Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

Hillary and the Dems are up to their asses in Russian involvements, thankfully they have Mueller to protect them
The SLATE.com..... Really?? Its a left wing hack site and has very little credibility, slightly above zero...

Read it dope.
It's full of Intel that steele could not have known was true at the time he collected it. It wasn't until later that a lot of it was verified and made public.

Be specific. What's verified?
Read the link, dope.

That is a total piece of shit. There's no evidence of jack crap. In the article itself this part alone was completely blown out of the water. Another freaking fairy tale.

"Michael Cohen, reportedly took over efforts after Manafort left the campaign, allegedly providing cash payments for Russian hackers."

The report got the wrong Michael Cohen. Just another guy with the same name going to Prague. Not Trump's lawyer. .


"The dossier alleged that Cohen went to Prague in late August 2016 or possibly early September to meet Russian officials. Cohen has pushed back on these still-unsubstantiated claims, saying that he was in California at the time. Earlier this year, he told The Atlantic he was in California from August 23 to 29, visiting the University of Southern California with his son.

Officials at USC confirmed to The Atlantic that Cohen was on campus during that timeframe. However, Cohen's own geotagged tweets place him in New Jersey, on August 24 -- even though Cohen said his trip started on August 23. (Cohen later suggested he was in New Jersey to catch his flight to Los Angeles, tweeting, "you are aware that there is an airport in Newark?"

Cohen lawyer rebuts Russia dossier allegations - CNNPolitics

It must of been early Sept then.

It was the wrong Michael Cohen. I can't believe that anyone could believe this fairy tale. Tapper did the report that uncovered this.

REPORT: Intelligence Community Believes It Was a Different Michael Cohen Who Visited Prague
by [URL='https://www.mediaite.com/author/alex-griswold/']Alex Griswold
| 10:33 am, January 11th, 2017[/URL]

CNN’s Jake Tapper reported Wednesday morning that intelligence officials looked into allegations from an explosive unsubstantiated memo that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen visited Prague in late August to meet with Russian officials, and found that it was a different Michael Cohen who visited the city.

Cohen strongly denied the charges Tuesday, saying that he had never been to Prague. The Washingtonian reported that two sources at the University of Southern California confirmed that Cohen was in Los Angeles at the time he was supposed to have been in Europe.

Tapper seemingly confirmed Cohen’s story. “People tried to run that down and concluded it was a different Michael Cohen. It was a Michael Cohen with a passport from another country, same birth year, different birth date,” he said.

“For him to dispute he was in the Czech Republic comports with our reporting,” Tapper said. “It’s one of the reasons the intelligence chiefs did not get specific with these allegations. That’s why I hope at the press conference today people are more general, because a lot of that stuff just has not been proven.”

Watch above, via CNN.

REPORT: Intelligence Community Believes It Was a Different Michael Cohen Who Visited Prague
Liberal Surrogate Propaganda-Pushers Circle The Wagons - All Hands on Deck To Cover For Hillary, Mueller, Holder, and Obama....

Journos Downplay Trump Dossier Revelations
- Journos Downplay And Spread Misinformation About Anti-Trump Dossier After It's Revealed DNC Funded It

'Journalists are downplaying news that the DNC and Clinton campaign were behind the funding of a salacious dossier alleging Trump ties to Russia, which The Washington Post revealed Tuesday.'


This is why Trump must keep tweeting. He has to get around the media. Don't get me wrong. :) Many a day I have woken up and screamed "he tweeted (*&^%$*&^ WHAT???????
And that somehow proves the information Steele dug up on the Golden Boy is not true?

His son is caught trying to get the Russian Government's dirt on Hillary. But, but the DNC helped pay for Steele's research?

One big heaping helping of "Nope"
What's Up With The Times Piece on Elias, Steele and Fusion GPS?
I wanted to follow up on my post from last night about the latest news on the Steele Dossier. As I explained last night, the Democratic party’s top election lawyer, Marc Elias, deserves some kind of vast national, public thank you since his decision to fund the Fusion GPS/Steele research likely played a key role in blocking the ‘grand bargain’ and policy payoffs to Russia which President Trump was hoping to make in January and February of this year.
The Big WaPo Story & Why Everyone Needs to Thank Marc Elias
And that somehow proves the information Steele dug up on the Golden Boy is not true?

