Washington Post: Clinton Campaign paid for research that led to Trump-Russia dossier

The political establishment in the US convinced that Donald Trump had a legitimate shot at winning the presidential election realized that the jig was up so first the Republican side hired fusion GPS, a Washington based opposition research firm to dig up dirt on the candidate. It didn't go well as nothing was found. So in 2016 when it was agreed that Trump was going to be the nominee the republican research was dropped. At this point the DNC, headed by the Clintons picked up the ball. The Clintons financed the research by hiring Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer. The Clintons paid for the research by selling out the national security of the US while they were paid millions by the Russians who were funneling money into the Clinton Foundation as well as paying Bill Clinton a $500,000 speaking fee in Russia.

They gave the Russians access to yellow cake uranium which was first transported to Canada where the trail went cold. The Russians ended up with twenty percent of the US uranium supply as a bribe to assist Hillary Clinton in winning the US presidency. The Clintons sold out the national security of the US to an enemy for greed and power. This is the textbook definition of treason. What more do you need? Steele is now going testify. Are you going to wait until these traitors are at the gates of federal prison?
It was a simple question. Your answer is a rambling mess. Please boil it down to the donations to the foundation, when they were paid, how the Clintons personally benefitted from them and what actions Clinton undertook to ensure the deal was a success.

Hillary was too stupid to know $9 million of her campaign's money was going to a Russia-linked firm, and you are too stupid to access links, read articles, and work google.

Thanks for demonstrating how snowflakes either play dumb or truly are....


So, nothing then? You aren't able to show what actions Clinton took to ensure the approval of the deal?
THEN - if this is the criteria - what DO you have on trump that is this solid and he approved of the deal? this applying standards to only one side is fucking bullshit and in case you're not paying attention, isn't working anymore.

this should be interesting.

POLL: Will he:
1) ignore the question
2) run away crying TRUMP SUCKS
3) who the hell knows or cares anymore.

We won't know until it's over. You don't see me going on and on about Trump's guilt. The most I have said about it is that we definitely know they all lied repeatedly about meetings.
I've spent the entire thread either showing what's been verified in the dossier or countering all of the wild speculation over Clinton.
The political establishment in the US convinced that Donald Trump had a legitimate shot at winning the presidential election realized that the jig was up so first the Republican side hired fusion GPS, a Washington based opposition research firm to dig up dirt on the candidate. It didn't go well as nothing was found. So in 2016 when it was agreed that Trump was going to be the nominee the republican research was dropped. At this point the DNC, headed by the Clintons picked up the ball. The Clintons financed the research by hiring Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer. The Clintons paid for the research by selling out the national security of the US while they were paid millions by the Russians who were funneling money into the Clinton Foundation as well as paying Bill Clinton a $500,000 speaking fee in Russia.

They gave the Russians access to yellow cake uranium which was first transported to Canada where the trail went cold. The Russians ended up with twenty percent of the US uranium supply as a bribe to assist Hillary Clinton in winning the US presidency. The Clintons sold out the national security of the US to an enemy for greed and power. This is the textbook definition of treason. What more do you need? Steele is now going testify. Are you going to wait until these traitors are at the gates of federal prison?

Replying to bold.

That is the key, FBI used the Russia dossier to get FISA court clearance to spy on Trump, and the Obama administration illegally unmasked the conversations under surveillance. They then leaked the contents of the unmasked surveillance to the press to score political points.

Mike Flynn is out of the administration because our intelligence services were weaponized against the normal political process in this country. The entire system should be unplugged.
Explain how the donations were bribes. What's your evidence?

If I pay into your family charity $145 million, and you approve the sale of your Uranium, and use your influence to block current and prevent future investigation, how do you call it?

Clinton did not approve the sale alone. I just showed you that she had no authority on the council. Do you have evidence that she exerted any influence over any other dept heads or otherwise pressured them to approve the deal? Was it even necessary to do so?

Again. Do you have evidence that Clinton used her influence to block any investigation? As far as I know, it was the FBI that wouldn't lift the NDA. How would a SoS have authority over that decision?

You are speculating wildly.
I'm still asking, what did the US get out of this deal exactly? where is the money that was paid to us? what is the win here?
Explain how the donations were bribes. What's your evidence?

If I pay into your family charity $145 million, and you approve the sale of your Uranium, and use your influence to block current and prevent future investigation, how do you call it?

Clinton did not approve the sale alone. I just showed you that she had no authority on the council. Do you have evidence that she exerted any influence over any other dept heads or otherwise pressured them to approve the deal? Was it even necessary to do so?

Again. Do you have evidence that Clinton used her influence to block any investigation? As far as I know, it was the FBI that wouldn't lift the NDA. How would a SoS have authority over that decision?

You are speculating wildly.

