Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

No Americans have done more to expedite that eventuality than the Trump team.
There is no 'Intelligence' in the Intel reported within the dossier. It has been exposed that the report is filled with Russia-generated propaganda, obtained from a foreign agent through a Russia-associated/Paid company that has taken the 5th when called to testify before Congress to answer questions. This false report PURCHASED / FUNDED by Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC, furthermore, was illegally used in a US election versus a Presidential candidate.

In light of all of this, only a desperate, reality-denying leftist would cling to the claim that anything within the document was true, especially since it is - like every liberal / snowflake claim about Trump and his team so far - is not supported by any evidence.
There is no 'Intelligence' in the Intel reported within the dossier. It has been exposed that the report is filled with Russia-generated propaganda, obtained from a foreign agent through a Russia-associated/Paid company that has taken the 5th when called to testify before Congress to answer questions.

Not true in any way.

Read it. Don't bitch about the source, read it.
The source can't lie about facts we all know to be true.

There are reports in the dossier that highlight the when, where and with who the meetings Trump people had which were continually denied but were later proven to be true. Not to mention the entire operation the Russians planned to influence the election.

You can continue to deny any of it is real, but you only make yourself look ignorant.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated
dude, your gaslighting tactics are over. you've been outed by your own fking party. time to get a new play.

It's all right there. You didn't see it?

Just because Dems paid for a portion of it, that doesn't make it invalid.
I have no idea what the hell you're referring to. what's all there? post it. why are you afraid of it? gaslighter.
No Americans have done more to expedite that eventuality than the Trump team.
There is no 'Intelligence' in the Intel reported within the dossier. It has been exposed that the report is filled with Russia-generated propaganda, obtained from a foreign agent through a Russia-associated/Paid company that has taken the 5th when called to testify before Congress to answer questions. This false report PURCHASED / FUNDED by Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC, furthermore, was illegally used in a US election versus a Presidential candidate.

In light of all of this, only a desperate, reality-denying leftist would cling to the claim that anything within the document was true, especially since it is - like every liberal / snowflake claim about Trump and his team so far - is not supported by any evidence.
There is no 'Intelligence' in the Intel reported within the dossier. It has been exposed that the report is filled with Russia-generated propaganda, obtained from a foreign agent through a Russia-associated/Paid company that has taken the 5th when called to testify before Congress to answer questions.

Not true in any way.

Read it. Don't bitch about the source, read it.
The source can't lie about facts we all know to be true.

There are reports in the dossier that highlight the when, where and with who the meetings Trump people had which were continually denied but were later proven to be true. Not to mention the entire operation the Russians planned to influence the election.

You can continue to deny any of it is real, but you only make yourself look ignorant.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated

Other than the dossier, what evidence is there that these meetings took place?

Read it, dope! My god, I've put it in front of you dopes a number of times.

Don't tell me to do your homework. It's your claim. You support it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
The source can't lie about facts we all know to be true.
'The Source Can't Lie'? Bwuhahahaha....

Do you even hear yourself or think about what you write before you actually post it?

1. NONE of it has been proven. NO EVIDENCE. Only OPIION and unsubstantiated claims - like yours.

2. The information is from a foreign agent through a Russia-Associated/Paid company that just took the 5th when called to testify before Congress.

3. The use of this information in a US election was / is a CRIME. Hillary, Comey, Obama - they just got exposed for committing a crime...and you continue to argue how this Russian-generated propaganda is true ... because the accusation against Trump is more important to you than the actual CRIMES committed by Hillary, Comey, and Obama.

Bwuhahahaha.... You're freakin' HILARIOUS!
So you just admitted the Trump campaign contacting Assange for the Russian obtained hacked e-mails was illegal.
The Trump campaign did no such thing, moron.
Assange co
The source can't lie about facts we all know to be true.
'The Source Can't Lie'? Bwuhahahaha....

Do you even hear yourself or think about what you write before you actually post it?

1. NONE of it has been proven. NO EVIDENCE. Only OPIION and unsubstantiated claims - like yours.

2. The information is from a foreign agent through a Russia-Associated/Paid company that just took the 5th when called to testify before Congress.

