Washington Post Fact-Checks CNBC Debate. It's not pretty.

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More: Morgan Spurlock: It's Time To Call Bulls#!t When Politicians Lie

Amen to that.
Fact checking Fox news ..............
Love it!

The "If you like your Plan, Benghazi was a video/planned terror attack" Party is talking about lies! They're so fucking cute when they pretend to be grown ups!

The whole bunch of them are liars.

Fact-checking the third round of GOP debates

Just a taste of the lies that fall so easily from Republican lips:

“The socialist [Sen. Bernie Sanders] says they’re going to pay for everything and give you everything for free, except they don’t say they’re going to raise it through taxes to 90 percent to do it.”

— Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.)

This is false, though it has increasingly emerged as a GOP talking point. Sanders, an independent from Vermont who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, has not yet released a tax plan, but has repeatedly denied that he would increase taxes from the current marginal rate of 39.6 percent to 90 percent. (The margin rate is what you pay on each additional dollar earned.)

The United States had a marginal tax rate of 90 percent in the Dwight Eisenhower administration, and then John F. Kennedy proposed to reduce it to 70 percent. (The tax cut was passed after his assassination.) But even such rates would not take 90 percent of a person’s income.

Why doesn't he release a tax plan then? Many of the Repubs have. What is Burn Me Sanders hiding?
Why are you in such a hurry. There are two Halloweens before election day.
What tax rate would be needed to pay for all of Sanders programs without heavily borrowing money?
Why are you asking about tax rates? He has stated that he would tax Wall Street speculation.

If you are not a Wall Street broker it doesn't affect you.
Love it!

The "If you like your Plan, Benghazi was a video/planned terror attack" Party is talking about lies! They're so fucking cute when they pretend to be grown ups!

Benghazi was the result of an anti-Islam video.

Try to keep up.
What tax rate would be needed to pay for all of Sanders programs without heavily borrowing money?
Why are you asking about tax rates? He has stated that he would tax Wall Street speculation.

If you are not a Wall Street broker it doesn't affect you.

I don't think that would work. For one, what happens during down cycles on Wall Street? Who pays when people on Wall Street lose money. Bear markets and so on. Second, I don't think the govt would be able to get enough money from this one source to fund all this stuff. Someone will pay. The tax set up would have to be solid enough to withstand the natural financial cycles.

The other part of the problem is whether the cost of paying for all the tuition is worth it in the end. We have 1 trillion in student loan debt right now, and 50% of people age 25 are living with mom and dad to survive. The college degrees are not helping these kids get good jobs in many cases. A friend of mine made a statement that a college degree today is the same as a high school diploma 30 years ago. If that is true, we are in big trouble.
I don't think that would work. For one, what happens during down cycles on Wall Street? Who pays when people on Wall Street lose money. Bear markets and so on. Second, I don't think the govt would be able to get enough money from this one source to fund all this stuff. Someone will pay. The tax set up would have to be solid enough to withstand the natural financial cycles.
I guess you missed the word "speculation".
'“92 percent of the jobs lost during Barack Obama’s first term belonged to women.”

— Former business executive Carly Fiorina

In the debate, Fiorina claimed that this statistic was true for Obama’s first term. But by the time he took the oath of office a second time, his jobs record was a net winner, both for men and women. So this claim is utterly wrong.'

Most conservatives are consistent at both lying and being wrong.
The whole bunch of them are liars.

Fact-checking the third round of GOP debates

Just a taste of the lies that fall so easily from Republican lips:

“The socialist [Sen. Bernie Sanders] says they’re going to pay for everything and give you everything for free, except they don’t say they’re going to raise it through taxes to 90 percent to do it.”

— Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.)

This is false, though it has increasingly emerged as a GOP talking point. Sanders, an independent from Vermont who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, has not yet released a tax plan, but has repeatedly denied that he would increase taxes from the current marginal rate of 39.6 percent to 90 percent. (The margin rate is what you pay on each additional dollar earned.)

The United States had a marginal tax rate of 90 percent in the Dwight Eisenhower administration, and then John F. Kennedy proposed to reduce it to 70 percent. (The tax cut was passed after his assassination.) But even such rates would not take 90 percent of a person’s income.

Facts and the Washington Post are mutually exclusive.
Why doesn't he release a tax plan then? Many of the Repubs have. What is Burn Me Sanders hiding?

Nothing. It's easy enough to Google. This is why my sig says "Don't Read to Me"
I doubt you've ever listened to one of his speeches, either.

Bernie Sanders on Tax Reform

I simply took the OP's article at face value. The article stated that Burn Me had not released a tax plan. The Op is faulty then.