OK, let's say you're right... Let's say.

What do you think, why would Russians pay to Clinton charity $145 million?
Or, what do you thin, why would FBI end the investigation that could block the sale of the U1, and with evidence they had imprison many, including Clintons?

I couldn't tell you why anyone donates to the Clinton charity. I could assume people may believe they might get something for it but that hasn't been shown to be the case.

Did the FBI end the investigation?
All as I have seen is they refused to lift the NDA so the informant could testify before congress. That makes perfect sense if the investigation is ongoing.
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And the donations to the foundation were bribes? The Clintons are gangsters for charity?
hey gaslighter, where is your evidence? why are you afraid to post something. merely constantly ranting opinion hate chat, why don't you enlighten us all on your material. please feel free here gaslighter. let's see it. what you got?

It's you that need to post evidence, dope.
how you figure that gaslighter?
Explain how the donations were bribes. What's your evidence?
the receipts from the foundation? how much of the 145 million actually made it to a charity? do you know? There are no records.

I thought these were evil people the russians, why take their money? could there have been some quid pro quo included? that is what is being investigated today.

The foundation records are or were publicly available.
Mueller Announcement Within a Month?
October 26, 2017 at 12:05 pm EDTBy Taegan Goddard158 Comments

National security expert Juliette Kayyem told Boston Public Radio that news from Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation will be announced within the next month.

Said Kayyem: “I think it is safe to say that before Thanksgiving … something’s going to drop with Mueller. The pace is too much right now. Every 12 hours we’re now dealing with a piece of this story at a pace we haven’t seen.”

Kayyem speculated that the pace of stories critical of Hillary Clinton represents “a recognition by the White House team” that Mueller is getting close to something substantive as a result of his investigation.


This explains everything. Mueller is getting very close now
Explain how the donations were bribes. What's your evidence?

If I pay into your family charity $145 million, and you approve the sale of your Uranium, and use your influence to block current and prevent future investigation, how do you call it?

Clinton did not approve the sale alone. I just showed you that she had no authority on the council. Do you have evidence that she exerted any influence over any other dept heads or otherwise pressured them to approve the deal? Was it even necessary to do so?

Again. Do you have evidence that Clinton used her influence to block any investigation? As far as I know, it was the FBI that wouldn't lift the NDA. How would a SoS have authority over that decision?

You are speculating wildly.
I'm still asking, what did the US get out of this deal exactly? where is the money that was paid to us? what is the win here?

Who says there needed to be? It was a Russian company buying an interest in a Canadian company. All we needed to do was either approve or disapprove it.
No Puppet. No Puppet. You’re the Puppet!
October 26, 2017 at 12:53 pm EDTBy Taegan Goddard49 Comments

Jonathan Chait: “Having apparently decided that defending the Trump campaign against charges of collusion with Russian cyberattacks is an impossible task, the Republican Party has decided to go on offense. The House Intelligence Committee, putatively assigned to investigate collusion, is instead running a counter-investigation into Trump’s nemeses. Their argument, incredibly enough, is that the FBI and Robert Mueller are the realperpetrators of collusion with Russia. ‘No puppet, no puppet, you’re the puppet’ has become the new Republican argument against Mueller.”

“Their case, which is being quickly spread by Republican officeholders and conservative media, centers on the role of Christopher Steele, a respected retired British intelligence officer turned private investigator, and Fusion GPS, the firm for which he worked.”


Yep, desperation requires the republicans to throw everything up against the wall and pray
The political establishment in the US convinced that Donald Trump had a legitimate shot at winning the presidential election realized that the jig was up so first the Republican side hired fusion GPS, a Washington based opposition research firm to dig up dirt on the candidate. It didn't go well as nothing was found. So in 2016 when it was agreed that Trump was going to be the nominee the republican research was dropped. At this point the DNC, headed by the Clintons picked up the ball. The Clintons financed the research by hiring Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer. The Clintons paid for the research by selling out the national security of the US while they were paid millions by the Russians who were funneling money into the Clinton Foundation as well as paying Bill Clinton a $500,000 speaking fee in Russia.

They gave the Russians access to yellow cake uranium which was first transported to Canada where the trail went cold. The Russians ended up with twenty percent of the US uranium supply as a bribe to assist Hillary Clinton in winning the US presidency. The Clintons sold out the national security of the US to an enemy for greed and power. This is the textbook definition of treason. What more do you need? Steele is now going testify. Are you going to wait until these traitors are at the gates of federal prison?
It was actual real uranium transported by the Clintons personally, I hear.
Mueller Announcement Within a Month?
October 26, 2017 at 12:05 pm EDTBy Taegan Goddard158 Comments

National security expert Juliette Kayyem told Boston Public Radio that news from Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation will be announced within the next month.