3. The use of this information in a US election was / is a CRIME. Hillary, Comey, Obama - they just got exposed for committing a crime...and you continue to argue how this Russian-generated propaganda is true ... because the accusation against Trump is more important to you than the actual CRIMES committed by Hillary, Comey, and Obama.

Bwuhahahaha.... You're freakin' HILARIOUS!
So you just admitted the Trump campaign contacting Assange for the Russian obtained hacked e-mails was illegal.
The Trump campaign did no such thing, moron.
Assange confirms the contact from Trump campaign data company.
You need to show a quid pro quo.

Russians wanted uranium.
The Clintons spent years selling Influence.
The Obama administration hid Russia's Bribery/Influence-Purchasing Crimes.
Hillary took over $100 million from the Russian lead trying to buy Uranium
Hillary was on the committee
Bill Clinton was on the Ex-KGB Payroll
The Russians got the Uranium.

'Nuff said.

Clinton had no unilateral authority over the deal. You would need to show that she exerted influence over all of the players in order to make the deal happen.
yeah they call that indictment and a grand jury to do that. ready?

Are you ready for a let down? Will you spin it as yet another conspiracy to protect Clinton?
Of course you will.
I'm an american and I want the guilty person indicted, now right now the closest person is hitlery or podesta. Not sure what exactly you have but there has been more evidence of collusion by demolosers out in the past three days then fking a year and half of investigating trump. hmmmmm why is that? gaslighter?
So you just admitted the Trump campaign contacting Assange for the Russian obtained hacked e-mails was illegal.
Ummm...I never said anything about Assange. Link to Trump contacting Assange?

You said a campaign using a foreign source was breaking the law.
So Trump's campaign contacting Assange to get hacked Russian info would also be against the law.

Orv in your feeble demented poor excuse of a brain, it is only illegal if a Democrat does it?
so you admit that what hillary did was illegal?

No,dipstick. Try tio keeopnup.

Clintion hired a US company. That happens to be legal.

Trump's campaign contacting a known US criminal to get info from Russia.

What "known US criminal?"
The source can't lie about facts we all know to be true.
'The Source Can't Lie'? Bwuhahahaha....

Do you even hear yourself or think about what you write before you actually post it?

1. NONE of it has been proven. NO EVIDENCE. Only OPIION and unsubstantiated claims - like yours.

2. The information is from a foreign agent through a Russia-Associated/Paid company that just took the 5th when called to testify before Congress.

3. The use of this information in a US election was / is a CRIME. Hillary, Comey, Obama - they just got exposed for committing a crime...and you continue to argue how this Russian-generated propaganda is true ... because the accusation against Trump is more important to you than the actual CRIMES committed by Hillary, Comey, and Obama.

Bwuhahahaha.... You're freakin' HILARIOUS!
So you just admitted the Trump campaign contacting Assange for the Russian obtained hacked e-mails was illegal.
The Trump campaign did no such thing, moron.
Assange co
The source can't lie about facts we all know to be true.
'The Source Can't Lie'? Bwuhahahaha....

Do you even hear yourself or think about what you write before you actually post it?

1. NONE of it has been proven. NO EVIDENCE. Only OPIION and unsubstantiated claims - like yours.

2. The information is from a foreign agent through a Russia-Associated/Paid company that just took the 5th when called to testify before Congress.

3. The use of this information in a US election was / is a CRIME. Hillary, Comey, Obama - they just got exposed for committing a crime...and you continue to argue how this Russian-generated propaganda is true ... because the accusation against Trump is more important to you than the actual CRIMES committed by Hillary, Comey, and Obama.

Bwuhahahaha.... You're freakin' HILARIOUS!
So you just admitted the Trump campaign contacting Assange for the Russian obtained hacked e-mails was illegal.
The Trump campaign did no such thing, moron.
Assange confirms the contact from Trump campaign data company.
It doesn't look like Hillary will be able to wipe away her Russia-bribery scandal like with a cloth.
The source can't lie about facts we all know to be true.
'The Source Can't Lie'? Bwuhahahaha....

Do you even hear yourself or think about what you write before you actually post it?

