush had left office.

'It's been ALMOST A YEAR, and the mean ol' Conservatives are still pointing to Obama's crimes and F*-Ups! Waaaaaaaa!

Bwuhahahahaha! I feast on your tears and whining!
I think none of this would have been an issue if Obama had stayed on that island with his billionaire friends and stuck to smoking Dope. But no, the asshole had to try to bring down Trump. Well, now it's beginning to backfire on his ass.

They miscalculated. They
...and before you deflect, Trump is an asshole and I wish they'd take his twitter account down.
Whatever happened to freedom of speech?

Nothing, it's the lack of any self control that bothers me.
How is this a conspiracy theory when this is being played out in courtrooms in two countries?

You made that up as well. It's part of your conspiracy theory.

Everything you're screaming about now was public knowledge a year ago. What does it say about you, that you're so proudly ignorant of the basics?

A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump – Mother Jones
This was for a an opposition research project originally funded by a Republican client … before [Steele] was retained, the project’s financing switched to a client allied with Democrats.

Being well-informed, we liberals knew all the details of the story when it broke a year ago. You? You know nothing unless your cult sees fit to spoon feed it to you. Your cult didn't tell you about it until a few days ago, so you didn't know until a few days ago. Your cult faked a story about how Democrats did something bad, so you BELIEVE without question. Good cultist.

The main thing to note was that, shortly before the election, the mainstream media deliberately turfed the story of Trump's Russian connections, while simultaneously pushing fake news that was unfavorable to Clinton. The MSM bent over backwards to help Trump win. No honest person can deny that. The 2016 election was the greatest incident of conservative media bias in US history.

*Six US agencies created a stealth task force, spearhead by CIA’s Brennan, to run domestic surveillance on Trump associates and possibly Trump himself

You're just making crazy shit up. That's why you're laughed at. You're hyperventilating over a year-old story that's unfavorable to Trump, solely because your masters told you to act that way.

Seriously, why weren't you talking about this a year ago? After all, we were, because the MSM was choosing to ignore it. What took you so long?

Whenever lefties doing something illegal, or when they intend to fuck up something, they find the term for it that is most innocent and approving.

"Opposition research".

No, it's not veteran spy who gave the dossier to FBI, so Mother Jones who you use for your reliable source is wrong and lying. Unless that veteran spy is McCain himself.

John McCain: I gave Russia blackmail dossier on Trump to FBI

Mother Jones wont give you information in regards "six agencies task force". Why would they, they need you to stay stupid as you are and never question anything. Why would you ask questions, if they serve you "the truth"?

Do you know who is Natalia Veselnitskaya?
Do you know who gave he special visa to enter the US, even she was barred from entering the United Sates? Do you know what she was given visa for?

Even if you do, you don't care, because you are leftist shill who would say or do anything to get you and your leftist agenda ahead.

Me laughed at? You lefties don't laugh at us, you're melting down because of us and I don't mind it at all.
You're only showing that you're ignorant as to what's in the dossier.
You are ONE of the only ones claiming that you do while completely ignoring the bigger point that Hillary (and Comey, Obama, and The DNC) reached out to a foreign agent through the Russia-Linked GPS Fusion to obtain a fake news dossier that has been confirmed to have contained Russia-generated propaganda to illegally use in a US election.

...and before you deflect, Trump is an asshole and I wish they'd take his twitter account down.

He's not an asshole, he's simply a jerk.

However, I love his tweets, it's the first thing that hits lefties and RINOs when they wake up and it's driving them all nuts.
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Whats really sad about all of this is that most of the liberals on USMB would continue to worship Hillary and Obama if they climbed up on their breakfast table and pissed in their coffee.

Liberalism is truly a mental disease. There is no other way to describe the way liberals act when their leaders are proven corrupt.

It's not "liberalism". They are far from that.

They should be called what they are, progressive socialists.
Wow, and the the FBI confirmed parts of it too! Amazing!

Well in actual court documents Steel admits that the dossier was unverified. Go argue with him.

Yes, it was raw intel.
You don't have a damn clue what "raw intelligence" is, how it is classified, and how it is verified. What you have is a pile of fabrications that can not be verified. ie; LIES No cooberating physical evidence.
Read the link, retard.
The link is unverified and uncorroborated...

Bullshit, dope.

