Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

And that somehow proves the information Steele dug up on the Golden Boy is not true?

His son is caught trying to get the Russian Government's dirt on Hillary. But, but the DNC helped pay for Steele's research?

One big heaping helping of "Nope"

Sure, except that it's being reported throughout the media.

Yep it is. Even on [gasp] Rachel Maddow's show. So what? Did they not also report on all the other phony scandals throughout President Obama's terms? Does it make the Great Grabber any more competent? Will it stop the diarrhea of the mouth he is afflicted with? Does it prove that there was no collusion between Russia and the campaign? What information from it was used by Clinton?
who the fuck cares what was used - it was all designed bullshit you're over there trying to justify or make "ok" while you take the "outcome" of such bullshit activity as something that trump has to suddenly prove he's innocent of.

fucked up man.

I'll tell you what is fucked up. Clinton was accused of running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. How many folks who are fauxraged over the funding for this dossier parroted that story? I say investigate it. Let's find out what is and what is not true.
Which is not illegal and nobody gives a rat fuck about that.

Jesus. What the fuck? Opposition research is now a crime?

ESPECIALLY because this thread is about Clinton/DNC PAYING for a political opposition hit piece that they tried to pass off as US National Intel product. They BOUGHT stories from Russian spies !!!!! How is that NOT collusion?

Well, the problem with your whole thing is that buying information from Russians is far different from Russians putting information into the press.

Not really. Whatever they injected was in the "noise level" of the campaign. NONE of it reached a life of it's own.

But you need to answer a question for me?

It's been suggested that Trump should be impeached for THINKING about doing business in Russia. So which is worse? --- pondering building a Hotel there? Or PAYING FUCKING RUSSIAN SPIES to make up shit about your opponent?

Need an answer to see if you realize the irony of your position..

No, no one is saying he should be impeached for doing business in Russia (unless they're a nutjob), what they're trying to show is that Trump had connections with Russia which might show that he was getting help from the Russians.

It's gone FAR beyond that. The media has suggested that ANY business dealings in Russia would be evidence of conflict of interest. TONS of media spew and USMB posts suggesting that. At least 15 threads on discussions Trump had with ANY Russian investors.

Did you answer my question? Don't think that you did. Why are you avoiding it? Which is worse?
Putin bitch trump still has not imposed the sanctions on Russia required by Congressional law he signed.

Guilty Guilty Guilty
It'll be called DNC/GOP day. Paid leave and bonuses for throwing the parties..

Kompromat - Wikipedia

Putin and Russian Intel are STILL stinging and pissed about the USA role in the fall of Soviet Union. WE took advantage of their weakness and interfered in stripping confidence of their public in their leadership. They've been looking for payback for a couple decades now. And when WE are weak and divided -- they just relish the opportunities.
And when WE are weak and divided

Thankx to Putin's bitch trump
And that somehow proves the information Steele dug up on the Golden Boy is not true?

His son is caught trying to get the Russian Government's dirt on Hillary. But, but the DNC helped pay for Steele's research?

One big heaping helping of "Nope"
so - you are saying it's a huge foul for someone to call you up and say "hey, i got dirt on hillary" with a reply of "wow, let me see!"

we're saying "this is bad, m'kay...bad".

however, hiring russians to make up stories about trump isn't a problem for you it would seem. they would then use what they know to be fabricated as a way of getting FISA warrants. still no issue?

if you still think trump is the bigger crime i'm done.

Depends on who that person is and what he wants in exchange for that dirt don't you think?

How on earth would you know what was presented to the judges to get any FISA warrant?
And that somehow proves the information Steele dug up on the Golden Boy is not true?

His son is caught trying to get the Russian Government's dirt on Hillary. But, but the DNC helped pay for Steele's research?

One big heaping helping of "Nope"

Sure, except that it's being reported throughout the media.

Yep it is. Even on [gasp] Rachel Maddow's show. So what? Did they not also report on all the other phony scandals throughout President Obama's terms? Does it make the Great Grabber any more competent? Will it stop the diarrhea of the mouth he is afflicted with? Does it prove that there was no collusion between Russia and the campaign? What information from it was used by Clinton?
who the fuck cares what was used - it was all designed bullshit you're over there trying to justify or make "ok" while you take the "outcome" of such bullshit activity as something that trump has to suddenly prove he's innocent of.

fucked up man.

I'll tell you what is fucked up. Clinton was accused of running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. How many folks who are fauxraged over the funding for this dossier parroted that story? I say investigate it. Let's find out what is and what is not true.

Only the honest and moral seek the truth; sadly the Republican Party and its adherents are immoral and mendacious.

Never believe what a Republican says, watch what they do.
And that somehow proves the information Steele dug up on the Golden Boy is not true?

His son is caught trying to get the Russian Government's dirt on Hillary. But, but the DNC helped pay for Steele's research?

One big heaping helping of "Nope"

Sure, except that it's being reported throughout the media.

