Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

Explain how the donations were bribes. What's your evidence?
Trump Collusion = 'Treason', declared many leftists without any evidence.

Trump Team members meeting with Russians briefly = 'Treason', declared many leftists without any evidence.

Hillary paying $9 million for a false report filled with Russian-Propaganda from a foreign agent through a Russia-Connected firm that just plead the 5th...Bill Clinton was on the KGB payroll...her campaign manager received thousands of shares of un-reported Russian stock while his company was connected to the Kremlin and Putin himself .... his brother was working for the KGB Bank and THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY ... Hillary took over $100 MILLION from the RUSSIAN leading the effort for Russia to successfully buy 20% of the US supply of Uranium while Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid the evidence of Russian scandal involving their attempt to infiltrate and manipulate the US uranium situation....

For once second - just 1 - I ask snowflakes to pretend they have an ounce of honesty and objectivity and IMAGINE if Trump and his associates were the ones involved in everything in that last paragraph....

Instead of declaring 'Nothing to See here', the Liberals and snowflakes would be demanding Trump be Impeached and led out of the WH in shackles while everyone on the Trump team would be under arrest by now...

Instead, they are declaring, again, 'nothing to see here' because it is Hillary, Mueller, Holder, and Obama.

The historic, record-setting amount of hypocrisy being demonstrated by the left is enough to choke a herd of elephants!
Explain how the donations were bribes. What's your evidence?

If I pay into your family charity $145 million, and you approve the sale of your Uranium, and use your influence to block current and prevent future investigation, how do you call it?

Clinton did not approve the sale alone. I just showed you that she had no authority on the council. Do you have evidence that she exerted any influence over any other dept heads or otherwise pressured them to approve the deal? Was it even necessary to do so?

Again. Do you have evidence that Clinton used her influence to block any investigation? As far as I know, it was the FBI that wouldn't lift the NDA. How would a SoS have authority over that decision?

You are speculating wildly.
Explain how the donations were bribes. What's your evidence?
Trump Collusion = 'Treason', declared many leftists without any evidence.

Trump Team members meeting with Russians briefly = 'Treason', declared many leftists without any evidence.

Hillary paying $9 million for a false report filled with Russian-Propaganda from a foreign agent through a Russia-Connected firm that just plead the 5th...Bill Clinton was on the KGB payroll...her campaign manager received thousands of shares of un-reported Russian stock while his company was connected to the Kremlin and Putin himself .... his brother was working for the KGB Bank and THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY ... Hillary took over $100 MILLION from the RUSSIAN leading the effort for Russia to successfully buy 20% of the US supply of Uranium while Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid the evidence of Russian scandal involving their attempt to infiltrate and manipulate the US uranium situation....

For once second - just 1 - I ask snowflakes to pretend they have an ounce of honesty and objectivity and IMAGINE if Trump and his associates were the ones involved in everything in that last paragraph....

Instead of declaring 'Nothing to See here', the Liberals and snowflakes would be demanding Trump be Impeached and led out of the WH in shackles while everyone on the Trump team would be under arrest by now...

Instead, they are declaring, again, 'nothing to see here' because it is Hillary, Mueller, Holder, and Obama.

The historic, record-setting amount of hypocrisy being demonstrated by the left is enough to choke a herd of elephants!

It was a simple question. Your answer is a rambling mess. Please boil it down to the donations to the foundation, when they were paid, how the Clintons personally benefitted from them and what actions Clinton undertook to ensure the deal was a success.
Clinton did not approve the sale alone. I just showed you that she had no authority on the council. Do you have evidence that she exerted any influence over any other dept heads or otherwise pressured them to approve the deal? Was it even necessary to do so?

Again. Do you have evidence that Clinton used her influence to block any investigation? As far as I know, it was the FBI that wouldn't lift the NDA. How would a SoS have authority over that decision?

You are speculating wildly.

"Damning new evidence appears to show that Hillary Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband.

But there’s more. It seems it was all covered up for years by the same three people who are now involved in the investigation of President Donald Trump over so-called Russian “collusion.”