1. NONE of it has been proven. NO EVIDENCE. Only OPIION and unsubstantiated claims - like yours.

2. The information is from a foreign agent through a Russia-Associated/Paid company that just took the 5th when called to testify before Congress.

3. The use of this information in a US election was / is a CRIME. Hillary, Comey, Obama - they just got exposed for committing a crime...and you continue to argue how this Russian-generated propaganda is true ... because the accusation against Trump is more important to you than the actual CRIMES committed by Hillary, Comey, and Obama.

Bwuhahahaha.... You're freakin' HILARIOUS!
So you just admitted the Trump campaign contacting Assange for the Russian obtained hacked e-mails was illegal.
The Trump campaign did no such thing, moron.
Assange co
The source can't lie about facts we all know to be true.
'The Source Can't Lie'? Bwuhahahaha....

Do you even hear yourself or think about what you write before you actually post it?

1. NONE of it has been proven. NO EVIDENCE. Only OPIION and unsubstantiated claims - like yours.

2. The information is from a foreign agent through a Russia-Associated/Paid company that just took the 5th when called to testify before Congress.

3. The use of this information in a US election was / is a CRIME. Hillary, Comey, Obama - they just got exposed for committing a crime...and you continue to argue how this Russian-generated propaganda is true ... because the accusation against Trump is more important to you than the actual CRIMES committed by Hillary, Comey, and Obama.

Bwuhahahaha.... You're freakin' HILARIOUS!
So you just admitted the Trump campaign contacting Assange for the Russian obtained hacked e-mails was illegal.
The Trump campaign did no such thing, moron.
Assange confirms the contact from Trump campaign data company.

I miss the good old days when every RWnut on this forum was pissing himself with joy that HACKED emails might sink Hillary.

Don't count your chickens. Currently, Hillary Clinton is running all around the world desperately trying to divert attention from the Trump/Russia investigation has been turned on its head and is now investigating the Clinton/Uranium One corruption along with the Trump Dossier.

One question on the uranium one "corruption".

Logically, how does an alleged bribe to Clinton somehow guarantee the approval of a deal that Clinton had no authority to unilaterally decide?

How did that work?
and the donations to the Clinton foundation were made years prior to the uranium deal. There was no connection.

And the donations to the foundation were bribes? The Clintons are gangsters for charity?
I miss the good old days when every RWnut on this forum was pissing himself with joy that HACKED emails might sink Hillary.

Don't count your chickens. Currently, Hillary Clinton is running all around the world desperately trying to divert attention from the Trump/Russia investigation has been turned on its head and is now investigating the Clinton/Uranium One corruption along with the Trump Dossier.

One question on the uranium one "corruption".

Logically, how does an alleged bribe to Clinton somehow guarantee the approval of a deal that Clinton had no authority to unilaterally decide?

How did that work?
and the donations to the Clinton foundation were made years prior to the uranium deal. There was no connection.

And the donations to the foundation were bribes? The Clintons are gangsters for charity?

The foundation was just a slush fund and money laudering operation.
I miss the good old days when every RWnut on this forum was pissing himself with joy that HACKED emails might sink Hillary.

Don't count your chickens. Currently, Hillary Clinton is running all around the world desperately trying to divert attention from the Trump/Russia investigation has been turned on its head and is now investigating the Clinton/Uranium One corruption along with the Trump Dossier.

One question on the uranium one "corruption".

Logically, how does an alleged bribe to Clinton somehow guarantee the approval of a deal that Clinton had no authority to unilaterally decide?

How did that work?
and the donations to the Clinton foundation were made years prior to the uranium deal. There was no connection.

And the donations to the foundation were bribes? The Clintons are gangsters for charity?
hey gaslighter, where is your evidence? why are you afraid to post something. merely constantly ranting opinion hate chat, why don't you enlighten us all on your material. please feel free here gaslighter. let's see it. what you got?
This, coupled with the Russian/Clinton connection has completely blown up the entire Trump collusion lie!
Only withb the feeble minded Trumpettes.

Funding opposition research is typical.

The company the Democrats hired had been doing it for Republicans. OMG OMG OMG

They found bad stuff about Trump so you Trumpettes have to declare this illegal & fake news.
Mueller found it. who put him in charge?

