Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

They drop loads around SF cause Macys won't let them in to skank up the toilets near the Ladies shoes Dept.

"Customers Only" and that don't mean a bean burrito customer off the truck last night parked nearby. They just tore the toilets up like pack's of hyenas'
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Somalia is a sh..h country....but hey...that's only one country.....and not the only one by any stretch.

European countries are starting to belong to that category too... even France for example , where in this New Year .........1031 cars were intentionally burned in the majority Muslim suburbs of many big cities.

If that's not a sh...h country, nothing is
I can't fathom living in such dire straits to the extent where u always have to watch what your stepping on
Its not so bad here in Florida.we never step in dog or human poop. Just deadly snakes
I love this President, some people aren't comfortable with the truth.....go Donnie go!!!!!!!!!!!!

About time a politician says something real and not stepford wifish.
Incarceration of the great President Andrew Jackson. .....

"Incarceration"? Not quite what you were aiming at there. And an argument could be made that our current president is more the incarnation of Andrew Johnson than Andrew Jackson.
Which leaves me to another point...why don’t we take in more Japanese, Indian, and Singapore immigrants. Successful capitalist and allies against Chinese expansion.

Why not take them in and more Chinese immigrants too?
Somalia is a sh..h country....but hey...that's only one country.....and not the only one by any stretch.

European countries are starting to belong to that category too... even France for example , where in this New Year .........1031 cars were intentionally burned in the majority Muslim suburbs of many big cities.

If that's not a sh...h country, nothing is
We can practice discretion as a nation in terms of who we take into our country. The Third World Nations that think the United States is a cultural landfill for their shit, need to step back. European Immigrants understand the free market and are usually financial sound when they arrived. They do not come here for “victim status.” Japanese, and Singapore immigrants are business people and come in small numbers. Indian families with establishmed business credentials could also come here. But Muslims from shithole nations that sponsor terrorism, Latin and Hispanic nations with drug and gang problems,every fucking African nation, especially sub-Saharan Africa...should be banned.
I love this President, some people aren't comfortable with the truth.....go Donnie go!!!!!!!!!!!!

About time a politician says something real and not stepford wifish.
Incarceration of the great President Andrew Jackson. .....

"Incarceration"? Not quite what you were aiming at there. And an argument could be made that our current president is more the incarnation of Andrew Johnson than Andrew Jackson.
Which leaves me to another point...why don’t we take in more Japanese, Indian, and Singapore immigrants. Successful capitalist and allies against Chinese expansion.

Why not take them in and more Chinese immigrants too?
China is a threat. Counter intelligence measures must be a concern.
Somalia is a sh..h country....but hey...that's only one country.....and not the only one by any stretch.

European countries are starting to belong to that category too... even France for example , where in this New Year .........1031 cars were intentionally burned in the majority Muslim suburbs of many big cities.

If that's not a sh...h country, nothing is

I heard it is hard for women to be tourists in Paris due to lack of bathrooms? You know ladies need to go about every 2 hours? How can they trek around? Walking, sightseeing, No one will let them in? Italy also now. No where to go even in good areas? They came to see the Vatican, not stay at the hotel bathroom. Similar up in SF.

Just a reminder to racist morons like Trump:

In the much lauded and often cited (by Republicans) Fraser Institute rankings of economic freedom, El Salvador nets a 7.13 out of 10 and Slovenia only nets a 7.0… i.e. El Salvadore has more economic freedom than Melania’s country of birth.


So, from the standpoint of the only metric conservatives care about (other than white skin color), Donald Trump’s wife comes from a bigger sh%thole than the one he was crying about this afternoon.

But of course Trump wasn’t talking about economic freedom or capitalism or free market opportunity… all things that Norway (7.67 out of 10) has in spades BECAUSE of its socialist policies.

He was talking about skin color.

Because he’s a racist.

Either that or I guess he thinks his wife’s home country is a sh%thole.

Sh%thole Countries... Like Slovenia?

You're every bit as ignorant as Trump is, it's just that you justify your ignorance in self righteousness. You're a bigot and a coward who hides behind the skirt of the Government. Tell us Komrade, how do you intend to foist your "Socialism" on the rest of us?
Everyone knows what Trump meant and everyone knows we have been on some kind of suicidal mission to bring all of the worlds poor and uneducated to our shores...whether it is compassion or for new democrat voters it's unwise...no other nation on earth does this to themselves and we shouldn't either...

Trump was right...we have got to stop trying to solve the worlds problems...we do not have to take in more people from shit hole nations over prosperous ones...

Individual Merit based not nation based...if you can add something good to our nation no matter where you come from you are welcome...if you are destined to be a ward of the state and a financial burden we don't want you...

Common sense and America first for a change!!!!!
That is why he was elected...
Somalia is a sh..h country....but hey...that's only one country.....and not the only one by any stretch.

European countries are starting to belong to that category too... even France for example , where in this New Year .........1031 cars were intentionally burned in the majority Muslim suburbs of many big cities.

If that's not a sh...h country, nothing is

I heard it is hard for women to be tourists in Paris due to lack of bathrooms? You know ladies need to go about every 2 hours? How can they trek around? Walking, sightseeing, No one will let them in? Italy also now. No where to go even in good areas? They came to see the Vatican, not stay at the hotel bathroom. Similar up in SF.
Yes. It is sick.
Everyone knows what Trump meant and everyone knows we have been on some kind of suicidal mission to bring all of the worlds poor and uneducated to our shores...whether it is compassion or for new democrat voters it's unwise...no other nation on earth does this to themselves and we shouldn't either...

Trump was right...we have got to stop trying to solve the worlds problems...we do not have to take in more people from shit hole nations over prosperous ones...

Individual Merit based not nation based...if you can add something good to our nation no matter where you come from you are welcome...if you are destined to be a ward of the state and a financial burden we don't want you...

Common sense and America first for a change!!!!!
That is why he was elected...
Great post.
I love this President, some people aren't comfortable with the truth.....go Donnie go!!!!!!!!!!!!

About time a politician says something real and not stepford wifish.
Incarceration of the great President Andrew Jackson. .....

"Incarceration"? Not quite what you were aiming at there. And an argument could be made that our current president is more the incarnation of Andrew Johnson than Andrew Jackson.
Which leaves me to another point...why don’t we take in more Japanese, Indian, and Singapore immigrants. Successful capitalist and allies against Chinese expansion.

Why not take them in and more Chinese immigrants too?
China is a threat. Counter intelligence measures must be a concern.

The CCP is a potential threat. Chinese immigrants are pretty much exactly the immigrants we want.
I forgot where Somali is.is it right next to Austria?

now....everybody relax......because on second thought

yes Rexx Taylor.....for all we kow Somalia is right next to.....or inside of......every Globlalist/ New World Order/ poor sad country in what we knew as Europe.
If we've gotten to the point where we all have to pretend that every country is exactly as nice as every other country, then we're being dishonest.

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