Said Kayyem: “I think it is safe to say that before Thanksgiving … something’s going to drop with Mueller. The pace is too much right now. Every 12 hours we’re now dealing with a piece of this story at a pace we haven’t seen.”

Kayyem speculated that the pace of stories critical of Hillary Clinton represents “a recognition by the White House team” that Mueller is getting close to something substantive as a result of his investigation.


This explains everything. Mueller is getting very close now
stories critical of hillary mean trump did something wrong?

oh my freaking god.

i hope you got your shittin pants on cause you're about to shit in them.
The political establishment in the US convinced that Donald Trump had a legitimate shot at winning the presidential election realized that the jig was up so first the Republican side hired fusion GPS, a Washington based opposition research firm to dig up dirt on the candidate. It didn't go well as nothing was found. So in 2016 when it was agreed that Trump was going to be the nominee the republican research was dropped. At this point the DNC, headed by the Clintons picked up the ball. The Clintons financed the research by hiring Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer. The Clintons paid for the research by selling out the national security of the US while they were paid millions by the Russians who were funneling money into the Clinton Foundation as well as paying Bill Clinton a $500,000 speaking fee in Russia.

They gave the Russians access to yellow cake uranium which was first transported to Canada where the trail went cold. The Russians ended up with twenty percent of the US uranium supply as a bribe to assist Hillary Clinton in winning the US presidency. The Clintons sold out the national security of the US to an enemy for greed and power. This is the textbook definition of treason. What more do you need? Steele is now going testify. Are you going to wait until these traitors are at the gates of federal prison?

Steele was already on board. The dossier was assembled over five months. The Dems took over funding in April of 16. The final product was forwarded to the FBI in June.

The Russians received no Uranium, dope.
White House Claims That Mueller Probe ‘Getting Closer To Conclusion’

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Thursday that she believed special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and other matters was “getting closer to conclusion.” She did not cite any new evidence to back up the claim, instead referring to vague “reporting” on “more details about why the President has been right all along.”

“I certainly think he has confidence that they are going to close this up soon,” Sanders told Fox News’ Bill Hemmer.

Hemmer asked what made her think Mueller’s probe would conclude.

“I think we are seeing more and more evidence that shows, look, they’ve been working on this and investigating this for well into a year through various committees,” Sanders said.

White House Claims That Mueller Probe 'Getting Closer To Conclusion'

Even Sarah is saying this
That is the key, FBI used the Russia dossier to get FISA court clearance to spy on Trump

Officials familiar with the process say even if the application to monitor Page included information from the dossier, it would only be after the FBI had corroborated the information through its own investigation. The officials would not say what or how much was corroborated.

FBI used dossier allegations to bolster Trump-Russia investigation - CNNPolitics

So the real question is what was corroborated?
I couldn't tell you why anyone donates to the Clinton charity. I could assume people may believe they might get something for it but that hasn't been shown.

If you donate to, let's say, "Wounded Warrior", you want to help vets. If you donate to Salvation Army, you want to help poor, etc. You'll also see that you have much in common with other people that donate to those charities. And most likely you keep giving to those charities every year.

You see where am I going with this?

Did the FBI end the investigation?
All as I have seen is they refused to lift the NDA so the informant could testify before congress. That makes perfect sense if the investigation is ongoing.

Yes, that investigation ended under Mueller, and according to informant's lawyer, even with evidence of bribery, extortion etc, they charged nobody. The only reason they had NDA is because informant wanted to sue them (FBI) for money they owe him. When informant wanted to talk, they threatened to destroy him because of NDA.

What, in your opinion, could be a reason that they (FBI) doesn't want him to testify before Congress?
That is the key, FBI used the Russia dossier to get FISA court clearance to spy on Trump

Officials familiar with the process say even if the application to monitor Page included information from the dossier, it would only be after the FBI had corroborated the information through its own investigation. The officials would not say what or how much was corroborated.

FBI used dossier allegations to bolster Trump-Russia investigation - CNNPolitics

So the real question is what was corroborated?
that's gonna be the hardest part to find out as both sides will work in overdrive to twist things their way.
The Recruitables: Why Trump’s Team Was Easy Prey for Putin
A former CIA officer looks at the personality traits that might have allowed Russian intelligence to manipulate key members of the president’s inner circle.

By now, it should be clear to anyone following the news that Russian intelligence made a formidable effort to approach the Trump campaign and assess the potential to manipulate its members. As a former officer of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, I can tell you that Russian security services would have been derelict not to evaluate the possibility of turning someone close to Trump. While the question of collusion remains open, it’s beyond dispute that Russia tried to get people around the president to cooperate. The June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower is indication enough, but other encounters bolster the argument.