One example. One report in the dossier was that Russia was planning cyber attacks targeting Clinton to obtain information it could use to leak in an effort to influence the election.

This report was compiled late in 15 and early 16. Long before any of this was publicly known.

The very fact that it happened is verification that the Intel was correct.

Keep on truckin, dope.
Hilarious that snowflakes and libtards flung their poo (claims of a meeting with a Russian lawyer to get dirt on Hillary) against the wall to see what would stick ...

- an obvious Obama set-up as Obama over-rode his of Dept of immigration who had banned her from the US and gave her a special Visa to get her here, Had Comey get a warrant for a wiretap in time to place it at the meeting location, and managed to get Obama's own Russian interpreter in the room -

only to find out that it was HILLARY (and Comey, and Obama, and the DNC) who was paying foreign agents and Russia-linked GPS fusion for 'dirt' on Trump.


And what has anything of import been verified? Two mega defamation lawsuits on the go calling Steel a fucking liar and the dossier a fairy tale.

You are truly clueless. A good portion of it has been verified. By verified I mean the claims in the dossier were made long before it was public knowledge and even before our own Intel agencies knew.

For those who care, this is a great break down.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated
The SLATE.com..... Really?? Its a left wing hack site and has very little credibility, slightly above zero...

Read it dope.
It's full of Intel that steele could not have known was true at the time he collected it. It wasn't until later that a lot of it was verified and made public.

Be specific. What's verified?
Read the link, dope.

That is a total piece of shit. There's no evidence of jack crap. In the article itself this part alone was completely blown out of the water. Another freaking fairy tale.

"Michael Cohen, reportedly took over efforts after Manafort left the campaign, allegedly providing cash payments for Russian hackers."

The report got the wrong Michael Cohen. Just another guy with the same name going to Prague. Not Trump's lawyer. .


"The dossier alleged that Cohen went to Prague in late August 2016 or possibly early September to meet Russian officials. Cohen has pushed back on these still-unsubstantiated claims, saying that he was in California at the time. Earlier this year, he told The Atlantic he was in California from August 23 to 29, visiting the University of Southern California with his son.

Officials at USC confirmed to The Atlantic that Cohen was on campus during that timeframe. However, Cohen's own geotagged tweets place him in New Jersey, on August 24 -- even though Cohen said his trip started on August 23. (Cohen later suggested he was in New Jersey to catch his flight to Los Angeles, tweeting, "you are aware that there is an airport in Newark?"

Cohen lawyer rebuts Russia dossier allegations - CNNPolitics
You are truly clueless. A good portion of it has been verified. By verified I mean the claims in the dossier were made long before it was public knowledge and even before our own Intel agencies knew.

For those who care, this is a great break down.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated
The SLATE.com..... Really?? Its a left wing hack site and has very little credibility, slightly above zero...

Read it dope.
It's full of Intel that steele could not have known was true at the time he collected it. It wasn't until later that a lot of it was verified and made public.

Be specific. What's verified?
Read the link, dope.

That is a total piece of shit. There's no evidence of jack crap. In the article itself this part alone was completely blown out of the water. Another freaking fairy tale.

"Michael Cohen, reportedly took over efforts after Manafort left the campaign, allegedly providing cash payments for Russian hackers."

The report got the wrong Michael Cohen. Just another guy with the same name going to Prague. Not Trump's lawyer. .


"The dossier alleged that Cohen went to Prague in late August 2016 or possibly early September to meet Russian officials. Cohen has pushed back on these still-unsubstantiated claims, saying that he was in California at the time. Earlier this year, he told The Atlantic he was in California from August 23 to 29, visiting the University of Southern California with his son.

Officials at USC confirmed to The Atlantic that Cohen was on campus during that timeframe. However, Cohen's own geotagged tweets place him in New Jersey, on August 24 -- even though Cohen said his trip started on August 23. (Cohen later suggested he was in New Jersey to catch his flight to Los Angeles, tweeting, "you are aware that there is an airport in Newark?"

Cohen lawyer rebuts Russia dossier allegations - CNNPolitics
Bullshit, dope.

One example. One report in the dossier was that Russia was planning cyber attacks targeting Clinton to obtain information it could use to leak in an effort to influence the election.

This report was compiled late in 15 and early 16. Long before any of this was publicly known.

The very fact that it happened is verification that the Intel was correct.