No, illiterate one, he was quoting Chris Christie.
I keep finding that I continually overestimate the right's ability to read.....

My bad. It's really hard for me to take you Liberal Wingnuts seriously. I mostly just glance at your posts for personal amusement.

That is another way of saying that what we write is too complex for you to grasp. Well done.

He made a small error. Owned up to it and apologized. Don't see that same human decency from Commies/leftist types infesting this site.
Nothing. It's easy enough to Google. This is why my sig says "Don't Read to Me"
I doubt you've ever listened to one of his speeches, either.

Bernie Sanders on Tax Reform

I simply took the OP's article at face value. The article stated that Burn Me had not released a tax plan. The Op is faulty then.

No, illiterate one, he was quoting Chris Christie.
I keep finding that I continually overestimate the right's ability to read.....

My bad. It's really hard for me to take you Liberal Wingnuts seriously. I mostly just glance at your posts for personal amusement.

That is another way of saying that what we write is too complex for you to grasp. Well done.

He made a small error. Owned up to it and apologized. Don't see that same human decency from Commies/leftist types infesting this site.

Silly nutter. That wasn't an apology. Not in any way.
I simply took the OP's article at face value. The article stated that Burn Me had not released a tax plan. The Op is faulty then.

No, illiterate one, he was quoting Chris Christie.
I keep finding that I continually overestimate the right's ability to read.....

My bad. It's really hard for me to take you Liberal Wingnuts seriously. I mostly just glance at your posts for personal amusement.

That is another way of saying that what we write is too complex for you to grasp. Well done.

He made a small error. Owned up to it and apologized. Don't see that same human decency from Commies/leftist types infesting this site.

Silly nutter. That wasn't an apology. Not in any way.

My bad. Maybe it was not a great Apology, but much better than I have seen elsewhere. None is more likely. Or Change subject. Or insults. Or the classic, "yeah but GWB did worse"
No, illiterate one, he was quoting Chris Christie.
I keep finding that I continually overestimate the right's ability to read.....

My bad. It's really hard for me to take you Liberal Wingnuts seriously. I mostly just glance at your posts for personal amusement.

That is another way of saying that what we write is too complex for you to grasp. Well done.

He made a small error. Owned up to it and apologized. Don't see that same human decency from Commies/leftist types infesting this site.

Silly nutter. That wasn't an apology. Not in any way.

My bad. Maybe it was not a great Apology, but much better than I have seen elsewhere. None is more likely. Or Change subject. Or insults. Or the classic, "yeah but GWB did worse"

You are now building straw men so you can tear them down. I get it.
No, illiterate one, he was quoting Chris Christie.
I keep finding that I continually overestimate the right's ability to read.....

My bad. It's really hard for me to take you Liberal Wingnuts seriously. I mostly just glance at your posts for personal amusement.

That is another way of saying that what we write is too complex for you to grasp. Well done.

He made a small error. Owned up to it and apologized. Don't see that same human decency from Commies/leftist types infesting this site.

Silly nutter. That wasn't an apology. Not in any way.

My bad. Maybe it was not a great Apology, but much better than I have seen elsewhere. None is more likely. Or Change subject. Or insults. Or the classic, "yeah but GWB did worse"

I said I wasn't paying attention to the OP. One can usually answer any Liberal OP without bothering to read it. They're all pretty much the same.
“92 percent of the jobs lost during Barack Obama’s first term belonged to women.”
— Former business executive Carly Fiorina

"""Fiorina, who served as a surrogate for Mitt Romney’s during his 2012 presidential run, recycles a misleading talking point from that unsuccessful campaign — but oddly, she never double-checked the math. The Romney campaign calculated these figures by comparing the decline in the number of all nonfarm employees from January 2009 to March 2012 with the decline in jobs held by women in that period.

While the statistic was technically correct for one month in 2012 — about three years into Obama’s first term — it quickly was dropped by Romney’s campaign because newer economic data made it obsolete."""
Did the Post fact check the idiotic rants by the drunken moderators? Does the Washington Post ever fact check democrats? Washington Post reporters brought down the Nixon administration over the alleged cover up of a 3rd rate burglary. Apparently the double standard is alive and well when all the investigative reporters take a vacation or retire during democrat administrations. The mainstream media used to pretend to be unbiased but the rants during the republican debates showed Americans that there is no fairness in the mainstream media. You almost gotta laugh when left wing posters take the once proud "Don't Tread on Me" flag of the American Revolution and tell their idiot low information blog nuts "don't read to me" as if they needed encouragement.
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