Yep it is. Even on [gasp] Rachel Maddow's show. So what? Did they not also report on all the other phony scandals throughout President Obama's terms? Does it make the Great Grabber any more competent? Will it stop the diarrhea of the mouth he is afflicted with? Does it prove that there was no collusion between Russia and the campaign? What information from it was used by Clinton?
who the fuck cares what was used - it was all designed bullshit you're over there trying to justify or make "ok" while you take the "outcome" of such bullshit activity as something that trump has to suddenly prove he's innocent of.

fucked up man.

I'll tell you what is fucked up. Clinton was accused of running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. How many folks who are fauxraged over the funding for this dossier parroted that story? I say investigate it. Let's find out what is and what is not true.

That's just dirty politics. And it was out in the open. People got to judge for themselves. MOST completely ignored it.

In THIS case, after the fake foreign dossier was shown to media and rejected as sketchy for months ---- SOME FOLKS decided to repackage it as a product of "17 Intel Agencies".. THAT IS MISUSE of government positions. And something that concern EVERYONE..
And that somehow proves the information Steele dug up on the Golden Boy is not true?

His son is caught trying to get the Russian Government's dirt on Hillary. But, but the DNC helped pay for Steele's research?

One big heaping helping of "Nope"
so - you are saying it's a huge foul for someone to call you up and say "hey, i got dirt on hillary" with a reply of "wow, let me see!"

we're saying "this is bad, m'kay...bad".

however, hiring russians to make up stories about trump isn't a problem for you it would seem. they would then use what they know to be fabricated as a way of getting FISA warrants. still no issue?

if you still think trump is the bigger crime i'm done.
An unknown republican paid "the researchers" to research the Oranguton first, and someone else previously paid them to "research" Mitt. It's nothing new to "research" people. Safe to say that Obama got a bit of a looking at, but they just couldn't nail down the fake birthcertificate.

It is new to accept Russia's help for promising policy .... it that is shown to have occurred.
so paying Russians for info good.

being accused of working with Russians = bad

that dog won't hunt, shit or bite the cat. your trump insults also show your agenda soi don't give a FUCK what your defense is.

its hate driven Bullshit not looking for the truth
I'll tell you what is fucked up. Clinton was accused of running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. How many folks who are fauxraged over the funding for this dossier parroted that story? I say investigate it. Let's find out what is and what is not true.
I actually do not know 1 single person who believed that story. I can honestly say the people I know are intelligent enough to know the difference between over-the-top fecal matter flinging and real news...and if it is even close they do their research (unlike CNN :p).
And that somehow proves the information Steele dug up on the Golden Boy is not true?

His son is caught trying to get the Russian Government's dirt on Hillary. But, but the DNC helped pay for Steele's research?

One big heaping helping of "Nope"

Sure, except that it's being reported throughout the media.

Yep it is. Even on [gasp] Rachel Maddow's show. So what? Did they not also report on all the other phony scandals throughout President Obama's terms? Does it make the Great Grabber any more competent? Will it stop the diarrhea of the mouth he is afflicted with? Does it prove that there was no collusion between Russia and the campaign? What information from it was used by Clinton?
who the fuck cares what was used - it was all designed bullshit you're over there trying to justify or make "ok" while you take the "outcome" of such bullshit activity as something that trump has to suddenly prove he's innocent of.

fucked up man.

I'll tell you what is fucked up. Clinton was accused of running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. How many folks who are fauxraged over the funding for this dossier parroted that story? I say investigate it. Let's find out what is and what is not true.
not playing fetch here.

stay on target or just walk on by me.
It'll be called DNC/GOP day. Paid leave and bonuses for throwing the parties..

Kompromat - Wikipedia

Putin and Russian Intel are STILL stinging and pissed about the USA role in the fall of Soviet Union. WE took advantage of their weakness and interfered in stripping confidence of their public in their leadership. They've been looking for payback for a couple decades now. And when WE are weak and divided -- they just relish the opportunities.
And when WE are weak and divided

Thankx to Putin's bitch trump

Putin didn't CAUSE the chronic childish tribal partisan wars in this country. Been OUR doing for decades. OUR system is mortally damaged. Just like the Soviet Union was when WE took advantage of them.

NEITHER country was CAUSING the chaos and ROT --- just taking advantage of it. The Soviet Union was ROTTING from the core. WE are now ROTTING from the core.

They needed to get even for OUR interference that pushed THEM "over the edge". AND we are so far SCREWED by faulty leadership and inept, corrupt government -- all it takes is a little push.
And that somehow proves the information Steele dug up on the Golden Boy is not true?

His son is caught trying to get the Russian Government's dirt on Hillary. But, but the DNC helped pay for Steele's research?

One big heaping helping of "Nope"
so - you are saying it's a huge foul for someone to call you up and say "hey, i got dirt on hillary" with a reply of "wow, let me see!"

we're saying "this is bad, m'kay...bad".

however, hiring russians to make up stories about trump isn't a problem for you it would seem. they would then use what they know to be fabricated as a way of getting FISA warrants. still no issue?

if you still think trump is the bigger crime i'm done.