Trump's DOJ, dope. :laugh2:
what cracks me up the most, is that clinton and obummer did a deal with the same country their party claimed we are at war with. how is that in the best interest of the US. Hey yo, one of you gaslighters, what is the US's best interest in this uranium one deal? where is our return on investment at?
This, coupled with the Russian/Clinton connection has completely blown up the entire Trump collusion lie!
Only withb the feeble minded Trumpettes.

Funding opposition research is typical.

The company the Democrats hired had been doing it for Republicans. OMG OMG OMG

They found bad stuff about Trump so you Trumpettes have to declare this illegal & fake news.
Mueller found it. who put him in charge?

Trump's DOJ, dope. :laugh2:
it came from Mueller idiot gaslighter.
I miss the good old days when every RWnut on this forum was pissing himself with joy that HACKED emails might sink Hillary.

Don't count your chickens. Currently, Hillary Clinton is running all around the world desperately trying to divert attention from the Trump/Russia investigation has been turned on its head and is now investigating the Clinton/Uranium One corruption along with the Trump Dossier.

One question on the uranium one "corruption".

Logically, how does an alleged bribe to Clinton somehow guarantee the approval of a deal that Clinton had no authority to unilaterally decide?

How did that work?
and the donations to the Clinton foundation were made years prior to the uranium deal. There was no connection.

And the donations to the foundation were bribes? The Clintons are gangsters for charity?
hey gaslighter, where is your evidence? why are you afraid to post something. merely constantly ranting opinion hate chat, why don't you enlighten us all on your material. please feel free here gaslighter. let's see it. what you got?

It's you that need to post evidence, dope.
Hillary and her Campaign ... and ... Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, chairwoman of the DNC, and the DNC .... pays GPS Fusion, the Russia-Connected Firm that just plead the 5th before Congress, $9 MILLION Dollars ... and neither one of those two, according to them, knows anything about it.


You snowflakes really want to stick to that story? REALLY?
I miss the good old days when every RWnut on this forum was pissing himself with joy that HACKED emails might sink Hillary.

Don't count your chickens. Currently, Hillary Clinton is running all around the world desperately trying to divert attention from the Trump/Russia investigation has been turned on its head and is now investigating the Clinton/Uranium One corruption along with the Trump Dossier.

One question on the uranium one "corruption".

Logically, how does an alleged bribe to Clinton somehow guarantee the approval of a deal that Clinton had no authority to unilaterally decide?

How did that work?

If you base your question on Hillary saying that her State Dept was one of nine agencies that need to approve the deal, than you have to ask yourself first, did any of the other eight agencies knew about ongoing FBI investigation on U1 when they approved it. Keep in mind that all those agencies were Barry's appointees, and they'll normally support each other opinion.

If they did know, than they're all in it together, corruption goes much deeper and they're all accountable for it.
If they did not know, than Hillary cannot use them as cover and excuse for her wrongdoing.
If you base your question on Hillary saying that her State Dept was one of nine agencies that need to approve the deal

Of course that's the basis because it is true.
It's actually 14 and the SoS has no authority on the council.

Composition of CFIUS

The Secretary of the Treasury is the Chairperson of CFIUS, and notices to CFIUS are received, processed, and coordinated at the staff level by the Staff Chairperson of CFIUS, who is the Director of the Office of Investment Security in the Department of the Treasury.

The members of CFIUS include the heads of the following departments and offices:

  1. Department of the Treasury (chair)
  2. Department of Justice
  3. Department of Homeland Security
  4. Department of Commerce
  5. Department of Defense
  6. Department of State
  7. Department of Energy
  8. Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
  9. Office of Science & Technology Policy
The following offices also observe and, as appropriate, participate in CFIUS’s activities:

  1. Office of Management & Budget
  2. Council of Economic Advisors
  3. National Security Council
  4. National Economic Council
  5. Homeland Security Council
The Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Labor are non-voting, ex-officio members of CFIUS with roles as defined by statute and regulation.

than you have to ask yourself first, did any of the other eight agencies knew about ongoing FBI investigation on U1 when they approved it

Why would any of them know about an investigation that potentially involves them?

Keep in mind that all those agencies were Barry's appointees, and they'll normally support each other opinion.