Gregg Jarrett: The Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating Trump


Emails Illuminate Hillary Clinton Pay-to-Play Scheme, Watchdog Says


FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow


Clinton’s State Department: A RICO Enterprise


FBI Clinton Foundation probe finds 'avalanche' of corruption evidence | Daily Mail Online


Clintons’ top 10 pay-to-play allegations



Experts: New Clinton State Dept. emails show donor ‘access,’ not ‘favors’


Emails Illuminate Hillary Clinton Pay-to-Play Scheme, Watchdog Says


Clinton Foundation Scandal


It was a simple question. Your answer is a rambling mess. Please boil it down to the donations to the foundation, when they were paid, how the Clintons personally benefitted from them and what actions Clinton undertook to ensure the deal was a success.

Hillary was too stupid to know $9 million of her campaign's money was going to a Russia-linked firm, and you are too stupid to access links, read articles, and work google.

Thanks for demonstrating how snowflakes either play dumb or truly are....

Clinton did not approve the sale alone. I just showed you that she had no authority on the council. Do you have evidence that she exerted any influence over any other dept heads or otherwise pressured them to approve the deal? Was it even necessary to do so?

Again. Do you have evidence that Clinton used her influence to block any investigation? As far as I know, it was the FBI that wouldn't lift the NDA. How would a SoS have authority over that decision?

You are speculating wildly.

"Damning new evidence appears to show that Hillary Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband.

But there’s more. It seems it was all covered up for years by the same three people who are now involved in the investigation of President Donald Trump over so-called Russian “collusion.”

Gregg Jarrett: The Clinton cover-up, brought to you by the same guys who are investigating Trump


Emails Illuminate Hillary Clinton Pay-to-Play Scheme, Watchdog Says


FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow


Clinton’s State Department: A RICO Enterprise


FBI Clinton Foundation probe finds 'avalanche' of corruption evidence | Daily Mail Online


Clintons’ top 10 pay-to-play allegations



Experts: New Clinton State Dept. emails show donor ‘access,’ not ‘favors’


Emails Illuminate Hillary Clinton Pay-to-Play Scheme, Watchdog Says


Clinton Foundation Scandal

View attachment 156665


Your first link is already misrepresenting information. Fox, go figure.

"during the very time that Hillary Clinton presided over a governing body which unanimously approved the sale of one-fifth of America’s uranium supply to Russia."

That is demonstrably false.

None of your links outline any actions Clinton may have taken to ensure the approval of the deal.
Explain how the donations were bribes. What's your evidence?
Trump Collusion = 'Treason', declared many leftists without any evidence.

Trump Team members meeting with Russians briefly = 'Treason', declared many leftists without any evidence.

Hillary paying $9 million for a false report filled with Russian-Propaganda from a foreign agent through a Russia-Connected firm that just plead the 5th...Bill Clinton was on the KGB payroll...her campaign manager received thousands of shares of un-reported Russian stock while his company was connected to the Kremlin and Putin himself .... his brother was working for the KGB Bank and THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY ... Hillary took over $100 MILLION from the RUSSIAN leading the effort for Russia to successfully buy 20% of the US supply of Uranium while Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid the evidence of Russian scandal involving their attempt to infiltrate and manipulate the US uranium situation....

For once second - just 1 - I ask snowflakes to pretend they have an ounce of honesty and objectivity and IMAGINE if Trump and his associates were the ones involved in everything in that last paragraph....

Instead of declaring 'Nothing to See here', the Liberals and snowflakes would be demanding Trump be Impeached and led out of the WH in shackles while everyone on the Trump team would be under arrest by now...

Instead, they are declaring, again, 'nothing to see here' because it is Hillary, Mueller, Holder, and Obama.

The historic, record-setting amount of hypocrisy being demonstrated by the left is enough to choke a herd of elephants!

i try this a lot.
it fails every single time.

divert to another topic, bitch at trump for something else, or no reply at all.

i'm all for justice but not MOB mentality "justice". and certainly not off heresay. anyone with an ounce of credibility would realize that what is there on clinton smokes ANYTHING on trump. trying to equate the 2 is like making the pacific ocean fit into your bathtub.

ain't gonna fly.
It was a simple question. Your answer is a rambling mess. Please boil it down to the donations to the foundation, when they were paid, how the Clintons personally benefitted from them and what actions Clinton undertook to ensure the deal was a success.