His son is caught trying to get the Russian Government's dirt on Hillary. But, but the DNC helped pay for Steele's research?

One big heaping helping of "Nope"

Sure, except that it's being reported throughout the media.
riiiiiiight... idiota... it had nothing to do with Donald jr saying he loved the Russians involving themselves in the election and all of managorte and fllynn's meetings
Which is not illegal and nobody gives a rat fuck about that.

Jesus. What the fuck? Opposition research is now a crime?

ESPECIALLY because this thread is about Clinton/DNC PAYING for a political opposition hit piece that they tried to pass off as US National Intel product. They BOUGHT stories from Russian spies !!!!! How is that NOT collusion?
pretty sad when you can't even write your own, but maybe it's a liberal thing. hollywood hasn't written anything really new in a long long time.
And that somehow proves the information Steele dug up on the Golden Boy is not true?

His son is caught trying to get the Russian Government's dirt on Hillary. But, but the DNC helped pay for Steele's research?

One big heaping helping of "Nope"

Sure, except that it's being reported throughout the media.

Yep it is. Even on [gasp] Rachel Maddow's show. So what? Did they not also report on all the other phony scandals throughout President Obama's terms? Does it make the Great Grabber any more competent? Will it stop the diarrhea of the mouth he is afflicted with? Does it prove that there was no collusion between Russia and the campaign? What information from it was used by Clinton?
They BOUGHT stories from Russian spies !!!!! How is that NOT collusion?

Really weird you think a British ex-intel agent -- one who for decades shared info with the FBI and CIA -- is a Russian spy.

He's just a broker for wrangling the Russian spies. Our ex-intel people know better than to take a job like that.

For them -- it was just fun times creating the fictions. And it was freakin' raining money from BOTH parties to do it. Those Russian sources are now richer and famous in old Russia.
And that somehow proves the information Steele dug up on the Golden Boy is not true?

His son is caught trying to get the Russian Government's dirt on Hillary. But, but the DNC helped pay for Steele's research?

One big heaping helping of "Nope"
so - you are saying it's a huge foul for someone to call you up and say "hey, i got dirt on hillary" with a reply of "wow, let me see!"

we're saying "this is bad, m'kay...bad".

however, hiring russians to make up stories about trump isn't a problem for you it would seem. they would then use what they know to be fabricated as a way of getting FISA warrants. still no issue?

if you still think trump is the bigger crime i'm done.
And that somehow proves the information Steele dug up on the Golden Boy is not true?

His son is caught trying to get the Russian Government's dirt on Hillary. But, but the DNC helped pay for Steele's research?

One big heaping helping of "Nope"

Sure, except that it's being reported throughout the media.

Yep it is. Even on [gasp] Rachel Maddow's show. So what? Did they not also report on all the other phony scandals throughout President Obama's terms? Does it make the Great Grabber any more competent? Will it stop the diarrhea of the mouth he is afflicted with? Does it prove that there was no collusion between Russia and the campaign? What information from it was used by Clinton?
who the fuck cares what was used - it was all designed bullshit you're over there trying to justify or make "ok" while you take the "outcome" of such bullshit activity as something that trump has to suddenly prove he's innocent of.

fucked up man.
riiiiiiight... idiota... it had nothing to do with Donald jr saying he loved the Russians involving themselves in the election and all of managorte and fllynn's meetings
Which is not illegal and nobody gives a rat fuck about that.

Jesus. What the fuck? Opposition research is now a crime?

ESPECIALLY because this thread is about Clinton/DNC PAYING for a political opposition hit piece that they tried to pass off as US National Intel product. They BOUGHT stories from Russian spies !!!!! How is that NOT collusion?

Well, the problem with your whole thing is that buying information from Russians is far different from Russians putting information into the press.

Not really. Whatever they injected was in the "noise level" of the campaign. NONE of it reached a life of it's own.

But you need to answer a question for me?

It's been suggested that Trump should be impeached for THINKING about doing business in Russia. So which is worse? --- pondering building a Hotel there? Or PAYING FUCKING RUSSIAN SPIES to make up shit about your opponent?