Simply not true. Your conjecture. Each department is reviewing the deal for potential national security concerns within their purview.

If there is investigation going, and how you said, potential national security concerns involved, it's their job to know everything about it.

Since they all approved the sale, you're saying there were no national security concerns. What do you think would happen if any of them didn't approve the deal?
No Americans have done more to expedite that eventuality than the Trump team.
There is no 'Intelligence' in the Intel reported within the dossier. It has been exposed that the report is filled with Russia-generated propaganda, obtained from a foreign agent through a Russia-associated/Paid company that has taken the 5th when called to testify before Congress to answer questions. This false report PURCHASED / FUNDED by Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC, furthermore, was illegally used in a US election versus a Presidential candidate.

In light of all of this, only a desperate, reality-denying leftist would cling to the claim that anything within the document was true, especially since it is - like every liberal / snowflake claim about Trump and his team so far - is not supported by any evidence.
There is no 'Intelligence' in the Intel reported within the dossier. It has been exposed that the report is filled with Russia-generated propaganda, obtained from a foreign agent through a Russia-associated/Paid company that has taken the 5th when called to testify before Congress to answer questions.

Not true in any way.

Read it. Don't bitch about the source, read it.
The source can't lie about facts we all know to be true.

There are reports in the dossier that highlight the when, where and with who the meetings Trump people had which were continually denied but were later proven to be true. Not to mention the entire operation the Russians planned to influence the election.

You can continue to deny any of it is real, but you only make yourself look ignorant.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated
dude, your gaslighting tactics are over. you've been outed by your own fking party. time to get a new play.

It's all right there. You didn't see it?

Just because Dems paid for a portion of it, that doesn't make it invalid.
I have no idea what the hell you're referring to. what's all there? post it. why are you afraid of it? gaslighter.

It's in the post you responded to but apparently didn't read, dope.
No Americans have done more to expedite that eventuality than the Trump team.
There is no 'Intelligence' in the Intel reported within the dossier. It has been exposed that the report is filled with Russia-generated propaganda, obtained from a foreign agent through a Russia-associated/Paid company that has taken the 5th when called to testify before Congress to answer questions. This false report PURCHASED / FUNDED by Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC, furthermore, was illegally used in a US election versus a Presidential candidate.

In light of all of this, only a desperate, reality-denying leftist would cling to the claim that anything within the document was true, especially since it is - like every liberal / snowflake claim about Trump and his team so far - is not supported by any evidence.
There is no 'Intelligence' in the Intel reported within the dossier. It has been exposed that the report is filled with Russia-generated propaganda, obtained from a foreign agent through a Russia-associated/Paid company that has taken the 5th when called to testify before Congress to answer questions.

Not true in any way.

Read it. Don't bitch about the source, read it.
The source can't lie about facts we all know to be true.

There are reports in the dossier that highlight the when, where and with who the meetings Trump people had which were continually denied but were later proven to be true. Not to mention the entire operation the Russians planned to influence the election.

You can continue to deny any of it is real, but you only make yourself look ignorant.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated

Other than the dossier, what evidence is there that these meetings took place?

Read it, dope! My god, I've put it in front of you dopes a number of times.

Don't tell me to do your homework. It's your claim. You support it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

I provided the link in the post you responded to, dope.
Read It!
The source can't lie about facts we all know to be true.
'The Source Can't Lie'? Bwuhahahaha....

Do you even hear yourself or think about what you write before you actually post it?

1. NONE of it has been proven. NO EVIDENCE. Only OPIION and unsubstantiated claims - like yours.

2. The information is from a foreign agent through a Russia-Associated/Paid company that just took the 5th when called to testify before Congress.

3. The use of this information in a US election was / is a CRIME. Hillary, Comey, Obama - they just got exposed for committing a crime...and you continue to argue how this Russian-generated propaganda is true ... because the accusation against Trump is more important to you than the actual CRIMES committed by Hillary, Comey, and Obama.

Bwuhahahaha.... You're freakin' HILARIOUS!
So you just admitted the Trump campaign contacting Assange for the Russian obtained hacked e-mails was illegal.

What proof do you have that Assange got the emails from Russians?

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