Hillary was too stupid to know $9 million of her campaign's money was going to a Russia-linked firm, and you are too stupid to access links, read articles, and work google.

Thanks for demonstrating how snowflakes either play dumb or truly are....


So, nothing then? You aren't able to show what actions Clinton took to ensure the approval of the deal?
Explain how the donations were bribes. What's your evidence?
Trump Collusion = 'Treason', declared many leftists without any evidence.

Trump Team members meeting with Russians briefly = 'Treason', declared many leftists without any evidence.

Hillary paying $9 million for a false report filled with Russian-Propaganda from a foreign agent through a Russia-Connected firm that just plead the 5th...Bill Clinton was on the KGB payroll...her campaign manager received thousands of shares of un-reported Russian stock while his company was connected to the Kremlin and Putin himself .... his brother was working for the KGB Bank and THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY ... Hillary took over $100 MILLION from the RUSSIAN leading the effort for Russia to successfully buy 20% of the US supply of Uranium while Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid the evidence of Russian scandal involving their attempt to infiltrate and manipulate the US uranium situation....

For once second - just 1 - I ask snowflakes to pretend they have an ounce of honesty and objectivity and IMAGINE if Trump and his associates were the ones involved in everything in that last paragraph....

Instead of declaring 'Nothing to See here', the Liberals and snowflakes would be demanding Trump be Impeached and led out of the WH in shackles while everyone on the Trump team would be under arrest by now...

Instead, they are declaring, again, 'nothing to see here' because it is Hillary, Mueller, Holder, and Obama.

The historic, record-setting amount of hypocrisy being demonstrated by the left is enough to choke a herd of elephants!

i try this a lot.
it fails every single time.

divert to another topic, bitch at trump for something else, or no reply at all.

i'm all for justice but not MOB mentality "justice". and certainly not off heresay. anyone with an ounce of credibility would realize that what is there on clinton smokes ANYTHING on trump. trying to equate the 2 is like making the pacific ocean fit into your bathtub.

ain't gonna fly.

Anyone with credibility would recognize there isn't a smoking gun in any of that.
Endangering the Country; Devin Nunes Edition

With Devin Nunes now going to town over the “dossier” and trying to get the FBI to turn over materials from an active counter-intelligence and criminal investigation, we should remember the following. Whatever President Trump’s level of complicity in the Russian disruption campaign, there was a disruption campaign. Trying to disrupt the investigation may be something people think will protect Trump. But it impedes the actual investigation.

Counter-intelligence investigations – as opposed to criminal investigations – are primarily about disruption and prevention. They’re about identifying and neutralizing threats for the present and future. We have very good reason to think the threat is on-goin. So it is important to remember that all this nonsense from Devin Nunes isn’t just derp and nonsense to try to protect Trump and score points on Fox News. It actually actively endangers the country and the integrity of future elections.

Why Devin Nunes is doing that doesn’t really matter. He is doing it.

Endangering the Country; Devin Nunes Edition

Patriotism is dead in the used-to-be-GOP
It was a simple question. Your answer is a rambling mess. Please boil it down to the donations to the foundation, when they were paid, how the Clintons personally benefitted from them and what actions Clinton undertook to ensure the deal was a success.

Hillary was too stupid to know $9 million of her campaign's money was going to a Russia-linked firm, and you are too stupid to access links, read articles, and work google.

Thanks for demonstrating how snowflakes either play dumb or truly are....


So, nothing then? You aren't able to show what actions Clinton took to ensure the approval of the deal?
THEN - if this is the criteria - what DO you have on trump that is this solid and he approved of the deal? this applying standards to only one side is fucking bullshit and in case you're not paying attention, isn't working anymore.

this should be interesting.

POLL: Will he:
1) ignore the question
2) run away crying TRUMP SUCKS
3) who the hell knows or cares anymore.
Endangering the Country; Devin Nunes Edition

With Devin Nunes now going to town over the “dossier” and trying to get the FBI to turn over materials from an active counter-intelligence and criminal investigation, we should remember the following. Whatever President Trump’s level of complicity in the Russian disruption campaign, there was a disruption campaign. Trying to disrupt the investigation may be something people think will protect Trump. But it impedes the actual investigation.