Depends on who that person is and what he wants in exchange for that dirt don't you think?

How on earth would you know what was presented to the judges to get any FISA warrant?
I read.
And that somehow proves the information Steele dug up on the Golden Boy is not true?

His son is caught trying to get the Russian Government's dirt on Hillary. But, but the DNC helped pay for Steele's research?

One big heaping helping of "Nope"

Sure, except that it's being reported throughout the media.

Yep it is. Even on [gasp] Rachel Maddow's show. So what? Did they not also report on all the other phony scandals throughout President Obama's terms? Does it make the Great Grabber any more competent? Will it stop the diarrhea of the mouth he is afflicted with? Does it prove that there was no collusion between Russia and the campaign? What information from it was used by Clinton?
who the fuck cares what was used - it was all designed bullshit you're over there trying to justify or make "ok" while you take the "outcome" of such bullshit activity as something that trump has to suddenly prove he's innocent of.

fucked up man.

I'll tell you what is fucked up. Clinton was accused of running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. How many folks who are fauxraged over the funding for this dossier parroted that story? I say investigate it. Let's find out what is and what is not true.

Only the honest and moral seek the truth; sadly the Republican Party and its adherents are immoral and mendacious.

Never believe what a Republican says, watch what they do.

I can agree with that. However I'm sad to say I don't think it's just the Republicans who do it. Take for example the fragment of the conversation between Trump and the widow that so enraged the Congresswomen from Fla. We've still not heard the entire conversation have we?
'working with Russians is ok...'

EVERYONE, except defensive snowflakes it seems, knows information obtained from foreign agents about a candidate can not LEGALLY be used in a US political election.

So are snowflakes - REALLY suggesting that Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC were willing to pay / paid a lot of money for a false report filled with Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a Russia-linked business with no intent to use it against Trump (which it was) but only because they were CURIOUS to see what was in it?!

Talking about a 'dog that won't hunt'! That sumbitch won't even get up off the porch!

:p Bwuhahahaha......
Putin didn't CAUSE the chronic childish tribal partisan wars in this country. Been OUR doing for decades. OUR system is mortally damaged. Just like the Soviet Union was when WE took advantage of them.

How do you know this isn't payback for Afghanistan, where we backed BinLaden and the Taliban in their fight against the Soviet Union?

Putin has a long memory, and this could be his way of getting back, turning american against american.
Well in actual court documents Steel admits that the dossier was unverified. Go argue with him.

Yes, it was raw intel.
You don't have a damn clue what "raw intelligence" is, how it is classified, and how it is verified. What you have is a pile of fabrications that can not be verified. ie; LIES No cooberating physical evidence.
Read the link, retard.
The link is unverified and uncorroborated...

Bullshit, dope.

One example. One report in the dossier was that Russia was planning cyber attacks targeting Clinton to obtain information it could use to leak in an effort to influence the election.

This report was compiled late in 15 and early 16. Long before any of this was publicly known.

The very fact that it happened is verification that the Intel was correct.

Keep on truckin, dope.
Anyone could guess that without resorting to a forieng intelligence agent.
Putin didn't CAUSE the chronic childish tribal partisan wars in this country. Been OUR doing for decades. OUR system is mortally damaged. Just like the Soviet Union was when WE took advantage of them.

How do you know this isn't payback for Afghanistan, where we backed BinLaden and the Taliban in their fight against the Soviet Union?

Putin has a long memory, and this could be his way of getting back, turning american against american.
That's kinda the same thing. The Soviets in Afghanistan was part of the fall.
Putin didn't CAUSE the chronic childish tribal partisan wars in this country. Been OUR doing for decades. OUR system is mortally damaged. Just like the Soviet Union was when WE took advantage of them.

How do you know this isn't payback for Afghanistan, where we backed BinLaden and the Taliban in their fight against the Soviet Union?

Putin has a long memory, and this could be his way of getting back, turning american against american.

Putin DOES have a long memory. And this IS a vendetta. But it's clear what the source was. His "peeps" are STILL pissed that we took advantage of the general instability of the Soviet Union and helped to sow doubt and dissention. THAT tactic helped to push the dissolution of the Soviets over the edge.

WE --- OTH -- have been feeding and causing our own political dysfunction and instability for decades now. Resulting in a VERY serious decline in public confidence in "the system". Puttie didn't CAUSE this. But he's sure as hell gonna USE it to try to get even.. Afghan also. Afghan was one of the triggers that helped PUSH the Soviet Union to doom. But lying to the public about Chernobyl and MANY other things caused the complete lack of public confidence in the Soviet Union.
every day there's a Clinton bombshell!

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
Good for them.....saved the tax-payers money.
'working with Russians is ok...'

EVERYONE, except defensive snowflakes it seems, knows information obtained from foreign agents about a candidate can not LEGALLY be used in a US political election..

Maybe you didn't notice, but unlike Trump who asked the russians to release the stolen emails, Clinton didn't release any information from the dossier,.

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