Keep on truckin, dope.
You are truly clueless. A good portion of it has been verified. By verified I mean the claims in the dossier were made long before it was public knowledge and even before our own Intel agencies knew.

For those who care, this is a great break down.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated
The SLATE.com..... Really?? Its a left wing hack site and has very little credibility, slightly above zero...

Read it dope.
It's full of Intel that steele could not have known was true at the time he collected it. It wasn't until later that a lot of it was verified and made public.

Be specific. What's verified?
Read the link, dope.

That is a total piece of shit. There's no evidence of jack crap. In the article itself this part alone was completely blown out of the water. Another freaking fairy tale.

"Michael Cohen, reportedly took over efforts after Manafort left the campaign, allegedly providing cash payments for Russian hackers."

The report got the wrong Michael Cohen. Just another guy with the same name going to Prague. Not Trump's lawyer. .


"The dossier alleged that Cohen went to Prague in late August 2016 or possibly early September to meet Russian officials. Cohen has pushed back on these still-unsubstantiated claims, saying that he was in California at the time. Earlier this year, he told The Atlantic he was in California from August 23 to 29, visiting the University of Southern California with his son.

Officials at USC confirmed to The Atlantic that Cohen was on campus during that timeframe. However, Cohen's own geotagged tweets place him in New Jersey, on August 24 -- even though Cohen said his trip started on August 23. (Cohen later suggested he was in New Jersey to catch his flight to Los Angeles, tweeting, "you are aware that there is an airport in Newark?"

Cohen lawyer rebuts Russia dossier allegations - CNNPolitics

It must of been early Sept then.
We're expected to believe Golden Showers? No hookers. No hotel room data. No video. The lawyer being a bag man for Trump passing on money in Prague. They didn't even get the right Michael Cohen.


It's a fairy tale.
Whenever lefties doing something illegal, or when they intend to fuck up something, they find the term for it that is most innocent and approving.

Whenever Trump is in trouble, Trumpflakes escalate their lies to epic new levels.

No, it's not veteran spy who gave the dossier to FBI, so Mother Jones who you use for your reliable source is wrong and lying. Unless that veteran spy is McCain himself.

Nobody cares. You're deflecting. You have to, because you were caught spouting crap. Who gave what to the FBI means jack.

The DNC hired an oppo research firm (one that the Republicans had previously hired), that firm hired a former British spy, and he did research, talking to some Russians in the process. There's nothing illegal or immoral about that, and only the most desperate and pathetic liars would claim that's "colluding". Hence, all the Trumpflakes are doing that.
This is a messed up story from the OP. It starts off with:

Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

And then this is in the article:

Fusion GPS’s work researching Trump began during the Republican presidential primaries, when the GOP donor paid for the firm to investigate the real estate magnate’s background.

Fusion GPS did not start off looking at Trump’s Russia ties but quickly realized that those relationships were extensive, according to the people familiar with the matter.


Clearly it's saying it was a GOP donor the "led" to the investigation behind the Trump-Russia dossier. Sure, Democrats took it over after so much information was collected, but without the Republicans starting it, would there have even been a dossier? Doubtful.

Let's say it again from the article:

Fusion GPS’s work researching Trump began during the Republican presidential primaries, when the GOP donor paid for the firm to investigate the real estate magnate’s background.

Fusion GPS did not start off looking at Trump’s Russia ties but quickly realized that those relationships were extensive, according to the people familiar with the matter.
We're expected to believe Golden Showers? No hookers. No hotel room data. No video. The lawyer being a bag man for Trump passing on money in Prague. They didn't even get the right Michael Cohen.


It's a fairy tale.

My link never verified the Cohen report. It stated that clearly.

"We do not have any reporting that implicates Michael Cohen in meetings with Russians as outlined in the dossier. However, recent revelations indicate his long-standing relationships with key Russian and Ukrainian interlocutors, and highlight his apparent role in a previously hidden effort to build a Trump tower in Moscow. During the campaign, those efforts included email exchanges with Trump associate Felix Sater explicitly referring to getting Putin’s circle involved and helping Trump get elected."

Address the rest of it if you dare. So far you're 0 And 1.
What I want to know is whether or not Obama wiretapped Trump. Trump made the accusation. Someone needs to be held accountable. Either Obama wiretapped Trump, or Trump is guilty of fraud and slander. Which is it?

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