Counter-intelligence investigations – as opposed to criminal investigations – are primarily about disruption and prevention. They’re about identifying and neutralizing threats for the present and future. We have very good reason to think the threat is on-goin. So it is important to remember that all this nonsense from Devin Nunes isn’t just derp and nonsense to try to protect Trump and score points on Fox News. It actually actively endangers the country and the integrity of future elections.

Why Devin Nunes is doing that doesn’t really matter. He is doing it.

Endangering the Country; Devin Nunes Edition

Patriotism is dead in the used-to-be-GOP
well patriotism certainly isn't what the DNC is doing now is it?
Explain how the donations were bribes. What's your evidence?

If I pay into your family charity $145 million, and you approve the sale of your Uranium, and use your influence to block current and prevent future investigation, how do you call it?

Clinton did not approve the sale alone. I just showed you that she had no authority on the council. Do you have evidence that she exerted any influence over any other dept heads or otherwise pressured them to approve the deal? Was it even necessary to do so?

Again. Do you have evidence that Clinton used her influence to block any investigation? As far as I know, it was the FBI that wouldn't lift the NDA. How would a SoS have authority over that decision?

You are speculating wildly.

OK, let's say you're right... Let's say.

What do you think, why would Russians pay to Clinton charity $145 million?
Or, what do you thin, why would FBI end the investigation that could block the sale of the U1, and with evidence they had imprison many, including Clintons?
WSJ to Mueller after dossier exposé: Resign - Hot Air

"Mr. Mueller is a former FBI director, and for years he worked closely with Mr. Comey. It is no slur against Mr. Mueller’s integrity to say that he lacks the critical distance to conduct a credible probe of the bureau he ran for a dozen years. He could best serve the country by resigning to prevent further political turmoil over that conflict of interest."

Mueller and his FBI, along with Holder and Obama, colluded with the Russians by hiding the evidence of Russian crimes, to include bribery, engaging in Influence peddling, extortion, & intimidation in an attempt to acquire 20% of the US supply of uranium ... until after the deal was done.

His relationship with Comey, who has now been exposed as breaking the law by funding / paying for a false report containing Russia-generated propaganda, from a foreign agent through a Russia-linked company that just pleaded the 5th in an attempt to make case against Trump, is also a massive conflict of interest.

Members of his team are inexcusably linked t this scandal and should recuse themselves as well. I am specifically talking about the Clinton Foundation lawyer - the lawyer during the time when the lead Russian agent in charge of leading the effort to secure US uranium gave Hillary Clinton / the Foundation over $100 million, on Mueller's Counsel

The guy whose FBI colluded with the Russians in 2009 is leading the fake news investigation of the President. Time to end this farce once and for all. Shut 'er down.

(Of course it would be funny to see the Lead Counsel investigating Russian Collusion be led out of his office in hand-cuffs for Russian Collusion. :p )
and the donations to the Clinton foundation were made years prior to the uranium deal. There was no connection.

And the donations to the foundation were bribes? The Clintons are gangsters for charity?
hey gaslighter, where is your evidence? why are you afraid to post something. merely constantly ranting opinion hate chat, why don't you enlighten us all on your material. please feel free here gaslighter. let's see it. what you got?

It's you that need to post evidence, dope.
how you figure that gaslighter?
Explain how the donations were bribes. What's your evidence?
the receipts from the foundation? how much of the 145 million actually made it to a charity? do you know? There are no records.

I thought these were evil people the russians, why take their money? could there have been some quid pro quo included? that is what is being investigated today.
hey gaslighter, where is your evidence? why are you afraid to post something. merely constantly ranting opinion hate chat, why don't you enlighten us all on your material. please feel free here gaslighter. let's see it. what you got?

It's you that need to post evidence, dope.
how you figure that gaslighter?
Explain how the donations were bribes. What's your evidence?
what *evidence* do we have on trump?

Am I arguing that?
Well duh, yeah!!!

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