Need an answer to see if you realize the irony of your position..

No, no one is saying he should be impeached for doing business in Russia (unless they're a nutjob), what they're trying to show is that Trump had connections with Russia which might show that he was getting help from the Russians.

It's gone FAR beyond that. The media has suggested that ANY business dealings in Russia would be evidence of conflict of interest. TONS of media spew and USMB posts suggesting that. At least 15 threads on discussions Trump had with ANY Russian investors.

Did you answer my question? Don't think that you did. Why are you avoiding it? Which is worse?
Another thing to point at is that CNN, WSJ, the NYT, WaPo, are all suddenly posting anti-Clinton / DNC stories now. We've known about this shit for well over a year, as all the info was released via Wikileaks, and yet it was all ignored by the leftist press. Until now.

They sure as fuck aren't reporting this shit of their own accord, as none of them have the integrity to do so. What happened?

It almost seem like they're doing preemptive damage control so they don't get caught in if Clinton/Obama gets fucked.
The squeeze put on by the demanding of bank records now coupled with the mega civil cases against Steel, Buzzfeed and Fusion are going to blow this Russian collusion deal wide open.

I love the REAL (and potential) ironies of all this..

1) Clinton campaign and DNC money actually went to bribing 1/2 drunk Russian spies to spin big tales. If that ain't dealing with the Russians -- I wouldn't know what is.

2) There's rumors that Mueller is using his power and taxpayer money to get at information that can be used to "neutralize" the FBI and HIS involvement in all this. Biggest WONDERFUL potential irony is having Special Counsel #2 name Special Counsel #1 and some of his staff as persons of interest and calling them to testify. Having a 2nd Special Counsel shuts down any use of Mueller's operation to try and cover tracks.

3) Somewhere in a Moscow bar -- The GRU agents that spun those dossier tales for cash are planning a vacation to MiraLago for a winter visit with that Clinton/DNC cash..
All 'russian spies' 'pad' their reports to make themselves appear more important than they are.
They'll 'report' the so-called 'secret information' back to russia they C&P from the front pages of US newspapers.
Putin knows they are doing it and they 'spies' know that Putin knows it.
It's all part of the game.

Of course.. It's the way of promoting disinformation. That's one of their jobs. EVERYONE says the Russian wanted to fuck with our confidence in the system. It's EXTRA CREDIT --- when both American Political parties are PAYING THEM to do it.

This is now legendary in the Russian Intel agencies. They'll probably have a yearly day off in every future to just laugh and celebrate the victory.. They'll be songs written and plaques handed out.

It'll be called DNC/GOP day. Paid leave and bonuses for throwing the parties..

Kompromat - Wikipedia

Putin and Russian Intel are STILL stinging and pissed about the USA role in the fall of Soviet Union. WE took advantage of their weakness and interfered in stripping confidence of their public in their leadership. They've been looking for payback for a couple decades now. And when WE are weak and divided -- they just relish the opportunities.
What? I'm outraged! Paying for opposition research? !!! This cannot stand!!
You forgot to add it is only wrong if Trump did opposition research.

They also forgot that Paul Manifort was the proof Trump was installed by Russia. Turns out that he is being investigated for the time he worked for the brothers Podesta. That’s even better.

Tony Podesta perhaps.

And that somehow proves the information Steele dug up on the Golden Boy is not true?

His son is caught trying to get the Russian Government's dirt on Hillary. But, but the DNC helped pay for Steele's research?

One big heaping helping of "Nope"
so - you are saying it's a huge foul for someone to call you up and say "hey, i got dirt on hillary" with a reply of "wow, let me see!"

we're saying "this is bad, m'kay...bad".

however, hiring russians to make up stories about trump isn't a problem for you it would seem. they would then use what they know to be fabricated as a way of getting FISA warrants. still no issue?

if you still think trump is the bigger crime i'm done.
An unknown republican paid "the researchers" to research the Oranguton first, and someone else previously paid them to "research" Mitt. It's nothing new to "research" people. Safe to say that Obama got a bit of a looking at, but they just couldn't nail down the fake birthcertificate.

It is new to accept Russia's help for promising policy .... it that is shown to have occurred.

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