From an intelligence point of view, the people surrounding Trump, and Trump himself, make easy targets for recruitment. This is not to say these people have definitely been recruited by Russian intelligence—and they’ve all denied it repeatedly—but you can be sure that Russia’s intelligence services took these factors into consideration when they approached the campaign.

Paul Manafort: Money

Michael Flynn: Money, Ideology, Ego

Felix Sater: Money, Coercion, Ego

Jared Kushner: Money, Coercion

Donald Trump Jr.: Money, Ego

Donald Trump: Ego

A lot has been made of the possible existence of a peepee tape that Putin could lord over Trump to make him do Putin’s bidding. (Trump denies it.) But the president has been revealed time and again as a deadbeat who does not pay his bills, a serial philanderer and a confessed sexual predator. He has bragged about walking in on women at the Miss America contest and grabbing women “by the pussy” whenever he likes. Would anyone really be surprised or shocked by such a tape? This is not to say such a tape does not exist, only that its role as kompromat is limited.

Ego is clearly the best way to get Trump to do anything. The Saudis certainly understood this, feting him with gold and orbs and displaying his enormous portrait on the side of a hotel, right next to the king’s portrait. The Saudis had this man in the palm of their hands, hence Trump’s pro-Saudi stance since the trip, despite his campaign rhetoric shouting down the kingdom.

Trump’s ego wanted to win and, he figured, everyone else wanted him to win, too. He was under the impression that everyone loved him and appreciated his greatness. Of course everyone wanted to help him win. If he accepted help from Russia, it’s possible he didn’t realize there was anything wrong with doing so. Why wouldn’t they help him win, he might have thought, and why shouldn’t he accept that help? For an experienced chekist like Putin, manipulating his ego is almost too easy.

The Recruitables: Why Trump’s Team Was Easy Prey for Putin
hey gaslighter, where is your evidence? why are you afraid to post something. merely constantly ranting opinion hate chat, why don't you enlighten us all on your material. please feel free here gaslighter. let's see it. what you got?

It's you that need to post evidence, dope.
how you figure that gaslighter?
Explain how the donations were bribes. What's your evidence?
the receipts from the foundation? how much of the 145 million actually made it to a charity? do you know? There are no records.

I thought these were evil people the russians, why take their money? could there have been some quid pro quo included? that is what is being investigated today.

The foundation records are or were publicly available.
I know, and no where are there receipts on that 145 million being sent to a charity. hmmmm
The Recruitables: Why Trump’s Team Was Easy Prey for Putin
A former CIA officer looks at the personality traits that might have allowed Russian intelligence to manipulate key members of the president’s inner circle.

By now, it should be clear to anyone following the news that Russian intelligence made a formidable effort to approach the Trump campaign and assess the potential to manipulate its members. As a former officer of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, I can tell you that Russian security services would have been derelict not to evaluate the possibility of turning someone close to Trump. While the question of collusion remains open, it’s beyond dispute that Russia tried to get people around the president to cooperate. The June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower is indication enough, but other encounters bolster the argument.

From an intelligence point of view, the people surrounding Trump, and Trump himself, make easy targets for recruitment. This is not to say these people have definitely been recruited by Russian intelligence—and they’ve all denied it repeatedly—but you can be sure that Russia’s intelligence services took these factors into consideration when they approached the campaign.

Paul Manafort: Money

Michael Flynn: Money, Ideology, Ego

Felix Sater: Money, Coercion, Ego

Jared Kushner: Money, Coercion

Donald Trump Jr.: Money, Ego

Donald Trump: Ego

A lot has been made of the possible existence of a peepee tape that Putin could lord over Trump to make him do Putin’s bidding. (Trump denies it.) But the president has been revealed time and again as a deadbeat who does not pay his bills, a serial philanderer and a confessed sexual predator. He has bragged about walking in on women at the Miss America contest and grabbing women “by the pussy” whenever he likes. Would anyone really be surprised or shocked by such a tape? This is not to say such a tape does not exist, only that its role as kompromat is limited.

Ego is clearly the best way to get Trump to do anything. The Saudis certainly understood this, feting him with gold and orbs and displaying his enormous portrait on the side of a hotel, right next to the king’s portrait. The Saudis had this man in the palm of their hands, hence Trump’s pro-Saudi stance since the trip, despite his campaign rhetoric shouting down the kingdom.

Trump’s ego wanted to win and, he figured, everyone else wanted him to win, too. He was under the impression that everyone loved him and appreciated his greatness. Of course everyone wanted to help him win. If he accepted help from Russia, it’s possible he didn’t realize there was anything wrong with doing so. Why wouldn’t they help him win, he might have thought, and why shouldn’t he accept that help? For an experienced chekist like Putin, manipulating his ego is almost too easy.

The Recruitables: Why Trump’s Team Was Easy Prey for Putin
or would you take a fking look at this:


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